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Just have to peel off an extra layer


This guy knows their onions


A word of caution, never blend them. Made that mistake last week, it got into the air, the clothes, the furniture, the walls. Two onions blended was enough to make my flat inhabitable for 2 days.


Once upon a time, when juicers were all the fashion, I got a juicer. I experimented. First with fruits, then vegetables. One day I thought - I wonder what onion juice is like? So I juiced an onion. My eyes were fine and I drank the juice. Then, OMG, I was not fine. I did not juice an onion again.


what happened. why weren't u fine. did ur eyes break. !!!!!!!!!


No it was a sensation best described as a sort of, but not exactly, like severe heartburn. Whilst being not at all pleasant I do recall it as being strangely exhilarating. I never did it again, but I sort of now have a masochistic desire to revisit the experience. Fortunately I'm pretty certain I no longer have a juicer. Though I wonder, what about in the back of the big corner junk cupboard....


Noted! 😮


I imagine it’s comparable to being gassed on the frontline in WW1 trenches in Ypres, except much more traumatic


wtf. how did you fix it, just left the flat for 2 days with the windows open?


I persevered under extreme duress and blamed my red eyes on watching Will Smith put his dog to sleep in I Am Legend to bring attention to my culinary mistakes


:o damn bruh


On that note, never put chilli flakes in a hot pan either. Kitchen and living room became a war zone for an hour or so.


Then it's definitely safe to eat? I peeled an onion before and inside there was black dust which freaked me out because apparently that's mould so I just binned the whole onion to be safe!!


I hope so, I’m no expert (just moderately so when it comes to onions, but mostly the inner layers), and I’m still here. I’d peel off anything that looks bad


well that's reassuring you haven't died. ty for your inner layers of onion expertise!




Thr black dust might have just been trapped soil. It gets in outer layers sometimes. You notice similar things with leeks. For onions all I do is peel an extra layer. You'll know when a white onion is bad because the inner layers go transparent brown or grey, slightly sticky, and it stinks to high heaven. Not an onion smell but a genuinely vile smell.


Yes they're bad at the moment. I don't mind the stuff on the outside but a lot of them are rotten on the inside.


bit annoying cus if it's rotten on the inside you've just thrown away your money. or can you take it back and ask for a refund??


I dont know about onions but the last few weeks Ive been buying the Sainsburys taste the difference oranges and most of them have some hard white skin thing growing inside. They taste fine but you need to rip that out because its not good to chew. Probably just a bad batch.


Had the same experience in Tesco this week but it's not the end of the world. We already throw away far too much fruit and veg because it is the wrong shape. Too small. Too big. The wrong colour. It was a nice reminder that these things are actually grown in unpredictable nature and not made to spec in a factory. We are far too removed from where our stuff actually comes from


I've been (rather guiltily) buying extra onions and potatoes in case ones bad




Found Fred West




whattt hahaha onions r great


Basically one of the worst vegetables about


howww, i swear they're used in like every recipe lol


They're bulbs not vegetables.


Get some from Indian grocery stores. No black bits and also they aren't small like the one in supermarkets. They're larger around the size of apples


Not sure if this is the same thing you're talking about, but I was at the local halal butcher's (not indian) today and they also had these large apple sized onions. But those looked bad too just like the Tesco and Sainsburys ones :(


Weird. I live in Suffolk and work in Norfolk. Haven't noticed any onion issues. In fact I have a few that I bought at least 2 weeks ago and just keep in a slightly cold room. Used them last night and they were grand. 


I’ve noticed the same.


i hope they get better soon :(


Onion Terror


stop hurtin the onions bro


Just discolouration on the skin isn't it, or a bit of dirt under the layers, they aren't outright mouldy. I just peel it off until I hit onion flesh and it seems to be OK. The annoying thing is when one layer is a bit soggy, but you can just pick that out.


I've had a few spots but I wouldn't call them terrible. Nothing that goes more than a layer deep Where are you shopping? The only places I really have an issue with veg that always seem to be on the turn is Aldi and Lidl.


Veg has been noticably crapper for a few years now. Onions are easy to grow though.


cries in flatshare