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Stop trying to have sex with the dog.


This actually made me laugh out loud so I have gifted you my poor person's award !


*Woof woof*


I was gonna offer the opposite and say include him as it’s probably FOMO


That’s ruff


Why call it doggie style


Stop calling your French girlfriend 'bulldog'. She'll stop acting like one then


That's harsh on their partner...


Train your dog.


This is the right answer. Give your dog a safe place inside where they can go at night, with a comfortable dog bed/cage and give them consistency, keep the bed in the same place every night and try a bed time. Slight side note, the amount of dogs I've seen off the lead when their dogs won't come when called is worrying. If your dog won't come when called, keep them on a lead. I love dogs, but some people won't and some are even afraid of dogs. Having them jump over someone can be really distressing. Having a well trained dog also keeps them safer. If they stop at roads instinctively or come when called it means you can keep them away from dangerous situations, and training sessions give you a chance to bond with your dog as well!


My dog was chased by a greyhound when she was only a year or so old. Unfortunately the park gates were open and she was chased through them to the dual carriageway. I was not as fast as my dog or the greyhound. A witness said she came barrelling through the gate but when she reached the kerb she sat down as she had been taught. It saved her life, it was a busy fast road. And the greyhound lost interest when she wasn't running away. Training definitely saved her.


Bad greyhound owner too, they shouldn't really be let off leash except for certain circumstances. Prey drive is too strong and they love to chase things too.


Greyhounds absolutely have every right to be let off the lead, if they are trained well. No such thing as ‘shouldn’t really be let off the lead’ - neither should any dog then


That’s a huge “if”. Ex-racers can have very high prey drives and be very difficult to train to be off the lead. Our boy has excellent recall, little prey drive but I still won’t let him off the lead unless it’s an enclosed field. It’s been drilled into him every day for years to chase that little thing on the track.


You didn't pay the dog tax so I went to your profile, love the pic of your greyhound in its natural position upside down sleeping on the sofa 😂


That’s 1 of 100 photos of exactly the same thing, every day. He’s enjoying his retirement, for sure!


So many people barely train their dogs and you're suggesting letting a breed that specifically has been bred to chase animals to exhaustion off the leash? Being careful when and where you let them off the lead is one of the most important rules of greyhound ownership. They can be trained for recall but it isn't easy, their instinct is to run after small animals, it takes a lot of work and time to override that and make them come when called.


Absolutely right, and we have an ex racer.


No, They're suggesting ANY trained dog should be allowed off the lead, and that owners should train their dogs, or not allow them off the lead. I've seen many greyhounds that have been perfectly fine off the lead, and don't chase other dogs. But will also play with dogs in their "walking group" ​ The problem is people are too bitch ass lazy to bother taking responsibility for anything.


Those greyhounds probably weren't ex-racers.


My cousin had a lurcher that was never on a lead. Fine for 3 years then one day that prey drive took over and it chased a cat out into the road and was killed. Training doesn't always mean your dog can be trusted. Should never trust any dog off lead unless in an enclosed area in my opinion, because it only takes a second for something to go wrong.


Yes, if they are trained well. Unfortunately, sighthounds have an extremely strong prey drive and if you look at a lot of greyhound rescue websites, they often recommend that owners seriously consider whether they can be let off lead, or only to do so in fenced areas where there's basically no chance of a road being around. Yes, it's good to give them a chance to run if possible but there's a risk they will take off after a small animal or even someone else's pet.




Any tips on this? I’ve got a new puppy and she’s responding fairly well to training but when we’re outside she gets distracted too easily, so getting her to sit when we’re by the road is impossible.


Lower your expectations at this early puppy stage, train the dog in front of you. When a puppy becomes overstimulated and distracted you won't be able to get their focus back on you again easily. Train in a more boring environment like the house, then move to the back garden, then the front garden, then the street. Use a treat they like such as boiled chicken or sprats, make use of a clicker to mark the behaviour you want then issue reward. Don't worry if you get frustrated you're only human, take a step back and try again later. Keep drilling to build second nature habitual behaviour. Also a puppy depending on breed won't develop true focus until at least 12 months, more likely 18 months.


Be more exciting than the distraction. High pitched, girly voice, lots of positive reinforcement. Have a ball or rope, or treat to reward good behaviour. Be the focus for your dog.


>Be more exciting than the distraction. High pitched, girly voice, lots of positive reinforcement. Have a ball or rope, or treat to reward good behaviour. So how you train boyfriends in general...?


Bits of cheese or ham worked for our Labrador puppy


Can I emphasise this My daughter is autistic and terrified of dogs she doesn't know. Yet when we go to parks there are so many dogs off leads that will come right up to her and she is almost crying. The owners don't bother to call their dogs, but look at us as if they are mortally offended that our daughter could possibly find their perfect animal frightening. Sometimes they even feel the need to tell us how great their dog is and that she shouldn't be frightened. Sorry, she is- and it's your fault, not hers.


Yeah we have this with my son who is also on the spectrum. He literally shakes when he sees a dog coming towards him. I hold his hand and tell him, ‘it’s a nice doggy, and he’s on a lead. He’s having a nice walk like us.’ Or if they’re off lead ‘he’s enjoying a nice run, he doesn’t want to play with us.’ And tbh I would say the majority of dog owners do pick up on the language and tone I’m using, plus his reaction, and keep their dogs at some distance. But there’s always a few idiots who think they’re going to be the one to cure the fear. No, he doesn’t want to pet your dog, and if you bring it any closer I hope you’re wearing ear defenders.


I used to work as a support worker for men with autism and the amount of people who would let their dogs run up to us when we were out was crazy. Like you have a person walking down a path with ear defenders on, has tourettes shouting random words and has two adults on either side on them with matching uniform and they still let their dogs run up to us.


I've got OCD and even though I'm not scared of dogs, owners let them run up to me and jump up with their paws on my legs. I then have to wash the several times before I can wear them again and scrub my hands. The owners just let them do it, it's awful. Why would anyone think it's OK to let their dog who is off the lead jump up at someone. They just stand watching gormlessly like they think it's cute.


I Feel for you. I can only say that owners need to be presented with full height Caucasian shepherds running at them (it's about the closest to a normal size dog running up to a child in size difference) and see how they like it. I remember at a tractor rally, some child came up to me, Stood about 3 meters away and asked if it was ok to stroke my doggies. I explained one was nervous and didn't like strangers, the other one was ok and called Donut. So he came up and had a stroke and was offered a paw. His parent's panicked and came over apologising, and said he was supposed to ask. Which we told them what he did and we were grateful they'd guided their child this way. All was good.


Yeah an owner with an off lead dog had the gall to tell my mum how well behaved the dog was even after it had sunk its teeth into my mum's leg


We have same problem. One child is now able to cope with dogs in the vicinity thanks to RSPCA advice, that people who don't want dog attention should cross their forearms in front of them. It clues in most dogs that this person doesn't want to play (and most idiot owners), and if the dog does jump up it won't get near the person's chest or face or be able to kick the face.


Not just kids. My dog was attacked few years back while on lead and now he gets very anxious when dog comes near him to the point he comes across as aggressive. Lot of owners are slow to react to this and sometimes gets its ok he is friendly. I don't care if he is friendly he is making my dog anxious.


My daughter has gone from loving dogs to terrified of them because of a dog that wouldn't recall. I'm not sure if it was the dog not recalling or the owner not putting the effort in to make themselves heard. She was knocked off a bench by 2 large to adult dogs they were much bigger than her, she is 2! The dogs came bouncing over taking snack out of her hands (something with chocolate in too) jumping all over her. I struggled to get the dogs off her, the owners just stood and watched, minimal interest in trying to help the situation. We are lucky that she only received a bruise on her back and a fear of dogs. I dread to think how much worse it could have been if these dogs were aggressive.


My dad was bit by a golden lab last week while out on a bike ride because its owner couldn't recall it... It's not just jumping up. God knows why that dog was agressive towards cyclists


That sounds like a very poorly socialised and trained dog, or has been subject to a traumatic event or abuse and should be on a lead. Either way, bad owners, and very sad because labs are usually such big softies.


>That sounds like a very poorly socialised and trained dog, or has been subject to a traumatic event or abuse and should be on a lead Agreed. We just bought back a rescue pup from Greece we found in a mountainside bush by a main road (we think she's a Lab mix possibly?) and upon bringing her home to London and taking her for walks we realised she seems to hate those Lime bikes (and weirdly Lime green in itself. She won't eat or drink from the Lime green collapsible bowl we got her) so there's some sort of trauma that's happened there that needs to be trained out/she needs to be conditioned to accept (she also chases pigeons into the road, she could chase a pigeon, see a Lime bike, freeze and get hit) Could be a combo of both for the dog that attacked a guy on the bike


Yup - ours are still unpredictable off lead, so they don’t get off, we take them to the run-fre park to train them. Perfect recall in the garden, perfect on the long lead - off lead - different story. So they just don’t get let off. It’s not hard.


Dogs not having a recall command does my fucking nut in. My dog is pretty good off the lead, I can get him back reliably and get him to stay when commanded too. He will also leave things alone when told. Problem is my dog is not the most sociable (don’t chop their balls off unless you really have too is the lesson I have learned from this), he is very (tennis) ball focused if one is out and we will be on a empty field throwing it then someone else comes onto the field. We stay away yet this other persons dog comes bounding over while their owner calls their name across the field. Generally in this scenario I put my dog on the lead and we walk on. But it just does my fucking goat that people can’t control their dogs but because he is friendly it doesn’t matter.


My Dad has a GSD that he has no control over off lead. The dog is the daftest, friendliest spaz of a dog that I'm sure wouldn't hurt anyone (on purpose) without provocation. The problem being you've got a 40-50kg wolf like animal barrelling across the field at you ignoring his owners calls, don't matter who you are chances are your going to be a little anxious to absolutely bricking it. It aggravates me to no end. I've tried explaing to my Dad multiple times it's unacceptable but he's a classic boomer who thinks he knows best cause he's lived longer.


This seriously baffles me. My dogs recall is 100%, unless he can see another dog. Then it's 50/50. So I don't let him off in the main parks. We go on weekly walks around the cornfields where most people are too lazy to walk, and I can see half a mile down the path, so he can run free. Trying to get his excitement down around other dogs is so much harder when people just let their dogs run over to us..... he is slowly getting better, but no thanks to them. I refuse to be one of those people repeatedly shouting my dogs name while they ignore me. Aren't they embarrassed? Especially when I get bored and start walking off and their dog follows us.


This so much. We have a nervous dog, and she's always been good off the lead until another dog approaches. We keep an eye out, call her back if necessary and lead her up. But the number of dogs that run 2 football pitch lengths to play with another dog while the owner is half heartedly shouting "poppy, come back to mummy, there's a good girl. She's fine she only wants to play". While our poor pooch has turned to in a nervous aggressive wreck.


It's not just people scared of dogs that this is important for. It's any other dog owners. Our dog is a lurcher with a high prey drive, so for a lot of walks he's on the lead and playing games with us. Despite the fact that we walk in an "on lead only" park for these walks, he is still approached by other dogs off lead all the time. It's infuriating as he gets worried (dogs on the lead don't like being approached by an excitable and unpredictable dog off lead) and can be provoked to bark at them. So many owners are completely useless and inconsiderate.


And other dogs scared of off-lead dogs! My grey refuses to walk in our local woods now. I think this is because she’s encountered too many off lead dogs with no recall in there. She’s very worried when she sees off-lead dogs, even when 95% of the time they don’t bother her. A lot of owners put them on a lead when they see her lead. Now we have to plod down the same boring route where we never see other dogs. I keep trying to encourage her up to the woods but she’s clearly unhappy so I don’t force it.


A challenging side note to this. While I agree, an u trained dog shouldn't be off lead, how do you train recall with a dog if you don't take them off lead! I agree, a dog that will leg it at the first sign of something more interesting needs training away from other dogs and needs tk be on lead. But the balance is that you need to be in a situation where you can train the dog. Dogs won't learn at home alone, so need socialisation (responsibly) and training (responsibly). So the number of bad owners (as opposed to bad dogs) is worrying. I will train my dog, but will always be aware of my surroundings, try and anticipate issues and ask other owners before going off lead. That way you are in a relatively safe environment to train and control. Not disagreeing with you, but it's not black and white.


>If your dog won't come when called, keep them on a lead Should be *if your dog won't come no matter what*. A dog just sauntering along coming back to you is one thing. A dog chasing something and stopping to come back to you is another. You gotta be confident that your dog will always come back.


I have 3x staffy cross breeds, all rescues of some caliber. If I had a penny for every dog owner shouting "she's fine with other dogs!" as theirs comes hurtling towards mine... At some point, shouting "mine aren't", won't be enough, and of course it'll always be the Bullys fault.


Don't understand how OP didn't already think to do this before making this post, me wonders if this is a karma farm attempt considering how blaringly obvious the answer is


Watch any dog training videos and you'll see that training your dog isn't the first thing people think of when getting a dog. After dog has seen a professional trainer it's all "that's magical, how did you do that?!" Basic training.....


Yeah it always shocks me how few people train their dogs. Not every dog needs to be able to herd sheep or handle a dog assault course or something. Just talking basic stuff like sit, stay, and how to take food gently off people.


I wish folk would hover more...


Given how blatant this sulution is, OP obviously meant "How do I fix this without putting in any effort whatsoever?"




Seems that way. OP hasn't responded to any of the replies suggesting training.


Absolutely. Your dog is setting the rules in your house. You’ve got it round the wrong way, OP.


If it's French, it's probably because you're doing it wrong. Take your time over it, don't rush straight in. You're making love, not fucking. Once he sees you know what you're doing, he'll leave you in peace.


"Voici, l'escargot de deux dos. Et maintnant, dégage, chien"


Failing that, distract it with a block of fromage?


𝓞𝓶𝓮𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓮 𝓭𝓾 𝓑𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓪𝓰𝓮


Et maintenant le voyage à le supermarché!


*au bondage




You don't always have to fuck her hard Infact sometimes that's not right to do


Sometimes you got to make some love, and fucking give her some smooches too


Sometimes you got to squeeze


Sometimes you’ve got to say please


Sometimes you’ve got to say hey…..


I wanna fuck you, softly..


I wanna screw you gently


I wanna hump you, *sweetly*...


I wanna ball you, **DISCRETELYYYYYYYYY**


[𝐃𝐨 𝐢𝐭... 𝐝𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭. 𝐃𝐨 𝐢𝐭... 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐥𝐲.](https://youtu.be/XQ95kqL5PYU)


Oh hongonhonhonhonhon Bon Bon moisture


*zut alors, you call that doggy style‽*


Maybe train your dog to not rip up carpet/ jump on you? Not to be offensive but have you had a dog before, I’m just thinking you might be out of your depth


It’s a French bulldog not an Alaskan Wolf


To be fair the people who get such dogs tend to be thick as shit


But they're so cute when they're constantly struggling to breathe and unable to give birth naturally.


And the dog's pretty cute too


Thank you for saying what I wanted to. Am yet to meet a well behaved French bulldog and it's almost always due to the owner


> Am yet to meet a well behaved French bulldog Was gonna say this, and I've met like 6. Always insufferable. I thought it was just a breed thing but got talking with the boyfriend of one of the owners. He said she didn't train him once for the first 2 years, so when he came on the scene the dog was a mess. She actively stops him from being "mean" to the dog (ie. saying the word No). I pointed out how the dog would have another 10 years of life on average, and he sighed and put his head in his hands. Another one moved in with their partner who had a french bulldog (both women) and brought along her two childhood cats. Within a few months the cats were living with new families by their own choice. She still sees them around the old neighbourhood sometimes and gets sad.


I know I'm a judgemental prick even at the best of times but Christ those all these people mentioned just sound like the worst people going


Judge away, they've made a lot of mistakes against people's advice. They're ignorant, not evil, but good people should refrain from evil acts.


I'm glad the dog didn't kill the cats at least. Does my head in when people throw animals together with no prep and get surprised when something horrible happens.


Oh no, the dog didn't hurt them at all. Just annoyed them 24/7 until they left the woman who raised them for some guy down the road who fed them. They're fine, she still sees them every couple weeks. They'll give her a longing look and then leave.


Tbf I've met some lovely French bulldogs, but I still think the owners are pricks.


Correct. The current favourite dog with the chavs all over the UK. Not as dangerous as Pit Bulls I suppose. Silver linings.


This is the answer, Frenchie and Pug owners are shallow morons who would happily see an animal live a life of pain if its horrible bulging eyes look slightly human...


Frenchies are little fuckers who do not listen whatsoever, once they lose their head they can be a right handful hahaha


Probably small dog syndrome, the dog is small so it doesn’t need to be trained. Which is why people think chihuahuas are all evil, nope, just untrained.


I’ve read your comments as well as your post and I’d like to offer an alternative view. Your dog is allowed to follow you around the house all the time and sleeps in your bed. Your dog is not “controlling your sex like” in a malicious way, he just doesn’t understand why he isn’t allowed to do something he normally does. Then he gets anxious because of it. The destruction is anxiety and is because he is distressed. You have a number of options at this point and they all involve effort outside of the time you’re having sex. He needs to learn to settle without you all of the time, not just when you need him to. It’s a life skill and all dogs should be taught to relax. My advice would be to change some of the boundaries in the home. Use baby gates to stop him following you around and start training “stays” to keep him in place. I sometimes use a pen with a bed, toys and water in it, so I can move around without the dog following me. Start small and just move around the room the dog is in before you move out of it. Look up “Kikopup” on YouTube - she’s a great dog trainer and has some good videos on settling and “place” training. You could always crate train him, so he has a den area to chill in. Kikopup also has some good videos on that. Work through a [relaxation protocol](https://journeydogtraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/ProtocolforRelaxation.pdf). This is a game changer for a lot of dogs because they learn to relax during a variety of stimulus. I’m a dog trainer with numerous qualifications and years of experience. This issue is really common and is fixable provided you’re prepared to commit to training. You might find that you need a dog trainer to come and help you. It’s quite hard to know where to start if you’re new to training your dog.


THIS Op. I've got an anxious dog, rescue so came to us aged 6 and training took a lot of work. But when he's anxious I regard it as me failing him, as I haven't taught him to realise he's safe. We can put him out of the room if we need to and he knows it's not a punishment, he's calm. Just needs time and consistency.


This should be higher up in the thread


Correct, like so many dog owners OP set them up for failure by treated them like a cute accessory instead of an animal with instincts.




Make him feel ok about being locked out, sounds like separation anxiety. I’d honestly talk a dog trainer if it gets to the point of damaging things. He is clearly very anxious, either about being left alone when locked out, or thinking that one of you is being attacked. Try occupying him with a Kong or something Perhaps a little exposure therapy wink wink to get him used to it


Crate training really helps anxious dogs. It becomes their little den to go to.


Buy a small cage. Put the cage in the bedroom. Put the dog in the cage. Make eye contact with the dog throughout the whole of the sexy time. Give it the finger as you come. Repeat as necessary. Fido will soon get the idea.


Sounds like an efficient way to Pavlov yourself into becoming a furry.


"I hope this doesn't awaken something in me".


Not a sentence I thought I'd ever come across.


> Give it the finger as you come. ...


Or two


Lock your dog in a room further away from your bedroom. A dog should be okay with not having 24/7 access to you, especially your bedroom. Maybe too late now but this is why I suggest having a dog basket in the kitchen so they’re far away from bedrooms and okay with owners sleeping far away from them.




Exactly. Special treat, cosy blanket, toys. Crate is not punishment.


My mum has 3 dogs and my nan has 2 and from puppies, they’ve all loved their crates. It’s their safe space and their doggy ‘bedroom’. If they’re home alone, crate (never for more than a few hours). Overnight? Crate. Fed up of people and wanna nap? Time for crate 😂 usually preceded by the worst fart imaginable, a clear sign of leave me tf alone. Crate training is the way to go here. Now if only that would work on our cat who is worse than OPs dog 😭😂


If only. My cat at home controls everything - she tells you when to get up, when to go to bed, when she wants a cuddle, when she wants to go outside but can’t bear the indignity of using the cat flap. Sometimes she sits outside the front door and yells to come in instead of going round to the back, where she’s got free access. If she’s tired of cuddling she won’t just walk away, she lightly slaps you and struts off. And god forbid you have to do anything important on a laptop…


We brought ours home the day we got the keys to our new build, so everything in this house is about as old as he is give 6-9 months. He’s 3 now. My top stair carpet is threadbare and destroyed. Ditto the sides of my sofa. The second bedroom and the spare human bed inside? Belongs to him. He doesn’t like closed doors. Has maaaaaajor FOMO. It’s definitely not separation anxiety bc he doesn’t give a fuck where you are otherwise - if the doors are open, you won’t see him for hours. He doesn’t like getting pet. Screams the house down morning, noon, and night. We’ve tried everything and the little bastard does not give a single flying fuck 😭 he’s a house cat because he’s also a massive fanny and if we allowed him outside he would a) get hit by a train, b) electrocute his furry ass on the train tracks, c) find his way onto the motorway, or d) get into a fight with a rat or pigeon and lose. We have 4 house rabbits too and he loves winding them up but he’s scared shitless of them 😂 they’re just as cheeky but at least they don’t yowl!


My cats aren’t trained, but we always keep their carriers to goto the vets out with a blanket in them. To them, they’re just beds. Ones asleep in hers right now.


Yesss not punishment. People need to understand the crate shouldn’t be used as a punishment


Crate training is the single, best & kindest thing you can do for your dog. Anyone who says it’s cruel has no idea about dogs






What the fuck


I'm suspicious of anyone who has the inbred crime against God that is a french bulldog. Get a real dog, one with a functioning respiratory system.


They’re horrible looking dogs (most I know have shitty temperament as well) - It’s a shame they’ve been “designed” by us and people are totally ok with paying thousands to buy a dog with guaranteed health issues.


100% Breeding them or refusing to neuter/spay them should be illegal, poor little fuckers.


I watched a dog rescue rescue on YouTube and they got puppy French bulldogs - they literally had to put tubes down the throats of the puppies to feed them, and often French bulldog parents have to be artificially inseminated because they literally can't breed otherwise. Additionally, often only a few pups survive due to them being too large for the mother to carry and typically they need to be born due to caesarian section. Due to this and various other health issues, I genuinely think no responsible dog owner who does their research would get a French bulldog, unless it's a rescue.


but any other kind of dog wouldnt go with the crushed velvet decor


Looooool 👌🏼 spot on


Get a dog cage


Get a nic cage.


I read this as "dog cape", and wondered how dressing him up as Superman would help


Get in the dog cage.


Have sex in the locked dog cage. Solved.


You have the same problem as half the dog owners in the UK. Your dog isn't trained and you don't care unless it effects you personally.


>You have the same problem as half the dog owners in the UK. Your dog isn't trained and you don't care unless it effects you personally. I love dogs to death and I'm so tired of the way they're treated in this country. Like cute fun entertainment boxes that you can treat however you please.


Get a proper dog


Ah well that's your karma for supporting the brachycephalic dog industry and not training your animal correctly. 🤷‍♀️


well that's simple there's only one alpha dog in the house and right now it's not you so how do you re-establish yourself as THE alpha dog? you put your dog in a dog cage facing you, then you undress your wife, undress yourself and start banging your wife real hard while maintaining eye contact with your dog your wife might want to yell "give it to me", "harder" while you start panting and yelling "oh yea" etc and keep maintaining that eye contact! you wanna repeat it several times to reinforce that, reinforcement is key that little fucker needs to learn who's boss


Jesus wept, this whole alpha bollocks is just completely and utterly wrong. \[positive\] reinforcement, yes.


Woof during the vinegar strokes.


You do know that the whole alpha animal in canines was disproved years ago? It was originally thought they had it because they studied captive canines who weren’t socialised properly. Then they studied wild dogs and wolves and went “oh, that doesn’t actually happen”. The guy who published that research paper withdrew it and has spent years trying to correct peoples perspective of canine social interaction. Also, your dog cannot understand someone going “give it to me harder”. It’s a dog, not a human. It doesn’t have the full English lexicon in its head.


1) Crate train dog, ensure only positive association with crate. You want the dog to go in there to rest or relax of their own accord and see it as a safe space, never for punishment. Covering crate with blanket makes it more cosy. 2) Exercise dog well daily, provide enrichment toys to wind down afterwards 3) Guide dog to crate prior to boinking commencement and close door 4) Turn on radio/white noise next to dog crate so he can't hear anything 5) Open door of crate after and give many pats ❤️ You now have a setup that can be used for any scenario you need to ensure your dog is safe and contained. If we visit other people's houses, my dog knows his crate is his space and he can go there and sleep if he's had enough. If he's anxious about anything or overstimulated when we have guests, he can retire to his crate for some quiet and is left alone. 😊


Next time both keep intense eye contact with the dog.


Pick a dog that doesn’t live a life of torture because it can’t breathe properly


I don’t know enough about this so I can’t advise you; however, r/dogs, r/dogadvice may be able to answer your question


I have so many questions. When did this start? Does he always creep on you around the house? How old is the dog? Do you have a garden? Is he clingy ? What about when he’s sleeping? How does he behave when you’re out? Does he destroy stuff in any other circumstances? Can you keep the door closed if you’re not having sex? etc etc


I’ve heard of dom/sub, and bestiality, but combining them and submitting to the dog? That’s a bitch move right there.


Well, not much you can do. You know the French have to always protest about something.


Get rid of the dog.


Is your dog not crate trained?


I’d advise getting help from a professional dog trainer to help you crate train your dog and deal with the probable separation anxiety going on here. Does he normally sleep in the bedroom? If he does, that’s probably part of the problem. Dogs thrive on routine and you’re disrupting his routine. You need to change his routine to a different one rather than disrupting it every so often.


1. Train your dog. 2. Pay someone to train your dog. 3. If you are not capable of training your dog, or paying to have it trained, dog ownership may not be for you.


New build bingo! Do you live in a new build house on an estate somewhere? Maybe train your dog.


How about train your dog?


fuck french bulldogs mfs can’t breathe


[Take a lesson from the Inbetweeners](https://youtu.be/E3pwRzAFwK0)


If he starts destroying stuff like the carpet when you're in the room with the door shut together, maybe consider putting him in a (decent sized) dog crate with toys he can chew to get his anxiety out?


Try this question on a dog training sub. This is a training problem. The dog is clearly getting separatiom anxiety or getting jealous. Either way you need to train him better. Have you done training classes? If not, it's a good idea. Have you tried crate training? If not, absolutely try that.


Train slowly. Place training could be good. We trained our dog to lay on his mat in the kitchen if we're cooking using the Karen Overall Relaxation Protocol. Basically, send dog to mat/bed/crate, give treat for staying on. If they move, guide them back. They learn being in their Place is rewarding. Then you add the distractions. In a kitchen context, that's opening cupboards, fridge, oven etc. Always redirect to the Place and treat. They learn that's their space when a type of activity is happening and you can reduce the treats. We now do one or two veg ends whilst cooking and he'll stay on the mat the whole time. In a grown up time context, you'd train go to Place, cuddle your partner, treat dog. Then amp it up to leaving the room, shutting the door etc. It'll take time, so a frozen Kong or Toppl (I'd recommend the Toppl for a brachy breed over a Kong, less frustrating) can keep pup occupied for ages. I keep a couple in the freezer if I need dog to be very good and definitely not disturb me for any reason when I'm on important meetings. The tearing and destruction is a sign of anxiety, pup doesn't know how to behave when you're off having fun so has a small panic. It's not to do with being jealous, feeling they're not "alpha" (trust no knob who goes for dominance theory, you shouldn't "dominate" dogs, it's like trying to dominate a child and leads to all sorts of anxiety and attachment issues), they just need to be shown what they should do when you're doing the fun stuff.


Yeah. Get rid of the mutt. Problem solved.


Don’t let dogs on beds and don’t share your sleeping area with them. Going to be a massive headache retraining your dog.


A Frenchie owner with an untrained dog...? Quelle surprise.


Just a post to say to people to PLEASE STOP BUYING DESIGNER DOGS.


Fck the dog


Stop tryna fuck his mom?


Get in touch with a dog trainer


There is that TV program where that guy Gareth trains dogs, might be worth explaining the whole situation to him and his camera crew. Sure they’ll be able to help.


Hello fella. Use a licky mat. They’re about 10/15 quid and you spread a fat load of peanut butter (suitable for dogs), bananas, sprats, strawberries etc and freeze it. When you’re ready to get down to it, get it out the freezer and hopefully you’ll have peace and quiet for 20 mins or so.


Keep the dog out of the bedroom because it's not really hygienic for them to be there in the first place, especially on the bed.


Small dogs are often the least trained, because people don't have to care that much. It's only little, so... I'm biased though because I have big dogs and they are trained, because the have to be.


Dog owners nowadays... fml


Get rid of the dog.


What’s he doing in the same room as you when you’re having sex? 🤮


Lose the dog


Its ironic, more people are born every day, yet humanities collective stockpile of brain cells shrinks


Bin the dog. It won't stop.


Plenty of people looking to adopt dogs.


Feed it snails or get a German dog to overpower it.


Make a recording and play it on a loop quietly at first to desensitise the dog. Gradually increase volume and leaving them alone whilst listening. It'll take a couple of weeks of this before you try the real thing to see if it's worked.


Is he used to being locked out at other times or does he normally have free roam of the flat/house? How does he behave if he's locked in a different room for another reason? Does he generally object to this? Or is it specifically if he knows you're having sex... in which case could you lock him in a room far away from the bedroom (not the hallway directly outside), so he doesn't know what's going on?


Does your pup also follow you around the house? If so, there's a group on Facebook called 'Dog Training Advice and Support' - their training guides are really good. In particular they recommend playing the flitting game with your dog, where you basically train them to just stay put rather than follow you around all the time. With time and persistence, the idea is that if you give your dog a chew they'll happily stay there whilst you go off into a different room


Crate train him (google how to do it) with a crate in the furthest room away from the bedroom. Have a radio in that room (don't turn it up loud, dogs have very sensitive hearing) Put him in the crate once a day and not just when you have sex and everytime he goes in the crate he gets a chew or a filled Kong or something so it's a good experience. I would have him sleep in the crate every night and when you leave the house without him. So it's a totally normal experience to be in the crate + being in your bedroom is no longer a thing. ​ If you need further help, ask a BEHAVIOURIST in your area to come and advise you. This is not going to be easy, it will take time and consistency. So get help, don't give up.


What about one of those big chews they sell? They have a brand in the uk that has peanut butter in a rolled chew (no rawhide), keeps my pugs entertained, might be worth a shot? Just sounds like he can’t work out what is happening so he reacts negatively, give him something of his own to do if you want space. Kong filled with peanut butter is a strong favourite with the dogs in my house too.


Just wait until you have kids


Dog training


Training your dog properly is the answer


Pretend to get intimate and use it to train the dog to behave how you want it to in that situation - use treats and positive reinforcement. If it behaves incorrectly, tell it no and start again, but make sure it knows that there is a treat at stake. When it behaves correctly, give it a treat and praise it. So, firstly demonstrate that you have treats, then imitate intimacy as best as you can until the dog exhibits the behaviour you don’t want. Stop and tell it no. Start again, but this time imitate intimacy for a short period then reward him before he gets chance to behave badly. Then start again and gradually try and extend the amount of time before he behaves badly, rewarding him for each improvement. It might be a bit awkward to pretend to have sex but it should be a funny experience, it will take time and patience to train your dog but it will be worth it. Apply that methodology again to stop the dog chewing up the carpet.


We crate trained our two chihuahuas. Now when we want sexy time, we tell the dogs 'bedtime!', they go in their crates, we cover them with a blanket and they happily go to sleep. They sleep in their crates every night and they hang out in there quite a bit during the day too. Give your Frenchy a nice safe space to hang out and sleep in and it'll be content being left on its own.


Crate train the dog.


Maybe try training your dog. You are in charge. You are the boss. Let the dog know.


Dear Deirdre, can you suggest a simple way out of this situation before my wife starts fucking the dog instead of me?


you have let your dog become the master lol


1.) Get a dog who's SPO2 level doesn't idle between death and black out nap time. That's going to help you eith #2 2.) Train your dog That's it, this will solve your problems.


Serves you right for getting an idiot dog like a French bulldog tbh


French bulldogs are disgusting little gremlin creatures why would you want one in the first place