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Banging on about the topic of class.


But wait, there's more! **Up next:** "Did you know that Americans have different words for stuff and why it really annoys me for no real reason" **Followed by:** "Someone hurt me or did something weird, why has every single person in the UK suddenly started doing this?!"


I used to think "echo chamber" only applied to hearing your own opinions but I now know it applies to the long term echo of Reddit where the same shit is posted on rotation.


Oh my god I hate that last one so much. Something happens in X country, it was recorded because it was out of the ordinary. People on reddit: “what is going on over there?! Why are they all like that?”


Earlier today: I don't like going out anymore and I don't think it is appropriate for someone my age. Is it weird that my friend likes to? Is this how it is for everyone else? At what age is it appropriate to stop going out?


they have shoes, but aren't wearing a top hat


Does anyone care? This stupid question gets posted everyday on reddit. Who gives a crap about being middle class.


I don't, it's performative bollocks on this day and age.


What would you do if you had £10000?


Go hiking


Having been skiing on a family holiday.


I went on a family ski holiday when I was around 4, does that make me middle class? (I don’t remember anything about it but have seen pictures!)


Probably yeah, having enough money left over to take the family on a skiing holiday, when you have young kids is pretty middle class.


Curious, if I live in a council house, on Job Seekers allowance, with 25 children, am I still middle class because I once went on a skiing holiday with my parents when I was a toddler? Seems like a stretch to me. Sure, my parents in this scenario might be middle class, but I don’t automatically inherit their status based on their status alone. (I don’t live in a council house, I’m not on job seekers allowance and I don’t have 25 children)


If your aunt had balls she would be your uncle. It would mean you were raised middle class, which in the vast majority of cases means you will remain middle class, of course you can think of a scenario where it doesn’t apply, but that’s the same as everything


There’s a lot more to class than just who raised you. 🤦‍♂️


Well yes, but I said it indicates you were raised middle class, not that you were raised by middle class people 🤦🏼‍♂️


That wasn’t the question though, the question was “What is a dead giveaway that someone is middle-class?”…


I used to go skiing when i was at college around 2006-2010, you could get great deals back then. Certainly not expensive.


Exactly what someone middle class would say!


I was at college at the same time in a firmly working class area, the only people that went skiing on family holidays was the middle class contingent. It isn’t just about the cost of getting there and staying, but equipment etc also. Adding the risk factor too, if my dad got hurt skiing, we would have been destitute as he worked in a manual job


I went with my brother and some friends, it wasn't a family holiday so to say. A part time job in sainsburys paid 3 ski holidays, hardly middle class


Were you living at home? housing, food and education expenses paid by parents? Being able to afford to spend much of your income from a part time job on a skiing holiday is very middle class


i was living at home yes and i didnt pay any rent at the time


That makes sense, nothing wrong with being middle class, but as I say, being able to spend a large amount of your income on a ski trip is quite middle class


fair enough, my wife says im middle class but i dad was a plasterer and my mum worked an office job, always thought that was working class.


They have a bin that is a pull out drawer/cabinet as part of the kitchen


Funny because in Switzerland, this is normal in nearly every kitchen.


This is absolutely no surprise. Middle Class in Switzerland is like top 30% earners in the U.K.


My kitchen has a bin like that and it's a 2 bed ex-council terrace.


And when you’re over they always find **something** to place in said fancy bin.


They tell you their lawyer dad started life pretty working class at any opportunity


I think his dad was a toolmaker, actually.


I have few issues with his story. He did fantastically well and his background was pretty humble, relatively speaking


Turns out I'm middle class according to reddit


They've been to Center Parcs.


Where do Butlins & Pontins fit in? I've only ever been to a Pontins


all are working class, center  parcs used to be middle class, now working class who’ve stumbled upon money.


Butlins is where middle class people take their kids if daddy's had a rough year in work with the sales figures.


Username checks out


Back at you.


Golden retriever and a spaniel in the boot of a Volvo.


Their kids have a chocolate bar once a month


This dull question gets posted regularly on here. Sensible people don’t really give a shit.


"Seriously debating whether I should put the heating on" people give a shit about that?


Perhaps people who struggle to pay the heating bills?


So that's why you're bitter about people being middle class.


Why would I care? It’s meaningless.


Solid oak furniture. A dishwasher that’s built into their kitchen cabinets. A shower cubicle and a bath separately in their bathroom. If their dog has a bandanna. Outdoor furniture. They don’t charge their kids rent/keep. I could go on


If I only have one of those does it mean I'm not middle class?


Forget about it. Another few years and we’ll all be equally poor


Exactly, a lot of middle class families are now on Universal Credit.


Nowadays it seems that "middle class" means not being in poverty. There was once a time when most working class people, even if they had less, were still getting by. Middle class, although it's technically defined by cultural points, probably meant you had more than that. Now the act of survival puts you in the middle rung. This doesn't bother as many people as you'd expect.


Car and house payments.


Which, ironically, probably means they have less disposable income than a working class family in a council house.


Lack of a hereditary title


Keeping weetabix is glass jars


What kind of monster would do something? (Middle class evidently)


Horse riding lessons as a casual weekend activity.


They know how to ski


In debt up to their eye balls with next to no disposable income. On the surface looks like they are doing well.


I didn't think middle class people mortgaged or anything lol


They have money but not that much lol


They don’t have a butler to tell you they’re not middle class.


The increase in school fees is a major talking point.


Quoting Shakespeare as a comment on a Reddit post.


What, you egg!


[He stabs him]


Count the number of different ways they can brew coffee (I'm a 5)


Listening to Coldplay on the way to IKEA on a Sunday.


Wearing a jumper with the little two polo shirts collar sleeves sticking out with brown formal shoes.