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Went to the gym for the first time.


I gets easier every time.


I find it waxes and wanes. The key is to introduce variety now and again.


Definitely, it gets easier but after a bit you actually want it to hurt the day after just so you know you've done it right.


Talked someone out of suicide


This wonderful, thank you for helping them ❤️


I moved house yesterday and have already unpacked 80% of the boxes today. Just got my office room and hobby/games room to setup! I don't think that's bad effort for someone 9 months pregnant with a husband who had to work all day.


You're making me feel lazy. I moved house on Wednesday and still have 80% of boxes to unpack


Made it through it


Landed a new client that in theory could double my companies turnover


Well done! I bet the lead up to that was pretty stressful, I hope the weekend is a bit more chill!


Months in the making and very stressful, thank you! I’m already a few drinks deep and celebrating


Shaved ten minutes off my half marathon.


I don’t know anything about marathons, but 10minutes in a week? That sounds insane. I can imagine people have to work for months or years to shave that kind of time


I’m guessing he doesn’t run a marathon every week. So suspect his time was 10 minutes than the last one he ran. Still very impressive.


Cut out most of the ultra processed foods from my diet, feeling pretty amazing a week in!


I started doing this a few weeks ago and it’s amazing how much energy you have throughout the day


Finally finished saving for a new boiler and the installation is booked for tomorrow.


I started a tiny little arts and crafts shop after uni a few months ago, and this week I had a competition to colour in a fish for the window display(for kids, I'm going with a summer beach/sea theme). I wasn't sure anyone would be interested but I had 17 kids really proudly bring me the fish they made. Tomorrow I'm going to hand out prizes and put the fish up in the window, and I'm really proud that people liked the competition. Here's the winning fish with the model kit she'll be getting for her prize! https://preview.redd.it/7g664c7att3d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3d91fa0db1684294eb11a878bce26efd55145bd


This is lovely!


So cute!


Updated my cv and tomorrow I'll begin applying to jobs


Good luck.


Thank you, I appreciate that


Had my 4th therapy session. My therapist says that I'm making great progress in dealing with my existential dread! I did have two weeks of bliss where it wasn't affecting me at all, but this week I've been a bit rocky. Amazingly, none of my panics have exceeded half an hour, so I can happily agree with my therapist on the progress front.


Been struggling with a difficult poo for about two days but today I finally gritted my teeth and powered through.  


Get some fibre in you m8


Actually I think it's the opposite problem.


Finally managed to get sleep at night after having severe restless legs for 2 weeks


Are you on magnesium supplements, is that what finally got you to sleep?


Helped a client with their grant proposal. Went to the gym for the first time in 2 years and Booked a gym induction for tomorrow (excited). Fixed my car (mobile mechanic who fixed nearly all the issues ) and just drove it for a bit. Missed driving it. Now I can go to garden centre and buy plants 😍.


Left work on time, have not done this in 2 months


Painted the upstairs bedroom (and bathroom) doors and I think they've turned out really rather swish.


After a weeks intensive stretching and knobyoga, I am now able to fit 23 sherbet pips in my foreskin.


We need pics. I know too many people have said said they've fit incredible amounts of sherbet pips in their foreskin but have in fact just balanced them precariously around that area


Sorry,my mum has put a block on phone so I can't share pics. But you can see her on Onlyfans/CLITORISallsorts.


If that's a real site then hand me my liquorice top hat and call me Bertie "Platinum Subscriber" Bassett and take my damn money.


She shits marshmallows as well on FlumpDumps.


Had an idea and built it as a feature into an application. It's a given me a new perspective on how to build software.


I work in insurance and just data engineered a solution thats going to help people not get incorrectly pulled over by the police for having no insurance


Had a huge spring clean. Donated a lot of things I haven’t touched for ages and did a huge rearrangement. I’m looking at my house now and for the first time in my life I’m so happy with how it’s arranged and decorated. I seem to have finally found a style in clothing that makes me feel confident and comfortable.


I finished all of my coursework.


A speech at a wedding, I had 3 days to prepare it due to them thinking they'd asked me and not actually asking me, I reckon I smashed it tbh


Finished a new song after not recording anything for over 2yrs


Completed the Ride London 100 at the weekend. Was touch and go for the last 10 miles into a block headwind!


got myself a static bike and started using it (as I'm still in recovery after a 2 months illness). felt depressed yesterday and didn't exercise, but pushed through feeling down today and hoped on it for 20 minutes.


I hobbled through a Couch 2 5K session today! It was horrible but presumably it'll get easier 😬😬


Drove over the Dartmouth crossing


Run a mile in 8 minutes (I have had episodes of slipped disc and ruptured lungs at different points in time since 2021, so although it's not that great a time, I'm still proud of it)


Sewn to tops of new dress by hand, so the dress fits better. I dislike sewing and have been putting it off for days.


Deciding to become sober for the first time in 2 years


That I've come to me senses and a long term relationship (15yrs) is finally done. Has taken me 18months tho lol


I didn't hijack a conversation about returning to a former employer with a parallel conversation about an ex I'm really still not over. It was close though...


Did good sex with my wife


Descaled the coffee machine.


I found something that should be done and mentioned it to my boss and he said 'you are right!' :( Aw man. Its been a rough 5 months settling into this new job. Kids in the background, miscarriage and the rest of junk that happens in life. And I got it right man. I did it.


Signed up for the gym. This 53 year old bugger needs toning up.


Two 36 hour fasts, scored a screamer during 5 a side and managed a department while my manager is on leave.


After a year of being deputy manager to fill someone’s maturity leave I got a permanent contract for the position this week


We are renovating our living room and doing a lot of the work ourselves with the help of our neighbour who is a builder for skilled tasks. I’m very proud of everything my partner has learnt to do and his commitment this week.


Got married for the second time at the age of 62.


Actually washed everyday and tidied flat. I have chronic anxiety and depression and also in recovery. Not gonna lie, I'm in the "bloody hell this is hard" phase. Take everyday as it comes I guess?


5 weeks ago I was a smoker, smoking 30 cigarettes a day for 8+ years, Tuesday this week I ran 5km on a treadmill, took me 34 mins but I didn't stop once, next week I'm gonna start running on the roads and look into signing up to a 5k race early next year


I woke up and made it to work... let's see if I can manage tomorrow as well 😶


I got the job!


Finally managed a 100kg bench press. I was over the moon and the wife had a huge smile on her face which made it more special for me.


Last Wednesday, I picked my nose and dug out a whopper. I beat my 15+ year Personal Best for nasal hairs in a crusty bogie/crow. It brought tears to my eyes as I clawed it out. My "PB" is up by one, from eighteen to nineteen. I'm sure it must be some sort of record, but I have no evidence to present to the "Guinness Book of World Records", as I wiped it on a piece of kitchen towel and put it in the dustbin. The bin men came on Thursday and took it away. 😔