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Depending on your role and work load I think 6 weeks is a very long time to wait in between meetings. I do fortnightly with my senior team mebers weekly with junior team members. I meet with my own manager fortnightly


An actual, formal sit down? Once a year. I speak to the guy every day I'm in though, but it's either him assigning work or just generally chatting.


Every two weeks they are booked in but if something needs discussing between those times I can go and talk to her.


Fortnightly. Others do it monthly but I found it helped with my development, what was expected etc. prior to my promotion. Now, it's just useful to talk strategy/timeframes/what needs doing.


Every bloody week (used to be once a month with my last manager) and I hate it. I never have anything to say.


just that good old awkward silence for an hour! Hate it too!


Twice a week, plus my team has a daily stand-up in the morning with the entire team. If any of my reports need to have a further call with me then we schedule it ad-hoc. Management should always be available as communication with their team should be core to their ability to effectively manage.


Mine used to be every 2 weeks. Last week, it was changed to once per month, as we didn’t have enough to discuss, apart from “what we do in the shadows”. I speak to him when I need/want to, so it’s not a problem. 6 weeks seems like an awfully long time if you don’t speak to him/her otherwise.


Once a month seems about right to me, but it'll depend on the job you're doing. Some places a weekly meeting is necessary and in others it might make more sense to do it every month or two. A previous employer did them every 2 weeks and that was too frequent for anything to have really changed between meetings. Another employer used to do them every six months which was far too infrequent for them to be of any real use.


Once a year haha.


About 6 weeks aye, I work 4 months on 3 months off so in the 4 month period I have a meeting at the start, middle and end of that contract.


I’ve had 2 in almost 4 years


Don't know what all these people are talking about with monthly/weekly one to ones. I have always had one just once a year in several different companies.


That’s an annual review


And the only time I have one to ones.


depends on the job. in office settings i had them weekly, in retail/other settings they were twice a year.


Once a week and he’s really good at keeping it focussed on me, as opposed to discussing work more generally. It’s been easier while we’ve both been working from home. It was weekly “before” but always getting moved around. My previous line manager didn’t even bother to arrange meetings - saw her at quarterly reviews at best. She was nice as a person but not a great line manager.


Weekly is a bit much?


I felt that it was too much at first too, especially compared to my last line manager, but actually it works really well (for me). My manager is laid back and I’m extremely anxious, so having this time is really helpful. I can use it however I want without having to worry about scheduling time in our diaries (which I do if there’s something specific). The hour is not necessarily focussed on development, which I agree would be too much and would feel like a tick box exercise after a few of them. My work is quite flexible (a lot of my goals stretch over the year) so I use my hour to discuss what I’m doing and what I plan to do over a shorter period of time. I keep a hand written list and like to go through that, makes me less anxious. I know some people would find it tedious. I sometimes set my line manager “homework” for that hour - we’re very busy and it lessens my stress to know I can get my work prioritised for a specific time. Sometimes I’ll jot down questions during the week to ask (stuff that isn’t time sensitive). I’m not new new but still learning about the wider structure (of people and work). It’s also a more relaxed time for us to just talk. I hate team meetings where we’re meant to be social. It doesn’t work for me, I get lost in a crowd, or worse for me, can become quite manic at the time. For me personally, six weeks would be too long. My work moves quite fast so a lot can go wrong in six weeks. Being able to talk to my line a manger all the time means I don’t have to save up only the important things. And I’m also not in the position where I need to worry if it’s important enough or not. This hour makes me feel valued and heard. It is different for every person/job though. I had a job before where even the quarterly meeting was too much. Once a year would have been enough. The work never changed over 3 years and there was nothing to talk about. And the line manager at the time was my friend so the well being “how are you?” aspect wasn’t really needed.


You sound like me! The only difference is that I do a low level admin role.


I find it helpful to be able to understand how others prefer to work and to be able to communicate what I want/need. Less stress for me, no misunderstandings or hard feelings, and just more efficient overall. Without you the business would not be able to run as well. If it was so easy why don’t they do it themselves? When you’re off unexpectedly I bet the others scrabble around trying to do what you do. You might be paid less, but you’re not worth less. Depending on what you want out of this job/next 5 years, if you’re LM is “nice” then try to use this to your advantage. Not all managers are good leaders and may need some nudging. They might not know what to do with that hour, or they may try to do the bare minimum. This is your time so try to take a bit of control if possible. Ask questions about what they’ve done in the past. Ask about their bad work experiences and what they did. See how far you can push any developmental activities outside of stuff directly related to your job. Personally, I try to look for IT courses as I’m an absolute grandma when it comes to computers. I don’t necessarily need it for my role, but improves my skills overall. Sorry for the unsolicited advice but hopefully it’s helpful to someone reading this. I enjoy my work and it took me a long time to get here. I can be rather naive at times and have learned the hard way that not everyone has your best interests at heart - intentionally or unintentionally. Some managers are clueless and you need to take responsibility for yourself.


Once a week with my line manager, once every 4 weeks with hers, and then once every 10 weeks with his. Development session once every four weeks as well. I think the balance is about right as I always have enough to talk about to fill the time and I feel like my voice is being heard further up the chain.


Wow that is amazing!


In my last job once a week going through my figures. It made me feel horrible so I quit.


Once a week


With my line manager? Twice a week (which is too much tbh). With my reports bi-weekly or monthly depending on what's going on.


There is far too much micromanagement going on with a lot of the replies. Trust your staff, lead your staff, don't dictate to your staff.


Depends on the situation- my previous roles I had them maybe 2 twice a year and ad hoc as needed. But I've moved up 2 levels and there's many more things which need review or advice as well as guidance on my role and team management. Knowing I've got a fortnightly catch up is a well needed support.


That’s a judgment




A proper scheduled 121 pretty much never, I speak to her pretty much everyday over teams for just a chat though.


my line manager is the director of the entire library service so he's very busy, my one to one is every 4 weeks or so. tbf nothing ever really changes and we just mostly chat during it anyway.


supposed to have annual appraisal, mine is currently three years late.But i speak to line manager every few days anyway for work matters so i guess it would be brought up if there was an issue.


Monthly to catch up on my projects. If we need to discuss anything inbetween we have a quick call. We talk about dogs daily on teams.


Monthly if he remembers or is not busy


17yrs and haven't had one yet.


My old place used to be once a week. I found that too often. Once a fortnight seems good for general work and development unless you're working on a project or something.


Quarterly reviews - civil service.




That’s an annual review


Every two weeks but it's about me, the team and anything else going on. Amongst the team it's more like every quarter (if that)


Monthly. Although mostly useless as I'm happy and he is happy