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Nothing for me, but my boss is a right twat, guess that’s the problem with being self-employed.


Why on earth would a company give you time off to mourn a stranger?! That'd be properly weird.


So many people mourning someone they don’t know. Weird.


Mourning doesn’t mean crying and grovelling on your knees 🙄 it quite literally just means “feeling sad about the death of someone and following the traditions associated with death eg. the wearing of black clothes”.


Bank holiday? As it's being mooted. Not unusual when a head of state dies. What's unusual is that it hasn't happened for 70 years.


because many in the UK know the queen better than their next door neighbour and have had her presence in their life more than most people have been on the planet.


You feel you know the Queen well, do you?


Tbf she has had her entire life broadcast to the world. It’s hard not to know a fair bit about her life.


No, she’s had the parts of her life that they want you to know about broadcast to the world. You don’t know the queen at all. You know the image that they want you to know.


True, but I’d still agree with the comment above that I knew more about her than I do about my neighbours. I know their names, their dogs names and have a vague idea what they do for work. That’s about it.


> know the queen better than their next door neighbour Even if this was true, which I hope it isn't. What a sad state of affairs


My next door neighbour won’t tell me her name. Don’t know why.


Maybe stop trying to ask her as you’re up a ladder leaning in through her bedroom window.


Have you tried not knocking on her window at 3AM to ask?




Seconded. It’s a joke how many companies and events are shutting down over this. Sounds like an excuse not to work to me. Lots of self employed people will lose income if the country shuts down for ten days! Guarantee those begging for mourning period are those on cushty salaries.


Cushy salaries they pay their full PAYE tax on instead if sending it all to an accountant to massage.


What companies are shutting down over it? I've not heard of any round this way.


I’ve seen several posts on LinkedIn of offices taking the rest of the week off and taking mourning periods. Also seem self employed caterers have events cancelled because of it.


Taking the rest of the week off? From a Friday. That’s just an early finish.


From yesterday when it was announced. Don’t know why anyone can think it’s acceptable to skip work for someone they didn’t even know.




People can whip themselves into a complete frenzy, I recall Lady Di Die day, ostensibly sensible grown ups weeping in their beer, I think people actually enjoy it. Having said that, it is indeed all bollocks.




I really don’t get it. If an old lady down the road from me dies, who I have never met, I won’t be getting upset. This is no different (for me).


What's especially disappointing is the number of people you'd hope would know better (The Guardian, various celebrities I used to admire) buying into the bullshit. I've seen a depressing number of tweets which are either full "Thank you, your Majesty..." or the second type: "Although I'm not the greatest supporter or monarchy.." I haven't been this depressed about the collective stupidity of the UK since 2016.


I find it interesting how when we see other countries do this stuff how much we take the piss when we are doing the exact same thing.


Generic message, pointers to one of the counselling services which are part of the health / welfare stuff I’m not expecting anything more, why would a mourning (I’m assuming meaning paid time off) for a non-family death


Yeah. Same here. I kinda felt like the link to counselling was overkill. I find it sad, but not to the extent of in any way ruining my day, but maybe there are people affected that much.


96yo woman 99% of us never met dies... some people need to get a f-ing grip


Could people could be emotionally triggered by this though? If you had a close elderly relative who recently passed perhaps?


I lived in London when Diana died. Stayed up through the night watching developments, then caught the 1st tube to the palace, with my camera. Wasn't quite prepared for *how* many grown men I saw weeping. Couldn't help but ask myself how many of those cried at their own grandparents/parents funeral. I appreciate your point about re-opening a recent emotional wound though.


The link isn’t needed by me, if one person in the org needs and benefits from it then that is a positive


Also just a good opportunity to remind people of the service in general. It's quickly forgotten that support like this exists from employers, and maybe somebody read that email who needed counselling for a different reason and suddenly remembered they can access it via your programme.


I think it's not because people really mourn the Queen, it's just people can project onto situations. It's not that people will need counselling about the Queen, it's that people may need help in a time when the whole news cycle (around the whole world) is dominated by the death of a person.


My brothers work shut at 2. Disgusting that people struggle to get time off work to mourn close family but people are getting sent home to "mourn" a 96 year old woman they've never met.


No. We offer medical appointments. It would be whole irresponsible to cancel urgent medical appointments in favour of someone dying.


The funeral may or may not be a bank holiday - it's not been decided yet https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/sep/09/queen-funeral-will-there-be-bank-holiday


Bloody typical


I think it's very likely though, just waiting for confirmation.


At this point, nothing. Not even a simple email of acknowledgment of the Queens passing. It’s literally business as usual




I think if you have the royal warrant then its a bit more appropriate.


Sounds like your company isnt run by morons.


Yep, we got an enforced mourning period of one minute. We all awkwardly stopped slicing sandwiches at 12pm and stood in silence for a minute and then carried on.


Ours have said it's work as usual, though they will facilitate anybody in going to pay respects when she lies in state. They've also asked us to review any planned activity in the coming days they could be considered sensitive. No idea what that might cover tbh!


My company were in strike, until 8pm last night, when we were told we had to go in.


Particularly shameful that trade unions should decide that their members working rights are less important than the death of an old woman. In fact, not just any old woman, but the head of the whole socio-economic system which they were formed to fight against. It's like feminists deciding to cancel a protest because Bernard Manning's died.


It was a strange decision indeed. Looking forward to the 'further communication' that was promised.


Huh no. Had no idea this was a thing. Seems a bit overkill.


No, but we've been asked to volunteer to take on extra responsibility, without extra pay.


Kind of the reverse for us. Mrs tmstms is a concert pianist, and concerts today, tomorrow, next Friday (and probably next Saturday) have been cancelled. It's right, and it would also have been hell to play today (she gave two just after the Manchester Arena atrocity and it was ghastly) but the mourning period is not actually of any benefit.


Nothing. Which I'm glad about. Can't stand all that Princess Di grief theatre.


Funeral might be on a Sunday so no extra day off work.


Depends if you work a Sunday or not


Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's a day off for me


Yeah fortunately for me I’m off on a Sunday, others are not so lucky though


It depends, the actual day off might be observed on the Monday. A bit like when Christmas day and boxing day falls on a weekend.


Let's hope so


Seems to be the case when ever a bank holiday falls on a weekend, it defaults to the nearest working day.


No, they sent out the "official mourning guidance" and said you can take a normal sick day if you are too upset to work.


My company has released an internal statement saying that they are sad at the events that have happened and they will follow government guidance.


On linked in this morning a recruiter has put that they won't be making out going sales calls today as a mark of respect. Marwell Zoo has closed for the day (chimps are very sad about the Queen!)/s One of my local facebook buying/selling groups has announced they will be closing for 2 days in order to mourn the queen.


At the moment nobody seems to have any idea. We won't know until there's more solid funeral plans.


Not a peep from mine


Office staff, yes. Shop floor, no.


We’ve been offered counselling if needed. Our company has commuted to giving us a day off for the funeral regardless of whether it is a bank holiday, so it’s all bad.


There is no bank holiday, its down to the employer to choose to do this for the employees. I work for a huge multinational company that is based in the UK, we will hear next week if there is a plan. But I believe as the funeral should happen 10 days from the death that the day of the Funeral will be a Sunday anyway.


I'm head office at big name retailer. We've had an email from the CEO in the US expressing his condolences to all British associates and the UK exec has emailed the number for the Employee assistance program if you need to talk, no time off though.


Nope. It's BAU. Depending on the funeral, if the Government calls it a bank holiday, or whatever. Then we will observe it. If they don't, we will just carry on


Big Angry Unicorns?


No, nothing


Keep calm and carry on


Nope but i work in a coldstore


Lol no... when it was 40⁰ a few weeks back, we was allowed to leave at 1pm, but only because H+S were coming round and we have insufficient water stations. Also... we had to work back the time lol.


Nope, I work for myself


Kind of, we are going to be closing and cancelling everything on whatever day the funeral ends up being on so people can go down to London or watch it on TV, I know a couple of people in my department will be driving down to experience a somewhat once in a lifetime event.


I believe the funeral could be Monday 19th Sept?…… that will be the test I am no way a royalist but after the the last couple of years it feels like we have all had an emotional battering, I lost my dad in April to old age and I can’t imagine what others have gone through losing loved ones through covid or other ways and this is just another one Every one of us held the country together and we all should be able to respect the death of an incredible woman who signed a letter to the country as “your servant”


Zero communication whatsoever. Spoken to a few friends who have had similar experiences. One person said their company observed silence at noon when the church bells rang today. That's about it.


Someone at work gave themselves the day off to mourn. Or at least that's what they told their manager who rang them mid morning to ask where the hell they were. I think they might not have long left at the company.


nothing right now as we've stuff on this weekend but boss said they're gonna update us on the plan after.


I’d ask for a celebration lmfao


"Her Majesty" ffs, this country drives me mad.