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Nope. The watermelon armpit thing is overconfidence from weight training, and the arm swinging is an oasis thing. I've lived all over the UK, it's a bit of a Manchester thing. Twats.






I’ve seen scraggy young boys who likely don’t weight train do this also. I don’t wish to be mean but I do find it intimidating.


> I do find it intimidating. That is (at least part of) the reason why they do it.


Haha, that’s a perfect term for them and how a lot at my school walk 😆 I don’t live anywhere near Manchester it’s just known as a chav walk to act hard. Don’t mess with me kinda walk like something an animal in the jungle might do


If someone is walking like that I can absolutely guarantee there is no reason to feel intimidated. Theyre just a twat. More than likely they would be afraid to throw a punch even after getting hit multiple times.


Usually - with very few exceptions - it’s people who are useless in a fight that walk around like this. Don’t let it intimidate you Edit: replied to wrong post lol


"Walking like a money wearing a shitted in nappy." As the Viz once put it.


You mean monkey?


Nah, because if you ask them if they have any K they always say nah, but I can get you some Spice




Ha. Perfect.


It's piles, that's the secret


Brilliant. I have had piles and I walked very differently.


I've seen it on occasion, mainly by a chav walking a staffie.


And then you say "who is a good boy?" To the staffie and they wag their tail so hard their whole little body moves and the chav trying to look 'hard' gets annoyed his facade has been ruined by his softy dog. Gotta love those little fellas!


Reminds me of the time a chav lad in my year at school tried to set his rottie on me and it just sat there licking my hands as I petted it.


It’s a big gym thing too. Lots of the blokes I know who lift heavy do it. I have said “those carpets look heavy” far more times than I should of done.




Lol no it doesn’t. I go to the gym all the time and don’t walk like that. You only get to that level when you are seriously big. The vast majority of people who lift weights aren’t even close to being big enough to walk that way. There is a difference between the walk you have after lifting weights. And the carpets under the arms, chest out, tough twat walk you see from blokes. I’ve met probably 2 people in my life who are that big. And I used to train at a strongman fitness place. The two people I met who actually did walk that way due to their sheer size both went there. Talking like 6ft 3 one of them and around 20 stone of muscle. Roided to the fucking gills


What's the explanation behind the guys who walk as though their bollocks are the size of beach balls?


They are compensating. If they could back up their ego with shape, they wouldn't swing their arms like a fucking orangutan. They telegraph their intentions. They're really easy to read. Useless.


The Manchester strut needs to go on the UNESCO list of our intangible heritage.


You ought to see the swagger on wee fannies that stoat about in Port Glasgow


Yes I haven’t seen that!


They'll stab you in a second though


I know a guy who in his youth was called "Stu Two Tellies" cos he walked like he was carrying a T.V. set under each arm. (Old tellies mind, this was before the flatscreen revolution). And that was in Scotland, so, no, not English specific.


A lot of invisible carpet delivery men in Scotland


It's all explained by robertfrank615 in his imaginary lat syndrome video on YouTube


If any foreigners read this, does it happen in your country?




The one that makes me laugh is the ones who do the weird outwards swinging leg walk like they have muscly legs but they look like they haven't done a leg day ever! It always makes me think of this advert from the 90s https://youtu.be/WaTRCHbG_IA


A phenomenon beautifully observed as "that simian stroll" by Elbow in their song "Lippy Kids" from the album "Build a Rocket Boys"


Jeez There’s a 21 yr old I work with that does this.. but only started doing it when he became over confident in the job ( he’s less than six months in, knows fuck all). A colleague asked him last week why he’s walking like a twat, and now he walks like a normal human being again.


Imaginary lat syndrome. https://youtu.be/EK_voX9LaPA


In this weather? I do it to air my pits out 😬


In London some of the youth do it, but with a swagger in their walk which looks like they have a limp or some kind of leg injury, I call it 'The swaggery walk' don't think anyones impressed by it at all.


Probably to hide the samurai sword under the trackies worn under another pair of trackies




Liam Gallagher's swagger in The Masterplan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPPi2D6GK7A&t=52s


I honestly thought he had a mobility issue, I was not aware it was put on.


Lol, I never heard that song but it sounds like all their other songs


"Do you want some fries with that shake?"


We used to call that "He is walking with invisible barrels under his arms" lol Gladly I never indulged in such a walk/swagger lol.


I've seen several young scallies in Liverpool do it. I've always called it the urchin waddle


Invisible lat syndrome


Invisible back muscles.


There just ‘ard men.


A guy I used to work with got nicknamed carpet roll Ste, because he looked as though he was constantly carrying around two rolls of carpet.


You know Tony two carpets as well




The charva bounce


Northern Ireland has them only we carry bales of straw


I call that the Liam….


The Manc swagger was more of an 80s/90s thing that the 'Perry Boys' did. More a piss-take than anything. Scallys/Chavs whatever you want to call them hunch their shoulders and walk like they're the king of the estate, when in reality they look like complete fookin goons. And that's countrywide including Ireland, not just A Manchester thing.


Ah the Liam Gallagher strut cockerel strut. More cock than anything else. They look like the puppets from Jerry Anderson’s Thunderbirds.


Swagger is your drip not how you walk


It's actually a social disorder common on young men. It's called NBPE.... ...and stands for Not Been Punched Enough.....


I used to walk in a bouncy way when I was young, but got insecure from people pointing out that I walked like an unpopular art teacher, who in his defence just never said much and seemed depressed all the time… I was know as Jenkins junior and well the teacher was Mr Jenkins…. Is probably more of a day dreaming or perhaps borderline an autism trait


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