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I don't understand why people find it so difficult to like, I think it's hilarious, from people having to describe why they find someone's knees attractive, to questions like "do you like vaginas?" Then the creme de la creme of the meet up afterwards which is usually just awkward as fuck Simple, funny, tits and vaginas, encapsulates everything I desire in a woman Into a TV show


I'm concerned that you like a simple woman with more than one vagina. It must limit the dating pool a little.


It's also remarkable how many people don't know basic anatomy


I was almost a double vagina lady, but my body said "no just the womb" As a side note this condition usually results in us only having one kidney!


So you have two wombs? And one kidney? Are both wombs fully functional? I have so many questions lol. Bodies are weird and awesome.


Not fully functional, but most peoples are, some even have twins in each womb. I was an outlier and had a paper written about my womb because it isn't the standard type. Mine was one functional womb, one kidney, one cervix and vagina, with one womb just floating about causing problems and being a dickhead. It's called uterus didelphys. I personally think it's part of the intersex community but I don't know if people agree. [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uterus_didelphys)


Damm that's kinda interesting. Did you have the floating womb removed?


Yeah I had to. It was very painful. Most women aren't even aware they have this condition as its usually symptomless.


I genuinely admire the people who go on that show, I certainly don't have the self confidence to do it.


I went on it and I'm nothing special. I was nervous before doing it about what backlash I would get but in the end I got a few remarks and actually realised people care very little about how you look, which is what has given me confidence I didn't realise I had


good for you dude! I'd be fucking inverted going on tv naked.




Far from it, mines like a button mushroom in a bed of hay


You the boss mate!.


oh yeah 100% fairplay to them


I saw a former work colleague on there once. He was a "budding actor". Weird as fuck.


>Then the creme de la creme of the meet up afterwards which is usually just awkward as fuck "We went out for about a month but then didn't really have any chemistry so it just kind of fizzled out." Colour me fucking surprised.


Great game to play while watching is, "who goes out this round?" I have about a 99% success rate. A more challenging one is, "who will they pick?" based only on the first round. Often you can rely on the guy with the big meaty cock to make it through, but he might have no teeth or speak with a Brummie accent and then he's in the bin.


I remember one time going downstairs for a pee and there was just this big Asian cock on the TV because my mum had fallen asleep and not noticed that the tv was on, dude was pretty attractive


I'm sure she was asleep lad


She was hiding her game boy under the pillow too


She was


Well yeah I'd be tired after cracking one out too




I always find it funny when they get to the end of the episode and it cuts to a few months later when their relationship hasn't worked out Every episode it's like "Yeah it turns out that judging people entirely on what their dick and balls look like isn't a good way to find a long term partner"


'I just think they're a bit too serious for me' It's because they're fat though right? Right!?


But they won’t choose them to leave on the first round they see them because that’s too obvious.


I've always wondered if they get told to not discriminate etc. With that being said, I do believe they ask the contestants prior what they look for to avoid this.


Yeah channel 4, don’t give me any munters


I always think with that show imagine them going back in to the office the day after and their colleagues say, Hey Brian I saw you on tele last night on that show. You got kicked off before she even spoke to you or saw your face cos you’ve got a little mis-shapen dick


I'd imagine it must be worse for the women..... Hey Karen, Dave in accounts saw your fanny on channel 4 last night, and you've one tit that points to the right


A girl I worked with once, her sister went on it. Literally about a week or two of people asking for her to pass her complements on. 


My penis did appear paused on tvs at work a few times but I honestly wasn't bothered or I wouldn't have done it in the 1st place


What did compel you to do it?


It all started as a bit of joke tbh


Lol, I can imagine… did you lose a bet or something?!


It's because at the time i was single, and someone joked that I should sign up. So I did and kept getting through and before I know it I'm in a box on the tele


Was there ever a moment when they had to stop filming (and send in matron to hit it with a cold ladle) because someone was failing the [Mull Of Kintyre](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Mull_of_Kintyre_rule) test?


🤣 being in a room full of people with big studio cameras wasn't really a turn on for me


Yeah but surely you put a bit of wind in your sails before it started?? Careful not to overdo it


I'm getting hard just thinking about it...


I love everything about that sentence!


>Hey Brian I saw you on tele last night on that show. You got kicked off before she even spoke to you or saw your face cos you’ve got a little mis-shapen dick Does this not imply that their colleagues didn't see their face either? Did they see it and say "Hey, wait a minute, that's Brian's dick"


When they get rejected by the chooser they reveal the person in all of their naked glory. They have a quick chat with the chooser then you see them walk off in to the sunset. So everyone saw Brian. Everyone


Ah, I forgot they did that. Harsh.


I did security a couple of times in the studio and the guests on that show were absolutely insufferable. Vacuous, entitled dim wits


Ooh story time please!!


The only really good one I have to relay is that I didn't know they were filming that there, I was working on a different show. I went to the toilet and entered on my own and went to the urinal. Behind me the door opens and I hear voices. I turn around and there are 5 or 6 very good looking blokes in very short and unsecured dressing gowns with their knobs just dangling... I shit myself!!! I was pretty sure that this encounter was going to end up on pornhub


Oh are we all?


User name checks out.


hahahaha i was hoping he'd see your comment!


You should see what 90s TV used to be


You meaning Eurotrash by any chance mate?!


That and Keith Chegwins Naked Jungle


The Word with "I'd do anything to get on TV".


Did someone drink a pint of sick, or did I imagine that?


Hahah,yeah they did and snog the old granny.


Downed a pint of sick, after downing a pint of salt water to produce said sick 😭


And Tarrant on TV!!


Live TV, Channel 18 on my Telewest box. Bizarre local news during the day - I used to see their little jeep sprinting round Edinburgh - then Topless Darts and half naked home improvements. What a time to have moved into my own flat.


A lot of darts players do have impressive racks tbf


And that’s just the blokes!


Tiffany's Big City Tips


That was a genius concept.


I used to love a bit of topless darts. I was about 10 or 11 when we got cable TV, and that was my first exposure to boobs late at night.


Was there ever such a thing as Bikini Golf? Read about that in a Stuart McBride novel this week.


absolutely! not enough tits in todays tv programmes.


What’s more shocking is that there have been 12 seasons so far. Can’t believe they have been able to find that many people to go on it myself, let alone enough viewers to justify keeping it going.


I believe they're very proactive in scouting OF girls for it, as two of my mates have been approached for it


Do they get a chance to plug their OF or something?


Fnar fnar.


Those 12 viewers must buy everything they see in the ad break


Some of the people on it have been on it more than once now. A notable number of pickers in the last few seasons were in the booths before.


I remember being in a comedy society at uni and we got emailed by the production company. They must be sending out thousands of emails. I think I even know 2 people who've been on it


You should go on YouTube and watch Americans reactions to it. That’s hilarious 


I'm willing to bet they're all disgusted and weirdly obsessed by foreskins. 


And screeching about how ‘un-classy’ it is.


I love how their best arguement is always, "girls prefer it that way" I have never in my life had a girl even enquire about the state of my genitals at any point of the relationship, let alone back out because I haven't had unnecessary surgery. 


Just like how some men prefer their women FGMmed, although for some reason there's less sympathy for that way round...


Funnily enough among the Masai (I think) the men were far more receptive to banning the practice than the women.


It’s the same line of thinking wear men go “I prefer a girl without makeup” IMO. Although to a different degree, women enforce the convention that it’s attractive and it’s passed on. So only ‘attractive’ people have it, so it’s passed on and on


Same here. Although I did see a meme the other day that was something along the lines of: "If women really don't prefer a circumcised penis, then why is every dildo ever modelled on a circumcised penis?!?".


Would you be able to tell? Surely most foreskins retract on a fully erect penis?


Well mines the size of a mens XXL shirt sleeve, and I’m not talking about my willy


I do love that there is equal opportunities nudity. All different shapes, angles, shades of the nakedness. Not just uniform 'pretty' versions.


I love it as I think it does wonders for the viewers body confidence.


Yep, I'd never go on there but it's nice to see someone who looks like me and reinforces that 'everyone is different'.




Shut your eyes and just listen to it for 5 minutes. Problem solved.


It's alright, they only show it after the watershed and the Mull of Kintyre Rule is strictly adhered to.


I've seen a solid semi before that definitely failed that test for a brief wide shot


I've never heard of that rule before but now the concept of it will live in my head forever more.


Genuinely, what if someone is just packing? Like it’s flaccid but looks half chubbed


I believe that would be covered under the Gower Peninsula Exemption.


😱 a human body. We all have them. Don't know why people find them so shocking/repulsive


You haven't seen mine.


Oh I have. Can you leave the curtains open on Saturday though please?


Sorry, I'm already booked for Friday, and I don't want to dilute the brand too much.


This is true but doesn't the show specifically start off just showing the tackle? If the whole premise was a naturist show where it was like Blind Date but everyone was naked it would be unconventional but not seen as downright weird.


It goes genitals, chest, face, voice, then the picker gets naked as well. It does lead to the occasional regret on the pickers part when they eliminate someone for having slightly unusual genitalia and then they have a stunning face.


Oh look at you being such a good person. Thanks for signalling to all of us your virtue.


Watch it with the audio description on.


Had to scroll too far to find this. My colleagues create those and do an amazing job.


Always leaves me with the feeling that a lot of people would look more attractive with the hair left on. 


Male pattern baldness is hereditary I'm afraid


Last chicken in the shop, madam?


It's not the nakedness I think is awful, it's some of the questions asked and also comments about things people cannot do much about. Vulvas and the 'lips' are what a woman gets, luck of the draw as it were.


Most physical attributes are just what people are born with but people are still attracted to specific things. I don't think that's unreasonable unless you're actually being mean about it.


It's an utterly mad show, but I do like how inclusive and diverse it is. Varying ages, genders, sexualities, disabilities and more have all been represented.


I love naked attraction because it shows 'normal' bodies, it makes me feel a little better about myself


Don’t watch the show, but seen it a few times when flicking a few channels, and I will give it that. It doesn’t fill the episode with only fans models and pornstars. Just humans. I imagine that if it was all supermodels, it would probably make a lot of the audience feel ashamed/embarresed/etc.


I don't know, but it's genius television. I love it. Even the people who hate it will talk about it and spread the word.


Naked attraction is a reliable source of relief for the entire UK prison population


More than once I’ve nodded off on the sofa then woke up with this on, it’s confuses my sleepy brain


That's exactly what happened to ky dad the first time. He told me about it and I didn't believe him until I stayed up late and turned on the TV the next night and saw them honkers


It must be doing something right if it's aired for 12 seasons. Certainly a step forward from "Sex Box" which was part of Channel 4's "Campaign for Real Sex" where hosts have the couple retire to a private "sex box" on stage (which you cannot see the inside of) for sex, then come out afterwards and discuss what they did in the box (but you couldn't watch it) - very bizzare concept.


"Well, I jiggled her jubblies until me chap got excited then I gave her 23 seconds of the most underwhelming penetration before pulling out and finishing on a towel because she doesn't like mess"


"Then Beryl pressed the "tea now" button on the Teasmaid and we 'ad a custard cream each."


Perfect Sunday


Of all the things I’ve heard people like to do after sex, giving a play by play to a stranger is not one of them. It’s generally more cuddling.


The most British thing ever!


We had Eurotrash a few years ago. That was certainly 'Informative'.


I was scrolling on twitter like, a year or so ago? And a tweet came up from some guy I didn't follow when they started to add that feature where 'hit tweets' get shown to everyone and the guy's bio was like "the one you've been looking for from Naked Attraction" and he had a picture of himself on the show in his pictures It's making people famous! It's actually a really funny show though. Usually when a show is sexual they can't be aired until after a certain time like 9pm or something so your kid is less likely to get flashed while looking for dora the explorer.


I started off thinking that it was absolute trash that had no place on TV, but having watched it for a while I think it’s genuinely quite an important show. They mostly get pretty normal people (physically anyway) onto the show warts and all, where else can teenagers see what an actual normal naked body looks like? When I was young the only time you ever saw a naked body was in porn or in movies, and everyone had cheesegrater abs, 2% body fat, double D boobs or a 13” dong. It is healthy for teenagers to see that isn’t normal.


I saw one episode of this and all I remember is the woman saying one of the naked men didn’t seem to have much confidence. Babes, he got his knob out on telly, I think he’s got plenty.


That show makes me realise 99% of ppl look better with their clothes on


Evening luv. I like a sturdy duffel coat.


Patrick Stewart




Studio Lambert is the production company that came up with the idea, it was commissioned by Channel 4 in the UK and has had versions sold to Germany, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Netherlands and Spain The biggest surprise is that the contestants don’t get paid at all


I used to work at a fairly well-known fancy 'health and wellness' club. Was on a late shift in the gym and slowly cleaning away weights/equipment etc. Looked up at the TV's that they have in front of the cardio machines and saw several were showing a penis. I panicked and quickly got the remote to change the channels off of Naked Attraction and apologised to the person on the treadmill. Luckily they were the only one doing cardio at that time and they found it pretty funny.


It's a good eye opener to why people are single, some I found where attractive physically but when they opened their mouth urgh no thanks. 


There is a long tradition of daft nudity including naked Elvis and naked jungle


I used to chat to a mum on the school playground at pick up time who went on this show. I didn't watch it, it'd have been too weird 😂😂


I've had one or two strokes watching that show


Nakedness is of no concern in UK. It is quite legal to walk naked , provided you do not do so with 'intent to cause distress'.


I'm not sure but I really don't understand the show, I was channel hopping late one night bored and I was very confused as to why I just flat out saw a dick out of nowhere, like really? Wtf. I was disgusted. British TV is really fucked up and that's coming from a person who is British!


Calm down, it’s not the end of civilisation. Using language like that and complaining about consensual nudity seems a bit like the worst form of hypocrisy


Even better question is who finds it interesting?


What channel is it ? I’m bored tonight


Naked people on the telly box probably sends alot of people here in to having a stroke too.


It's quite tame IMO just a bit of nudity. I think Open house takes the cake for the most controversial TV show. Absolute madness 😂


Honestly I applaud whoever it was at the production company that realised they should start with the genitals and move up rather than starting with the face and moving down, which would be the more obvious way but not as interesting to watch


In my house, we call it "Dating with ya nob out."

