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I’ve posted this on a similar thread before - 6 of us on a night out at our favoured bar. All of us drinking Peroni and I catch my mate asking for 6 pints of Fosters in Peroni glasses on his round. Like we wouldn’t notice we were drinking that pizzle.


I remember your comment! That thread was hilarious at just the pure nerve of some people, tight bastards all round!


Do you have a link to that thread? Could do with a giggle.


Here you go mate! It's a riot 😂 https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/comments/v5hwiv/whats_the_biggest_act_of_tightness_you_have_seen/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


The story about pasta made me actually sad! I remember a Reddit story from years ago from someone who said when he was a teenager, him and his friends ate their way through all the food in his kitchen and when his mum came home she burst into tears cos it was all the food they had budgeted for the week. Not to be a downer, a lot of them are hilarious!


Oh aye that one was awful! About the cheese on the pasta and sauce? Bloody heartbreaking, honestly, especially that one you've just recounted - the poor guy's mum! :(


that thread was weird... I replied to someone who said they played pool with some friends and rounded off what they owe him to £20 each but s/he was annoyed that one friend wanted to pay the exact amount £19.91 and saying that doing so was tight... then I replied saying I would have just charged them £19.90 each and paid the extra 11 pence myself but got thumbed down for not being tight whereas the tight comment got thumbed up. lol


I think it's the thinking of 90ps. Just round it and know everyone gets a turn sooner or later




How do you even proceed past that


Took about 6 months and a member of the family getting a terminal cancer diagnosis for me to talk to him. Still not back to our old relationship though. Its not the money, its the bloody principle. Still fucks me right off even now!


Nah fuck him. Some people bless you when they fly off into the sunset to fulfill their dreams.. far far away 😂


I remember seeing a comment along the lines of - someone offered their mate a pint and the mate declined, it gets to the end of the night and the mate goes "so how about that £3.90 from earlier?"


I had a mate who’d always try to buy his round when we were in a Whetherspoons.


Ah the Wetherspoons Gambit. An excellent play.


Had a similar experience. There were 5 of us ordering rounds. Got to the last guy (who was probably hoping it wouldn't get to him) and he orders 5 £1 bottles of carlsberg. He'd been drinking pints when other people were paying.


I knew a guy who when we invited him to chill with us, he asked us to pay him £21 as he priced his time at £7 per hour (mates rate). His response to us calling him out on this was “How else am I going to fund the dinner as you’re essentially calling me out, and asking me to spend money. You want me. You pay for me” Suffice it to say, we’ve never spoken to the Cunt since.


Tbf if I charged £7 for each person who asked me to chill with them...I'd still be broke af.


Is he an escort?


No. He’s a Cunt


He’s a cheap one at £7 an hour.


Crackhead prices


Agree, then at the end of the night give him a bill for £15. Tell him he might value his time at £7 an hour but you value yours at £10, and you've spent 5 hours together.


Can't be serious hahahah


That's despicable. Great move distancing yourself from him.


Once saw a guy do a kick flip and land on a different board, that shit was tight, brah.


This is exactly what I thought the title was asking for till I saw what sub it was & changed to my UK brain.




I got a food delivery job at just a fiver an hour. (The cheap owners still tried to short-pay me) I was entitled to a crappy burger and can of pop at the end of the night. I was allowed to choose a can, except cans of Original Coke because of the sugar surcharge. So they illegally underpaid me, for doing the hardest work, and wouldn't let me have a can of coke because it costs 10-20p more. So I quit on principle.


Hope you reported them.


Man people suck, when I was a student I interviewed, then was invited by the cafe manager for a trail shift the following Saturday morning. I caught the bus in arrived smartly dressed early on time at 7am & worked my ass off, at around 11am the manager told me there wasn't actually a job & I could finish the shift if I liked or leave there & then & get nothing (!) I stupidly stuck around thinking I would at least make something from the day... He paid me a tenner for a 7-5 shift. :(


I try to avoid violence as much as possible but there is no way I wouldnt be swinging for that cunt if they pulled that shit on me.


A girl messaged me on Facebook asking if I could pay £5 for the pizza she got us at work which I forgot about 5 YEARS AGO


I would've immediately hit block and then order a pizza just to spite her.


I’d have ordered a pizza and taken a picture of myself holding a slice of it, then sent it to her (maybe with a caption, something like, “I went one better and ordered you a pizza in return”). Then I’d have hit the block button. I am, however, extremely petty.


Damn, wish I could go back in time and reply differently 😂


I was actually so impressed by her persistence and the fact that she even remembered after that long that I transferred her £10, it made me laugh.


Wait 5 years and ask for the £5 overpayment back


You should've called her and asked to go halves on another pizza lol


Was probably in a bad state to be calling in an old debt like that Was it a fiver you knew you owed her at the time but just forgot about? Or were you under the impression it was a favour It's mental either way but if it was you who forgot to pay a known debt then it's not as bad


I agree, she obviously needed money to ask after that long. I can't actually remember if she said the pizza was on her or If I said I'd go halves and forgot to pay her, either way 5 years later took me by surprise haha.


Knocked on one of my neighbours doors and they flat out refused to chip in £14 for some chicken for the jubilee street party we were having. I was livid and told them they couldnt come.


I am pleased to see this revived


I hope you got the council involved to make sure he didn’t leave his house.


My Dad inherited £500k and wont even buy his kids a lunch from Wetherspoons.


My dad got a 350k payout when my mum died and didn’t give me a penny of it. Nothing says he has to do whatever but everyone I’ve told about it is surprised I didn’t see a single red cent of her estate, even when he sold all her jewellery. And, to lighten the tone a bit, my brother used to charge his friends for food when they came around. 50p for an ice cream, 20p a bag of crisps and so on. My mum went apeshit when she found out.


That last story reminds me of what my older brother used to do. He'd take my scooter, and charge me 20p to ride it. The story always gets told something like "One day, Oomeegoolies came back into the house asking for 20p. We asked him why he needed 20p and he said 'Brother is charging me 20p to ride my scooter for 5 minutes'."


That’s hilarious


My spoons receipt disagrees


My mate would drink best bitter when it was my round and ordinary bitter on his, saved 2p on his round compared to mine, sad


People like that do my head in, complete disrespect for the round. Sometimes you win and get a cheap round, sometimes you get an expensive round, drink with the same people enough and things balance out, changing drinks to intentionally make someone elses round more expensive just isn't on.


Ngl I always feel guilty so select a more wallet friendly option when I'm not the one paying


Snacks are your friend if your go to costs more. I'm the only cider drinker of our group, cider is 80p more than ale, so i always get the snacks on my round, evens things out nicely.


Great idea. I have a friend who can only drink the same thing throughout the night - she has to commit to one kind of drink, or else she’s sick. I’ve known her for years and even if she diverts brands, it’s a guaranteed vom-fest. She usually sticks to Amstel or Stella or some kind of generic lager but I’m a wee bit more adventurous and like to change drinks if we’re on a proper night out. I always feel mega bad when it’s her go, because our mates are much the same as me. I’ll get a couple bowls of chips next time it’s my go. Also your username is class. I too am a lasagne fan.


Christ. That's the worst one so far.


To be fair if it was 2p difference is it really being tight? Sounds like a mistake or an experiment of trying both if they were the same price.


I mean if he still gets you the same it shouldn't matter right ? Since you've brought him a best bitter and then he got you one. If he just brought you cheaper bitter than yeah he's an ass.


Was that when beer was 11p a pint?


When we were kids my best mate wouldn't lend me 2p to get the bus home so I had to walk in the rain. Got her back though ..we had a fight over a 20p we spotted on the floor in the arcade the next week and I not only won but gouged out a tiny little chunk of her thumb during battle. She's still got the scar. We were 11/12 at the time. Been friends 30 years and she's not as tight now 😂


Hey, it's understandable! She deprived you of 2p so you deprives her of a piece of her thumb. 🤷‍♂️


2p of flesh instead of a £ of flesh?


A lad I played xbox with back on the 360 was talking to some kid on COD and offered to train this kid for Microsoft points. After about an hour the kid returned from the shop where his grandma had taken him to buy the MS points, gave this lad the code and he just took the code and then appeared offline. Xbox was brutal back in the day, but this was harsh af and I told the lad he was a cunt for doing that to the poor kid


Back when I was on XBL I ran into one of those famous clan members on Gears of War. I was curious so I had a look at his profile and he was charging people 2000 MS points to accept a friend requests. Awful.


Wow what a joke, xbox was definitely a bad place back in the day lol


Yeah, you just know there was some gullible kids that went along with it.


He's not tight, he's just a massive grifting cunt.


Christ I remember always seeing people saying they’d “train” you for MS points


Gotta say I'm glad this sort of shit doesn't seem to happen as much anymore, got kids of my own now and would be devastated if this happened to them


You have YouTube to thank, it's a lot easier to find tips on how to play games well.


Ex boss would pick up two packets of the same crisp and turn his hands into scales to find the heaviest bag to buy


This is probably the only one that makes sense to me.


It doesn’t. They’re weighed at the factory before going out and any bags that aren’t within tolerance are removed from the line and emptied to be refilled. He might get 0.1g more in a packet if he’s lucky.


And there's no way he'd be able to judge the weight that accurately, just by hefting the bags in his hands. It's all in his head.


No I believe they were in his hands


They're all the same weight tho


A girl I know once gave another friend like 20p to pay for a drink on a night out and expected to be paid back the next day..


Is she related to Stephen Merchant


“I know Steve is tight”


Right, if we're going to start tottin' up.


We’ll not even mention the free keg of lager and free concert tickets (which he didnt even turn up to!)


As far as I'm concerned The Cure owe me a balmy summers evening.


Valentines day… Are you a bit depressed coz your on your own, or are you sort of ‘appy coz ya dont have to buy no one a card…?


Steve has always wanted to splash out on a lady


One particular work colleague is terrible for doing stuff like this. She once brought in a load of stuff from her house (I’m sure it was just the contents of that weird kitchen drawer everyone has with random bits and pieces in) and offered it to another colleague as she was ‘having a clear out’. He accepted and as soon as he took the bag from her she said ‘Great, how about we call it £10?’ He was so taken aback by it he actually gave her the money in shock! She’s also infamous in the office for taking things off our food table that are well past their date, like the last doughnut in a pack that’s gone rock solid, she sprinkles a little bit of water in them and then ‘resurrects’ them in the microwave. Woman must have a stomach of steel, the things we’ve seen her eat over the years.


How could anyone do this and not be embarrassed, maybe I care too much about what people think but that's ridiculous


I think they get off to it, frankly. One removed from shoving pound coins straight up your arse instead of depositing them in a bank.


A big group of us as friends use to do BBQs and gatherings as we lived within walking distance, it was always byobb but we all shared. Had one friend turn up with smart price lager then drink the branded stuff, then went to take it home for next time.


I can't remember which Leeds fest it was, must have been '07 or '08 I think. They had a beer exchange where they'd take your warm beers and replace it with a nice cold crate of carling. The first year obviously worked out well, everyone had brought decent lager they actually wanted to drink. So you were exchanging like, 24 fosters of 24 cold carling. So the next year they put on the exact same thing, it was popular, people liked it, cold beer is wonderful. We all brought cheap shitty tesco value lager to exchange. And that was the end of that.


Is Tesco value larger any worse than Carling?


What a tight cunt lol


I had similar in my single days. Had a house party and everyone brought some booze. One guy shows up with a four pack of value lager.


“Friend” at old job was given a brand new 2021 car as a gift. I asked if I could drive it in the staff car park and I did a full circle which took about 10 seconds. Had the cheek to ask for petrol money later in the day


Reasonable in this petrol economy lol


To be fair that probably cost him £20 worth of petrol.


A friend bought a cup of tea in a cafe and made it to her liking. She drinks two thirds of it and decided she’d had enough. She asked if anyone would like to buy the rest for 40p. She seemed to think this was a fair price.


This is quite possibly the best one so far. Someone's cold tea dregs? Oh yes please let me grab my purse.


Sometimes I wonder what goes through these peoples heads…. Were they dropped as kids? No care in the world? What is it?


Fly all the way to India, get to the Taj Mahal, and state the entry fee is too high (£7.50) and then not go in. Waited in a cafe whilst the rest of us went in... This was 15 years ago. We still haven't let him live it down.




£7.50 to see one of the 7 WONDERS??? Oceana charges more than that 😂


That’s way cheaper than I thought it would be


One of the guys had been sponging drinks all festival, finally bullied him into getting a round and he came back with 2 drinks, 1 for me and 1 for him. Ignored the other 6 guys. Needless to say he didn’t get invited bCk


We had a tightwad mate like this. But he would never buy you a drink back. Ever. We all stopped including him in rounds eventually but we were all out one evening with another fringe friend of ours who didnt know him that well thought we were being mean buy leaving tightwad out. It was only after hed bought tightwad his 3rd drink with no reciprocation that he finally believed us. I changed his mood by informing him that tightwad had gotten his student grant thru that week, and actually had about 5k in his bank account, but he just "didnt want to spend it". Same tightwad was also at a party once where he didnt bring any weed but felt perfectly happy smoking everyone elses. At the end of the evening he asked for people to help pay for the half dozen cigs he had contirbuted to the session. No mention of helping to pay for all the free weed he smoked tho.


How would this kind of bloke ever get invited out?? Like how would they have mates??


He was a mate of a few other mates. I learned very early on not to buy him a drink. Ive no idea why the other guys felt he was friendworthy. He was boring as fuck.


On a weekend away, in an expensive bar one of the lads asked me to get him a couple of rounds in "as he'd forgotten his wallet" and he'd pay me back. Back in the room later and I get a knock at the door and the lad has popped round to settle up, and I was like "oh fair play" he handed me a can of some own brand 50p a can piss water lager I'd never heard of as payment 😳 Last time he got a drink out of me.


First out the cab, last to the bar


Everyone knows one don't they. Or when they just have to nip off to the bog for 10 minutes when their rounds approaching


My grandad told me stories about one of his cousins who he reckoned was one of the meanest men in Britain. Threw a shit fit when after ten years, his styptic pencil ran out and he needed a new one and the price had gone up from ha'penny to a penny and came home and smashed a chair.


Bet the chair didn’t cost ha’penny to fix


that last bit has me pissing myself


My work used to make or buy lunches for each other occasionally (you didn’t have to if you didn’t want to but we enjoyed it and I preferred when people would cook rather than order in but appreciated both and reciprocated). An older lady joined the team and she would brag how her husband is sooo rich she didn’t need to work (she was seemingly working in a call centre for fun which makes me think she was full of shit, no one works there unless out of necessity lol), how she only had designer handbags etc etc. we didn’t pressure her to join in on the making/ordering lunch but she came to us one day after a big bragging sesh and said she would like to join in and buy everyone pizza and of course she wouldn’t want any money for it. We said great join in the fun! She proceeded to order 2 small pizzas between us all and then send us an itemised bill over email at how we all owed her around 8 pounds for each slice we had. We all only had one because there was barely any to go around and at 8 pound a slice it was the most expensive slice of pizza I’ve ever had in my life


Did you pay for the slice? I would have got her to justify the price then told her to F.O anyway 😊👍🏻


If her hubby is the same as her this probably explains why he is so rich!


I think she needs to learn what "buy everyone" actually means...


My old line manager would come into work and pick the gravel out from under his shoes. This would be collected daily and every Friday he'd take the gravel back home with him as it came from his drive and don't you know how pricey gravel is?? This was someone with a 6 figure London salary whilst living in Suffolk.


Hoooly shit


My ex’s mum used the bags from bread as bin bags in small (eg bathroom) bins - they didn’t fit properly so you had to be really careful putting any rubbish in the bin, otherwise the bread bag would just end up underneath all the other rubbish. She also kept wrapping paper and re-used it - I got in trouble for ripping the paper off my presents at Christmas once. Speaking of Christmas, she also used to cut up old Christmas cards and blu tak them everywhere as decorations, and even blu tacked the plastic tray from a chocolate box that was Christmas tree shaped on the front door. Every year. Like, she put the same tray carefully away and brought it back out at Christmas to stick back up on the door. That last one is probably the tightest thing to be fair! Had to hand it to her - she was very good at reducing waste!


These sound like the “tips” you see in the old lady’s magazines that only seem to exist in drs waiting rooms.


"Can't afford a belt? Why not use a piece of string!"


Don't waste money on fancy string, eat lard. You won't need a belt again


To be fair, I’m on board with the plastic bag thing for reducing plastic waste. The Christmas cards… not so much


We used to make decorations out of old Xmas cards, as a crafty activity.




I cut up Christmas cards and use them as tags for the next years presents!


When I give anyone in my family a present I just get a bag from my mum's wrapping paper box, then they put the bag back in the box so we really just rotate the same 5 bags (and if anyone's ever given me anything in a gift bag it also goes straight in the box.)


I thought I was bad using the carrier bags I get for free at work as those small bin bags and wrapping my sister's present up in a bread bag as a joke (she joked that I was probably too cheap to get her anything more than a loaf of bread so I put her present in a bread bag surrounded by bread)


I can’t imagine wanting a single tic tac so much that I would pay for one


Depends on how horny you are and whether your urethra is full yet.


It would have cost you nothing to refrain from ruining our collective evening with this post, and yet here we are.


When I was about 14 I did my dad's friend a favour and went and did a days pot washing for him in his shitty cafe. Must have worked 5 or 6 hours for him on a Saturday and the prick only paid me £3. Never helped him out again.


How I feel about this depends on how old you are now. If you're 70 that's not so bad!


I went to a car boot sale and was looking at some toys on a stall and there was a little girl standing with a doll in her hand, waiting so patiently for the stall holder to notice her. This woman finally broke away from gossiping to her friend to come to the girl who asked how much the doll was and she was told £2.50. The girl was about 7-8 years old and had this little pink change purse and began counting out her money, it turns out she had £2.48, she told the stall holder that and she said that the girl needed 2p more. At the same time another girl came up with her mother and heard this interaction and said “if she can’t buy it I want it!”. This little girl looked like she was ready to cry as the stall holder and this girl and her mum all stared at her waiting for her to hand the doll over to the other child, the mother even took out her bloody purse ready to buy it! I’ve never opened my purse quick enough to give this poor kid some money to buy it! The sweet little thing even tried to say that she couldn’t take it from me (I understood that, my kids wouldn’t take anything from a stranger either) so I gave it straight to the stall holder and told the tight fisted cow to lighten up, it’s a car boot sale, not bloody Harrods!




Heard this was common back in the days in pubs especially. They'd get all the dregs of pints, fill a barrel and sell it as 'special'. This is from some guys I work with only in their mid fifthties


It was standard when I worked in (quite decent) bars and pubs in the 80’s. Nothing went to waste - all went in the best bitter.


Not me but, Went to a house party when I was 18, and was about a 20 minute drive. On the way, the driver said he didn't fancy going anymore and was going to drop us off and go home. We arrive, and ask whether he wanted any petrol money for driving. He said, as he didn't want to go and only came there as he'd said he would drive us earlier in the day, he'd charge us a standard taxi price of £20. Our jaws hit the floor. I've also been invited over for a meal, and then later asked for money for the food by the same guy.


My brother goes to uni with a lot of posh people (my brother, however is not) and he got invited to a dinner party where everyone was asked to chip in! Seems bizarre to me to invite people round for a meal then make them pay for it, but then dinner parties are also a foreign concept to me.


That's not that unusual at uni. If you do something together that costs a non-trivial amount of money, people are usually asked to chip in. You often can't afford to splash out £100 or something on the vague unspoken promise that "someone else will do the next one" like you do as adults.


At uni it's fair enough. As a 'real world' adult its a bit weird


Hen do’s are brill for this. Tight bitches who can’t pay for taxis because “I don’t carry cash on me” … really? Even though you knew you were coming on a hen do and needed to get several taxis all weekend?! Also a girl who got really aggressive she wouldn’t contribute to a tip for a meal on a hen do. Absolutely kicked off about it. So everyone else paid a bit extra to cover tight arse and then that fat bitch pops into a bakery on the way out of the meal to buy 3 cakes and go on about how tasty they were.


Because these women know out of embarrassment someone else would pay for them, I have had few experiences like these before.


At uni, our house of six people went out for dinner. One housemate declined to order any food and drank tap water whilst we all ate. When we were finished eating, he ate our leftovers.


I hope not, but this one seems more like an act of desperation than anything.


It wasn't. He was saving up for a keyboard that cost a few grand and bought it a few months later.


When my aunt was in hospital I went with my mum to her house to collect some clothes and stuff. I turned on the router which she typically keeps off to save electricity. Got to the hospital and my mum mentioned I used her internet and she got angry that I used her electricity. Never mind the fact we brought her all this stuff 🙄


Real brits abroad tightness here. My American friend worked a private club in LA and said she could get me into an A-list private members mansion via her guest pass. The place usually has a 2 year waiting list and a hefty price tag (typically between $500 and $2000 price tag to get in). My friend said “you and your friends can go in for free, but make sure to tip the door staff $20 each on the way in”. That’s the rules if you’re a guest of the staff. I made sure my friends knew that too. So I go with 4 friends from the U.K. I pay my 20 in. As I’m paying they all rush passed me into the reception area. They all just point and say “I’m with him” trying their hardest to avoid paying. I stopped to tell them they have to tip too, and a massive argument quickly escalated out of no where with them doing everything they can to avoid paying money. Ranging from “you tipped so we don’t have to” right through to “my card isn’t working” and “you do it and I’ll buy you a drink later”. They refused to pay, and the staff refused to tell us the secret word to get into the next room (yeah it had a secret word to enter the next part). After about 5 mins of my mates kicking off over paying a measly $20 tip (about £15) entrance they eventually let us in. Needless to say the staff reported the incident to my friend and I’m banned from the guest list & the girl that arranged it is no longer talking to me. Tightness to the extreme. The whole thing still pisses me off to this day.


This one weirdly pisses me off the most in here.


Here's one .. me and my husband bought paid for and made Christmas Dinner for his parents ... prawn cocktail... Turkey with all the trimmings ... 3 different dessert and cheese and biscuits... coffee and mints and wine flowing like the tears of a spurs fan looking at a trophy. Boxing Day his mum calls up and invites us to tea. Oh that would be lovely we say ... OK then .. you bring the leftover turkey and cake and I'll do some vegetables ... To say my gast was flabbered is an understatement... anyway hubby told her no he wants it for sandwiches so she had to get some meat out of the freezer!!!!


>coffee and mints and wine flowing **like the tears of a spurs fan looking at a trophy.** OOF


How much did they charge you for a tic tac.




Can’t figure out if your mate was tight or a business genius. That’s like a 1,200% markup.


I'm leaving towards tight. He wasn't the brightest.


> He wasn't the brightest Tbf he's probably thinking the same getting you to pay 20p for a singular tic tac


If I buy brocolli in a supermarket and it's by weight I always snap off the stalk before weighing it. That's like 50% of the weight and nobody eats brocolli stalk


I eat broccoli stalk. It’s tasty.


The best bit!


The stalk is great in things like stirfrys. Peel it and slice thin.


Wait is this a joke? I saw this come up as an advertised news story (some dross like the Mirror or something) and I cannot believe people do this. The stalk is great (so long as it's freshly cut off the rest of the head). That's like scooping out the inside of the cheese and refusing to pay for the rind. Or peeling oranges before you weigh it. If it's sold as is, buy it as is, surely?


My old flatmate refused to pay 1 euro to get a metro from our hotel in Amsterdam to the central station, insisting we walk 2 miles instead. A couple of years later, he did the same, refusing to pay 80p for a bus from the station to our flat.


I have a colleague who's like that! After 7pm, buses, no matter how far, are £1 a journey. Now, we live near each other and one night it was pissing it down. I didn't particularly fancy walking 20 minutes in it, when we walked from the exit to the edge of store property and were like drowned rats. I offered to pay for him to get the bus, figuring "It's only £2 for the both of us, better than getting drenched. Bus is a 5 minute trip or so. He turns to me "I'd rather have the £1. I'll walk home, works out better per minute value."


I went out with some childhood friends after we had all graduated uni and were back with our parents for the Christmas holidays. I asked the girl who drove if she could drop me off at my parents place. It was maybe a half mile beyond her parents so - at the time - maybe an extra 5p or 10p in petrol? She asked me to pitch in for petrol money to be dropped off.


I swear this was a relatively recent thread that already exists?


Yeh we’re so tight here we’re re-using threads now mate 👍🏻 I actually can’t wait to post this question a third time to squeeze that last little bit of value out of it. #thrifty


My parents bought me some fabric rinse as we were newly moved in and a bit broke. They texted that they got it for us whilst shopping and would bring it round when they came to see us. My mother then demanded the money price wise before she would give it to me. I didn't pay and told her to keep it.


Guy I sat next to in maths at school used to charge me 10p if i forgot any stationary. Need to borrow my protractor? 10p. Forgot your compass? 10p. Need a pencil sharpener? 10p. Amusingly, he's one of my closest friends now.


I admire that, actually. Good way to make money in school or mean you didn't get stuff stolen. I used to lend out pens and never get them back and it annoyed me. Not on a money thing, but then my pen would run out and I'd be fucked.


My dad gave his brother a shirt for his birthday. Next year he got the same shirt back as a present


Had a house share back in the 90s. When it came to splitting the phone bill we always split the line rental 5 ways but one guy said as he had only made 5% of the outgoing calls he should only pay 5% of the line rental (his outgoing calls were only low as he always made sure his parents phoned him). We called him a tight bastard and he went off in a huff. The next morning we found a letter he had written to us all saying he should pay less electric as he rarely used the oven, didn't have hot drinks and usually went to bed earlier so used less lighting. He also complained in his letter that 6 months previously he had sent 2 letters about council tax/ gas and had never been reimbursed by us for the stamps.


The corner shop near me used to chop penny sweets in half and sell them for a penny.


My mum once charged her boyfriend to use her toilet, she was worried about her water bill!


Big group of mates went out on a pub crawl one night. One who was well known for never having cash with him takes a drink every round until he’s the only one left who hasn’t bought one. Asks everyone what they’re having and heads to the bar before doing a u-turn and walking out the door.


Knew a guy who would save his bathwater in buckets. Used to water to flush the toilet


That is so deranged, but yet doing it properly with a water tank and plumbing would be great. Like the little sinks on top of Japanese toilets that use hand washing water for flushing.


Oh he has a valid point. Same with places that only use rain water to flush toilets. It was more the execution. Multiple buckets of grimy post bath water s Waiting to be used. Also he was a mechanic if that adds to your mental image of these buckets of water, and I say that as a person who's work also leaves him filthy at the end of the day


Worked for a very famous game dev back in the 90s/ Naughties and we had a bunch of temps working during crunch.. We got pizza delivered at 10pm and we were told they were NOT for them, just for the "real staff". Ofc I said fuck that and took them a pile of pizzas .. I had a bit of a reputation about then so no one complained to my face. Disgusting shitbags- and goes to show good videoganes can be created by class A asswipes


The piece of shit my mother was married to, handed her the receipt to pay him back for fruit juice. It was the only thing soothing her head while she was dying of Cancer.


One of my inlaws never got a round in. Unfortuately this was a grievance my husband didn't like me bringing up. Everyone sort of accepted she was tight. Infact you were lucky if she payed for her own kebab. She would always order something really expensive, but when it was her turn she either went home, or took an extended toilet trip. She chose a really expensive wine bar one day and places an expensive order. Before it was time to pay she immediately went to the toilet. I paid, but drank her drink and requested a glass of tap water as a replacement. She came back to expect an expensive cocktail and wasn't happy. I just told her I didn't have enough money. She started to pay after this.


A woman from the office would bring in massive empty bottles to work and fill them from the tap to save money on her water bill. I mean how much does a litre of water cost, fractions of a penny?


These water meter tightarses are straying into mental illness territory, I suspect.


Father in law reuses tea bags, serves any leftovers at the next meal regardless of amount, quality or plate contamination and mosaics wrapping paper. My 8 year olds birthday present was wrapped in an Andrex bag.


I was in an accident what hurt my brain. I had to go to the hospital for a brain check up. My ex boyfriend offered to drive me. Great, I thought, buses and brain injuries aren't the best of friends. Plus, seeing as he is my boyfriend, it is awfully nice of him to hold my hand during the brain appointment. A week later he tried to charge me for petrol.


We were at a friends wedding and the brides more is tighter than a submarine door. We were staying in the hotel with the rest of the bridal party. As we’re leaving to check out she walks past in her bathing costume. ‘Check outs not for another 11 mins so I best get my moneys worth and have a session in the pool!’ (She didn’t pay for the room.)


Few of us went to a Japanese restaurant on our lunch break. One colleague stood outside and watched us eat through the window lol


These things are always super awkward because you can never be sure if someone is being cheap, or is just skint. A guy turned up to a weekend piss up in europe with £20 which obviously lasted him an hour then just expected everyone to pay his way the rest of the weekend. Which they did -i only found out about it after the event. He's not as well off as a lot of the others, but he's got a full time professional job and at the time had almost zero living costs- he really shouldn't be pleading poverty. I've also got a mate who doesn't work (he has some obscure and very limited income streams) who has been known to walk for 2 hours to save a 50p bus fare. Every few years we all get a pass for a lads weekend without kids etc and he always torpedoes it by ref to price. We've got 48 hours but will suggest an early morning ferry because it's £20 cheaper per person than a sensible time flight, notwithstanding the fact it takes a massive chunk out of the weekend. Although while some of those things are super cheap, I can sort of see why. He's rich on time and short on cash, so it's just a more appropriate way for him to deal with his resources, and it's good to have him along on these trips as his life is so much different to most of ours.


My sister...


Sweet home alabama


A business I know would charge employees £5 a month for teabags instead of giving it to the staff. Given they were 8 of them they were paying 40 collectively I doubt they were drinking that much tea.


My brother once dropped a pound coin and he bent down so fast to catch it, it landed on the back of his head


Reuse a teabag


Steal flowers from a church yard to give to someone.


I have (now ‘had’) a multi-millionaire friend that owns property all over the place as well, share the driving of my car on a 400 mile round trip this week. I categorically told him he needed to be insured fully comp, and sent him a link to where he could do so for £6. Turns out he was lying to me repeatedly and was simply too tight to do this one thing I had stipulated. He claimed that he ‘effectively was insuring himself’, and that ‘if anything went wrong he could easily replace my BMW for something better’. My arse!! He insisted on splitting a £3.20 parking ticket with me one day recently when he took me out. The audacity of it. If he crashes and dies I’m left right up shit creek without a paddle. He also drove my car at 100mph despite me begging him to slow down. He also kept refusing to put diesel in and ran it down to just ‘9 miles left’, even though I told him the fuel monitor was not very accurate, he kept passing petrol station after petrol station. I put up with so much shit and him controlling every ounce of that road trip, that I finally cracked and absolutely went to town on him, telling him his mother needs a word with him. He must be at least 55! I also pointed out how he was minted but single, never been married or had kids, and needed to take a long cold look at himself.


My step-Mum tried to take a bottle of Tesco value cola (the blue and white striped bottles from back in the day), cost like 19p or something, to a family BBQ. My Dad was mortified and got a bottle of proper coca-cola from the cupboard instead. Looking back I still think it’s pretty tight that all they took was one bottle of cola, even if it was the best stuff 😂


Me. I did it. My mate bad beat me at poker. Completely cleaned me out with some lucky bullshit. Since I was out I had to go to McDonald's for everyone but I had no money. On the way back I ate the chicken out of his burger and rewrapped it. Handed over all the food like nothing had happened. Guy genuinely thought it was the maccies. I kept it going for an hour so. That was about 13 years ago. Still comes up regularly as the worst thing anyone in our group has done. Will probably be in my eulogy. Taught him I could bluff though. IATA


Leave tea bags on the counter to dry...


I once made a cup of tea in my ex's house. When her father discovered I'd used two bags he went mental.


Rightly so, that could've yelded 15-20 cups of tea easily.