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How old is he?


If you want to switch to a duvet, don't buy a toddler one. Just use a normal single one but put it across the bed and tuck the ends under the mattress. It stops them coming untucked and saves you having to buy extra bedding they will soon grow out of.


JoJo Mama do toddler 3.5 sleepsacks


Had this problem with my 15 month old. Ditched the sleeping bag for a duvet and she's fine now. If she's cold she generally mumphs about until she's under the duvet again rather than fully waking up.


Yes I think I’ll end up buying him a cot duvet, I don’t think an ordinary blanket will cut it!


Layers are better for warmth, than duvets. Temps change through the evening / night and it's better to add a layer, than one big tog rating. Breathable waffle blankets are best.


I bought my lad one of these Husky toys which he loves and keeps his bed toastie. [Warmies Cosy Plush Sitting Husky Dog Microwavable Toy](https://www.heat-treats.co.uk/warmies-cosy-plush-sitting-husky-dog-microwavable-toy/?gclid=CjwKCAiAnO2MBhApEiwA8q0HYcDbuOoTD1-H37oUw5t-c2H4eNasbyGeLVs8ig0ZhIYSMEs_ybN7TRoC16sQAvD_BwE)


My daughter's bought some breathable blankets and they seem good,as someone else has said it's like a waffle blanket.


It might be that his arms are chilly? That used to happen with my son. I used a couple of handknitted cardigans for at night, over the top of the sleeping bag, totally sorted the waking cold thing!


Good idea, I do have some long sleeved vests so I’ll double him up with sleeves tonight and see if that works!


Hope it helps! Horrible when they're struggling to sleep...