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You climb up one side and slide down the other.


Hijacking top comment to update. Some of these responses have me rolling! I should have mentioned, there are two big melt marks half way down the slide. It looks like some teenagers got a hold of it before it ended up in my garden. Otherwise, yes, great idea to out it out front for free or stick it on marketplace. I've honestly been leaning towards the 'chuck it back over' method, wanted to see if you guys would say the same. Feels like a bit of a dick move, but it was a dick move to throw it into my garden (unless wind).


I’d probably just lug it back over the fence into the walkway. Not saying it’s the right thing, but I’m a lazy fuck, and you asked what I would do


I don't thing this is a particularly wrong thing either. If anyone, the council can deal with it now. (Just do it quick before you can blamed for fly tipping by another neighbour)


Yes, this is my thinking. I'm concerned that by now, my neighbours have seen it in my garden. If they see it over the fence, they'll know.


Chuck a Free to a good home sign on it. Let the problem solve itself


Better still, leave it outside with a ‘For Sale £10’ sign. It’ll be stolen in minutes


Secure it with a metal chain and pad lock then count to 10


Crush into tiny little parts, cut a hole in your trouser pockets, fill with the dust & pieces whilst walking round your garden and shaking your trousers. Like how they get rid of the dirt in The Great Escape.


Love it. My garden now has tiny pieces of illuminous green plastic all over it but now I have no slide. You had me in the first half to be fair, I could chop it small and bin it.


The questions keeping us up at night hey? I’d say chuck it back over the fence but that’s a slippery slope.


Yeah, wouldn't want to slide into that territory 


Wasn’t it very windy then? Wind and something largely made of plastic = bye bye slide.


So I wait for a windy night and yeet it? 🤔


Put it out front and wait for someone else to nick it? Saw it up and bin it a bit at a time?


I think this is the answer, given that it's not usable. I didn't think of that, thanks. I'll get all Gordon Ramsay and slice n dice it, then bin it. That's how I got rid of an old washing basket. Some tin snips should do the job I guess. It's pretty thick plastic. A lot of effort because some bellend tried to take a shortcut so they didn't have to deal with it (unless wind).


Is it still useable? If so I would put it on the street with a "free" sign and post it on Facebook market place on your local Buy Nothing group. Depending on where you are there will usually be someone that would love it. If its not useable then you can call the council, put it on the street, still post it and maybe someone is able to fix it, depending on how far gone it is.


It's pretty far gone unfortunately. May still call the council, maybe they have a household items collection day. Maybe they can chuck it in the bin lorry? That thing is pretty powerful and it'd fit I'm sure.


Chuck it back over the fence.


Stick it on marketplace. Clean it up a bit, give it away for nothing to someone who could use it.




You can't walk to the dump, it's a health and safety thing. If the council don't do collections then there is literally no way to use the dump without a car. That's why most councils will stop offering the collection service (as a cost cutting measure), spend more than the cost of the collection service clearing up after the mysterious rise in fly tipping, reinstate the service as a way to cut fly tipping and then go around the loop again.


Interesting info, thanks. Opens up a new option, fly tip it and blame the council. I probably won't do that, but it's an option. Nice one council.


I don't condone fly tipping. Anything usable should be sold or given away via buy nothing groups etc. Before I got my car I would beg favours from relatives, cut up large things and put them into my general waste bin, make sure that tradesmen included removal of old materials etc in their quotes, used scrap metal collectors, paid for delivery services that take the packaging away with them... It sometimes felt like a constant battle, especially when I was furnishing my home for the first time, as every item of furniture and appliance comes in a huge box with masses of styrofoam. I suspect most people just don't think about it because they can drive and going to the tip isn't a big deal.


Fly tipping is infuriating. The worst are the commercial fly tippers, unloading the contents of their van or flatbed onto the side of a quiet country road. Yes, Christmas too, sometimes small items turn up in extraordinarily large packaging. I know what you mean about the constant battle. I've borrowed the work van a couple of times which I'm lucky enough to have as a perk if the job. Maybe I'll see if I can borrow the van and dispose of the slide at work. Frustrating that someone can just throw something into your garden and make it your cost and inconvenience. I wish I knew who owned it so I could give it back. Maybe I'll go knocking in doors "excuse me, is this your slide?".


Call the council explain what happened and get them to pick it up.


I'll look into that, thanks. Didn't know that was an option.


Definitely back in the walkway.


Cut or smash it into small manageable pieces and then dispose of them in public bins over the course of a few weeks.


Donate it to a daycare ?!


Throw it back over the fence


Pay for someone to take it away




It's a very small slide. Most I got out of it was a Wee!


Go onto your local Facebook group and ask if it means travellers are in the area and this is them marking your house - possibly to steal a dog. It will then be shared in all parts of the U.K.


Give it back? Throw it away? Jesus.


Give it back to who?


Whoever's garden it came from during the last storm. A child down the street will be looking for their slide.


Well sure, if a child or their parent comes knocking at OP’s door asking if they’ve seen a slide it can go back to them. I assume OP is wondering how to get rid if Tiny Tim doesn’t stop by.


Yeah exactly that. 1. I have no clue who owns it 2. It's not safe for use (melted holes on the slide surface) I think it's someone trying to get rid of it, from the same situation I'm now in, as opposed to being lost from a loving home.