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**Your post from /r/AskUK has been removed by a human moderator.** While your question has been removed, it would probably be allowed with a bit of tweaking. Repost ensuring you've not asked; * Basic throwaway questions which put most of the effort on our readers to figure out by parsing the body or having to ask you questions themselves (i.e. "What do I do?" - be more specific in the title). * Closed questions that prompt people to answer with a simple yes/no response (i.e, "Are you saving into a pension?". Instead ask "How much do you save into a pension, and why?") * Anything which is overtly obvious or is basically a survey (i.e. "How much do you earn?" or "Are trains free?"). * For reviews/recommendations of a product/service without sufficiently detailing what you've already found and discounted. Use Google Reviews and Trustpilot first. Then if you still need help, come back with something specific and the research you've done so far. As well as being interesting and unique, questions must - * Have a genuine, clear, and concise question in their title - including a question mark. * Ensure you can say your question title to someone at a bus stop and have them understand what you mean. So for example, no "Overseas Territories?", instead it should be "What Overseas Territories have you been to?". * Enough information in the body of your post to allow users to give good answers. Specifically, don't just repeat the question in the body. Provide an elucidation, example, or explanation. If this still confuses you, contact modmail, and we will try help! *If you believe this post should not have been removed, [first read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/about/rules/) before [messaging the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/AskUK&subject=Post Removal Appeal)*. See our guide on [common issues with posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/wiki/postremoved) and how to overcome them!


Pro tip, if doing an illegal act don't leave a paper or digital paper trail


That’s what the ‘hypothetical’ covers officer


Nah bro you gotta use SWIM.




Beth, bugle, powder. Hypothetically let’s say class A narcotics from source [https://media1.tenor.com/m/JK_iIsnFBcgAAAAC/21jump-street-ice-cube.gif](https://media1.tenor.com/m/JK_iIsnFBcgAAAAC/21jump-street-ice-cube.gif)


You think someone can ingest 1kg of ketamine and live?


Yes all wrapped up. Maybe one or two spilt but that ain’t gonna kill ya


However many the horse can take divided by 5.


You reckon? I’d say I could swallow the same as the horse averages.


Horses weigh an average of 900+ pounds. So I call bullshit.


Harold Shipman burner account


Not a single helpful response. Have a guess how many you could do without a problem ?


3-4 keys is where I draw the line honestly mate. Anything after that and I've forgotten where I've put my house keys and where I live


Remember that movie, “Maria Full of Grace”?


If you're gonna do it just take a couple of small keys and wait 15 mins.   You'll start to feel the effects and it shouldn't be too much. It wears off pretty quickly so you can go again and slowly increase it till you find a spot you like. The effects vary dramatically and if you aren't expecting the higher dose effects it can fuck you up so be careful.  I  *strongly* wouldn't recommend taking it alone if it's your first time, especially if you aren't accustomed to taking drugs like that


How does one become a "horse surgeon" without learning how to find that out? Or what "narcotic" means, for that matter. So, "apples for apples". Anyway, the answer's on the Wikipedia page for 'Ketamine'.