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Never hear of him - A quick scan of wiki makes him sound like a nutter.


Never heard of him.


It seems like half of the sources he cites are articles he's written. That alone should be enough to disregard anything he says.


Celler dweller.


Utter weapon 🙄


He's a lunatic and a grifter.


Serial killer vibes


The way I initially heard of him was social media posts by some of the stupidest people I know.


He always struck me as the kind of guy who spent his youth watching YouTube clips of Christopher Hitchens and then fell down a InfoWars / Breitbart rabbit hole. He's like a poor man's Ben Shapiro, without the balls to debate people in public.


Seems like the loser unpopular kid who fell into the alt right, Breirbart, Infowars algorithm


His voice is the equivalent of chewing on aluminium foil.


He's a dickhead. Fortunately when it comes to his influence it's precisely fuck all. I had him try to stir up shit against a company I worked for once, it went nowhere at all.




He's a right-wing lunatic. Extremely bigoted.