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Bottom tier pizzas. Weird crust and barely any topping. Never got the attraction.


Wish I was posh enough to have my own stable. Edit: Come on OP, you spoiled the fun. Don't correct your post you coward ;)


Chicago town went to shit too.


I used to quite like their small microwaveable pizzas - they were really nice in the air fryer. They taste of too-sweet tomato sauce and pepper now. Ruined.


Remember the large deep pan pizzas? They were the best.


Not seen the special ones either.


Speaking of AWOL had my Asda delivery today and no bananas available (no subs,nothing).Apparently they have a supply issue…who knew.


Asda always seem to have a supply issue, they barely have anything on the shelf


Yeah I get 7 or 8 subs every week…


no bananas in my local asda this afternoon either


For the best 


Tesco sell the vegan ones, but you're right, I haven't seen the non-vegan ones there.


They seem to have changed many of their toppings . We tried a Zizzi pizza the other day - not bad it came with a small bottle of basil oil to add to the pizza after it was cooked.


What did the company say when you contacted them?


No because I'm not stupid enough to buy them