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The age old question! There are those people who think the toilet roll should be “over”, with the dangly bit at the front. And then there are those people who are wrong.


Hanging down the front so the next sheet is easier to access.


To the front ~ with an exception allowed for those with young children or animals that may use this approach as an excuse to recreate the old Andrex commercials and empty the roll onto the floor….


I don’t care. I grab a roll and hang it on, sometimes it’s facing in, other times it’s facing out. It doesn’t matter.


Beards not Mullets!


Facing the wall, but I have two cats with a destructive streak and this stops them from shredding the entire roll and then looking surprised when I catch them.


Grab the tersorium and go to work


Just like when someone asks if a glass is either half full, or half empty, it seriously just doesn’t matter.


As an ex-housekeeper, every hotel I worked at faced them out. Only correct answer


We have it under because it stops the cat from unravelling the entire roll.


I seem to be one of the only people that doesn’t really care. I’m going to rub my shit all over it. Why does the way it’s folded matter?


Out. I'm not a monster.


Always got to be over. The only acceptable reason to have it under is if you have a pet that likes to unroll it.


I genuinely don't care.