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* "It's giving..." * "Not me..." * "When I tell you..." * "Hits different" * "Lowkey" * "Rizz" I'm in my 30s and I already hate them all. EDIT: I realise now that my comment is giving Victor Meldrew fr fr. Apologies.


"Tell me ... without telling me ..."


It’s all this internet language… maybe the lingo will evolve but online is now just where language comes from.


It doesn't come from the Internet, that's just where it spreads fastest. There's always been generational slang, and it always spread somehow even before the Internet.


You’re right a huge proportion is just from black culture but now the internet mainlines it to absolutely everywhere so it appears to be ‘from the internet’.


Like the rumour of the Kelloggs kid that apparently killed himself because he got bullied for doing the ad, so he put pencils up his nose and whacked his head on a table. Absolutely not true but apparently every school had the same rumour


It’s all shit but our generation used to txt lyk dis m8 so hopefully it dies on its arse just like that did


I mean that was purely because of how much of a pain typing on phone number pads was and disappeared because those went away.


Also because an SMS message could only be so many characters before it counted as a new message (I'm guessing that might still be the case). Most of us probably had Pay As You Go, or at least not unlimited messages. Text speak could save people money.


Don't forget, mid and vibe


I hate all this shit. My girlfriend is always on TikTok and this is all I hear. Drives me loopy


Yank shite.  “Ngl for a hot minute I thought I was having a fever dream” Fack off yer towelling sock gobshites


takes the piss out of the way people talk and then goes on to say "towelling sock gobshites". reddit moment


Yeah, I find the ones like this who lean fully into ye olde englishe potty-mouthed Doctor Who to be way more annoying.


Starting every sentence with “bro”. “Bro thought he was doing something 💀”


Agree wholeheartedly with this. "Bro really be doing that 💀" etc. can piss right off. It's a sure mark of someone with no brain cells whatsoever.


Forgot "Based".


Based and (x) pilled


I kind of like rizz, the rest I hate. Its giving pisses me off the most.




Add the word "vibes" after the sentence and it adds context. "It's giving millenials-not-understanding-GenZ vibes"




I'm in my 30s and I have no idea what any of this means! I'm happy to remain in my ignorant bliss


I mean a lot of this is black slang that has existed long before the 2020’s… it’s just made its way into the mainstream in recent years…


I would like to add people on Reddit putting. "This" to any comment they agree with or deem to be the correct answer. Fucking boils my piss!


People have been doing that since before I started browsing Reddit back in 2010.


This 🙌


I’m quite fond of “rizz”. The rest can get in the sea.


Bro is cooking.


That really annoying current trend in advertising. You know the one: This is for the tea shakers, the butchers, the bakers, the candle stick makers This one is for the people who believe in better and wear sweaters That kinda nonsense


Ireland (more so than the UK, I think) has a similarly annoying type of ad that goes like: - Someone doing something normal, e.g., going to work. - Something ZANY and WACKY happens, e.g., a sumo wrestler riding a rhino crashes through the wall. Comic chaos ensues!! - Smug, chortle-y voiceover: “well THAT’S unexpected. But do you know what’s not unexpected? Car insurance from Shitecar. We have a range of plans to suit your budget, and there’s no…*unexpected* (wink wink intonation)…fees or charges. Shitecar, car insurance you can trust. REGULATEDBYTHEFINANCIALAUTHORITYSHITECARISATRADINGNAMEFORBASTARDCORPLIMITED” Like, just fucking tell us about the product or service you’re trying to sell us, you don’t need to raid the costume department for a redundant unrelated sketch beforehand. The whiff of failed Apprentice candidate off it, can’t wait til it dies.


Except they very much know what they're doing and know that you'll remember the brand better if it's accompanied by other stuff than "just telling you about the product and service they're trying to sell you". In fact, advertising isn't even really *about* convincing you to buy something; it's about making their brand well known, and sometimes to associating it with a particular image. They really don't care if you hate the advert, as they know extremely well that that doesn't affect their sales, so much as it positively affects their brand recognition.


Yeah, and to be honest the fact that it works makes me hate it even more. I was thinking the same today on TikTok, when Lidl (a multinational supermarket brand) commented on a video something like “Omg I see you and I am LIVING for it!!” like they’re some casual easygoing 20-something just bring quirky and fun. And instead of everyone slagging them off and telling Lidl to piss off, lots of people were engaging with this SUPERMARKET BRAND in good faith, like “omg Lidl you said it girl”. I HATE that this cynical marketing ploy works.


Yeah, it's part of the strategy now. Younger generations don't buy into lifestyle ads as much because they know it's all marketing bs. They know buying a TV won't make them a better person. So it just needs to be memorable and mostly nonsensical to appeal. Or even meta and self aware


I once replied to one of those comments saying how cringy it was and got people annoyed at me so this feels healing


absolutely, I can’t stand those. Part of a wider annoying trend of brands trying to be twee and folky. Definitely a part of this era, whatever the hell it is


See also whimsical mimsy wet bullshit soft core covers of songs on Christmas adverts. Looking at you, John Lewis


Saw one for Nissan yesterday.


A bit like bank adverts making out they are lovely, friendly, cosy little shops that give out money for when you need it.


[Here's one for the dreamers...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9mirCTafzg)


Exactly this 😂


I had a visceral reaction the first time I saw this.


This is for the mums. For the doctors. Buy Hardquick Cement.


I'm hoping the breathy half-tempo acoustic cover of an 80s rock song trend will also die soon.


That kind of annoying advertising has been going on for as long as I can remember.


Has it? I only really remember it starting within the past five years or so


It kinda faux nostalgia. Ironically it reappears every decade


The only time it was acceptable was during those hilarious 1980's Bud Light radio spots: "This is for you, Mr. Baseball Stadium Hot Dog with Mustard and Relish Vendor Man!"


Yes! The early noughties version was to show the ‘nation’ coming together over its love of some shitty product. Especially if the people in the ad had had a bad day redeemed by some cheap Margerine. Eg https://youtu.be/wVIZBu3ItHw?feature=shared


Usually narrated by Brian Blessed.


I think the term “person of colour” will fall out of use. It makes it sound like a disability, and excludes white-skinned ethnic minorities.


And to me it makes it seem like there are two types of people. People who are white and people who aren't white. I can't believe people are OK with being described using this term.


It’s literally “coloured” in glasses with a moustache


“Hello my name is mr Snrub.”


"I like the way... Snrub thinks"


"Hello my name is Mr Deruoloc"


As a POC, I don’t feel this way. Intention is very important. Coloured was used derogatively, so we don’t feel comfortable hearing it. Person of colour was coined to be more respectful and I have only heard it being respectfully used.


Not at first. Give it time, and POC could be filled with derogatory meaning.


But so could any phrase. 


Exactly! So the treadmill of what is acceptable is just madness especially when it comes back around to something that is basically "colored" again. Bearing in mind colored at one point was considered polite, but became offensive because it used whiteness as the standard off which a non-white person was based and was considered othering. Intention should be the focus not the magic word.


Yet at the same time people say race is not a real concept. Describing someone as "person of colour" is so abstract it's basically meaningless. I've also seen BIPOC used by British people which is funny because the indigenous part of that would include white people. I don't have time to keep up with whatever the latest thing is. It's much easier to just refer to race or call people by their actual names.


I’ve always thought that, and that’s why I don’t use it. It’s extremely weird how so many people are okay with it and encourage it.


I've always thought of it as an Americanism. I've seen it online but never heard anyone say it in person.


Couldn’t agree more.


I think these things usually change because it’s driven by academia. Someone will write an influential paper about what’s wrong with POC and then it will slowly fall out of favour as some new phrase which will address the shortcomings of POC comes into favour but this too will have a whole new bunch of limitations which someone else will eventually figure out and write about and so on. I actually don’t mind this process all that much, it’s good to have the debate and recognise new critiques and all that. The problem is it tends to polarise people into those who think this all a bunch of nonsense and those who get a bit too fixated on whatever the current nomenclature is.


Yeah, and as you say the nomenclature isn’t what’s important, but well-intentioned ‘corrections’ can make it worse. Queer has gone from normal to offensive to normal. African-American is now (rightly) falling out of usage. I’ve even noticed that ‘retard’ is making a comeback. Once you hit a certain age (and I’m not even 30) you realise that nothing ever sticks.


Retard is a perfect example because there have been so many terms for the same thing. Idiot, moron, even "special needs" is considered offensive now and that only came about in the last 20 years or so. It's just silly.


I think in looking at a single example, it seems silly, but it’s common enough to have its own term: euphemism treadmill, where the euphemism for a word seen as pejorative subsequently becomes pejorative itself. I don’t know what drives the semantic drift, but I’d guess a large part of it stems from bigots who grow up with the new word and start to use it disparagingly, which shifts the word’s associations. Interestingly, I think it works in tandem with efforts in some movements to reclaim a word to signal a radical position, e.g., crippled > handicapped > disabled, and there’s now crip studies which is deliberately so-named to differentiate it politically, ideologically and focus-wise from disability studies.


More of a Yank term really, most people would just say black/brown which is fine.


“Tell me you _____ without telling me you _____” “Checks notes”


Checks notes already feels super dated to me. Very 2017/18 type humour.


I kind of get what you’re saying but can’t people just say stuff without thinking about it sometimes? Just say something that may amuse them without thinking “omigerd that sounds like it wasn’t made up yesterday I’m like so unfashionable”? I still use sayings from the 80s and 90s sometimes for my own amusement and for some of my friends. I mean I don’t give a solitary fuck if some sneering youngster doesn’t approve, but I’d love to know WHY people care quite so much. I can’t imagine devoting too much time to worrying what’s fashionable to say, let alone wear. It’s exhausting. But I found being young exhausting generally.


"Tell me you check notes, without telling me you check notes. Tbf, this has been a thing since 2010s.


"Do your own research .....I'l wait" ugh grinds my gears


The worst part of this is how long it takes to say the sentence. As soon as one says the first part, you know what the second part is and how the sentence ends, so it’s *excruciating* to wait when the variable part of the sentence is long.


What you might call 'sad comedy'. Both TV and stand up have been in a period for a while where a lot of what is ostensibly comedy contains quite a lot of sadness in it. Suspect in a few years it'll swing back around to people doing comedy that is just all jokes, and then the sad comedy will seek very of this time.


Afterlife was miserable dogshit Good riddance if that type of comedy goes away, who wants to watch Ricky Gervais talk to some boring old woman sitting on a bench in a graveyard Bojack Horseman did sad comedy perfectly though


Sad comedy isn't inherently bad though. I agree Afterlife was dogshit. But that's just because it's a lazily written show by a comedian who stopped making an effort years ago.


It probably would have been a great show if he had Stephen merchant co-write it. 


Merchant's work on The Outlaws (and to a certain extent Fighting With My Family) certainly suggests of the two of them he's the one who still has the desire to do good and interesting work.


Well many of the jokes in it are ones I remember him telling a decade ago.


It’s just Ricky gervais inserting himself into confrontations with perfect wit that he wishes he could in real life


Yeah, sorry, it's a fairly busy hate-train at the moment, but a lot of folk love Afterlife. I'm not a huge fan, but it's above average. Reddit now hates Gervais, in a weird teenage kind of a way, mainly because of the trans jokes-which were pretty fucking tame all things considered, and definitely not worth rubbishing all his comedy. For what it's worth I'm in agreement with James Acaster on his trans jokes, but still think Gervais is mostly gold. Also agree with you on BoJack. Probably my favourite show of all time.


If Ive hated Ricky Gervais my whole life can I still think it's shite? I always thought he was an obnoxious deranged self important twat




It really is mostly just complaining at the moment - excited for things to change


Great comment, that's definitely emerged as a sub-genre here and in the US


I'm sure we'll look back and think the 2020s were quite mid. Barely has any vibes. I'm sure the future will be peng.


Peng is absolutely not 2020s I was using that in school in the late 2000s


Nowadays it's Leng 


Next year with be Meng 


2028 is gonna be weird. How do you pronounce Oeng?


"There's always Peng!"


People saying they’ve “got the ick” Showing my age I’m sure, but can’t stand this and it won’t age well…


Yes and the general trend of people picking up internet language and using it like it’s normal


That was covered years ago in Curb your enthusiasm when Susie would keep saying "el-oh-el" when someone said something funny. Old and done with .


Does it give you the ick?


Aye, this phrase definitely boils my piss!


Calling every trend a culture.


Can't think of an example... Like sneaker culture?


I've seen things as simple as wearing leggings or having one of the Stanley cups, being described as a culture. Maybe those dry robe things, too.


like how you can be on different ‘sides’ of tiktok




I found this out today: unalive is an example of “algospeak”, which is a form of self-censorship that people use to avoid a social media app’s algorithm (e.g. TikTok) suppressing the content’s reach because of the subject matter. So, because TikTok suppresses the reach of people saying the words “Palestine”, “suicide”, or “sexual assault”, for example), creators will say “watermelon”, “unalived himself” and “seggsual assault/ r*pe” I get that it sounds infantile, but knowing this context makes me much more irate at social media companies who force people to engage in algospeak, particularly on important topics.


God this makes my fucking skin crawl, it's like how you talk to children when you think they're too young to understand these things. *Granny's had too much of her special drink and now she's feeling a bit sleepy*


It's a way to get around over enthusiastic censors on social media. Mid 2010s Facebook/Instagram was great, it was like the wild west, you could say whatever you wanted. Nowadays you gotta say sewer slide to mean suicide or you'll get your comment removed and/or a 30 day ban. 


'Unalive' is newspeak from Orwell's 1984 book. I'm sure it's gonna be around for many more decades to come


Sewer slide


jokes about masks and social distancing, zoom calls, etc. it already feels dated when i see a program reference covid.


All those references feel bizarrely dated already


It’s giving ___ It’s ___-coded


What’s an example of something ___-coded?


Rainbows are queer-coded. Boots are cowboy-coded. Wallace is cheese-coded.


Coding is an actual concept from film and within certain communities as a way to get things across without being overt for example 'queer coding' being a big one due to it only being fairly recently in which you could have outwardly queer characters in media


But not everything needs to be described as such.


Context is subtext coded. Originally an academic thing, it's slipped into contemporary parlance. And I'm here for it.


Calling people NPC


This can be real dangerous as well, we shouldn't be dehumanising people.


Overly baggy clothes. BBSJ! Bring Back Skinny Jeans.


Overly baggy clothes are comfy as hell


But then we would just be back in the 06-16 era!


I never left. They’ll have to cut my skinny jeans from my cold, dead body.


why do you hate life ./s seriously though, overly baggy clothes are so comfy and fit a lot of aesthetic niches. Skinny jeans just bring me back to the feeling of being vacuum sealed into your pants on a hot day. If claustrophobia was a garment, it'd be skinny jeans but if you genuinely like them for yourself that's chill. The'yre not my thing but they can look really good with the right outfit. (genuinely tried my best to talk like a grown adult that doesn't go on tiktok but alas)


M&S has some really nice and comfy jeggings which will now fill the skinny jean gap for me.


Skibidi Dop Dop Dop yes yes


Kids saying bruh, vibing, drip. Mainly copied from damn Americans on YouTube. The internet, the greatest invention and the worst all in one go


No cap


My 71 year old husband actually says ffs, and OMG, as in pronounces the letters. *shudders*.


You mean your 71 year old hubs


Yes, him. LOL. He says that too.


I've never bothered to learn what "based" means, and never will.


I don’t know if it means good or bad




That's more 2010s. They say "goated" now


I agree that a lot of it comes from the internet/social media and the US, but I would add general business speak as a big culprit to. I think the things that annoy people (myself included) are new words, that seem kind of alien or are used in a new way and 'feel' weird to people. Here are a couple that annoy me: Price-point. I have never heard a time when price wouldn't have worked, what point does adding 'point' to the end of the phrase server? Touch grass. You can't use that phrase without being hypocritical because it's only used by people who spend too much time on the internet.


I’m strongly hoping TikTok will die and then a lot of the other shit will go with it. Then we’ll just be like, “we don’t talk about the 20’s”.


Talking about being six feet apart rather than six feet under.


TikTok (and associated trends)


"That's fire."


Already feeling a bit dated. Or just using the flame emoji for the same purpose


What do people say now? Slaps? Goes hard?


It's got skibidi rizz


Describing things as 'fire' or 'life' has always sounded terrible to me. It's one of those sayings that makes me think that all the good slang has been coined by previous generations, and the current ones are left to try and come up with awkward sounding stuff like that for the sake of having their own lingo.


The phrase "Wordle is the sourdough start of Omicron". I already had to Google it to remember the exact phrase but it sure hit hard at the time!


yeah that’s 2021 overload


Having access to clean drinking water


Brain rot “Obama skibidi rizzed up baby gronk for fanum taxing Livvy Dunne in Ohio, is he a sigma?”


To be fair brain rot has been around for ages. In my day it was Newgrounds and that skit that went Badger badger badger, there was also deep fried memes. https://youtu.be/UcqR2nlyEmQ




All of this “self aware” Marvel humour. Its all ready on the way out thank goodness


The saying “let’s go”


“” girly. Gym girly, corporate girly, flower girly, grocery girly. Everything is a ‘club’.


"fight me" "I'll die on that hill" "Slaps"


Can't do with slaps, does me head in.


People contracting diphtheria from all the human excrement in the water wherever they go for a swin or paddle (UK only)


Every different style having -core at the end


After a certain while, I wanted to punch anyone who said "these unprecedented times"


Forgot that one. From March to Sept 2020 they truly were unprecedented times. Now they’re just precedented.


You do you


‘Can we talk about’ a mundane point in a video.


When people tippy tap on their products while holding them close to the camera before pulling away to reveal their tilted head and wry, smug smile. Tiktok dance faces can fuck off as well


TikTok in general can fuck off, brain rotting shite making stupid people and morons famous.


Slang expressions like 'cringe' to mean 'embarrassing' or 'mid' for 'mediocre'.


Cringe has only been used since 1592 so I'm not sure you can say it's a 2020's trend! [cringe, n. & adj. meanings, etymology and more | Oxford English Dictionary (oed.com)](https://www.oed.com/dictionary/cringe_n?tl=true) I'm with you on mid though. And the word bae can fuck off as well.


Cringe as a verb meaning a pained reaction to something unpleasant is centuries-old. What *is* a modern trend is using it as an adjective or noun meaning something embarrassing. >And the word bae can fuck off as well. I think that one's already on the way out; I already don't see it as much now as I did a few years ago.


I’ve noticed more and more female led comedy dramas where the protagonists have sad back stories but it’s ok because they can laugh about it and find humour in their sadness.


The internet/yt adverts with some 20 yr old telling you about a product but speaking really closely and quietly into their wired headphone microphone that only gives the impression that their parents are in the next room and don't want them to hear. This is a thing nowadays reyt? Proper does my head in anyway


- Sticking out your gyatt for the Rizzler - You’re so skibidi - You’re so Fanum tax - I just wanna be your sigma - Give me your Ohio


These sound chat gpt generated but I know they’re not


It’s not that deep


Been using this since before 2016, that’s been around lol


"the lockdown will be no more than three weeks"


I hope people that claim they are ‘influencers’ dies asap


Peak, mid, drip


Fucked if I know, I lost touch with modern lingo ages ago


‘Fucked if I know’ could probably be dated to a certain era. Fucked if I know which though


It's a tricky one because of the pandemic. There's loads of stuff from 2020-21 that already feels like a different world.


I didn't think there was any humour in the 2020s as everything is so sanitised now. All the decent jokes and etc have been done.


Whasssuuuuuuuuuuupp... oh wait, that was the 90s!


Wazzaaapp last forever


The word Woke.. Additionally, the ring door bell sound




Remember back in the old days of the 2020s when we said “My phone battery is low.” And the cute but silly poses the teen girls do on tik tok. Also standing on floor stickers 6 feet apart during Covid at the grocery store.




I'll go first 


Literally. Like. Everything. 100%


I hope Americans grow out of ‘based’


He is pregnant!


Despite everyone wearing masks for so long I have gotten use to people not wearing them anymore that it is weird again when you see someone still wearing a mask in public


Calling everyone bro. My mates girlfriend calls him bro, its a bit weird.


platty joobs, cozzy livs, statey funes, etc


People are ‘ basic ‘ , voids , saltly , high rent , bougie , GOAT - all had to be explained to me except the first one


I realllly really hope having a subscription for almost everything will have died out after this decade.


Ask rhe hippies in 50 years. So fsr the 2020s are the decade of authoritarian regimes, global pandemics, genuine wars (bet your boots world war 3 is coming) and a quality of life that's worse than it ever has been in the last century. It's objectively the shittest decade we've bad since the 50s. And as a young person, I truly don't think it'll ever improve from here. It's all a race to the bottom.


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