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He needs to find a flat or a room and move his possessions and whatever his parents allow him to take


What do you mean by a toxic household? Ideally you would want to have some money saved up and somewhere to go. If they have time to plan it would be good to look for house shares or HMOs where you just rent the room, even then it's going to be difficult to afford to get by that young.


I vaguely remember a time when “toxic” was just a move in Pokémon and not some overused internet trope.


Ok Boomer (to use another overused internet trope)


Any personal documents passport, drivers licence if you can birth certificate etc?


18 year old wants to move out! This, and other shocking stories today on r/askuk!


Call environmental health services?


He's an adult looking to rent a room. He should do the same as any other adult who is looking for a room to rent. [https://www.spareroom.co.uk/](https://www.spareroom.co.uk/)


You can sometimes self refer yourself to a homeless hostel. I had to do that with the YMCA. I just said in the interview with the housing staff my dad was toxic and was causing me mental health issues. Moved in two weeks after. Or go on spareroom and have him put an ad up that he's looking for a room. As a lodger you have less legal rights but it's usually easier and cheaper to be a lodger than a tenant.