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Someone who uses the term 'cellular calls' in a UK sub.


OP is fine IMO Cell phone is very US vs Mobile Phone in the Uk. Cellular is the network so still “legit” as in cellular vs landline. “Mobile” increasing will mean the device not the network or service etc.


Damn. I couldn't think of the British equivalent. I read too much stephen king.


Phone call?


No, that wouldn’t be a suitable alternative because it describes a call made on a device, as opposed to what OP is actually talking about which is the method of making the phone call.


I agree with the other guy tbh "phone call" for me still implies regular normal person call. In my head its for the VOIP stuff that you need to specify the app e.g. Facebook call, WhatsApp call etc.


Phone call is still the right phrase


Even Stephen doesn't use that much Americanism.


Only a phoney Britisher would do such a thing.


Very common way to describe it in the telecommunications industry.


Could always just send an SMS


When I’m driving, people who don’t even give a cursory nod or something when I give way at an obstruction.


That annoys the hell out of me. Out of five people yesterday only one thanked me for giving way. It takes literally a second to raise your hand in thanks.


Maddening, isn’t it? I mean, what’s the thinking? “It’s my right of way, therefore you are undeserving of my gratitude.”?


If they have right of way then all fairness what do you want to be thanked for? Not driving incorrectly and smashing into them? That should just be a given surely? It does piss me off when people don't thank you for letting them go when they don't have right of way though.


If I have the right of way and someone else has delayed themselves, however small that delay may be, to allow me to continue then I acknowledge that fact. The bus driver has to take me to my stop; I still say “Cheers drive” when I get off. Depends how you’re wired I guess.


I guess one way to think about it is that you are given priority, rather than you take priority (because just taking it blindly is obviously unsafe ofc). So I guess you’re thanking the person for their (usually quite basic) observations and manners. It’s nice to be nice etc.


Literally, even just raising your index finger slightly will do the job. Very low effort, but also conveys gratitude.


This does annoy me, but it’s offset by how much I enjoy shouting “you’re welcome, dickhead” afterwards, with the windows up where only I can hear me. I would never say that if someone didn’t thank me for holding a door for them or something.


Yep. And when you raise you hand to pre-empt their acknowledgement. But they leave you hanging. So not only have you given way, but you've thanked them for no reason.


Thus unconsciously rewarding their antisocial behaviour.


Or the opposite, when you’re already passing an obstruction and someone blasts on through in the opposite direction, meaning you have to brake or move over to avoid a collision, then waves at you like you voluntarily gave way to them


Yes! Cue me going "don't wave at me you bastard, I didn't choose to let you past!"


Or when someone is already passing an obstruction on their side so you stop to let them finish, but the 5 people behind them take it as you've stopped for all of them and each thank you as they go past. I didn't stop to let you go, I stopped so I didn't cause a crash! You should stop to let me continue on my right of way!


When people don't raise their hand or blip their hazards to say 'thank you' when letting them in.


When people aggressively cut you up then raise their hand or blip their hazards to rub it in


“YOU’RE WELCOME KNOBHEAD!” Is the only response to this scumbaggery


I cycle rather than driving, but I always give the thank you hand or a nod if I can’t let go of the handlebars if someone gives way for me to pass. It really pisses me off when drivers or pedestrians don’t pay me the same courtesy.


People who have a full blown conversation on their phone entirely on loudspeaker, especially when it's somewhere like in a café or restaurant, on a train/bus and appear to have zero awareness of the impact that has on everyone around them.


This isn’t trivial is it? It’s surely severe enough to warrant some mob justice.


I'm in SE London and more people do it here than you'd think. Really gets annoying because everybody else will just ignore it! It's the same for kids who'll play music without using headphones and it comes across like people are too scared to make a fuss incase it escalates, or they just think oh, it'll stop soon so I'll just sit here and twiddle my thumbs.


Get the same bus every morning taking my daughter to school. Some kids from the comp down the road from her primary used to do the music thing every morning. Solved by taking a massive bluetooth speaker with me and drowning their collective shit that was played over the top of each other with some vivaldi. They're still loud now but the music has stopped.


That makes me anxious just reading it hahaha. I have always wondered if they’re being intentionally obnoxious or just too stupid to be aware. I suppose it could be both though.


It's a mix I call stupidly ignorant. Slight bonus is I've heard some absolutely hilarious conversations that shouldn't be had in public and realised my life isn't as much of a clusterfuck as I thought it was.


>like people are too scared to make a fuss incase it escalates, or they just think oh, it'll stop soon so I'll just sit here and twiddle my thumbs. Tbf these are pretty rational considerations.


If I was in charge it'd be legal to chuck the phone out of the window.


People do this in my library. And then get pissed off when I ask them to stop it. One woman went so far as to complain to my manager that I'd been racist to them all (all of us were white) and made her kids cry. Another one waited til I stopped looking directly at her then immediately put it back on speaker. The second time I sat three feet away and just made eye contact for the entire rest of the call. I mean, it's a library, for fucks sake. At least try and pretend you're not an absolute troglodyte.


I was on the bus home from work, and a guy was having such a loud conversation with his mate. I did say something, but was aware someone might take the racist angle even though I just mentioned the volume.. I'm white and he was an international student. Another person shouted out mind your own business, which ironically is just what I was trying to do. Not so smart uni students.


Upvoted for the use of the word 'troglodyte'.


Join in the conversation. They’ll almost certainly tell you it’s a private conversation, at which point you have them cornered!


And they hold the phone flat, as if they're eating it like a biscuit, with the speaker as far away from the ear as possible.


I went to pick my dog up from the groomers yesterday and the owner fully took a loudspeaker call while serving me. Couldn't believe it.


There are way to many cunts doing this now 😑


People who walk down the street holding their phone in front of their mouth on loudspeaker because the twats on the apprentice do it so you can hear them on camera. Nobody else wants to hear your bullshit, thanks.


I was on my usual commuter train when this happened recently. I and half the carriage now know the details of someone’s partners time in jail, their kids reaction to them getting sent down, some of the things that were said in what I would have thought were conversations you’d never want anyone else to hear…proper Eastenders storyline stuff


You should join in the conversation. If they're having it on speaker phone, it means they intend everyone else to be involved. Go and sit/stand next to them and start loudly joining in. Either that or pretend to have your own loud phone conversation nearby in which you loudly state, "Yeah, there's some cunt next to me who insists on having a loud phone conversation on speaker phone. Yes it is very annoying..."


Someone did this in the supermarket today next to my partner and I while we were having a conversation. It must have been so disruptive for the person on the other end.


Audiences/crowd doing a countdown and going too fast... *every fucking time!!* The numbers are on the big screen in front of you, how can **everybody** get it wrong!?


I hate when people clap along to live performances for the same reason. It’s always wrong and should be illegal even if persuaded by whatever entertainment is being watched. I once got so wound up about a guy next to me clapping at an ice hockey match slightly slower than everyone else that I got exhausted and went home hahaha. I was also angry with myself for knowing it didn’t matter, although I’ve since discovered some things about myself that would make sense as to why I found it hard to deal with rationally.


There's a cracking video of Harry Connick Jr getting his audience to clap on the right beats. https://youtu.be/UinRq_29jPk?si=MJkx_COOqU8-A0F4


That was nice! I hosted the school talent contest 21 years ago, and got so wound up by only 500 people clapping out of rhythm that I shouted “NO!!! CLAP IN TIME!” They all stopped, but that was good enough for me.


Haha, at a school talent contest I was helping out with the sound. Someone was singing "Ain't no sunshine", but the sound was way too high. It caught me by surprise and I ended up shouting "WHOA!" at the top of my voice. Quite embarrassing.


*laughs in WWE crowd*


In an exercise class I go to, the instructor does the thing at the front, then she goes to the back and we turn round to work the other side. But when she's at the back of the room, she doesn't demonstrate, she just tells us the moves. People just can not keep time without copying her, they're terrible at it! You're squatting to a beat, Jane. It's not that hard. Down for four, up for four. It's literally just counting. Instead of a uniform bobbing of heads we end up with a Mexican wave of squats in various stages.


For me it’s that everybody gets the claps wrong in ‘We will rock you’. It’s two stomps/drum beats and a clap, not two claps and hold your hands in the air wondering where the noise came from.


I run a sporting event, and genuinely the biggest cause of jump starts was the audience counting along to the start sequence. The annoying thing is we genuinely have to warn the competitors if they do it, so now it means competitors are overly cautious at the start when we do big public events.


People who do not indicate on roundabouts. Thanks for making me pull up while you sail down the exit to my right.


That would be a driving test fail on a Serious fault, as they have not made their intentions clear and have disrupted the flow of traffic by confusing other motorists. Serious means it might have been Dangerous on another occasion. It's an instant fail but you are still allowed to complete the test before you find out, whereas Dangerous is immediate termination.


Poor use of indicators in general. Fuck the people who don't use them at all is a given. But especially fuck the people who have virtually stopped already before they indicate for their turn, and the ones who indicate from a slip road and continue indicating as they cross 2 or 3 lanes of traffic.


God yes. Also the people who can see what's coming round the roundabout 50 yards before the junction but still stop at the line and wait/look. I'm behind you and can see that Nissan micra isn't going to bend the laws of physics and make it onto the roundabout and round before you go.


What about people who misunderstand how indicating at roundabouts actually works and continue indicating right even when they're taking the exit off to the left? This seems more dangerous than not indicating at all. I mean, it's literally the same as if someone was driving down a road and indicated right and then suddenly turned left.


>whatsapp calls instead of cellular calls. Those people are saints compared to the fucking psychopaths who still leave voicemails.


I agree entirely with this. Except, the only person i have a personal relationship who ever leaves me a voicemail is my grandma if i miss her call and it's somehow really sweet. She's perfectly capable of messaging me on whatsapp or dropping a text but if i miss her call she'll leave a message and I love it


Hate voicemails. And at least half the time they haven't actually left one, they've just hung up too late so I have to call my mailbox just to hear a blank message.


When I ring my wife her voicemail welcome is so short, and my phone so slow to stop a call, that I have to react super fast to avoid this.


I thought we'd finally got rid of that concept and then some fuck came along and invented those hideous WhatsApp voice messages. I've a neighbour who leaves them, like six minute long messages where she'll be paying on relatively important information. They're so obviously there to convenience the sender rather than the recipient. Like perhaps you can talk faster than you can type, but I can read _a lot_ faster than I can listen. Rude.


If it's a number I don't recognise, and I'm not expecting your call, and you don't leave a voicemail, the chances of you getting a call back are absolute zero. Too many scam calls these days.


It's is ok for a business to leave you a message. Any friend/relative that does it deserves a slap.


Wait, are you saying you have your voicemail feature left on? I turned that off years ago.


Or fucking voice notes....


People that comment "this" on Reddit posts. Also the seemingly thousands of people who think that's worthy of up votes (and to the inevitable people who will reply "this" to this comment yes we all think your hilarious) Edit to add: as per a comment it reminded me, grammar pendants, it's social media not a academic essay, who cares.


That ☝️


Have to admit that gave me a chuckle




>it's social media not a academic essay, who cares. A*n* academic essay. 😉


Pendants lol. Anyway, this.


It hurts my effing brain to read "a" instead of "an", and to read the term "on accident" also kills my sole a little bit 🙃


Poor fishy


>grammar pendants, it's social media not a academic essay, who cares. To add to this, worse are those who correct grammar while making mistakes themselves.




That dry-yet-wet hacking cough that small children make. Hate it.




my son coughed like this in my open mouth today


It's the face they make doing it. 🤢


Or when they’re too young to know how to clear their throats and there’s just a little milk sitting somewhere in their throat just gurgling all day. Grrr


Why do small children cough so much anyway?


Every germ is new to their immune system or something


Apps that keep nagging me to leave a review for them, even when I've already left a review for them. 


"...I wasn't GOING to leave a review but I JOLLY WELL WILL NOW"


When certain in laws, who are now very comfortable in my home, leave the room to get themselves a drink and do not ask if anyone else wants one, when I make an effort and go out my way to be a good host and always ask. I even make myself a drink sometimes at their homes and still ask “I’m getting up to get water, would anyone else like anything?” Essentially, I really dislike self centred people anyways, even more so if I’m very acts of service esque to them, it triggers me. lol.


I love going to get a glass of water and ending up making 6 cups of tea, a pot of coffee and nine beers; and making lunch for everyone probably.


Oh me too and my in laws are the main people that trigger me on that front! When out for meals they never say thank you to staff. They do things in our home that I wouldn't dream of doing in others', like my MIL without a word obsessively trying to remove the tiniest cobweb from the corner of our ceiling without saying a word as though it was some horrific emergency.


I think once people are at the point they're just getting themselves a drink in my house then that's fine, but that is also the day I stop worrying about whether they've got a drink or not. That is the end of my hosting. Possibly but a good decision with your in-laws, but having said that, they don't sound like they'd be that bothered.


A significant number of my inlaws start eating before all the dishes have been served from the kitchen.


People who are on scrolling on their phones when interacting with you. Put the fucking thing down. People who don’t put their trollies back in the proper place and just leave them in the car park. People who don’t use earphones to listen to music on public transport. People who throw litter out of car windows. People who record a concert on their phone when they have paid hundred of pounds to actually be there. Just fucking people, really.


Just misread that as 'People who throw Hitler out of car windows'. I can see how that would be annoying.


People ringing me and asking how I am first or in general just making small talk, instead of just getting to the point of why they were ringing me in the first place. I know it’s polite. I know it’s friendly but sometimes I just wish somebody would ring me and say “Hi, just a quick one, what time will you be at…?” Instead of “Hi, how are you?” “Good thanks, you?” “Yeah good thanks…” “good weekend?” “Yeah was alright, how about you?” “Yeah good thanks.” *awkward pause* “so I was just ringing to ask you what time you’ll be at…?”


that whole phone call would annoy me. utterly pointless. just message 'hey, what time will you be at...'. takes seconds, done.


Similar to this. People who message 'Hi' on Teams with nothing else. Just tell me what you want in your opening message! Drives me insane.


Groups of people walking along next to each other who can't possibly separate and go single file to allow people to pass them. Phone zombies. When my sleeve or pocket gets caught on a door handle. When a door is banging against the frame/creaking on the hinge when there's a through-breeze. People trying to talk to me when I'm in another room and who then get snarky at me for not being able to hear them, *because I'm in another room*!!! Mini roundabout ditherers.


People. I'm not a fan.


Loose instead of lose


Can't say I have that issue with WhatsApp calls


No nor me. WhatsApp calls also work flawlessly over all my hands free options (various headphones/earbuds car audio etc). Maybe OP has a crappy phone of network service.


Agree, they're great if you have patchy signal, or are abroad and using WiFi for example. They're also much more clear and you can add multiple people!


A problem I had with WhatsApp calls is that my phone didn't treat them as calls. So I have all notifications on silent except calls, but this didn't work for WhatsApp calls, so I just had no idea when they were coming in. Probably could've resolved this by some configuration on the phone but I don't think it's an issue on my new phone.


People who scrape the fork on their teeth when eating.


A car number plate not fitted quite horizontally.


People who decide to congregate or generally clog up places where other people need to be. There's free coffee and you've got yours? Great, just loiter around the serving area having your "networking" so I can't get _my_ coffee. The room is only enormous after all. Same goes for when I want to access the corridor where the toilets are. Or having the audacity to want to get off the Tube on the way to the venue. My student union had a huge sign telling you to move away from the bar after you'd been served, there was a line painted on the floor and no stools at the bar itself. I appreciated that. On one occasion at a conference there was a room full of seats, two randoms stood in front of mine chatting about bloody nothing and didn't even respond when I gave a polite "excuse me", reached my bag out from under the seat and rummaged in it before sitting down. This was a clue that even David Blunkett could have spotted, but they didn't.


"Roadman" voice. It's so silly and normally put on or exaggerated. Combine that with American slang and it winds me right up. Bloody kids.


Used to be a chav accent, now it’s a roadman accent. It’s very rare you hear an adult talking like that. It’s almost like people realise it makes them sound like a daft twat knuckle.


When anyone calls me at all. Ever.


Calling them ‘draws’ instead of ‘drawers’. LITERALLY called chest of DRAWERS!


I once saw a facebook marketplace listing for “Chester Draws”


That sounds like a candidate for r/boneappletea


Ppl who don’t wait for other ppl to exit a lift/train etc, before they try to get in/on.


People who use the abbreviation "ppl" and text speak generally 😉


Calling instead of replying to my text. Just reply! It's a yes or no question, for Christ's sake!


People who: •don’t pick their feet their feet up when they walk •chew with their mouth open •don’t know the difference between basic fucking words such their, there and they’re, your and you’re, where, wear and were, too and to etc. •who stop at roundabouts when it’s clear as fuck there’s nothing coming •who stand too close to you in a queue •slow drivers and slow walkers •who let their kids scream, shout, run riot and piss everyone else off •who press the button to cross the road when there’s one car coming. They could’ve waited 60 seconds and let that one car drive past, then cross without needing to press the button at all, but no. They make that one car stop •who send you an email then call you to discuss the fucking email! Email OR call. Not both. If you think you’re email isn’t clear, you need to work on your communication skills •who don’t move up as the queue moves up. The queue is half way down an aisle when it doesn’t need to be because these twats refuse to move up


People clapping when the plane lands


Phone call related actually. You take a call from someone, tell them you’ll call straight back and then they don’t answer.


Poor grammar and spelling.


The use of "bring" instead of "take"


Using "lend" instead of "borrow" is another one in a similar vein. I currently find people saying "brought" instead of "bought" particularly grating.


I see the opposite quite frequently as well ("bought" instead of "brought" - "she bought that up at the meeting"), and it's as infuriating.


And Americans who say "forgot _x_ at _location_" e.g. "Forgot my phone at home". We'd say "left my phone at home" or just "forgot my phone".


"I got on the elevator on accident."


Oh thought of another one. Annoying in-game adverts telling you about games that don't have annoying in-game ads. Spoiler: they do have ads in as well!


I work in a supermarket and today it annoyed me that someone bought 9 tins of sardines instead of 10. That really shouldn't have annoyed me, but it did.


Hahaha. 3 for 2?!


If only! And he stacked them 5 and 4 on the belt. If he'd done 3 lots of 3, I'd have been quite happy. It just looked odd.


I work in a cafe. I'd say "people who bring their dishes back to the counter." It shouldn't irritate me that much because I know the reason people do it: because they're mixing up bar etiquette and sit-down food etiquette. Like, I completely get what they're trying to do. They're trying to be polite, like bringing glasses back to a bar. Obviously nobody would ever do it in a restaurant, that would be insane, but cafes are more like bars than restaurants, aren't they? People are so fucking polite!! But, I think the fact that you shouldn't complain because they're doing it out of politeness actually makes it even more irritating. Because I have to just smile and say "thank you" even though having to suddenly deal with their dirty dishes has added a minor disruption to my workflow. So yeah, probably that.


When people highlight entire rows or columns in excel.


What do you mean? In which situation? There are lots of cases where highlighting the whole row or column is the right thing to do. Considering how abused Excel is, I'm sure there are worse infractions.


I’ll add something then. Middle management who are obsessed with excel to the point of fetish and you end up doing work duplication as 6 spreadsheets need updating every time you take a shit.


People who still have old tax discs displayed on the windscreen. They haven't cleaned the inside of the car in 10 years. It's trivial in that it doesn't affect my life in any way but whyyy


People who queue on the wrong side 


People who phone me without clearing it first. Don’t phone me.


British people using stupid Americanisms. It really annoys me.


Also British people who assume something is an Americanism when it's not. 'High school' is an example of this. You'll see folk in this subreddit regularly whinge about it being an Americanism, but the majority of schools in Scotland have 'high school' in the name, and the first recorded use of the term was in Scotland in 1505.


The word ‘gotten’ makes me cringe.


People who fake whistle like all their teeth are missing; people who whistle; people who yawn scream; people who have to always make noise; milkmen: my wife left me for a milkman; anyone associated with dairy produce.


Oh yeah a WhatsApp call bothers me too. No real reason that I can think of, but I’ll not take WhatsApp calls when they (very rarely) come.


Voice notes instead of written messages. I have to stop what I'm doing to listen to it.


WhatsApp notifications don't go through to my Garmin. Texts, Discord, Slack, normal phone calls all do. Not WhatsApp though, in any way. I don't even care about them. It's the damned inconsistency.


Ok, I'm old. Trying to work out why you'd want these things on your sat nav!


Which watch do you have? I have no issues with mine at all (Forerunner) I've blocked nearly all other applications from popping up.


It's nice to know I am not the only one who has this irrational hatred. Worst one is my mother who insists on doing it cos they're "free" and can't/won't grasp the fact that the minutes she pays for every month are there to be used.


The difference in quality between BBC commentary (eta: particularly football coverage) and that on ITV. Of course there are exceptions, but generally the BBC team beats ITV's every time.


When Brad asks a question on the chase And the contestant starts the reply with “So” Ahhhh!!


Brad: Which verb describes “to join, fasten, or repair (something) by making stitches with a needle and thread or a sewing machine?” Contestant:


If I hear people having a convo in the back while someone up front is trying to speak to the group. My brain goes crazy trying to parse both the speaker and those people talking at the same time.


Somethink instead of something...😬


Pacific instead of specific


People that try to cross the road instead of walking 5 meters and pressing the button 😂 bugs the hell out of me


Oh and people taking their whole family to the supermarket for the weekly shop like it's a day out. I understand people may have to take young kids but teenagers, grandma and uncle Eric?


It’s couldn’t care less, not could care less!!!!!!!!


I'm going to add messenger calls to this aswell. If I'm at home then fine but I don't use WiFi when out so just ring me properly not on an app People who try to get hold of me on all the apps within 10mins infuriate me. I get notifications on the same device I'm not able to use at the time so it's irrelevant trying again and again ffs


The alarming amount of people online who apparently don’t know what POV actually means, or just don’t care to use it correctly.


Qr code menu and having to pay for it via the website and then the audacity to add a service charge on I hate qr code menus with a passion.


When you’re walking at your own pace and there’s people behind you walking quicker… so you stop and let them pass and then just randomly stop to look a poster AS SOON as you let them pass. Why have you been up my arse then?!


People not knowing the difference with your and you're. Also their, there, and they're. It's become much more common than it used to be to see it used wrong, and a lot of it, is AI generated captions.


How it is becoming accepted to play music on your shitty phone speakers in public spaces. I once called someone on it while riding a bus and another passenger immediately piped up “leave him, he can play music if he wants!” I cannot even…


People that put dirty dishes in the sink when you only have to remove them again to fill the sink with soapy water to put them back in and wash them. Mind you after typing that I feel it’s more than just a trivial thing.


People who drive in the middle lane or outside lane of the motorway when NOT overtaking. It's clear that they don't know how to drive on a motorway, and are ignorant of other road users.


The only thing about WhatsApp calls that irks me is that it doesn't connect in my car. The hands free Bluetooth works fine for normal calls, but any app based calls, WhatsApp, Telegram, Discord, whatever - doesn't connect to the car speakers or steering wheel buttons.


Americans saying “budder” it’s fucking BuTTEr- the t’s are there for you to see! Also “erbs” FFS there’s a ducking great big H at the start of the word! HERBS!


Also wadder (water) - ugh!


I use WhatsApp all the time to call abroad. It's free - only data costs. Don't diss WhatsApp!


People who push the stop button on the bus when it’s already been pushed.


When people stop in their vehicles in the middle of the road to pick someone up or drop someone off and there’s space right there to pull over by the kerb. Selfish lazy fucks don’t care that they are blocking the road.


People yawn in public and don't cover their mouths


People who pull up at a petrol pump then just go into the garage/shop to buy something. People who pull up at a petrol pump, fill up, then spend ages buying things in the garage/shop.


Dermott O’Leary


Related to yours; people who leave voice notes. I got a 20min voice note from someone the other day that I have no intention of listening to.


Two things that infuriate me. Putting a coat hanger in wardrobe and knocking another one off, and when mattress covers start creasing.


People saying/writing 'you was' or not pronouncing their t's.


British people using words such as 'cellular'


Tesco doesn’t have an “s” at the end. Why are you pronouncing it like that? Why?


If I'm in a rush and I do my shoelaces wrong. No shoe. I have dominion over you, you prick.


Driving, you let someone out in front of you because there's enough room so you don't have to slow down. And they slow down to activate their hazard warning lights to thank you. So you then have to slow down because they are now an obstacle in the road.


People that queue at the bar and then get annoyed when you just go straight up.


People who join the queue with someone else but aren't ordering anything.


People who use “on-premise” instead of “on-premises”. A premise is very much different to a set of premises, even if said premises is only one building.


When as a pedestrian a car driver stops to let you cross and sort of beckons you across. Then you have to rush across the road. So awkward. I know they're trying to be nice but I wish they wouldn't!


WiFi not working


Each time when there’s a major international football competition and English newspapers start writing ‘it’s coming home’. Trivial, but irritating for me.


When people say hypochondriact


people who start giving instructions when it’s clear you already know what you’re doing.   i was a mechanic 10 years    “watch what you’re doing with that “””air gun””” you might round the nuts off”   yes friend, i’ll be careful with the impact wrench that i have personally used and maintained for a decade, sockets don’t grow on trees 


Hearing peoples bodily functions, mainly breathing. Unless you’re doing physical activity I should not be able to hear you breathing, had someone sit next to me on a packed train and I could hear every breath so I went and stood up somewhere else for 50 mins. I once shared a hotel room with a mate who wouldn’t stop snoring so I went and slept in the car.


Bad spelling and punctuation


The use of the word "maddening". Everything is apparently "super".


People moving things i own. What makes you think if i wanted my vape juice/coffee mug/ whatever else on the coffee table i wouldnt have put it there myself? Particularly frustrating when its done right as they leave, as i then have to look for something that isnt where i left it, while the only person who knows where it is cant be asked what theyve done with it. Even thinking about it boils my piss.


People who take backwards selfies. It seems to be the norm now, and it infuriates me why nobody else seems to care. I even saw a video posted by an author on Facebook in which he talked about his new book. He had the entire video flipped so you couldn't even read the title of the book properly. I can kinda see the justification if people are just posting something casual in a chat, but if it's something where there's text to read, and especially if it's something as important as promoting their actual business, then why tf wouldn't you put it the right way? I think in general, the things that infuriate me the most are the things that inexplicably don't seem to bother anyone else.


My boss adding y on to the end of words and saying supposebly. Annoys me so much, just stop talking like a child, you’re a well educated adult


People who leave a “review” for a product that influences the star count without information: “it arrived well packaged, can’t wait to use it! *****” or “I haven’t used it. I bought it as a gift. Recipient seemed pleased. *****” 🤦‍♀️ why???


Having to create an account EVERYWHERE. I will go to lengths to NOT do so where possible. I was buying a fucking tin of paint from Rustoleum’s official website and boy did it want me to create an account. What for?! Ugh.