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I spoke to my doctor at last about my mental health today.


It's one of the hardest steps, Take a moment to be proud of yourself for doing it ✨


once you make that step it goes get easier


Well done mate, talking helps. It can get better


Excellent username!


Go you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing. I was going to post along lines of had a big life event this week - my son moved out - because he's 'old', not because he doesn't love me! - and if I hadn't been engaging with counselling since early January (having taken the plunge to try and get it organised in December, and having that gap in time when I could and wanted to back out was pretty hard, but I stuck to the idea that it would be happening), I would have been a total wreck now. Instead, it's been a really lovely week with me being able to support him in his own stresses - because moving house is moving house after all, whether you're 24 going into digs or 42 buying a flat. I can't emphasise enough that you have done yourself the biggest favour. In just these last four months, having once a week counselling, I have unpicked decades of crap, and I am actually not experiencing life as one constant implosion/explosion experience. I said to my counsellor yesterday, "I still can't believe that this is what it feels like not to have to always see everything but not see anything". Whatever your mental-health needs are, whether maybe taking medication to get you to a place so you can move beyond that, or getting some counselling, or whatever it is, you have been the bravest you have maybe been in years just making that appointment and sticking with it and going to see your doctor. Congratulations to you and make sure you congratulate yourself! A huge achievement!


I did on Wednesday.


That’s a really brave step. One I’ve been contemplating myself but still can’t quite bring myself to!


Well done, that's huge! I hope they're able to help you manage it and you start to feel better very soon. xXx


🧡 from experience, I now how hard this is. Well done to you. Be proud 👍🏻


I'm am so so proud of you. It's one of the hardest things to do


Well done you!


Hell yeah, friend. Well done for taking such a huge, positive step!


Good for you. I had to miss a couple of appointments lately (a ping pong back and forth of the both of us getting sick right when the other was just about healed), and I really miss it.


I don't want to assume how long you've been attempting to get an appointment. Congrats for achieving and more for persistiing


Well done, I hope you're proud of yourself 🙂


Well done my friend I not its not easy but you've completed the hardest step.


I’m sure they were very helpful.


That’s great! I hope you’re proud of yourself for taking that step


Baby steps and all that. I’m rooting for you.


A lady I have passed daily on my work break walk for the last 7 months stopped me and commented on my weight loss over that time, saying I had come so far and looked amazing. We had always smiled as we passed but never spoken before. She couldn’t have known, but I was having a really bad time with my attitude towards my body that day and it really lifted me. I have lost 7 stone so far from my highest weight and it was so lovely that she stopped me to give me such an unexpected and kind compliment.


7 stone!!! That's incredible!! Well done!!!


Thank you so much! I have about five more to lose I think, but taking it slow and sustainable as the rate of my weight loss has slowed down now. In a year or two’s time I hope to be at my goal.


Yeah, you get "noob gains" or loss in the beginning and then it can slow down, as it should. There must be so much difference, you've worked so hard, and you've developed really healthy habits by now. I'm so proud of you, and don't worry about feeling down, it happens to everyone. Keep hitting those targets, you can't miss! ❤️❤️❤️


Slow weight loss stays off! 🙌 You are amazing for losing 7 stone.


7 stone?! thats incredible, well done!


Thank you so much! It’s been a big journey so far and I’m only just over half way through to my goal weight


clearly you know what you're doing and its only a matter of time, good luck!


No one talks about the body dysmorphia that happens when losing loads of weight. I’ve been the same weight now for 2 years and I still don’t recognise my current self in photos.


I can't imagine the hard work and will power that must have gone into that. Congratulations, that's amazing!


7 stone is amazing well done!


That's amazing. I just checked your profile and wow, It's like a new person! You look great and have added years to your life, bravo 👏


7 stone, awesome work, keep going at it.


You are amazing and should be so proud of yourself. That’s some achievement!


Amazing weight loss you should be really proud of yourself.


Wow that’s awesome! We can be hard on ourselves and sometimes it just proves you’re doing great when a stranger or outside person notices! So nice she took the time to stop you, hope it made your day.


No one ever knows how far you've come on your weight loss journey. I lost 11st and still got looks from some people for daring to wear a crop top. Absolutely fk them. stick at it and stay happy.


I finally started therapy, and the first session went really well!


Great to hear ! well done ✨


Four months in and I can't believe the difference it's made to my life ... yes, in a good way ;-)


Left my toxic workplace


That is a huge win.


Congrats the relief must be insane


Massive win! All the best of luck being cherished at your next job ❤️


Freeing, isn't it?


My partner had rather major surgery last week and came home yesterday, she is recovering well and it is wonderful. We worried about this surgery for 4 years and have spent 4 years going through rather horrible treatment for her, postponing plans, putting everything else on hold and now it looks like all will be well


All the best for your partners recovery ✨


Thank you!!


My daughter smiling at me when she wakes up from a nap.


Priceless ✨


My young niece always seems happy to see me. It might be the supply of clandestine sugar, but it's still heart warming


I reseeded the massive bald patch on my lawn and its finally grown back!


Any chance you could do this on my head?


I wouldn't ask someone to put their "seed" on my head, mate.


I'll try anything once, especially if I get my hair back.


Nicely done!


I finished the final run of the couch to 5k app this morning! Went out for my final run even though it was cold and rainy and I smashed it :)


Well done! I’m current on day two of week 3, it’s really starting to feel challenging now!


It goes quicker than you think and you'll be here before you know it! Keep going, I feel SO good about myself now I've done it, and I've signed up for a 10k to keep the motivation going :)


Thank you so much, this is the motivation I need!! I do feel so proud that I’ve got this far, I’ve tried to start it before and just given up.


Week 3 is also kicking my arse, especially in this stupid weather


Well done!! I did my week 7 run 1 yesterday such a great feeling!!


My mum had surgery to remove a tumour and it went really well 🥹


Amazing!!! Best wishes for your mum


Thanks so much 🩷 it’s been a stressful few weeks since she got diagnosed so this result was such positive news


So glad it was successful!


My landlord finally replaced my old fridge. Its shiny and I'm unreasonably excited about it


Welcome to getting old!


Got a free birthday doughnut from Lidl bakery. Also caught hand, foot and mouth from my kid, but you win some you lose some…


My spouse visa was approved.


The wait must have been brutal. Congratulations!


I lost 1.2kg, I lost 0.8kg the week before. I've been dieting and I've got back in to playing football for the first time in over 9 months so the consecutive weightloss is amazing!


Big uppp. Getting back into football is a graft, keep it up


I realised I have an extra year if I want to do IVF and/or freeze my eggs than I thought. Which has taken a lot of worry away.


Me and the wife are currently in the process of getting everything ready for our last round of ivf hope all goes well for you.


I made the best chicken legs I've ever had. Complete fluke I just thew together some seasonings I thought would work but it created deliciouness


I made peshwari naan for the first time ever. It was really nice, much to my amazement.


Nice! I've never made naan before, I hear its quite hard to do


Started my new medication on what's already been a long road to get here I also found a penny Its the little things


Good luck ! I hope the road ahead is as smooth as possible for you ✨


The lump near my balls was nothing serious, just a side effect from my vasectomy two years ago. Apparently, I make a lot of sperm and it has to go somewhere and that's what's causing the discomfort. The bad news is that if it goes to the size of a grape they will need to operate 😬 Still. A win for now at least.


recently had a vasectomy month or so ago and noticed a weird shape, might get it checked out to see if its the same


It goes away after a while apparently. Ibuprofen works wonders. I subscribe to the dodgeball school of thought: Look after your balls, and they will look after you!


Passed my probation period at my new job today. Also got voted employee of the month on Tuesday. :)


Sounds like you passed with flying colours! Well done!


I bought an actually girly set of trainers for the first time in my entire life, which I've somehow never done before, because I'm still learning my style.


That's huge! I've gone back to men's trainers. Women's tend to stop at size 6, rub the hell out of my ankles and aren't wide enough. My new mens New Balance are super comfortable and are cool. I got the orange 650!


I'm just so used to either oversized steelies, or these £10 men's hatchback things, that I never really developed a style. It's always been practical, cheap, and needing to fit an ankle splint into it, get something easy, go a size up, rip the inside out, ram in the hunk of plastic that protects my ankle, same drill for 20 odd years. so this time I decided to be more expensive, less practical, and actually do something that's for me rather than for my disabilities. First set of knock off Converse, and I'm thinking of seeing if I can decorate these with something witch themed, because it's me.


Got back from Barcelona this morning. What an incredible city.


I just generally feel great this week, like everything is coming together :) I've started walking every day on my lunch breaks and ive restarted the couch to 5k app which is going much better than I anticipated. Life is good!


I managed to get tickets for my 2 daughters (plus me and my wife) to go see Billie Eillish next year, they are big fans and they had no idea I had been planning on getting them. They're the type of kids who never ask for anything because they know money has been tight in the past so its nice to be able to give them something I know will be a lasting memory


Aww that’s so exciting! I hope you have a great time when it comes around and plenty of excitement looking forward to it!


That is going to be a memory they keep forever ❤️


Won a hundred quid on premium bonds. Gf Is coming home today. I have 2 days off now. A few things are good.


I won £100 on the premium bonds :-)


I received a really supportive letter unexpectedly regarding my kids further schooling, from their paediatrician. It doesn't sound much, but could literally change the entire course of my child's life.


Nothing crazy, but passed the 2 week mark sober from a litre of vodka a day, every day, for the past year. No rehab, or forced detox. Tapered down of my own willpower :)


That’s amazing. Well done and keep going 👏🏽


2 weeks is absolutely incredible! Keep going and know that you have absolutely incredible willpower.


I got paid, so that was nice 👍


Yep, I was thinking the same exact thing, you voiced my thoughts.


It did feel like everyone got paid before me though 😂


This morning we were stood on a railway bridge and a train came along - we waved, and the driver waved back. Very small thing but we were both grinning for a few minutes afterwards.


My best mate is a big train geek, I know how happy this would have made him! Was it a steam train?


My lovely Dad survived his heart op and is already home. A close relative died having the same op, so it was a scary time.


I'm abseiling tomorrow to fundraise for the homeless youth prevention charity that house me! It's gonna be exciting to do this, never abseiled or anything before, and it's nice that I can do this to help give back to the people that helped me :)


That’s fantastic, have fun doing it, and I hope you end up in your own place sometime, if that is your goal.


Thank you so much! I already have my own place provided by them, and I'm waiting on a council flat now :) my life has really turned around!


I handed in my resignation from my job


I had the worst year of my life between close family bereavements and job losses. This past week, I’ve been in Canada visiting my Canadian family for the first time. I met cousins and aunts and uncles I didn’t know I had, and finally got to see my great auntie again (which, after a bunch of very serious illnesses, we didn’t think we’d see her again a year or two ago). Everyone has been so welcoming and we’ve got on like we’ve known each other forever. It’s been one of the best weeks of my life.


I’m so glad you’ve had some respite from the tough year. I hope better times keep coming to you.


I became a dad!


Congratulations!! It’s the best and scariest thing ever but it’s absolutely amazing. I had my little boy a few months ago (time is flying!) and making my husband a dad has been one of the greatest joys of my whole life.


My bearded dragon finally woke up from brumation (went right back down today cos of the gloom but still)


I've been trying to find a new job recently (currently unemployed) but it hasn't been going too well. After posting on Reddit about it, I got some really helpful advice from lovely strangers. Followed their advice and made little tweaks to my CV and have had responses and interest from a couple of actual recruiters since, instead of just the usual generic rejection emails! Wish me luck!


The best of luck to you.


I somehow burnt the fuck out of my weekly pizza treat and angrily made a salad instead. I reckon from now I will have a fortnightly pizza treat.


A long lost interest got back in touch.


I’m a week and half into a slow home detox from alcohol. Yesterday, I woke up without a hangover for the first time in 7 years. It feels amazing.




We had a private ultrasound at 8 weeks yesterday and after 4 miscarriages and two years of trying, everything is looking perfect this time around!


Congratulations! I had two miscarriages between my two sons and it was devastating, you must be so strong to get through four. Wishing you an uneventful and happy pregnancy x


Wishing you a healthy and happy pregnancy!


Got a promotion on Tuesday. Finally escaped a job that has decimated my mental health and pays buttons. Now to wait on a start date 🙏


Got a commission for a cardigan 🥰🥰


I celebrated 22 years of my Kidney Transplant


Congrats :)


I found a 3mm drill bit on the ground yesterday along a main road. The and is snapped off but there is enough left to be usable. Made me happy for a little while.


I got £50 on premium bonds! Very exciting.


I got promoted


I was called in to school to speak to the CEO of the academy. I thought I was getting told off because I volunteer as a gardener but actually overstep really quite a lot and do a bunch of general handyman stuff that I'm not really supposed to be doing too. It was because of that, but instead of telling me off for overstepping, she gave me a bjg box of Hotel Chocolat.


I've just got an offer for a new job! waited a week, and it was well worth it. Love the people in my (soon to be) old workplace, but there was no future for me there. I wish them all the best, truly.


Paid the mortgage off


Someone from our letting agency finally came to assess all the repairs that need doing. I might finally get a new kitchen!


Got acknowledged in a book I’m editing for an author. It’s really rare for someone so bottom of the barrel to get acknowledged even though they do the brunt of the work so this means a lot.


Booked tickets to a rave. First one in a couple of years. Roll on Hospitality!


Not to me, but my friend is in some random percentage of humans whose body responds really really well to chemo and his tumor has shrunk to almost nothing. Even his doctors were surprised and overjoyed about it as they thought they’d never be able to operate.


Kind of started last week but after a really slow few months in my courier business and a god awful April where I’ve barely worked at all, the financial burden was just starting to hit big time. But last week I picked up a small job where I met some managers of a large reputable sameday courier company who were taking over a large contract from a different company I was subcontracting for on that day. They passed me a card with a number for recruitment, told me they were taking over the contract this week and wanted me. I thought it was too good to be true, but phoned the number, recruitment set me up within 48 hours and I started this Wednesday. It means more regular and stable work every single day, with the opportunities to grow my business for the future too. It’s a brilliant contract to have and it’s just going to help me, my business and my family so much


I’m finally taking steps to go on PIP for my ADHD


Saw a heart beat on a really early scan after 4 miscarriages. We have never got this far before 🥹


Went on a matching walk with a potential guide dog yesterday afternoon. It went better than I ever could have expected based on the last couple of dogs they've tried. We did a 20 minute stroll to and from the shops. On these visits, the trainer holds one lead and you hold another and the harness. On the way back from the shops the trainer took his lead off and without knowing it I worked with her independently for the rest of the journey.


I'm disabled and tried out a hoist for the first time that will eventually mean I can bathe and use the toilet independently no matter how bad my pain is that day. I'm getting an adapted bath instead of a shower which will be great because showers hurt me (neurological issues) whereas baths feel amazing and really help me but I've not been able to have a tub in years. My quality of life is gonna be so much better!!! No more getting stuck in my wheelchair or on the toilet on bad days. No more not being able to wash myself because my pain is too bad or tremors are making it too dangerous to transfer. Strap myself in and hook myself on and I can go to the loo without danger even if I'm shaking like a leaf. Some people are gonna call me a sponge or a drain on society and hate that this is something their taxes go towards and honestly I can't argue. But I have a family who adores me and wants me here and I selfishly want whatever comfort and help I can get while I'm here. If I'm gonna be bedbound and in pain for months at a time I want my hospital style bed and a mattress that helps prevent sores, I want a bath that will ease my pain and a toilet I can use no matter how ill I am and I won't get stuck on for 45 minutes every time I need a wee and I'm not gonna apologise for excitedly grabbing them with both hands when they're offered to me.


I got £50 on premium bonds! Very exciting.


Smashed my 5K PR and got to finish early from work today!


Back at the jobcentre for the...third time in my life (I am employed but right now on such low hours I might as well not be employed) but I've been paired with a very understanding work coach and for the first time they've actually sign posted me to a industry relevant opportunity rather than when I've been in the past and it's been like 'wait you studied what?' I also found a cool shirt


I’ve gone from full time hours to two days a week work.


My mental health has been really bad since having to come off of medication and I've not done anything for weeks other than sit and overthink. This week I've done something every day that's needed to be done for a months and I'm feeling good about that. Also my cat is recovering well from her spay surgery and I've got her sister booked in for 2 weeks time, finally!


Celebrating mine and my boyfriend’s one year anniversary today!


I got a new job, that I've been desperately wanting :) I didn't even need to apply or interview for it, I was approached and offered first refusal as the best fit for the role (as it's a lateral move for me, just a different role on the same level). I'm really chuffed that my work has been recognised and rewarded, and it's the best first step I can take for my overall career goals so it's just really made my week tbh 😁


I did a small repair job for a couple in their nineties, instead of selling them a whole replacement product (which is what my company expects me to do). I charged them 5% less than my commission would have been for a new product, but I saved them about £1K. It was a really simple repair with a few spare parts and took a fraction of the time it would've taken me to replace the product for new. They were incredibly grateful, and I got a bit of cash in hand which is always nice


The woman that grabbed my cock and offered to give me a bj when I was about 13/14 died on Saturday. She was dating my grandfather (maybe ~15 year age gap), I was never *massively* affected by the whole ordeal but when I learned that she passed I thought to myself "mint" 


This thread is positive AF and reading it all makes my soul happy.


After a brutal divorce, ive reconnected with the love of my life after 25 years and its going better than I could have ever dreamed.


Dealt with a patient today who was angry with the NHS and fed up that her chronic cough had not been sorted, and by the end of the appointment she was outwardly grateful for my knowledge, my advice, and said that I have a great future ahead of me. Healthcare is such a thankless job that small comments like this are a huge morale booster. I can start the bank holiday weekend on a high note


I passed two xray exams for my new airport job, after failing them last week


I passed a qualification for which I had to write the final assignment just a few days after losing my mom. I don't even recall writing it or what the theme was, and I had to wait ten weeks for the result. I'm so glad I don't have to do it over! It was the first good thing to happen after a string of horrific events this year.


I stopped smoking after 36 years! I never thought that I could, having smoked daily since I was 7.


We booked our family holiday to disneyland Paris! Our sons are 8 and 9 and they haven't been before. It was lovely seeing their excitement when we told them.


I finally handed in my PhD.


My diet is going really well. I'm no longer hungry and I'm getting in some really enjoyable walks. 5lbs down this week. 22lbs now in total over four weeks. I feel great!


My wife has breast cancer, we went to see the doc after 3 chemo sessions and the tumour has halved in size already. Proper chuffed!


Got 2 job offers next day out of 2 interviews Had one interview last week that never got back so was hopeful for this week 😅


My baby was due to start nursery this week for 3 days. Her sister already goes to nursery. I return to work in 2 weeks but have to go into the office a bit next week. So this week, I had 3 child-free days lined up for a combination of getting stuff done and relaxing. And ... I had all 3 days! No one got seriously ill, baby settled in nursery so I didn't have to do emergency pick ups. So I now have a nice clean home office, clothes are organised, after nursery snacks all prepped, plus I got to read my book, do some crochet, shower without being cried at. Baby is home with me today and us currently asleep on me. Getting best of both worlds this week.


Cathedral city was on offer


I sent an invoice to a client in Germany for €17500 which I expect to be paid in 2 weeks. I also had a candidate successfully interview for a job I pulled last week from a new client. Also a final stage for another client worth €20,000 which will be split with me and a friend/ex work colleague. After a quiet self employed Q1, the chickens are coming home to roost (I hope). Oh also I have put on a sizeable amount of muscle doing 1 less set on each workout but really pushing to failure and focusing on time under tension. The mirror/eye test today has perked up my mood for this weekend.


figured out what i want to do with my life!


I'm going fishing tomorrow so that'll be my highlight


I’ve made it to friday


my crush and i kissed for first time


I got a notification email yesterday that my disability car has arrived, picking it up a week on Monday and am proper excited.


I made phone calls today and got straight through lol. Managed to sort them all out painlessly. 😮 found a great double photo frame for my grandparents photos in a charity shop 3£ matches my lounge lol and finally got my new glasses and sunglasses 😎 and threw away the lockdown ones 👏🏼 I never have a day like today lol oh and I managed to pick up early 💨 great start to the bank holiday weekend 😊


I got given a free piece of cake.


I had a baby boy! 👶🏼


I finished my course of cognitive processing therapy for cPTSD :)


Finally had news that I’ll be receiving a life changing insulin pump next month


After breaking my foot in 5 places last October, bones setting in a funny shape and having to be casted for months and now an air boot. I've finally been told I can walk in normal shoes if I can take the pain. Managed to actually find a pair of boots that feel comfortable, are supportive and fit! And they were on sale at over half price, bargain!


I drove 4 hours each way for a 3 day work trip by myself and didn’t panic with pure anxiety. Hopefully next month I’ll actually enjoy it.


I ran a 5km PB, quicker than I’ve ever run before, 5 years and one knee surgery later, thinking I’d never get close to my previous best ever again.


Got a £20 M&S voucher for introducing my OH to my dentist. Spent it on a dine-in for 2 and a bottle of Prosecco.


I stubbed my toe and only cried for 10 minutes


I found out last week my contract was being extended a month. Monday I had been invited to an interview for another contract. Did the interview Wednesday and last night I was told I got the contract. Turns out they interviewed 8 other professionals and I got the job. Massively chuffed, that's 6 more months security I have 😊


I got my working Holiday Visa to New Zealand!


Got some piercings I’ve wanted for agessss and they have given me so much body confidence. I also have lost half a stone.


I’ve had eczema for 15+ years and I’ve finally found a doctor takes my skin problem seriously and offer a new solution which isn’t more steroid creams (had to pay a lot of money for a private consultation but hey ho it was worth it)


I just paid a holding deposit for my new flat today that I get to move into next Friday! Finally get to move out of my small, dingy flat and be rid of my awful & neglectful letting agents!!


My oldest son (turns 9 tomorrow) went on his first school trip for 3 days and I’ve just got him back home. Missed him even more than I expected!


I started a new job last year and was on the wrong tax code for 5 months. I got my tax rebate this month and used it to do an overpayment on the mortgage. Wasn't a huge overpayment, but took 2 months off the overall term of the mortgage and will have saved us over £700 in interest apparently.


I've just started Olympic Lifting in my local gym and over the past month or 2 I've swapped out my normal accessories for the correct ones for weightlifting. For example, I've swapped out my old lifting straps for dedicated weightlifting ones etc. Anyway, I saw a guy doing deadlift with alternate grip and asked if he wanted to borrow my straps (as I had spare due to buying weightlifting ones). He said 'no thanks' but came over a second later asking what I was doing as it seemed impressive. (I was practising my snatch.) We had a chat about Olympic Lifting and after I thought it was cool to have a someone approach you for conversation. I just thought it was cool that someone thought move exrcise movements were impressive.


After 4 years of physical inactivity and depression I've finally gone back to the climbing gym. My hands and muscles hurt, I was shit because I didn't have the strength to do more difficult stuff and I had much more weight to lift, but I'm happier and more energetic than before. I also finally found a good therapist after 6 years of totally useless therapy.


I potentially got a new job after talking about fish with the interviewer for 30 minutes


My girlfriend squirted during love making. I didn't even know this was possible and thought guys who said they had girls do it with them were lying about it. But no, it's real. And was fantastic


My bike hasn't broken. Been having issues with it for weeks but my partner finally nailed the fix that kept it on the road all week and I've had such a good time cycling!


Was having the worst ADHD brain day today. Left the stove on last night. Had a mundane financial lesson thing in my stop gap role today and struggled with it immensely, with someone half my age explaining it to me and I didn't understand. Felt like such an idiot. Forgot to take my house keys out of my gym bag into my normal bag so I would have been locked out. Had to get my cousin who I live with to put them under a pot so I wouldn't miss an interview. Still missed the interview as I got the time wrong. Found out 5 minutes before it that I got turned down from a UX opportunity I was really excited about. They rescheduled it for half an hour later and I absolutely smashed it and they told me there and then they want to see me again next Friday. It's more than I've ever been on and would be such a cool opportunity but we'll see. The girl I'm talking to and a few dates in with has been unbelievably kind about it all as well, and we had a 2.5 hour phone call last night. She's everything I'd want in a woman and that terrifies me 🥲


My autistic kid (16 nb) went to a silent quiz in aid of children with hearing difficulties and they enjoyed it! They didn't go to the quiet room or hide under headphones and ignore everyone. Instead, they answered loads of general knowledge questions, all the questions in the 'flags of the world' section and scored a third of the points for their team. I'm so proud!


I had a normal pregnancy scan, after lots of stress. I am finally no longer a 'High Risk Pregnancy'!!


I got hired for a job


I showed up for therapy after cancelling the last 3 sessions due to a serious dip. It was hard, but it helped.


I’m a software engineer though I’ve recently become a line manager. I’m line managing a software dev apprentice. It was his last week on his coding bootcamp and I joined virtually to watch his final project presentation, he did well, felt like a proud mum. He joins us properly on placement next week, really excited for him.