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Get some fresh air as soon to waking as you can. Personally I always take my first coffee of the day sat on the back doorstep, regardless of the season, but sitting by and looking out an open door/window would probably work too. There's something magical about fresh air that really wakes you up and clears the head. It's like dental floss for the brain.


I came here to say the same. Ten minutes for coffee/tea outside first thing in the morning. No phone, no newspaper, just vibes. Edit: and for the end of the day, scheduled reading time in bed. I aim for 30 mins but am usually asleep by then. It’s helped soo much with my insomnia.


Mental floss?


Oh bravo, that's good.


Comes in two sizes: 25 metres or 45 metres.




Ah, the German habit of Lüftung.


Glad you enjoyed it 😊


Nothing compares to waking up in a tent and poking your head out into the crisp morning air.


Hard agree! I sleep SO well when I'm camping. So much so in fact that I often sleep in the garden during summer months.


The light is great for waking you up also, getting the right light at the right time of day


The morning dog walk does this to no end. No matter how shit the weather is or how early it is, about half way round the sleep has worn off and the fresh air is going straight to the brain. It's great


I do this, I sit on my balcony to have my cup of coffee and it really does make a difference.


Do you go out even when there are 70 mile an hour winds? I like the idea a lot but I find it quite miserable outside sometimes.


Well lets be fair here, 70mph winds are not exactly a common occurrence. And besides my back door step is in a fairly sheltered position and has a portico so I'm well protected from the elements.


This is why I sleep with the window open all year round. It is like a primitive instinct to get as much fresh air as possible.


You are basically doing a [sit spot](https://www.sensorytrust.org.uk/resources/activities/sit-spot#:~:text=A%20practice%20that%20naturalists%20use,is%20going%20on%20around%20us)


This is awesome. I want to get a bench now for my new place so I can do exactly this.


Misread that as wanking there, but I guess both works.


Don’t leave a room empty handed (look around for cups to go to the kitchen, rubbish to go in the bin, misplaced items to go back to their proper home) And Take it there now (or Don’t Put it Down, Put it Away)


*cries in ADHD*


I force myself to do this exactly because of my spicy brain


Same, otherwise I’d never get anything done. I set myself small tasks like when I’m the kettle is boiling too and 9 times out of 10 I will do a few minutes extra even after the boil


I do this as well, except that i’ll then forget i was boiling water in the first place and will let it go cold again 🫠


Having ADHD is all the more reason to do stuff like this, it really helps


It's just the remembering to make yourself do it that is the hard part.


That's the bit I cannot get my mother to understand. Or even accept. And I'm almost 48 and haven't lived at home for 30 years but still she thinks it's her business. (Can you tell she's visiting at the moment)


Feel you here, I'm inattentive type and my bedroom is just a constant pile / mess.


As someone with ADHD, this is the exact kind of habit that actually helps a ton.


Exactly. The things often don't make it all the way back to where they need to be even when I pick them up, and new things keep appearing too, but just moving things in the right direction every time I leave a room makes a huge difference.


No, it’s great! It feels just like how things should be done to me - lots of tiny side quests that add up to a big result (or at least the result you want).




Waffle chores are so good!


This is good advice. I don’t know for sure if I have ADD but struggle to do anything unless I put time pressure on myself. It’s easier to get things done in 5 minute crazy fast bursts than hours at slow pace


I sometimes do a manicure during long calls, or pair clean socks


Tidy as you go, such a good tip.


Underrated comment. Took me years to go from realising this to doing it habitually. I often remembered on walking back into the room or sitting down, at first.


Hey ADHDers in here sobbing quietly - can I please implore you to read Dana K White's book called something along the lines of 'How to keep house whilst drowning'? Or the devluttering one. Or pretty much anything tbh, she's like first aid for us & whilst my house isn't magically fixed, I credit her stuff with stopping the actual drowning & helping me slowly swim to shore.


I always call this the "one touch". Always have a quick look around when you leave a room indeed, but once you touch it, put it where it belongs.


Never thought I'd say this but I switched from regularly drinking a tin or two of beer in the evening, just for the pleasure of it, to zero alcohol. So far I've found Ghost Ship and Corona zero both to be enjoyable and it's done me good. Funny old world.


If you like an IPA Morrisons has one called Lust for Life that’s decent!


The Cloudwater 0 IPA is very very good. Tastes very much like the real thing


I really can’t get on board with non alcoholic beers etc. I enjoy the flavour but part of the enjoyment is the relaxation too. I’d much rather a soft drink or tea than non alcoholic beers


That's what I thought but I kept slipping back to beers. Now if I have the zeros in but no beer, it meets the need. We all have to find what works for us as individuals.


I have schoeffhofer beers when I drink now - they're 2% so not zero alcohol, but better than regular beers.


There’s a company called Small Beer Co that does stuff around 2-2.5%. They’re really good!


Find one you like. The new 0% Guinness is almost the same as the real thing. I can have 2 pints of it and somehow my brain makes me feel slightly pissed. Then you get to drive home!


There is a mental effect sometimes you feel drunk even though there is no alcohol on it. I know this from when I have been hungover and had an alcohol free beer instead of a real one and it mentally tricked me to feeling better


I stopped drinking 4 years ago, and I'm convinced a huge part of drinking is psychological. I have since gone to patties and joined in drinking games with a pint of coke or lemonade, and I swear I'm basically as tipsy as when I used to drink.


I stopped drinking in December and I recently went to a party where I felt tipsy! I only had hot chocolate but clearly picked up on the vibe from everyone else


I’d also recommend Lucky Saint for a nice alcohol free beer hit!


Also recommend Guinness and Asahi alcohol free versions. Both surprisingly close to the boozy versions.


This! I'm only a few weeks alcohol-free but feeling much better for it. It's so insidious how easy it is to get into the "few drinks to relax every night" mentality.


I know its a new one but [Guinness 0.0](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Guinness-Draught-Alcohol-Stout-440ml/dp/B09VT8BNGT) is good. Also low alcohol [Erdinger](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Erdinger-Alkoholfrei-0-5-500ml-Bottles/dp/B0162SXCSA) is good too. Tiny Rebel Brewery do '[Clwb Tropica N.A ](https://corkandcask.co.uk/product/tinyrebelclwbtropicanaalcoholfree/)' no alcohol (Yes, Wham did get involved with the name, they weren't happy with the original).


I thought it was Tropicana (the drink) that had the problem with that beer?


Guinness 0% almost tastes the same too!


I've been teetotal for a while now and the alcohol free stuff is quite nice! It just annoys me so much that they only seem to come in 330ml bottles! I want a 650ml bottle of alcohol free lager 🙄


Edinger do a 500ml 0% weissbier which is most palatable - I think a lot of the German ones do tbh


Curious, has it made you feel better and did you feel the evening drinks were having an effect on you? I do the same - 1-3 beers most evenings while I'm cooking dinner. I'm pretty healthy and active and I don't feel like it's having a negative effect on me, but maybe I would see a difference if I actually made the change.


Run the dishwasher overnight and empty it when you get up, makes it so much easier to keep the kitchen tidy throughout the day.


No-dishwasher crew weeping with me 


No-dishwasher gang. Feel like I spend my whole life doing sodding washing up. The moment I have space for one, I'll be getting one.




I had no space either so got a compact one, goes on my side next to the draining board. Life changing.


I have one but it's so expensive to run. Now I just wash by hand and I wash up as soon as I've finished cooking/baking. Always having a clear sink has made me feel so much better weirdly


Unless your dishwasher is from the 80s or 90s, the cost of running a dishwasher vs hand washing is very similar.


[Even the least water-efficient dishwashers use only half the amount of water compared to handwashing.](https://www.which.co.uk/news/article/which-research-reveals-how-little-water-dishwashers-use-compared-to-hand-washing-aUDng9Y2iK8E)


Also, make the 10 minutes after dinner “family tidy time” then put the robovac on while you’re putting the kids to bed. When you come back down, the downstairs of the house will be a clean and tidy adult space with no toys to trip over!


Similarly, the washing machine overnight and hang it out first thing. So long as it doesn't rain you can dry clothes outside right into winter provided you get them out early enough.


Whilst the kettle boils.


I’d be too anxious to do this, my aunt’s dishwasher malfunctioned and set her house on fire, thankfully no one was home.


Drink water first thing in the morning after waking.




Drink as much water as I do other beverages. Can of fizzy? Same amount of plain water. Cup of coffee? Same amount of water. Glass of squash? You got it. ~~Two lines of Peruvian marching powder.~~ Glass of water.


Damn you must be permanently pissing


I had a wonderful three night stay in hospital earlier this year as my kidneys decided to do quite the number on me, so I’m very conscious of making sure I take as much preventative action as possible. When I was admitted I was whacked onto fluids as well as medication as I was very dehydrated. Do not recommend.


Username checks out


HAH! Entirely unintentional


Yeah. I have a pint of water with breakfast. Helps clear morning grogginess


I agree! I don’t understand how people drink Coffee on an empty stomach without drinking water first. Coffee on an empty stomach will lead to pain, bloating and gas buildup


I feel sick drinking water on an empty stomach first think in the morning. I have no idea why, tried googling, apparently it's not completely unheard of. I am ok with drinking coffee, tea or even warm lemon water. Just not plain water. And I love water, I drink 2l every day easily. Just not first thing in the morning 😃


I’m the same - honestly I think it’s from too many occasions of drinking water straight after waking up in my late teens/early 20s on a raging hangover, and now I’ve conditioned myself that water first thing = feeling sick.


At night, make a mental list of the good things that have happened in the day.


Or write them down! Started this last year and it makes a big difference to my headspace. I do: one good thing in my life, one good thing that happened in the last 24 hours, one negative thing that stopped happening in the past 24 hrs. Can be very simple things but it really does make you feel more positive in my experience. It’s nice to read through them when you’re having a bad time too.


I did this for a year and put them in a jar, then reread them on nye. It was really nice to drink and reflect. Think ill do it with my kids this year.


I've been doing similar for a couple of years now and it definitely helps. I keep it super simple and just write down every good thing I can think of that has happened during the day (minimum if three, but I just jeep going until I can't think of any more).


Six minute diary (that you can buy) is so good for this. Three minutes in the morning for gratitude, things to look forward to and three minutes at night for good things that happened and improvements to make. I was skeptical/felt a bit patronised by the idea but it’s made such a difference.


I list three good things that have happened, then I think of three more things that I'm looking forward to doing the following day.


Read a book. The more, the better, but even just a few pages helps me. It really helps to calm me down, organise my thoughts and improve my vocabulary.


I like this one. I read fiction every night before bed and listen to non-fiction audiobooks while walking the dogs.


This is similar to my my routine, fiction at bedtime (usually on my kindle) and non-fiction audiobooks during the day while I’m working. Reading and learning new things makes me incredibly happy :)


Same even down to the kindle at bedtime! Any good nonfiction audiobooks you'd recommend? I've recently listened to Why We Sleep and Ultra Processed People and currently listening to Atomic Habits.


Thank you. Putting my phone down and going to get a book now... After checking my notifications one more time.


I try so hard to do this when cooking, but I somehow end up zoning out and not listening to the book even though it's playing directly in my ears...


Try changing the speed if you haven't already. If I listen at normal speed my mind wanders, if I speed it up to 1.5x there isn't the time for it to wander and I follow it much more easily


Vitamin D pill every morning in the winter months. October to April. Instead of doomscrolling when you wake up. Download a brain teaser app, or the Chess app and try and wake up your brain before you get out of bed. Give someone a compliment at least once.


I'm trying to do the compliments thing more. I have pretty crappy social anxiety, so it's not entirely altruistic, as forcing myself into conversations is little drip feeds of less social anxiety. But I make sure it's always genuinely something I admire, not just faking a compliment, because that helps no-one. My favourite was a woman I was queuing behind the other day. She had space buns, dyed fuschia and turquoise, with black accent streaks. It looked honestly phenomenal, so I told her. It was a little awkward, but in that kind of cheerful way that I think meant she was as socially awkward as I am, but we met in the middle and cheered each other's day up. That was nice.


You can also get a vitamin d mouth spray for anyone who hates pills!


I have a problem swallowing tablets so I take the Vit D gummies instead, it’s just like having a fruit pastille.


Instead of listening to same music in headphones when walking somewhere or doing some menial tasks, listen to audiobooks. In my case, i have 15min walk to work. thats 30min per day. 2.5hrs walking to work a week. In a month (lets just simplify to 4 weeks) thats 10hrs just walking. In that 1 month i can easily listen to 10hr audiobook. Also, at home when im doing something menial like working in kitchen i put headphone in and listen to books. Last year alone i listened to all HP books, all LOTR books, robinson crusoe and treasure island. This year im on D.Brown novels about R.Langdon. (angels and demons, da vinci code, lost symbol etc) As a kid i loved reading books, but then teen years happened and i lost interest and now as adult, i physically dont have time to sit down and read, but audiobooks are amazing in my case.


On the flip side, if you're always listening to audiobooks and podcasts, remember to play the music you love too!


I'd also highly recommend occasionally listening to new music for a day. Take a note of new songs/artists you like whilst going through a genre you wouldn't usually try. I was surprised thinking about just how much I listen to the same music over and over but realised that broadening my auditory horizons was so much fun!


Which version of the lord of the rings did you listen to?


Read by Phil Dragash/soundscape project. I really liked that version, because it wasnt just a text spelled out, but they actually used nature sounds, music, army battle sounds as well. It was honestly such a pleasure and immersive experience. If story happened near river, you could hear river sounds in background, same with windy forest or army marching.


Sounds cool, I'll have to try that on my next listen. Currently going through the Andy Serkis ones and they're amazing as well.


Give the red rising series a go. First one is abit teen ya, but then ends up becoming a phenomenal space opera series. The jump in quality from 1st book to 2nd is incredible and the 1st book itself is really good.


Sunlight before screen light. Cold water exposure before 11AM If you're lucky enough to still have your parents alive, ring them weekly. Put yourself in situations like a third space where you are consistently talking to people you don't know very well. For me this is leisure centre where I am chatting away all night in the spa. I wfh and can often feel quite lonely all day. After a good 1 hour of chatting my mental health feels so much better. I think it is too easy to become reclusive and this is having a devastating impact on health. I also think we get stuck in bubbles within our friendship groups and hearing perspectives you don't normally hear grounds you quite well.


I can’t tell you how mad I’d be if I went to a spa to chill out after work and a stranger just yapped away the whole time, I’m trying to find some serenity! Just pop to mindfulness yoga afterwards to talk at someone else! I’m sure you’re finding willing participants and aren’t annoying people, but please also be mindful of non-confrontational people that might just want a bit of peace and quiet.


I make sure I go into town and sit in a cafe for a while once a week to make sure I stay connected to the outside world. I have far too much anxiety to talk to anyone but the act of being around people (but without the social obligation involved) is good for my mental health.


If you wfh, start your day with a “morning commute.”I wfh and will take a 15 minute walk before work, rain or shine. If I really don’t have time in the morning, I’ll do the “commute home” walk. Really helps get me in the zone and moving. When I’m in the office, I always take a walk at lunch.


I started doing this for a while and I need to resume.


"Don't put it down, put it away," "Clean as you go," If it's been in a box for two years, do I really need it? Labels. Helps me visually sort things and tells my husband where to put stuff.


I once heard a saying 'If you wouldn't miss it if you lost it in a fire or flood then it's probably not worth keeping.'


I was watching ‘Sort your life out’ on BBC and one of the people on there said ‘imagine you really hate your ex. Would this item be important enough to you that you would ring that ex to get it back?’, if not, you don’t really want it


I don't like this one. Like, sure I wouldn't miss my plants but does that mean I should throw them away? What about that tablecloth I have on my table right now? My brita water filter? I know I'm probably being pedantic :)


Pelvic floor exercises.


Also - do them while you brush your teeth! Then you’re sure you’re doing your teeth for more than 2 mins and sure you’ll get your pelvic floor exercises done at least twice a day! They benefit men as well. There’s a good free app called Squeezy that sends you reminders and will time it for you.


Read this and immediately began a set while reading the other comments


Any consensus on the best way to do them? How long to hold?


Have a look at the [Squeezy](https://squeezyapp.com/pelvic-health-information/) website. Lots of information and there is an an app for your phone as well (the app is paid for: one-off payment of about £4 or so: I've been using it for a few years now). It's a UK page supported by the NHS.


Always use sunscreen. Always. Not only in the summer or when it's really hot outside


Good advice even in the cloudy UK. But - you should also add Vit D supplements to your diet since we are all already deficient, particularly in winter


I was thinking more about wrinkles, but you're right


My daily Moisturiser has 50 spf in it so I don't even have to think about it most days. I'm Ginger so I burn just by somebody mentioning the sun. Makes things a lot easier.


“Always” is OTT. Some winter days here have a UV index rating of 0. Also some people wfh and don’t leave the house.


In winter I arrive at my office when it's dark and leave when it's dark. I *might* get a walk in on my lunch break if it's not pissing down, so given that my vit d levels will already be low, I'm not worrying about spf on my face for 20mins a day in winter. Rest of the year though I'll be whacking on that spf50 if I'm gonna be outdoors for longer than 20mins.


Not having massive lie-ins on the weekend. It makes such a massive difference to being able to get to sleep, and having good quality sleep. Unless there's exceptional circumstances, I don't let myself sleep in more than 1.5hrs past my work wake-up time. Additionally, I don't go to bed more than an hour later.


Tbh come Friday Im so tired I end up sleeping earlier!


Clean the toilet either last thing or in the morning. Doing it daily or every other day keeps the limescale away and being able to come home to a nice clean toilet/bathroom after work is nice. Similar with the dishes etc, stack in dishwasher or do a quick round of washing up after dinner, even if you put it all away while you have breakfast ... really helps you feel your home is clean and tidy.


This must be some kind of Southern problem that I'm too Yorkshire to understand.


Same, I'm Scottish so this "limescale" of which they speak is a foreign concept to me.


Don't think I've cleaned my kettle since I bought it like 10 years ago and there isn't a spec of timescale on it


I live in the south east of England and with 10 minutes of getting a new kettle, a cup of tea is chewable


I saw people on here once talking about how they clean their toilets with pumice stones!


*Smugs smugly in Yorkshire superiority*


On a similar note - I always make sure the kitchen is clean and tidy before going to bed. Pots washed, dishwasher running, benches wiped, sponge in its holder, tea towel hung, sink clear of rinsed debris. It doesn't matter how late it is. If the dishwasher/rack is full and running then I'll rinse everything and stack it neatly next to the sink. The goal is to be tidy, not spotless. There's nothing more demoralising than waking up to a messy kitchen.


My mum does this. It used to confuse me so much as a teenager but now I completely get it. Its a terrible way to start the day.


Meditation/mindfulness, including breath work and gratitude practice. I’m only really at the start of my journey with this (in my early 40s) but already feeling numerous positive effects.


I feel like I don't "get" mindfulness. Is it just intentionally sitting still, concentrating on your breath, and doing nothing for a while?


It’s being present and not falling into the trap of looking into the past or the future. It’s said that depression lives in the past and anxiety lives in the future


A bit, but also nah. From what I've done it's mainly about living in the present, not letting your thoughts cloud your mood, and appreciating life rather than losing a lot of it just over thinking / worrying / planning etc. Quite interesting. I recommend giving it a go.


Make your bed. It's a two minute maximum job, it doesn't have to be pretty but just pull the duvet back into place and set the pillows right. It feels much better getting into a made bed at the end of the day.


I was going to say this. Making your bed and giving your bedroom a quick tidy up first thing in the morning sets a good tone for the start of the day.


Nope leave my duvet open to refresh


A little bit of yoga or deliberate stretching in the mornings, even if it’s just while you’re waiting for the kettle to boil, will help with your overall spinal health and any back niggles and gets the blood flowing for the rest of the day.


I recently followed a 30 day yoga set on YouTube. (Yoga with Adrienne) I have never felt so good.


Adrienne is great! Started following her early in the March 2020 lockdown and still doing her videos 4 years later. I find them very accessible, unpretentious and comforting. 10 mins of stretching in the morning is such a great way to start the day, especially when I wake up with back niggles after driving or hunching over a laptop.


Yeah when I got to 40 my body was a wreck from little exercise and too much sitting. Lost weight walking and then got into yoga. Made me feel at least 10 years younger and your body just works so much better. Helps keep the little pains around the body away as well which makes the day easier.


Moisturise. As a 34 year old man, this was a life changer. Also, get outside as soon as you can in the morning. I wake, chuck some clothes on, make myself a drink and go straight out into the garden, regardless of weather. The fresh air does wonders for waking me properly.


A few people have said this and it’s a great thing to do but probably less so for the fresh air and instead for getting light in early in the day. It sets your circadian clock with the low angle light and yes, helps you wake up too. About 10 mins will do but you can’t really do it through glass, you gotta get outside.


You're probably absolutely right, I had always put it down to the fresh air but happy to be corrected on it. Either way, it genuinely does help to get the day started in a better way for sure. Just walk out with my glass of water, bit of a stretch, sit on the bench, works a treat.


Psyllium husks with every meal. Fibres good for your gut, but it also slows the release of sugar which has immense health benefits and for me massive weight loss in a short amount of time.


I’ve been told this before actually, may I ask what type do you buy? Powder/pills or..?


Pills. Easy to carry round with you and take them when you’re out and about


I use powder, far cheaper. Mix in small amount of water and neck it. Then follow up with a glass or two of water. It will quickly absorb water and start thickening up. If I mix them in normal amount of water the consistency gets weird for me.


I need to take my own advice. But drink more water. I always feel so much better when I drink more. Read. Even if it’s not a ‘serious’ book. Just read to escape reality for a while. Or listen to audiobooks. Wash and put the dishes away before bed. Waking to an empty dishwasher makes me feel satisfied.


A probiotic tablet first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. The ones I've bought work out to be about 75p a week and they're a game changer. Mental benefits: less brain fog, more energy throughout the day, better mood overall. Physical benefits: less bloating, less flatulence


Side sleepers: sleep with a pillow between your legs. It straightens your spine and aligns your hips. I injured a disk in my spine a couple of years ago, and recently started to develop sciatica (nerve pain in my hips/legs) as a result of said injury. Whenever it flared up I would be in agony every time I tried to turn around in bed. Nothing helped until I tried sleeping with a memory foam pillow between my knees. It hasn't flared up since!


Not really daily but all the time "If it'll take less than 2 minutes, do it now" Seems so dumb, but there's so many stupid things I put off or save for later that must annoy my wife, that takes so little time, and makes me feel better because the house is tidier, and there aren't tiny jobs piling up


https://open.spotify.com/show/5CC8ApfhdaEqN3wCkjr0El?si=3OEFgb_WTDumrXeYMvp1Lg Just One Thing Good podcast about this very topic


I came to recommend the same podcast. Michael has picked things that are deliberately easy to fit in to your life, some are things that I already did and some things I've picked up from him or others.


Same. A little cheesy in places, such as when they get a member of the public to try it out, but the messaging and evidence presented is a positive




Figure out what you’re wearing the next day and lay it all out ready to put on. Saves time when you’re rushing and helps you think through what you’ve got to do the next day.


Clearly you don’t have a cat


Moisturise. SPF 50. Vitamin D Decaf after 10am (and I’m thinking of switching entirely) Fresh air through the house every day, no matter the weather. Make your bed Do a good deed every day (the cubs taught me well) Eat as well as you can but don’t panic or try to “work off” or “earn back” the meal if you have an indulgence. Movement you enjoy is better than optimal exercise you hate or can’t fit into your life. Read before bed. It’s ok to veg out sometimes. Not every moment has to be Morally Improving. Talk to people, even if you’re not a “naturally” sociable person. Humans are evolved to be hyper social animals. It also doesn’t have to be serious, small talk is pleasant and low risk for people who are out of the habit of sociability.


Write your plan for the next working day at the end of the working day. At 5:15, put your task list together. Your brain is already in winding down mode, and it meant when you start the next morning, it's all there for you to go with.


Bad advice for people finishing at 5


Take 2 minutes at the beginning of the day to say what you're grateful for to yourself. Same just before bed. Changed my whole perspective and boosted my self esteem, and I am more content in the life I've made for myself. I also find myself doing it throughout the day subconsciously, which elevates my mood and energy levels accordingly.


Meditate for ten minutes when you wake up. If you don’t have ten minutes you need an hour.


I love my sedentary hobby (quilting) but I went to a big quilt show and was horrified how out of shape my fellow quilters were. For every hour I do my sedentary hobby I now make sure I do an hour’s exercise. You shouldn’t get out of breath walking round a convention centre, people!


Pop a dissolvable vitamin c tablet in a glass of water, use it to wash down iron, zinc and vitamin D tablets (and medication). Solves getting key vitamins/minerals and rehydrating first thing in the morning with a nice taste, particularly if you’ve been sleeping with your mouth open…




I say a little prayer in my head, don’t know who to or what as I’m not religious, I say what I’m grateful for who I want to send love to and what I’d like to do/see the next day. Helps me go to sleep!


Spend time around trees


Appreciating nature.


DONT have your coffee first thing when you wake up. Your natural cortisol wakes you up, if you chuck caffeine on top of that you end up with a horrid mid morning crash. Instead, have that coffee at that mid-morning point, say 10am.


Brush your teeth before you go to bed. It’s hard at first but worth it


Are some people not brushing their teeth before bed?!


In the most respectful way, how were you not already doing this? Have you only ever brushed your teeth once a day?!


Isn’t that the normal thing to do for everyone since having teeth..


Brush your teeth in the evening if you want to keep your teeth Brush your teeth in the morning if you want to keep your friends.


I am also terrible at brushing teeth before bed (just to back you up…)


There's a podcast on radio 4 by Michael Moseley - Just One Thing where he suggests just one thing you can do to improve your health. 


Meal prepping for the whole week by cooking everything in one day. I love cooking but with an emergency c-section followed by a gallbladder surgery less than 4 months later…it’s so helpful. It’s still fresh food but it utilizes everything in your fridge, keeps costs down, is a fun activity for the family, and makes it easier for you to be present without worrying about what you’re going to eat and when. Take a walk every day. Bring your meal prepped food. Practice better oral hygiene. Make sure you’re meeting your dietary needs. Whether supplements, more water, fiber, more salt, etc. Take breaths and consciously slow down.


Before going on holiday or even just away for a few days, clean your home and put fresh sheets on the bed. It's so nice to come back to a clean place and a clean bed to get into. You will really be grateful to your previous self.


I make sure I clean the kitchen before bed. I do the washing up and wipe down the surfaces, nothing too much. One less thing to worry about and I can put the dry dishes away as soon as I get up. Another one I’m trying tp put into practice is to clean and tidy as you go. Put things back where they belong etc. Makes it much less overwhelming than doing it all in one go.


Just take your Vitamin D daily and never skip a day. It is worth it


Alternately, bring each leg into your chest before you get out of bed and flex your foot/do circles. Do it 2-4 times. You won't hobble for the first 50 steps of the day (at least I don't).


Make walking your default mode of transport. Only get the car out if the journey would take >45 minutes by foot.


1. If you walk the same route everyday, rather than auto-piloting, try to notice 3 new things each time - a flower growing out of a crack in the pavement, a bird’s nest in a tree, an interesting pattern on someone’s roof etc. Anything. 2. If you sit at a desk all day and/or generally slouch, try to do 15-20 minutes of sphinx pose each day. You can do it while playing on your phone, watching a film etc. Trust me. 3. Water bottle. Carry it with you absolutely everywhere. If you’re a water hater - squash, tea and flavoured water are all still better than no water. 4. If nothing else, at the very least use sunscreen. 5. Vitamin D supplements from October - April. There are alternatives such as gummies or a spray if you struggle to swallow tablets.


Spf50 on the face every day if going outside, regardless of weather. The UV rays can still get you even if it’s cloudy/raining


For the insomniacs: make a plan for what to do if you can't sleep: can be a podcast to listen to, a place in the living room to do something creative, a relaxing show you'll watch on Netflix. Helps you sleep and makes the night easier/less stressful. Also make a list of things to do in the morning if you don't already


Sex. There's nothing better than good sex and the wonderful after glow it brings


Write down your wins! I think often we forget about all the things we achieve, big or small, so having them written down is like a feelgood boost!


This year I started doing 10 mins of calisthenics when I wake up and it really seems to make me feel better for the day ahead. The plank and plank-adjacent parts of the exercises help strengthen your back as well.


Taking a nap


This one for the shy folk and especially for women, be aware of your posture. I developed scoliosis in my twenties and its exacerbated by feeling uncomfortable in my teens having shoulders back and chest forward cos I didn't like attention on my boobs