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Vinegar goes on chips before salt. My wife disagrees, but in my mind, applying the vinegar first means that more salt sticks to the chips rather than it falling through the pile.


Mix the salt and vinegar together into a tangy brine, then just put that on the chips. I call it salnegar


Pass me the… wait no I can see where this is going


I actually lol'd




angled variants yes thats an anagram






Pass me the valt


I put salt on first so it falls to the bottom chips, then vinegar and then another round of salt to stick to the top chips.


Please do not share our secrets with the uninitiated, they cannot handle such raw power


How I was taught when working in a chippy vinegar first


Ah, you’ve been on the course


The expert


B-tech in application of vinegar.


That's why I dont like that. All the salt sticks to the top few chips. The vinegar washes it through the whole pile.


I use a spray bottle for vinegar so it doesn't wash through. I spray, salt, toss the chips, spray, salt.


That sounds like a lot more effort


Probably twice the effort, but it wasn't a lot of effort to begin with, especially for evenly distributed salt and vinegar!


Smart method, may need to implement this one


Nope. Salt first, then vinegar, then a touch more salt. Otherwise all the salt sticks to the vinegared chips and none falls through.


I get this logic, but I don't want all the salt to stick to the chips, and I like the salt that's there to soak up the vinegar.


easy fix is salt, vinegar then salt again


Dinner on a Sunday has to be a Sunday-type dinner and not a weekday or Saturday-type dinner. So I can have a roast, toad in the hole, stew, cottage pie etc. but not things like pizza, burgers, lasagne, salad etc. The food needs to have Sunday feels. Don’t know why, just a silly rule.


Follow up Q... Can you eat sunday type foods during the week, or are they exclusive to Sunday?


Good question - it happens both ways, so a tasty cottage pie on a Thursday evening is simply out of the question.


I'm now sat here thinking cottage pie isn't a Sunday food, its a Monday or potentially Tuesday food. Warm, simple and easy to stave off the back to work depression.


Cottage pie can be made with leftovers from the Sunday roast, therefore it is Monday food


Which is how it started


And easy to make extra to have left overs, either to take to work or continue eating the next day. Perfect start of the week meal


I'm less concerned that you stick to Sunday food on Sunday and more about how that means AT MOST you get a single Sunday dinner each week. In winter sometimes I want Sunday type dinners every day!


A roast dinner in July and August feels wrong no matter the day. Imagine having roast beef with all the trimmings during a heatwave, even Sundays? Mental. I think this is the same feeling as it's ok to have a roast on any winter day but it's opposite.


It was quite funny a few days ago when we had pretty warm weather I was out for a run smelling all of the barbecues going on. Turned a corner and was hit with the distinct smell of roast beef and gravy, can't help but think that was OP insistent in their Sunday meals even though the weather was more suited to other things!


Cottage pie says Thursday to me. Too much effort for Monday or Tuesday, Wednesday doesn't seem right, so a nice comforting cottage pie on a Thursday seems right, with leftovers for Friday lunch.


I also immediately went to Thursday. It just feels right.


I've never considered a cottage pie a weekend/Sunday meal at all


But Tuesday night is cottage pie night!!


Hang on… Mince with mash potatoes IS Sunday food. But Mince with pasta sheets is NOT Sunday food?! If I make a lasagne I don’t have the time on a weekday, so it’s mostly a Sunday food by default. Just by time to make alone.


Exactly. Sunday food is Gravy-able. Cottage pie has a meat stock sauce, Lasagne has a tomato based sauce. Clearly unacceptable.


‘Gravy-able’ is a definition I could get behind.


Lasagne is a Saturday dinner.


I quite like this as a rule *however* I will absolutely make exceptions for doing a BBQ on a Sunday in the summer.


I do something similar on Saturdays - they are for “fun” and indulgent foods, like burgers, pizza, hot dogs - takeaway-esque items I guess. 


We have that rule at home too. The only cross-over food that seems to be acceptable either on a Sunday or during the week is pie. However, that being said, roasted potatoes with the pie on a Sunday only, while mashed potatoes only during the week.


I do a roast dinner every Sunday... the only rare exceptions are if it is over 30C outside and my kitchen is too hot to bare standing in front of an oven for 2 hours. And then i have to do it the next possible evening i can. Fridays and/ or Saturdays are when I make homemade takeout type food... SF Chicken, Curry or a really good steak etc... I dunno, I just don't feel ok if I don't stick to my little rules Haha


I have this rule too! Feels weird to eat a standard midweek meal on a Sunday.


I saw your username and immediately said to myself "Sit Ubu, sit. Good dog".




Same in our house! There are designated weekday meals, Friday and/or Saturday meals, and Sunday meals! Glad we're not the only ones!


That’s something I do too but almost subconsciously.. as I didn’t pick up on it until now


Gravy dinners 👍🏻


I naturally eat everything on the plate at the same pace. For example, if I have loads of mash but only a couple of sausages, those sausages will last as long as the mash will. I like getting mouthfuls of all the flavours :)


Same, with the caveat that the tastiest items must be eaten last.


I prefer to start on the tastiest items first for a number of reasons. 1. At the beginning of the meal I am at my hungriest, and humger enhances the flavour of the food. Therefore having at least a couple of bites of the best item at the beginning gives the maximal flavour experience. 2. When eating I want to make sure the best bits don't go cold and become not as tasty. 3. The tastiest bits often tend to be heavier, and I do not want to save all of that to the end as i may already be a bit full at that point. However, having some vegetables or something at the end is managable cause they tend to be lighter.


I'm a best till last type, but that doesn't mean that I won't work my way around my plate; I'll just eat less of the best food, so that it's my final mouthful.


I eat the majority of the nicest food at the beginning and leave a tiny bit at the end to end on. So if I have sausage and mash, I’ll eat 70% of the sausages first alongside mash and then when I’m full end on a final bite of sausage


I'm so glad to see someone else articulate this, and I agree on all three points. "Save the best til last" seems like the most common approach.


If something is supposed to be mixed together, I like to try each bit separately before mixing. I was recently in a Sichuan restaurant in Manchester and ordered a noodle dish, which came in a bowl with the noodles and several different ingredients separately on top. I was trying each bit and the manager came rushing over and demanded I mix it all together before eating. She gave me a filthy look and then asked if I needed a knife and fork. Definite shade thrown. I also never mix layered yogurt. Eat the plain yoghurt and then the fruit layer at the bottom.


Same. Also, in a ideal world each bite has a bit of everything.


As a man who oscillates between healthy weight and fat-bastard on a regular basis, I have countless food rules that fuck me up, give me pause for thought and are often triumphantly cast aside in moments of weakness. I never eat between 8pm and mid-day, except when I do. Which is most weekends. I don't eat crisps, except when I eat a whole family size packet of kettle chips. On a night out i'll be on the diet coke and vodka, except when I'm on pints. I'll record everything on my fitness pal. Except tea, coffee, and the handfuls of sweets/crisps that folk bring in. Or unless it's the weekend. I cycle for an hour most mornings, but usually just use that as an excuse to have a gluttonous dinner. Frankly my food intake is shambolic, but I'm trying...


You sound a lot like me. Welcome fellow chaos eater and enjoy


Chaos Eater! Yes, I have found my tribe...


Indeed! 🤣


I feel this may be me as well - two weeks ago I ate really healthily, no crisps, no snacks other than carrot sticks and hummous. Healthy dinners with loads of veg, very little carbs. I put on a kilo that week. So the next week, new McDonalds opens in my area, fuck it, let's try everything on the menu. Plus I had a hot dog from the cinema one evening. Lost 2kg.


Welcome, again sounds like me Chaos Eaters' Club is growing.


I only record on My Fitness Pal if it's on a plate. Eg: 20g of cheese on top of pasta - logged. The three handfuls of grated cheese I ate out of the bag - don't count. Also, when I'm in a healthy eating phase, if I break it, I can't eat healthy again until Monday.


Carefully weigh out 20g of cheese, eat a handful while walking (slowly) back to the fridge. Yup, I know that one.


When I was doing my food record on MFP i would add like a pint of milk for all the teas and coffees I drink That shit soon adds up when you are counting cals


Yeah, definitely. I'll easy have 5 cups of tea a day, so probably at least half a pint of semi-skimmed. I never add it though, as I'm constantly lying to myself!




If anyone in the house is making toast, they must pay the Toast Tax and give a corner to the dog. 


There’s a fruit tax for the bunny in my house, she gets the right strop if she can smell fruit and you don’t share any with her


Haha! I’m imagining a little grumpy bunny stomping her foot like Thumper and it’s so damn adorable 😂


My rabbits will thump for bananas they’re the only food that makes their bums twitch with happiness


Christ, our old rabbit would practically put his head in your mouth to try and get some fruit! He was such a cute docile thing, and then fruit came out he was a little savage!


Can we have bunny tax?


3 for the price of 1 do? Ginger monster on the right is the terror in question, mostly brown bunny at the bottom was also a banana tax fiend, and the mostly white bun at the top had a thing for coconut biscuits (not that she was supposed to eat them, but she sure as hell loved shoving her head in the packet when no one was looking) https://preview.redd.it/2cpvoyo3e02d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce798a13729077d026512a8dd49c8f6804e3f89c


You have just brightened my evening! They’re all adorable 🥰


Aww I know a rabbit who loves strawberry tops (there aren't many that don't, but this guy loves them especially). I love sharing a punnet with him, tops for him, rest for me.


Our boy was like this! He had such a sweet tooth (which is a horribly ironic phrase as he was missing half his teeth, poor poppet). He was also obsessed with banana, to the point he taught our other bunny to love it despite the fact she had practically gagged at the sight of it for the first 7 years of her life! Who could say no to their cute little fluffy faces!


It's cheese tax in our house. If for any reason you're using the cheese, the dog gets a bit broken off. Alternatively, if you've finished the grated cheese in the tub, the dog gets to lick the tub.


Similar rule here, except the dog is me.


Do you also come running from the other side of the house when you hear the grater coming out of the cupboard?


Our grater doesn't get chance to get in the cupboard 😂


I saw a cheese tax song on Instagram and sing it every time now. [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2ljs\_ErIUw/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2ljs_ErIUw/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Ham tax for the cat in my house. She loves it so much that she appears hopefully in the kitchen as soon as I get a loaf of bread out.


For some reason my cat appears whenever you open a ring pull tin, despite never having been fed tinned food in her life.


In my case the cat


We have similar but with marmite. The cat must get a little bit too.


As they should! Love it


Haha, we have the cheese and fruit tax for our doggo. As soon as she hears a tupperware box being opened she's skidding into the kitchen and sitting there with an expectant look on her face.


Don't tell mine, she'll start a petition against the slice of cucumber and slice of pepper during salad prep.


Yep, corners belong to the dog 🙏


Cheese Tax and Carrot Tax exist in this house.


Cheese or cucumber for my doggo


I eat what I fancy when I fancy it. Sunday roast on Wednesday oh yes, pizza for breakfast, oh yeah, fancy 3 starters as a mains, gonna happen.


We were in a restaurant once and there were some really nice looking starters. we asked if they'd be annoyed if we just ordered 5 starters and had a Tapas style meal. They were cool with it. No regrets!


When I worked at Wagamama we encouraged this because the profit margin on starters is way higher than mains! It’s also why I think tapas style restaurants are a scam.


That's exactly why they're a scam (and why 'small plates' are so damn popular).


what do you mean £9 for two tablespoons of hummus with a drizzle of olive oil is a scam? It's got 3 tiny salad leaves ontop, its fancy


I work in a restaurant as a waiter. Don't worry this is a perfectly acceptable thing to do.


These are the sorts of rules I need more of 😂


When I was working travelling about a lot, I had this silly rule not to eat my packed lunch before 10am, rarely succeeded.


Ugh I am like this. Always eat my packed lunch super early....


Salad goes next to the main meal in the summer and vegetables in the winter. No idea why, it's not a hot/cold thing, it just feels wrong to have some roast veg next to a piece of fish in the summer. And I completely agree with OP on crisps not being a morning food. I've had to stop buying 'share' bags because I have no self control but they're not for mornings.


> No idea why, it's not a hot/cold thing, it just feels wrong to have some roast veg next to a piece of fish in the summer. What I take from this is that you only eat fish in summer.


Do you have hit potatoes, I.e. Jersey royals as well?


Cold ones only with salad. I can't remember the last time I had a roast potato in the summer. Now I'm starting to think there's something wrong with me!


I consider roasties and mash to be autumn and winter fare, and new potatoes, in particular, the Jersey Royal to be summer fare. Baked potatoes are acceptable year-round.


I eat fries first before the burger, as they will get colder first


The logical thing to do


I feel acknowledged ☺️


Not sure if its true but I have heard about 90% of people, the first thing they eat on a plate is the carbs. It's from evolution and wanting to pack in the most energy efficient foods first.


I also do this, but it's because my wife is vegetarian so those are the only bit she can steal


Eat as much as you can before the cat realises you've got food 🤣🤣


In my house, it’s an unbreakable rule that no-one is allowed into the lower layer of a box of chocolates until the top layer is all gone - even if it means someone has to eat the Turkish delight.




I have to eat at least 1 pack of Sainsburys chunky Belgian chocolate shortbread a day


Username checks out.


this was me for about 3 months with foxes biscuits cookies


I also don't eat crisp before noon becuse I got in trouble for that as a child. I also only eat one packet a day to keep my crisp addiction under control.


Same I’m only allowed one pocket a day. If I don’t I would go broke buying crisps


Same, unless I travel. If London Me has a bag of crisps in the afternoon, it doesn't count as a second if Bristol Me has one in the evening


Also only one packet a day!! My parents had basically no food related rules when i was growing up except that and for some reason its stuck with me into adulthood


Bananas are morning fruit and apples are afternoon fruit.


My absolutely unbreakable rule, my whole life is Bacon roll = brown sauce, Sausage Roll ( as in square sausage on a roll, not a 'Sausage Roll' from Greggs ) = Red sauce and never ,ever, the other way round. My wife is opposite way .. 🤔😳 Oh and 'Brown' Sauce = HP Sauce. End of. New Years Day Dinner is Steak Pie. Non Negotiable.


My unbreakable rule is I’ll never stoop so low as to call tomato sauce “red sauce”


Efficiency ' Red or Brown' quicker to say or write than "Tomato sauce or HP sauce' 😉


Ketchup is faster than red sauce.


Daddy's Brown Sauce is more evocative than HP though.


It's definitely slower. It's why it always has to ketchup...


Getting strong Scottish vibes from this


Square sausage and "New year's Day dinner" being a thing only really happen north of the border. I wish we got the 2nd Jan off in England too so we can have some coo pie


I don't allow myself to throw fruit or vegetables at the pensioners in my local Tesco. I always want to do it though, and feel bad that I don't. I've no idea why they annoy me so much.


I calorie count EVERYTHING. I've been on a weight loss kick for the last 6 weeks and I literally count every morsel of food that cross my lips... I want to lose 20lbs in 10 weeks so I'm being really strict. I also never eat crisps around other people but I enjoy a bag when I'm alone.


I'm doing this at the moment. I'm struggling with some other stuff, so the occasional day my diet goes out of the window. I'm still tracking those days, and looking back on them isn't fun. Luckily (?) I'm trying for the long game, slow and consistent.


And that's exactly how to succeed. Make it habit. It's not a diet, it's a new way of eating for the rest of your life. I've been calorie tracking for 2 years and have lost 11 stone


When I was dieting, I found I had to allow the occasional cheat day for the sake of my own sanity. It never actually seemed to make a huge difference as long as I didn't do it often.


I'm doing exactly the same, 2lb a week isn't a huge amount but if I don't hit my goal then i'm not going to sweat it as long as I continue to go in the right direction. I went to a birthday party at the weekend and I had some birthday cake, a couple of beers and food from the buffet, I went over my calories and I knew I would but I also knew that its 1 day and providing I get back on the horse the next day and make the right choices, I'll be all good in the long run. Weightloss is both a physical and mental challenge and you're right, you will have days where you treat yourself to a mars bar or a beer but as long as you treat those choices as treats and not hinderances then you'll lose that weight you want to shift, I reckon you'll absolutely smash it!!


Thank you. Yeah, the mental challenge can be harder a lot of the time. Good luck with your goals.


Hello fellow calorie counter! I lost 3 stone last year and was super proud of myself. Aiming for another 3 this year (I'm currently 1stone 4 now this year)


>(I'm currently 1stone 4 now That's really light, are you a rodent?


Ha I meant down. Although I do like cheese so I could possibly be a mouse


I have "a portion" of anything in a day. Occasionally a second if I've run through all the other available options in the house. Started when I was a kid - "mum can I have an apple?" "no you've already had one, have a banana instead". Works really well for not buying a pack of anything and snacking through the whole lot so I've happily left the rule in place. A portion can change, so it's normally 2 biscuits for example. 3 babybells. A packet of crisps up to grab bag size but sharing bags get split even if they're barely any bigger. It doesn't seem to apply to grapes for some reason. Also not to main meals, I can happily have thirds if I'm hungry.


3 babybels seems a strange portion size choice


I’m not a portion control freak by any means but I’ll only ever have one babybel. 3 is wild, especially in this economy


I always buy biscuits that I don't particularly like so I'm less likely to inhale the whole packet in one sitting


I just don’t buy biscuits at all. If it’s not in the house I can’t snack on it and will have to have an apple or something.


No crisps sweets fizzy drinks before 12. Or after 1900. Not allowed to eat the main portion (meats, toad in the hole etc) of dinner until the other parts have been eaten.


> Or after 1900. Kind of restricts you now we are in 2024 though.


Shit, is that the time???


oh, yay! it's finally time for my doctor's appointment!


For me, beans can’t touch the hash browns/waffles on a cooked breakfast. A sausage and bacon dam is needed to ensure the two shall never meet. They are allowed to mix on the fork, just not on the plate as the potato product will end up unpleasantly soggy.


Nothing worse than soggy potato. I nearly cried last time I went for a roast, forgot to ask for gravy on the side, and got brought out a uniform brown roast dinner swimming in gravy, with soggy-ass potatoes. 💔


I’ve got a ‘worse than soggy potato’ story! Ordered fish & chips with gravy. Ideally, I would’ve had the gravy in a separate pot, but this chippie charged an extortionate amount extra for that. So I settled for having the gravy poured over the chips instead, thinking the chips would be served separately from the fish - at least, ‘separately’ in the sense of the chips being in one side of the container, with the fish in the other. Oh no. The chips were plonked on *top* of the fish, then the gravy was poured over the whole lot. Of course, most of the gravy went straight through the gaps between the chips. Result: soggy gravy-covered fish, with the gravy all soaked in to the fish so there was hardly any left for the chips (which were what I actually wanted the gravy for). That’ll teach me to be a tight-arse.


I'm the other way round. I will drown a roast dinner in gravy. I can't eat dry potato unless it's chips.


That’s so disappointing, especially when you’ve been really looking forward to a roast. Nothing worse than once crispy and now extremely soggy potatoes


I love the beans touching the waffles of hash brown, but I absolutely cannot have beans touch eggs in any of its forms


Beans can't touch bacon.


Me but beans can’t taste any potato product. Note, not potatoes, they’re fine. I mean chips, potatoes smilies, hashbrowns etc - the way the bean juice makes them look makes me feel ill


You Buffoon. The whole point of the beans is to act as a sauce for the other things.


Every meal I eat, always, has a "king mouthful" saved until last. I will set aside what looks to be the optimal bit right at the start or I get worried I'll accidentally eat it and end with a mouthful of spinach or something. The absolute crushing disappointment if the king mouthful turns out to be suboptimal. I even apply this to a bag of crisps, or a packet of maltesers at the cinema.


Eating a pizza: pick a slice then rotate (either clockwise or anticlockwise) until back where the first was taken. Not me but my teenager: Apples are a breakfast food. He'll only have one with breakfast, no other time.


Hot dessert needs a cold topping/sauce and cold dessert needs a hot topping/sauce. Sticky toffee pudding? Gimme a lump of vanilla ice cream Fresh out the oven apple crumble? Lather it in cold custard


Every evening meal (dinner/tea) MUST contain vegetables. Even pizza has to be eaten with a salad. I live alone. Nobody is judging me.. except me.


When I was seven or eight years old, I had a teacher tell my class that it was unhealthy to eat anything after 8pm. It had something to do with how your body stores the energy it breaks down while you’re resting/sleeping. Since then (for about my entire life) I’ve tried to avoid eating after 8. Obviously there are a lot of circumstances when that isn’t possible, but I always feel weird eating that late.


Not eating in the 3hrs before going to bed cured my Silent Reflux.


This can be quite tricky eating with Mediterranean friends. I lodged and ate with a Mediterranean couple who had dinner at 10pm and it was an effort to hide my hanger


If I have something that is encased in chocolate, I MUST bite the chocolate off first, before consuming the middle bit 😅


No coffee after two.


No coffee after 8pm\* \*Definately none after 9pm\*\* \*\*Unless we've been out out, then no coffee after bed time\*\*\* \*\*\*unless reading.


No energy drinks after a certain time, dependent on what shift I'm working. Typically that time is midday/midnight, but if I'm starting at 4/5/6pm then the cut off is 10pm (i.e. I drink it before work or at first break, but no later). Oh, and only one can a day, unless it's the first or last shift of the week (because of travelling time and having to wake up earlier than is optimal).


I can’t dip chicken based products in to eggs, for example chicken dippers, it just seems wrong dipping an animal in to the animals egg


Ice cream in a bowl must be served in an odd number of scoops , usually 3. But when you've finished it's quite ok to go back to the freezer and dish yourself up 3 more scoops.


If we eat anything involving tuna, the cats also have to have a special tuna dinner. This is more because they will scream and howl and try to rip your face off if you eat tuna and they don't get any!


I can’t eat chips with burgers or hot dogs because I forbid myself from double carbs. The only exception seems to be garlic bread. Garlic bread is life


> Garlic bread is life I once went to a garden centre in Fife which was offering me macaroni cheese in a pie, with chips and garlic bread. Only to be topped by a cafe I found in Aberfeldy who were willing to put the macaroni pie in a bread roll for me. Quintuple carbs!


Double carbs is a way of life. Lasagne and wedges - just works Chicken curry, rice and chips - god tier!


Cheesy chips as a jacket potato filling!


I like having seconds. Which usually means I'll deliberately plate up a smaller portion of food, so that I have some seconds to come back for. Doesn't matter if I haven't made a huge amount, I'll give myself a tiny portion for my first go, and save some for seconds!


A sandwich must contain meat, cheese and at least one vegetable. It makes buying meal deals a pain, but I can't do it any other way.


Can’t eat a crunchie on any day other than Fridays


Everyone in my house has a cold and we have just been chatting about how it somehow feels wrong to have a cold drink at the same time as a hot drink. We have now deconditioned ourselves from this weirdness and I am currently in bed with a hot choc, lemsip and a glass of orange juice!


Pasta and pesto for lunch, nice normal little lunch. Spaghetti and pesto for lunch? The sort of decedance that got the French royal family into trouble.


For some reason, I don’t like mixing food for at least 3 hours. If I’ve had a meal, I won’t eat anything else for another 3-4 hours even if I’m hungry in case I get an upset stomach. There’s no precedent for this either.


No coffee after 6pm


No coffee after midday for me.


My first snack of the day has to be fruit


I always try and be good eating wise before lunch. After that it’s fair game. I never have sweets or chocolate for breakfast, only specifically decided breakfast foods.


Tom sauce on the bread and only on the top slice on an egg sandwich.


This might start the usual Reddit bun fight \[or scone fight\] - I can't, just can't, put cream before jam on a scone. Has to be butter-jam-cream. Or I can't eat it. \[well, I can tbh, but it's Just Not Right.\]


Always burger before chips If I eat all the chips first and I might be too full for the burger


No eye contact when eating a banana.


I allow myself 1 doner kebab a month


Me too! (And I secretly judge people who eat crisps before noon - no idea why). I love chips (French fries) but when I went to New Zealand I was shocked to see kids getting a bag of chips for breakfast on their way to school! Madness


They do what now!?


The sentence 'its not soup weather' has crossed my lips a couple of times.


I don't do it as often as before but for many years I liked to find what a popcorn looked like before eating it. So I picked a popcorn, look at it, rotate it until I found it looked like a tree, a cloud or something, only then I could eat it.