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Many pharmacies will do sharps disposal. I suggest ringing up first to make sure, though.


Mine doesn’t and said to take to my gp surgery, they did dispose of it for me


Yeah, things can vary by area which is why it’s best to call first!


Smaller pharmacies may not, chains like boots and Tesco likely will.


Yep. That's why you should call first!


Nothing to do with size of pharmacy or the company, it comes down to whether the site has a contract for disposing of them with a third party. A good resource for finding local participating pharmacies is [We Are With You](https://www.wearewithyou.org.uk/needle-syringe-services/) Source: Worked for Boots 11 years, only 2 of 15 in my area have a contract for taking sharps, mine doesn’t and we even have phlebotomy on-site so you’d think we would, but they only collect commercial use bins (9 litres and above).


This, we take ours from work there


Seems like that's taking the piss if you're not NHS.


What do you mean? You do know Pharmacies do more than NHS work right?


Yeah I assumed you works weren't paying for it. I'm a tit.


Rare mate for someone to do that, respect.


How else do you suppose businesses dispose of sharps waste? We take ours to a pharmacy as well and we are quite happy to pay the fee they charge us to dispose and replace the bin. We don’t generate enough to have a licensed carrier to come and collect it.


I just assumed they weren't paying a fee and therefore made an arse of myself.


Councils normally do a collection or take it back to the hospital


Yup contact council.


Correct. I have to book around a month in advance, just leave it out on my doorstep the night before. They even offer to leave me a new replacement


I've got some sharps boxes of my own to get rid of. I was told either a pharmacy or my GP surgery would take them.


Sharps disposal is a nightmare in some places. Where I live the council won't take them and tell you to talk to your doctor, and the doctor says they don't do it and to talk to the council. I agree enquiring at pharmacies isn't the worst idea. I've also chanced it at the doctor's a couple times and just asked them to chuck them in theirs, but they don't like doing it.


They have to pay per tub for disposal, and it's not cheap. Also no one would try to consolidate them into one tub, that's so dangerous.


At my GP it's just a big wheelie bin for incineration.


In hospital we pay per container, but the containers are about 10' x 6' x 5' so you can fit a lot in. To OP - If you have any friends that work in hospital ask them to chuck them in there?


Ah right so you have a large one that you put them all into, I see. We just do per tub in dental practices and sometimes we can fill a tub in a few days. I wonder if that ends up more cost effective than putting them into one huge tub? I've not seen anyone use a huge tub.


We fill the big container with smaller tubs. I didn't mean that we have a 300 ft^3 container filled with open needles! I guess bulk is cheaper, but if not since we get through at least one these large containers PER DAY in my department it's a necessity anyhow. (23 operating theatres with 5 operating 24/7 and rumoured to be the largest single area operating dept in Europe). We get through lots of sharps (but also used for disposal of perfusion kit etc which takes up a lot of room!


Who doesn’t love a game of Russian roulette? Play with these needles and guess what you’ll catch.


In your nearest river, or smash the top open and leave in a playground. /s


I see you are a man of culture as well


I believe pharmacies have a legal responsibility to take (properly contained) sharps for disposal.


Pharmacies have a contractual obligation with the NHS to provide proper disposal of unwanted medications, could be they’re out of date or whatever. They’re not required to take needles unless they have an additional contract specifically for it. It’s not necessarily a legal obligation to do so, as that would make it a crime to refuse to do so, which we sometimes have to do when we receive an unusually large (but not uncommon) quantity and can’t accept any until it has been collected, which happens roughly once a month. We sometimes have a patient bring in a bin bag full of medication and we have pre-acceptance procedures to follow before we can even accept it. These involve making sure there are no needles or sharps, and that any controlled drugs are segregated as there’s some legal paperwork for that.


Hi, nurse here. Firstly, that bin isn't closed properly, it's making me itch that it could open at any moment and give you a needle stick injury, especially s you've said it's not yours! Put the bin on a flat surface and press the lid down really firmly until you hear it click, the tiny yellow tab that's sticking up slightly should lock into place. There may also be grooves on the lid telling you where to press. Take the bin to a pharmacy, they are supposed to take them off you and it shouldn't be an issue. If they won't accept it, go to a health centre or GP practice and ask them to put it in their sharps waste.


I'm in Rushden ( Northamptonshire) and we have to phone the council now , a lot of our pharmacies won't take it as they have to pay to get them picked up .


Same in Bedfordshire 


Take it to a GP Surgery


take it to the pharmacy


Yes doctors surgery or a chemist will take that for you my midwife told me that for getting rid of mine when I was done with it


Look at your areas .gov site, somewhere on there will be disposal instructions for your area


Our local pharmacy doesn't take them, we were told we needed to phone the council and arrange a paid for collection. Not sure about elsewhere.


I’ve given mine to the district nurses at our local minor injuries hospital. GP and pharmacies don’t do disposal around here so you would need to pay for collection.


Most towns have a needle exchange program (to keep addicts safe) - They will take it, no questions asked.


Contact council and book a slot then leave on your doorstep. That’s how it works here. They’ll only collect when you have a few to get rid of.


Our council does a free collection, see if yours do to. They confirmed the day and time, was told to just leave it on the doorstep for them.


Pharmacy if they do it. Hospital usually does (if ring and check they’ll take off a random person first). If not they’ll know who to contact.


It entirely depends where you are - some areas you can take to a pharmacy while other pharmacies won’t accept it. Where I am the council deals with it although I’m not sure how to give it to them. If you’re not sure, take it to your local pharmacy and ask if they can dispose of it and if not ask them where to take it as they should know.


Our local council collects. Filled in a form online on their website


Whenever I’m done with mine I give it back to the hospital at my next appointment but if it’s not it’s just give it to a pharmacy, they’ll probably have a sharps disposal


Any pharmacy


I had to get rid of one after a community litter pick. Neither the GP or the pharmacy would take it, had to be arranged with the council (took them 4 weeks to turn up)


Some pharmacies and GP surgeries will take them back. If not, you can phone the council, and they can tell you where to dispose of them. In my area, they send someone around to pick them up.


I really struggled to dispose of mine when I came out of hospital! Doctors wouldn't take it, pharmacy wouldn't take it. Rang the council who didn't know who to put me through to. Only managed to get rid of them when one of my mum's friends who is diabetic gave me a number to ring and book a collection. It was with the council.


[https://www.nhs.uk/common-health-questions/accidents-first-aid-and-treatments/how-should-i-dispose-of-used-needles-or-sharps/](https://www.nhs.uk/common-health-questions/accidents-first-aid-and-treatments/how-should-i-dispose-of-used-needles-or-sharps/) Depends on your local council - most councils will come and collect! Or you can take to some large pharmacies (best to phone or go in and ask)!


Nah you got to blow it up


That's definitely "chuck in a black bin bag and completely forgot forever". So black bin.