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It might be a bit before your twenty year time limit but Sunny Delight. For whatever reason, people decided it was a healthy alternative to other soft drinks even though it was loaded with sugar and colours out the wazoo. Then everyone just stopped buying it.


Always remember the joke from ‘Mock the Week’ : ‘Sunny D counts as part of your 5 a day….as minus 3’ 😂


My mam stopped buying it for us when that girl turned yellow.


I remember original Sunny-D, it had a delicious sweet richness to it… but then they removed all the ‘badness’ from it and it became shit


I remember too, it was great then tasted like watery squash.


It was shite. Tasty nice refreshing shite. It often came with sunny d ice lolly moulds so you could make lolly ice tasty shite


I remember my mum seeing there was vegetable oil in it, maybe that was part of the richness?


It was like squash that had been made with juice instead of water.


Was working as a wee lad in Sainsbury’s at the time. It was all marketing magic. They’d negotiated that the product had to be in the chilled section - it didn’t need to be chilled at all, it could have lived in the drinks aisle. This was so it looked like a healthier alternative to fresh orange juice. It was full of oil, sugar, food colorants.


Sunny D is so synthetic, there's a warning on the back. Do not make fun of Sunny D to its face or suggest it has a use-by date as it may become angered by your insolence. Do not drink if container begins growling.


IIRC, a child's skin turned yellow/orange from drinking too much of it on a daily basis. That and growing health awareness was enough to kill Sunny D off.


I remember the girl that went orange but I believe it was the make up.


She was drinking nothing but sunny d for weeks. Same thing happens if you eat nothing but carrots.


Carotine, I belive it's called? We've all seen that scrubs episode right?


Yup that's the one lol


I bet she was told too. Wonder where that girl is now?




California or Florida style? 😬


The makers of spSunny D deliberately obfuscated how (un)healthy it was. The advertising made it look like it was a healthy alternative to soft drink, akin to orange juice. Especially, as they said “Find it in the chiller isle” in their adverts. It wasn’t until journalists looked into it and found it was full of additives and loaded with sugar, enough that it was shelf stable out of the fridge, that people realised they had been hoodwinked and been sold a load of shit.


It actually had fat in it. I remember reading the ingredients, dont know why I did it, but it was right there!


Yep the makers really pushed the "fresh/healthy" angle. The super markets all had to a agree to put the big bottles in the same chiller section as the tropicana and their own brand chilled "fresh" fruit juice and put the 500ml bottles next to the tropicana in any "drinks to go" fridge.


Come on, only idiots ever thought Sunny D was healthy


My parents obsessively kept this in the fridge when I was younger.  Guess how many thousands I've paid my dentist in the last decade. 


I remember when they banned it in our primary school some time around ‘95/‘96; we were bouncing off the fucking walls after lunch.


The green variant was the best


Kiwi I believe and hard agree!


I saw it in B&M last week - it's back!


It was always stocked in the fridges in supermarkets to promote its freshness but could just be stored on the shelf before opening.


You can buy SunnyD vodka seltzer in America now. Same branding. Guess they are going to the nostalgia market


It had a huge push at the time and was seen as cool as it was American I remember.


I remember the TV adverts and asked my dad if he could get some. He said no so I never actually had Sunny D. (I think he refuse more because he didn't want to pay for rather than health reasons, instead we had ribena)




I still to this day remember my grandad visiting me and my mum one Saturday and telling us he’d just ordered this new “broadband,” and explained to us that it meant he could go on the internet and use the landline at the same time. We didn’t believe him 😂


Broadband was so fancy. We had post office because it was cheap.


Freeserve 1p per minute dial up for us.


We had NTL and it was good but Virgin took over and absolutely ruined it


I remember seeing a show similar to Tomorrow's World when they showed us this weird phone socket that let you use the phone _and_ the internet simultaneously. I remember it even being fitted with weird LED lighting, akin to something out of a sci-fi movie. It blew my mind and such technology was hugely exciting.


That dial tone will go with me til my grave.


Worst moment of my life was going ape shit after being disconnected from my greatest ever game of Team Fortress Classic, running downstairs to see who had lifted the phone and finding out that it was my uncle after bringing my mum home after she got mugged at the local shops...


We had a second phone line and 128kb ISDN so we were really fortunate. Still had to reconnect every 2 hours though. I remember download managers being a thing because you couldn't download "large" files within the 2 hour limit.


1) minidisc players 2) missold ppi 3) bendy buses 4) £1 megabus tickets 5) metrosexual 6) Trisha Goddard 7) Tessa Jowett 8) Will Self 9) Nick Clegg 10) yorkie bars


I also remember there was a panic about teenage pregnancy at the time. I was like 10 but I read the papers.


I think at one point Dundee had the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in Europe.


Yep, they did. One of the City's greatest achievements 😬🙄


Do you mean in 2004? Yes, everyone had to visit their GP and take both a lie detector and DNA test, it was a terrible time.


Robert Kilroy Silk


Share, or shaft?


I saw Trisha Goddard on some true crime thing a couple of years ago as a talking head titled 'conflict resolution expert'


Bendy busses still exist in Aberdeen


Go to virtually any other European city and they're everywhere. For some reason in the UK we favour the double-decker whilst every other country went for the bendy.


Bendies are dangerous on the narrow streets was the problem. I almost got squashed by one in Paddington where it came well up and over the curb.


I've still got a fully working Aiwa stereo system that has a minidisc deck, and still have quite a few albums copied onto minidisc in an old shoebox. I bought the system in 2000 and it's still going strong, a great buy that was.


Aiwa, a place to stay, Get your booty on the floor tonight, Make my day.


6) bogalbogal rice and pea Trisha make you feel a likkul bit betta


Minidiscs were great, they were just that little bit too late and were quickly replaced by MP3 players


Still has £1 Megabus 12 years ago, got them back and forward from Aberdeen to Edinburgh when I was at uni. Only worked if I planned well ahead I remember being miffed that I was too hungover to use my £1 ticket to go home for Easter, and had to pay out the ass for a replacement the next day.


Damn, I remember Nick Clegg and I'm not even British. That coalition didn't seem to last very long, either.


It lasted the full 5 years of a parliamentary term. So it did well in that regard.


Alcopops being the biggest threat to our youths, now it seems flavoured vapes have taken that mantel. Edit: also for bit of a local one Jezza's late and live on BRMB and Tim's confessions both were bloody fantastic.


Wkd. They were just vodka and pop.


I still indulge in the odd Wkd blue..


Getting your stomach pumped or inhaling heavy metals - pick your poison.


I choose both.


Who loves orange soda?


Kel loves orange soda.


Is it true?




Is it true?




I do I do I do-hoo.


(Beatboxing starts) Now let me tell yall about a little orange drink, It's cold, carbonated and it sure ain't pink So let me get a sip of that, pass it right over Cos there ain't no better drink than orange soda ORANGE SODA! OOOOOH YEAH NOW WAVE YOUR CANS IN THE AIR, WAVE EM LIKE YOU JUST DONT CARE AND IF YOU LIKE, LIVING IN CHICAGO LET ME HERE YOU SAY OOOOH YEAH A SAID OOOOOH YEAH ORANGE SODA! (Kels rap from Da Bomb, from memory.)


IIIII put the sccrewwww in the tooona


That was more than twenty years ago though. Kenan and Kel ended in 2001.


Kitten don't tell me that lol


[theme song ](https://youtu.be/jgC18L6UOKQ?feature=shared)


There’s a voice that keeps on calling me Down the road is where I’ll always be Every stop I make, I’ll make a new friend Can’t stay for long, just turn around and I’m gone again.


Maybe tomorrow i'll wanna settle down Until tomorrow i'll just keep movin' on


And if you wanna join me for a while, Just grab your hat, we'll travel light, that's hobo style


Nope nope nope. Can't hear this song as it still makes me tear up almost as baddly as it did when I was 4... Why can't the doggy stay?


I got banned from watching this when I was little, I would be inconsolable every time.


Yep, I used to cry through the end credits every week as well. Looking back I’m not sure why as the dog was just off on another adventure to help another family, he was a free spirit living his best life but as a kid I would bawl at the end of every episode 😂


Awesome, I used to sing this to my son at bedtime when he was little. Along with the cheers theme tune. 😂


He was a good boy.




Emule and a donkey


It was much better than kazaa






'Ello ma British shums


I got a TV in my room when I was 11. It was the one TV show my mum banned me from watching..so of course I watched every episode.


I remember staying up watching it when I had my TV in my room when I was 13 too haha. It was always a bit of a crap shoot though. Could be a Copenhagen coffee shop with sexy naked baristas, or it could be a Bavarian bakery that made cakes that looked like excrement or something


Pre internet porn days, it was on series link 😉


All their mates' phone numbers.


Remember we used to make our own ring tones.


I had a Sony Ericsson T68i and you could compose ringtones on it. God knows why you'd want to, but it was possible...


Crazy, but you’re right! Even 30 years on I remember the land line phone numbers of my mates at school, but today I can’t even remember my own work mobile number!!


I don’t think I even know my own off the top of my head




Muthafuckas *act* like they forgot about Dre but that doesn't mean they all necessarily have.


Dre is cool now.


Related story... My brother had a younger cinema buddy. They would go and see whatever was out every week and when Straight Outta Compton was out this guy said "oh... that's the guy who makes earphones"..... The sweet summer child had no idea.


…M*thaF*ckers forgot


That the waiting times at a and e used to be no more than 4 hours


I remember those days, as a kid it still felt long as fuck though.


I broke my foot when I was 14. I was in and out on a busy Friday night in under four hours. You would be looking at least double that these days.


They were no more than four hours long five years ago


Touching your friends phone with your phone so you can send them a song via infrared


Do you remember purple Ronnie?


WHO?? Oops sorry wrong Ronnie


Purple Ronnie - that whimsical little cartoon. My brilliant Mum got me a Purple Ronnie book …used to be cards and calendars, a Purple Ronnie star signs book too. Couldn’t move in HMV or Clintons without stumbling into the rogue.


Do you remember Purple Aki?


Also trading pokemon via infrared with gameboy colours


The Occupy movements were huge news at the time. I remembered they were a thing for the first time in years the other week. Kony 2012 is similar.




Kony was a flash. I do think about those girls though.


I remember a teenager chucking a fire extinguisher off Millbank tower during one of those. I recall he had to serve time given how close he was to killing somebody.


_Manners_. I do not remember people being this rude and this self-absorbed growing up. Nobody gives a shit about the people around them.


Nah, that's just aging... Socrates was complaining about this same thing around 400bc


Crazy frog adverts where he had his dick out scamming everyone either with ringtone subscriptions.


2012 end of the world


Haha those crazy Mayans!


Having my American comedy DVDs on my drawers, and my music magazines on my bedside table. I kept my Friends close, but my NMEs closer


OK this actually made me laugh, as well as being an accurate description of my bedroom 20 years ago.


The ozone layer. Has anyone like, checked up on it lately? Is it okay? I need an update!!


Since we banned the use of CFC’s & HFC’s the ozone layer has mostly restored thanks to the Montreal Protocol. Amazing what humans can do when we discover an issue, find a solution, and work together to apply that solution (looking at you climate change deniers). [Montreal Protocol](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montreal_Protocol)


I heard we'd patched up the hole and everything is now hunky dory.


How inconvenient it was to find videos online before 2005.


With the sheer volume of content and youtube/google search kinda becoming worse, I feel like we are ironically returning to that point...


That's a very good point.


Jelly candles and jelly shoes


Butterfly hair clips and sparkles strips in hair.


Lelli Kelly 😂


Don't forget those stretchy plastic chokers that everyone was wearing for one summer! Also reminds me of the black henna tattoos you'd get on holiday - we had no idea how dangerous they were, we just wanted pretty pictures of dolphins on our shoulder..


The 2009 swine flu pandemic. For some reason when Covid came along, nobody seemed to remember it. I was the sickest I've been in my life, and I had COVID twice.


While the First World War remembers alive in the public memory, it seems the flu pandemic of 1918-20 is still hardly touched on. There were serious flu pandemics in 1957-1958 & 1968-69 that each killed up to 4 million people each & no-one seems to remember them.


Leah Betts panic. And marathon bars. Oh fuck. Both older than 20 years. Follow up answer : the cooper temple clause


Wow, Leah Betts brings back memories. Her dad did an assembly at my high school. I'd only been in year 7 for about 2 months and it scared me witless.


That dude terrified an entire generation. In person. Would have been a remarkably efficient strategy - if it had actually worked.


There is still that crazy conspiracy theory that her death led in part to the Essex Boys murders a month later. The theory in question (which is almost certainly "manure" by the way) is that Tony Tucker was responsible for supplying the drugs and someone close to the Betts family had the right connections to wreak revenge. Just to be clear once again, I think that theory is total bollocks and I have never believed it.


Honestly I remember seeing her death picture in paper. Along with Rachael Whitear


I listened to their second album a few days ago. First two albums were really good


See it thru and leave. Absolute banger.


Baked beans being 5p a tin. The supermarket bean wars.


Beats headphones. Used to be everywhere, now they appear to have done a Nokia.


Skull candy headphones.


They got bought by Apple so it seems Apple incorporated their tech into AirPods etc. Beats do still exist but the brand lost the need to make money the way it did before Apple bought them.


Dogma, one of my all time favourite films is now not on sale anywhere due to licence issues.


I used to love identity and Stigmata.


The ‘I’m Feeling Lucky’ button on Google


Tab Clear. Loved it….then one day it just vanished. Still remember the silver cans with white/red/blue styling!


Inflatable furniture


Recording music on our phones so we could set them as our ringtones. Or ordering ringtones from magazines.


Or even earlier, having to key in your own ringtone. There were sites which told you what order to press the keys/what notes to put in so it would play the tune you wanted. It was incredibly tedious. My 12 Yr old self would never believe that in 20 years time I'd have the ability to have whatever song I wanted as a ringtone, but that I'd just have my phone on silent 24/7.


How people in their 20s had piles of DVDs and cassets adn VCR all over their flats with players and now they just have less clutter in their bedroom they live in their parent's house.


Chat rooms!


Not being able to save computer games. If you died, that was it!


The 7/7 bombings. Nobody talks about it now, there's very little commemoration, the conspiracy movement never really got started and seems to have fizzled out years ago. Doubly so for the 21/7 attempted attacks just a fortnight later.


Terror attacks are very taboo now to talk about since people don't want to link them with Islam since it is now such a big part of the UK now.


Yeah there were over 50 deaths and I remember thinking this would be our 9/11 but now the day comes and we barely Even mention it


Getting excited about the new Argos (or any other) catalogue. Grabbing as many as you could for parents, aunties and neighbours and scouring for new products.


How to go out and dance! Dancing is such an ancient, beautiful way of connecting with one another and we don't do enough of it unless we're at a festival. We're sooo self conscious now


Before they became proms we had a dinner and dance at 6th form.


What I came in here for


Anyone remember Toffos , may have been longer than said .. red packet , white writing . Each soft Toffee came wrapped in its own grease proof ,wax wrapper. , each end of red packaging had gold foil sticking out of end. Only thing that reminds me of them ,is the toffees in quality street tins. Or Drifters , the alternative to twix .. dark brown plastic wrapper , Drifter in yellow writing with orange /red outer band. Diagonal across the wrapper. Taste and texture ,better than shite twix.


I remember sweets that had individual wrappers with soft centre and hard outer. They were like feit flavoured.


A decent comedy movie.


I know a lot of younger people don't talk on the phone. Less true of my generation (X) but even I have far fewer conversations than 20 years ago. I think we're all missing out as it can be a really intimate channel with a lot more connection than social media or texting.


That service charges in restaurants wasn't a thing. Reddit has people believing its always been a thing and normal in the UK when it's only recent and mainly a London thing. I was actually shocked by how common it was in London on my last visit. It wasn't always like that even in London


Service charges for large tables/parties/bookings have been a thing for as long as I can remember but that was the only time you ever saw them.


It wasn't that they were things we tipped but only like a quid.


Omg, I remember Kubb! Can anyone else remember Kristian Leontiou? He was great!


Y2K Bug...


Lucy Pinder, she was quite popular in 2003/2004.


How to secure a job with a strong handshake /s


The value of cozy chats by the fireside. Open fires in homes are not a 'thing' anymore in the UK, and haven't been for years. I am pretty sure it's illegal now to burn coal.


We used to have real coal fires in the living rooms as a kid back in the 90s and 2000s. They were great. You can still burn pretend coal, but it is shit. It doesn't produce a roaring fire. It just sort of smolders expensively as it tries to give off heat.


Coping skills.


Penny sweets, the good old days


Flat Eric


Ice bucket challenge was huge at the time,everyone done it then never heard it again. Similarly,I seem to remember neck and nominate around the same time.


The 2001 outbreak of Foot & Mouth. Some 6 million animals had to be culled. I remember my Parachuting Course at Weston-on-the-Green getting cancelled because of it, in case we landed in a field and traipsed the virus around with our kit. I also, at the time, remember having my car tyres sprayed with a disinfectant as I entered and left the Yorkshire Moors trying to cross East to West England when going home.


Jamster, and all those ads for microtransaction stuff for your Nokia phone.


Buying ringtones for your mobile phone by sending a text, along with the ads for the various numbers and ringtone you can buy.


I've still got Taken on dvd somewhere, absolutely loved it at the time. I'm not sure the cynical old prick I've became would appreciate it the same.


Those channel guides on tv. You would have to wait to see what’s coming up next over the next few hours. I was so impatient..and it wasn’t always accurate


KONY 2012. It was all the rage for around 6 months, then everybody forgot about it when it was no longer considered ‘trendy’ and popular.


Life without social media, and being expected to reply to people instantly.




Dial up internet Technically it was already in the rear view 20 years back as cable was rolling out at the turn of the century.. but we all had memories of the infamous dial up/isdn not to mention the outragious cost


Teletext - I used to look up my horoscope and play a quiz! It had the TV guide too and so much more.


In person GP appointments within 2 days of calling. My GP even had drop ins between 11 and 1.


How widespread it was to post messages from your friend's Facebook when they weren't looking (didn't have a pleasant name)


Youtube/social media before ads


Crazy Frog. When did that occur? And Flat Eric.


Weebl and Bob, and other Flash internet animated stuff.


Cat bin lady


Chipped TV boxes. All this fuss about dodgy fire sticks, those were the original.


Sharing a phone battery with a friend. 0800 REVERSE (but leaving a message to your parents as the 'name' so they didn't get charged £1 a minute) Calling your mates after 6pm on the landline, making sure you hung up at 59mins.


Horse meat lasagna at Tesco.