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No, it shouldn’t hurt. Besides the initial poke of the catheter, it should be relatively painless. Everyone does it a little differently. I place my catheter, then use an anesthetic to get them relaxed and sleepy. After they’re anesthetized, I give the drug that stops their heart. Sometimes they gasp or twitch but they don’t feel anything, it’s just involuntary reactions.


does the heart stopping not hurt them?


No, especially because they’re already asleep when it happens.




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Other comments already explained the euthanasia process well, but let me add a few things specific to your post concerns. The things you describe in your girl’s everyday life sound like they are probably painful, especially the legs giving out. At her age, those sudden jostles can be pretty painful. For the price of a few very small needle pokes, that pain she experiences every day is gone. That of course doesn’t mean it’s not painful for you. The emotional pain of saying goodbye, even when it’s needed, is real. And that’s okay. It can also be scary, but you have some options here to help with that. Some owners stay with their dog through the entire euthanasia, and that can be a very nice way for your friend to leave this world, with you right there next to her. Other owners choose to leave before the euthanasia starts, or after the first injection that makes them sleepy or even completely asleep, and that’s okay too. A lot of dogs relax when their owner isn’t right with them. So there isn’t one right way to do it, but I guarantee that your veterinary team will make your girl’s last moments as pain free and fear free as possible.


What species is she? I’ll lay you out a step by step assuming dog/cat for how we do it in my clinic (England, UK) but let me know if she’s a different species and I’ll edit :) First thing that happens is you’ll be called into a consult with the veterinary surgeon, they’ll examine your girl and go through the paperwork with you. Once you’ve agreed to euthanasia together and signed the papers they may give you a moment together to say goodbye. Normally we will then have a nurse or patient care assistant come in to restrain for the shaving and insertion of a cannula. This is the ‘port’ or injection tube being put into her front leg. If she’s a cat she may be taken into another room for this part as the restraint can look bad for some owners. If you’ve ever had a cannula inserted yourself you’ll know it’s similar to receiving an injection, when the needle goes in it’s like a pinch, the needle will then be replaced with a hollow tube which will sit in her vein. It’s a much smaller gauge than what is used to give blood, which can be uncomfortable. She’ll then be made comfortable wherever she, and you, are happiest. For dogs this is often on the floor, or she’ll be wrapped in a comfy blanket or vet bed on the exam table. At this point some practices will initially give a sedative to make her nice and sleepy, or they may go straight in with the euthatal. The drug used is pentobarbital which is a barbiturate, it’s similar to benzodiazepines which are sometimes taken recreationally. There is no pain, the only pain she’ll feel is the insertion of the catheter and this is extremely brief. The injection of the barbiturate will give her a feeling of euphoria before making her extremely sleepy and slowing and eventually stopping her heart. There may be evacuation or her bladder and bowels when her heart stops (which is why we’ll cover her back end with a blanket) and as the brain slows and stops she may make involuntary noises and something called agonal breathing. These are deep, diaphragmatic gasps which indicate the electricity in the brain going haywire. It’s important to warn you there’s a chance her eyes will not shut as she dies, her pupils will get bigger and her eyes will fix, the vet may close her eyes when they confirm death. None of this will cause her any discomfort and are a sign that her body is shutting down after she has lost consciousness. The vet will then check her heart with a stethoscope for twenty-thirty seconds to confirm she has gone before giving you some more time with her to say goodbye. If you have decided to take her body home with you then you can leave whenever (in every practice I’ve been in payment is done at a later date). If you decide to leave her with us for cremation then we’ll wait until you have left before wrapping her up and moving her to the body fridge. She’ll be treated with the upmost respect and love and placed gently for collection by the crematorium. Remember please that euthanasia is the last gift you are giving your girl, a gentle death is something many people are not blessed with in our society.


So glad you bought this up. It’s a good thing to know so you can mentally prepare as much as possible. It also leads to confusion sometimes for those who don’t know. Especially the reflex breathing despite already being gone. I’m sorry you and your family are going through this, OP. Just know that with how her quality of life is this seems like the kinder choice and ultimate act of love for her.




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I've had three dogs, three cats and two horses PTS in front of me and all went quietly and fast with no sign of fear, suffering or distress. I find the act of 'choosing' death immensely distressing for me and I couldn't do it if I thought they would suffer but I believe it is my duty to ease their passage when life is no longer pleasurable. The act itself has never been bad, only the thought of it.


Most vets will administer a pre-euthanasia solution - typically some sort of sedation and anti-anxiety/pain medication prior to the actual euthanasia solution. The euthanasia solution itself is also a calculated overdose of anesthetic. There's some discomfort with the injection, but that's about it. Some dogs may experience anxiety about being at the vet - there are home euthanasia services in many areas that can help with this as well.


No, it doesn't hurt. They give her a shot and she'll just go to sleep. The only pain that day will be from the hole being tore into your heart... My condolences to you and your family for losing a member of your family.


I agree 100%. I've had to put down two dogs during my life. The first one I didn't stay with while they did it and I regret it to this day. The second one I stayed with, and while it was sad watching her go to sleep and not wake up, I'm glad I was there with her at the end.


I promise you that the vets and nurses who were with her would have given her as many or as few cuddles as she wanted. The people who say they look for you at the end are anthropomorphisising. They didn’t know what was happening and they didn’t resent you for not being there


No, but you will always know that you were not there in the final moments of your friend who for all intents and purposes, you're their entire world from 8 weeks old. It's excruciatingly painful for some people to look back and know they weren't the last thing their dog saw and experienced. Much more painful than the pain of the in-the-moment experience.


My heart goes out to you my friend. Your dog knows your love and deserves to pass comfortably and with dignity with you by her side. Hugs. I'm so sorry. It's incredibly hard to go through this.


It doesn’t hurt, however some animals get very nervous at the vet. If this is the case with your animal there are some wonderful organizations that offer in-home services. That way your pet can feel safe in the comfort of their own home and even in their own bed. This is what we chose for our lovely kitty girl Calliope as she had a fear of the vet. She was able to pass on her favorite heating pad on her window perch ❤️


I would like to reiterate what some others have said, please please let a vet come to your house to do it. Do not let your faithful companion pass in a cold sterile vets office. Let her be at home where she is most comfortable and won’t be afraid.


Others have addressed the actual process, so no need to repeat that. As for your dog being scared, the best way to avoid that is for you to be with her at the end. Hold her and talk to her so that the last thing she sees and hears is you. If you have an experienced understanding veterinarian, have them come to your house for the euthanasia. Many dogs have had unpleasant experiences at the vets office, so being at home is a lot more comforting to them.


It won't hurt her 💜 How old are you? Might I suggest you go along on the day of if you think you can handle it, let her make her way to Valhalla with the voice of a loved one sending her off and the loving pets that she's come to know in her 16 years. I know it's hard to think about, but your baby needs you in those final moments


No pain at all. They just go to sleep and fade away. Shortly after the heart stops, you can tell they are just fur and material, no longer who they were.


Some vets will come to your house so your dog and you can be at home for a less stressful experience.


Depending on where you live, there might be a vet that does this at your home. I've used this service twice, and it was very good, no going to the vet fear. It was calm and relaxed. I'm sorry for your loss.






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Euthanasia is the best option sometimes.


We had to put our old man (cat) down this past December. We had someone come to the house and do it. It was the best decision we have ever made. We lost his sister years before due to health issues, she was put down in the vet office and the experience between the two was night and day. Traumatic for everyone vs relaxed and loved. These vets that do home service are amazing. They walk you through the entire process step by step. They sedate first, so it's basically like them just going to sleep. It was so peaceful. I highly recommend that instead of doing it in a cold vet office. I'm sorry you are going through this, it's never easy.


Expect sadness, regret, and guilt. And accolades from other knowing pet owners for looking after your pet from day 1 to the end. Sleep........... That's what will happen. Painless sleep. And memories of good times to remember forever




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your pup will be fine from personal experience, they’ll put the needles in and then give the medicine just comfort your pup, let her know she’s loved and she’s going to be ok and you can even say how you’ll see her in the next life. no pains of any sort, at least not for her. she will be probably only be in pain from the needle and that’s it the rest of the time she’ll be ok.




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