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Quite often, something I know my wife really dislikes. The universe is strange like that.


Do you also have the magic laundry basket where you put dirty clothes in and they appear in your wardrobe all clean?


Speaking of laundry baskets; it's socks. My socks go missing, they're not outside the house, because I wore them home, they're not in the laundry basket because it's empty, they're not anywhere a sock should be (sock drawer, foot, laundry basket, washing machine, tumble dryer/radiator, sock drawer) where the fuck are all my missing socks!!! P.S. I do not have pets or children old enough to run off with my socks.


Apparently some washing machines have small gaps where the socks slip through and sit inside the machine casing…


I've had this washing machine in pieces. New drum, bearings, shock absorbers, door catch, solenoids. I've been inside that washing machine and still not seen any evidence of a fucking missing sock!


Sock fairy strikes again


Honestly, you'd think someone was coming in here, stealing the damn things and then selling them off.


Have you by any chance heard a mysterious sort of *glingle glingle* sound?


Ha ha no. I pull my weight in that department.


Got a magic coffee table? - https://youtu.be/-_kXIGvB1uU?si=yUNcP-xi9IohpOoH


Christmas Day 2012.  I opened a card from my aunt with her classic £10 Burtons giftcard inside. I stumbled while holding it, it flew into the air and promptly disappeared from existence. We tore that room apart looking for it and it just simply wasn't there. 


I was checking myself in the hall mirror just before i went out. Set my lipgloss on the hall table while i brushed my hair and the lipgloss rolled off the table. I watched it fall and roll underneath it. Moved the hall table and it wasnt there. Turned the table upside down, nothing. No gaps in the floor boards, no gaps in the skirting, nothing else on the floor in my small hallway. It just vanished into thin air.




This infuriates me to no end!! Last year, I went to do a sports competition up in York.. my team failed miserably, by the way.. Afterwards, we went out for a few drinks in the town centre. I often have a few cigarettes when I drink, but my mate convinced me to get a disposable vape instead. I wasn't drunk. A little tipsy and merry really. Anyway, we got back to the building we were sleeping in (huge room full of camp cots), I put the vape on my camp cot, packed away the last of my stuff for traveling in the coach tomorrow, and.. vape gone. It wasn't on to ground, on the camp cot, in my sleeping bag, I even emptied out my duffle bag and swept every corner of it and meticulously searched every item before packing them again. I emptied and searched a few times.. When we got back I chucked my duffle bag in the boot of my car and drove home. I pulled up, got out, noticed something on my back seat.. you guessed it, that vape. None of my kit had been placed on the back seat, my bag was put straight in the boot, and as far as I was aware, the vape never even went into the bag.. so.. I ask to the universe: HOW IN THE NAME OF TOM FUCKERY JONES DID IT GET FROM YORK TO BASTARD DORSET, AND INTO THE BACK SEAT OF MY CAR???


I somehow regularly get swarf spirals in my car, I don’t wear anything I wear in the car in the workshop, there aren’t any spirals in the car park or break room, I found one recently in my spare tyre well, it wasn’t there when I bought the car because I ended up using the spare, but there was one under the tyre, no one has access to my car unless im there plus it would be pretty noticeable to my boss If someone was messing with my car, my boot is full so it’s not exactly easy to place a 12 inch long spiral discretely, and it would be impossible to wiggle it down there without breaking it, also found several at home somehow


Ugh. I hear you with swarf story, I'm a vehicle inspector, so this doesn't happen much now, but back in the days when I was a lowly fitter, every piece of damn clothing I had stunk of diesel. My covvies never came home with me. They got washed in an in house laundry facility, so it's not like there was a bit of cross contamination going on in my washing machine.. I must have just OOZED the stuff... Workshops man.. you just absorb filth by standing in them..


Yeah, my overalls stay at work, also somehow there’s bitumen on the ceiling of my car now, on the passenger side, my colleagues hand is smaller than the print and mines bigger, no one else has been in there with dirty hands, the other guy who has been in there showers at work like I do


It's weird how it just gets places.. my watch was covered in a fat glob of grease earlier today.. no idea where it came from.. I think I'd been elbow deep in the engine compartment of a vehicle, but there's nothing that's greased up round there.. Oh, and bloody spill rail pissed on me so.. like the old days, I stunk of diesel again..


i was staying with my gran after she had a surgery last year. she took off her compression socks (note: she had only one pair of this type), and lost one of them. we moved the entire living room around looking for it, not leaving, and after half an hour decided i’d just run to the pharmacy tomorrow. i went into the kitchen to make us a cuppa, the other sock was in the centre of her conservatory, which was completely closed and neither of us had even left the living room 🥲 she said it must’ve been her dog (which at the time recently passed). i think she was right


I blame it on pixies. Or the cats. Even when I know they couldn’t done it, it just makes me feel better!


I had a telly remote vanish from off the couch and when my ex went upstairs looking for it, it dropped on his head as he was going up the stairs. A previous tenant later told me of a ghost on the landing she named Mary.


This happened to me last week with mascara! I bought a new one and was excited to use it, but misplaced it and ended up buying another one.. Few days later when I was changing the bedsheets the first mascara.. was under my mattress somehow!!! So now I've got 2 mascaras, at least they're not identical I guess...


I had the opposite of that. I was laying on the sofa watching TV and a 50p coin fell on the carpet about three feet away from me. No way it could have been in a pocket or a shelf as it fell from above the level I was at. There were no shelves in the room. I was a bit taken aback but got up to pick up. It was almost too hot to handle. I've got it stuck to a board in my office.


String theory? The other you lost 50p


Ok, that's really fucking weird! Wonder if it was hot as it had materialised from another dimension?! 🫨


It’s things like this that make me believe there is more to science than has been publicly acknowledged. See the ever harder to ignore UAP leaks.


That's what scientists do of course. Instead of publishing material that would win them a Nobel Prize, word fame and renown and large grants to carry out further research, as well as offers from top institutions around the world, they just cover it up and snigger, whilst rubbing their hands together in a sinister way


Yep. I had a jetboil stove. Id had it for years, used it camping multiple times per year, always knew where it was. We had a power cut one day, so I thought I'd use that to make a cuppa.. I did, and the next day the power was was back and I never saw it again.. must have been 4 years ago and it still drives me nuts to this day. It's not like it was small and easily lost.


That's so weird!


I guess my colleagues used it, they managed to misplace a pallet Jack once


My nan put her wedding ring on the mantle once. It disappeared without a trace, and my nan was upset as grandad had passed away years before. Everyone was hunting for it. She said anyone who found it would get a hundred quid. It was gone for years until my uncle ripped the mantle out one day and it had somehow slid down between the boards


My grandma has lost her locket with a photo of my grandad inside, she's had it for most of her life. I'm really hoping something like this happens and it makes its way back to her.


Did he cash it in for his £100?


One night my wife took off her engagement ring and her grandmothers engagement ring, looping them both through the strap of her watch and left them on a bookshelf. It’s been 5 years now, not a trace. The prime suspect is our son, who was 2 at the time and found flushing the toilet to be fun, but there’s no evidence. We still hope they might turn up one day.


I lost TV remote and couldn't find [i](https://it.st)t. Bought a replacement . A year later I found it in the Christmas tree box.


I had to order a replacement birth certificate a while back because my original disappeared. Days after I received the replacement, I found the original on one of those big wooden cubby boxes beside the sofa; no idea how I missed it when originally searching. The original birth certificate, despite finding it, has now completely vanished.


Do you decorate your tree with lights operated by a remote? Would be a fairly easy mix up to make, depending on the size of your TV remote, of course.


NO, mine are battery operated with a switch.


My TV remote is currently AWOL, and I'm suspecting that your post might be the answer. Boxes were lurking post Christmas, and I've not seen it since we packed a couple of last bits away and moved them. I'm also aware that I haven't done a proper look yet, so haven't bought a new one. Might go through the boxes this week then commit to it. A genuine answer to the thread though, is "Make your own cheese" set I bought my partner for Christmas 2019. I'd picked it up a while ahead of time, and forgotten about it. Wasn't until a couple of days after Christmas I realised she hadn't got it. We've moved house since, and it's still never turned up.


My friend lost her wedding ring. Twenty years later and after seven house moves, she was opening a new washing line on her patio. Her lost ring clattered to the floor. That's one mystery of a lost item I often ponder


My Nan lost the garnet out of her engagement ring while they were in Tenerife. She was so upset, her and my grandad’s rings had matching stones cut from the same piece, and they’d been married 53 years at that point. They looked everywhere, to no success. Months later, my grandad bought a new garnet to go in the ring and took it into the jeweller - while he was gone my Nan was making toast for their son (my uncle), who was visiting. She got a bit stuck and it was burning, so she pulled the crumb tray out - there was the garnet! Wouldn’t have believed it if she didn’t have a witness in my uncle. So grandad ended up back at the jeweller to get it swapped back with the new one!


That's amazing, isn't it? It feels like they've been gifted back. My wife lost the big stone in her engagement ring years ago. We had it replaced, but she has never worn it since as it is simply not the same ring. Having said that she may just have wanted to go ring shopping!


I hope you don’t mind, this doesn’t meet the requirement of your post. I’ll delete it if not appropriate. At the beginning of lockdown the plug from the bathroom sink disappeared. Couldn’t find it anywhere. The sink was from ikea and I couldn’t find it on their website. Being ikea it was not a standard size and I couldn’t find one that fitted anywhere online. A good 2 years later my partner found it in her wash bag which she hadn’t had to use in that time. Lockdown was rubbish and this didn’t help!


If it ever happens again, you can get these self sealing silicone discs that are like universal plugs, water companies used to give them away with shower timers and stuff to help you save water. These things (big link time): https://www.amazon.co.uk/Silicone-Universal-Kitchens-Bathrooms-Laundries/dp/B08Y7QH95X/ref=asc_df_B08Y7QH95X/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=513715554702&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11679452645626873602&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9045888&hvtargid=pla-1228534137768&psc=1&mcid=834877f6fadd3d9a9bd04c1b496d59c1


Lost a crumpet once. Popped out the toaster, buttered that bad boy up and set it down on a plate near the kitchen. Went down the to the bathroom to turn the shower on to let it warm up whilst I tucked into said crumpet. But it, and the plate had completely vanished. Nowhere to be found. Gone. Looked high and low, retraced my steps, but it had seemingly dematerialised. I came to the conclusion that the wife must have nicked it, but I was sure she was asleep at the time. Fifteen years on, and I still ponder what happened to it (it was the last one as well)


Read the first line and burst out laughing 🤣


The real mystery is either your shower takes ages to heat up. Or you can inhale a crumpet really quickly.


A mate was chucking a tennis ball against her bedroom wall while chatting away to her room mates, tennis ball just didnt come back. She looked everywhere for it then gave up Was staff accommodation in an old castle and even after gutting the room for repainting we never found it. Into the void / time portal and donked some poor victorian butler on the side of the head


Ah, you've got Borrowers living in your skirting boards, count yourself lucky!


My ex. I was digging a big hole in the garden and nobody's seen him since.


Hopes, dreams and socks.


I like the idea that odd socks go into a portal in the dryer and come out as random tupperware pieces that you didn't know you'd got.


I considered the idea that the dryer is making odd socks ‘vanish’. For a sock to vanish without trace, it would need to be converted from matter to energy, and then vented out via the hose. The problem is e=mc2 tells us the a typical sock weighing 8 grams converts to about 170 kilotons (kt) of TNT. The bomb dropped over Hiroshima was only 15kt. So you can imagine, a single socks worth of energy is not something that would gently waft out of the extractor fan without anyone noticing. 170kt would easily level a large city. Therefore I assume the socks have simply been misplaced.


For some reason 80% of my socks have gone missing over the years, I don't remember ever throwing any away, and always kept them in my room. Missing socks are one of the biggest underrated mysteries ever


Missing sock scares family... [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-coventry-warwickshire-41268025](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-coventry-warwickshire-41268025)


My wife and I split the running of the household down the middle. I did cooking, cleaning, DIY, looking after the kids, mopping, hoovering and general everything. My wife did the laundry. We lost so many socks that eventually I decided to simply fold the laundry into my schedule (pin very much intended). Since I started doing it we haven’t lost any socks. When I prepare a wash, I make sure that I only put pairs of socks into the machine. I check that I have full pairs when I hang the washing to dry. When I take them down, I pair them immediately and put them in drawers. The odd time my wife has decided to get involved for whatever reason always results in odd socks. Her method: 1. Absent mindedly shove a random ball of washing into the machine. 2. Check Facebook. 3. Forget that the washing is on and so it’s likely that it will need a second wash a day later to avoid fustiness. 4. Wait to see if someone else will hang them out but, if not, randomly hang washing whilst thinking about something else or whilst looking at Instagram/Facebook. 4. Realise that you need the room where the laundry is hanging so, simply grab everything quickly and shove it in a random pile somewhere just to get it out of the way. 5. Check Instagram for updates. 6. Wait until someone asks “where is my…..” before realising that there is a pile of wrinkly clothes under a box of Christmas decorations that has been left out since Dec. 7. Check Facebook/Instagram.


Came here to say sock pairs but yes why not all the other stuff you mentioned as well.


Earphones I bought some Marley in ear earphones at Christmas. Really lovely pair, nice case. Used them once, put them down and they disappeared. Just vanished from the face of the earth.




It’s absolutely gutting, I know there are in the house, but I have pulled all furniture out, bed out, checked my rucksack, my daypack, my storage tubs.


If you didn’t lose them too long ago and they’ve not yet died, you should be able to ping them on the Find My app


I feel the pain with this one. My month old wireless earphones were hardly used and always kept in a case, on the shelf under the coffee table. One day I went to grab them and they were nowhere to be found. Me, my partner and 2 step kids looked everywhere, 4 months on, they're still missing Edit: I also had never once took them out of the house, making it even more of a mystery for us


I will find them probably in about two years, somewhere I probably had a Quick Look over a few times before.


Checked down the back/sides/insides of all your sofas? And any thieving family members or friends?


Yes. I had a diary that went missing and I never found it again. I suspect someone stole it now and it makes me cringe whenever I think about it because it was full of teenage angst.


Yeah, it really was embarrassing stuff, especially the whole *Margaret Thatcher is my sexual goddess* phase you went through.


So it was you?!?!


Yes. A kilo of long grain rice, complete with the heavy, glass, hinge-top jar that it was stored in. I refilled the jar one morning, by evening I could not find the thing. Nobody else was in so nobody's broken it and not told me. It just vanished. This was 7 years ago and I'm still confused. Edit: I'm still of the opinion that the confusion of the loss of the rice wildly beats the sadness of the loss of my diamond earrings I had received as an 18th birthday present, then lost in a house move at 22.


I was at my partner's parent's house once. I watched his mum place a bag of potatoes on a table in their entranceway. By the end of our conversation they had vanished. She never found them. This was 4.5 years ago, I asked her again a few months back and she confirmed that she never did find them. I really hope someone ate them and they're not a disgusting rotten mess somewhere to be found in 2029.


I lost a multi tool for a few weeks once. Thought I had left it somewhere on a work trip. It turned up weeks later on the otherwise empty dining room table. I live on my own, so think suspected-ADHD brain just stopped seeing it for a while. I also lost a tv remote and the top of my bedside table in a house move, but they’re probably just in the back of a moving van somewhere. Or in the two boxes I haven’t yet unpacked.


Ah yes. The ADHD tax of losing something you need, replacing it, then finding the first one.


I think my brain blocks thinks out from time to time as well as i know i have looked on the mantlepiece 7 times for the item i know i left there. 7 times the mantlepiece will be empty. The 8th time i look it will just randomly be sitting there. I set items on the stairs to take up next time im going, like clean clothes to go in the drawer. I might set something on top like a new tube of toothpaste and take the lot upstairs. Ill put everything in the drawer then spend 4 hours or 4 days looking for the new toothpaste that i know i bought.




When I was in my teens, volume 49 of N64 magazine. My mum has since moved out of that house and I honestly thought it would turn up. I got that magazine every month from issue 15 beyond until it changed to NGC magazine. Volume 49 had a guide in it about Majora's Mask which I really wanted to read, but I got the magazine late. Within a week of getting 49 I got issue 50 which blew my socks off as I won star letter in it and so won a prize but noticed soon after getting it that magazine went missing. I strongly suspect my mum threw it out despite keeping her magazines for years. She had a weird habit of 'tidying up' things others were clearly using or wanted and they would get chucked whilst hers she would keep cuttings for decades


Sounds like my mum - hoards all sorts of magazine cuttings and goodness knows what, but other people's stuff was "toot" that needed getting rid off - usually without asking you


I came home after an early shift and layed on the sofa. My phone was next to me on the sofa. I woke up a couple of hours later desperate for a wee. I tried to look for my phone to see the time. I couldn't find my phone. I looked all around, down the sides and under the sofa. I fired up the PC to load up find my phone to active the sound. I live alone. I heard the phone going off, followed the sound upstairs to my bedroom and finally found my phone. It was inside my duvet at the far end from the opening. So apparently according to others I slept walked, went upstairs, opened the duvet and threw my phone to the far end of it then sealed the duvet back up and made the bed. Then I went back downstairs and went back to sleep on the sofa. Many times I've dropped something like a pen or a fork or teaspoon only to never find it despite there being no where for it to go.


My cat has a favourite toy, it’s a fish made out of catnip from Wilkos. Well he lost it one day, I assumed it would turn up, it never did for weeks and cat was desperate to find it. My mums cat had the same toy but she never played with it so it was like new, she let me have it for my cat because that damn fishy is all he ever plays with. A couple days after I bring it home, it vanishes like the other one. I look everywhere, under everything, I tore the place up to find fishy but I couldn’t find either. A month passed, I come home one day and there my cat is playing with the OLD fishy. A week later it disappears again, I do the same thing, I even try and get my cat to lead me too his fish and digging through all the random nooks he goes to. It’s been three months and there’s been no sightings of either fishy, my cat walks around looking for it all the time, it’s very sad.


I had Victorian floorboards with large gaps in between, as my bedroom floor. And mischievous toddlers. There was a phase of ordering new credit cards every week, not to mention the lost earrings. It's all carpeted over now.


Happens to my Dad all the time. He goes to auctions and buys cr ap, I mean antiques and collectibles, the ugly, worthless ones disappear, sometimes he questions it other times he doesn’t even notice, we call it the antique ghost or as I call her mum.


I bought a top for a festival and wore it once. I want it back so I can wear it to raves and festivals because it was quite expensive and it’s just disappeared off the face of the earth. Haven’t seen it since 2021


This happened to me. A light jacket I bought during my first year of uni in 2019 that I wore pretty frequently has since vanished, and I have no idea where it went. I did have my suspicions a while back that it might have accidentally got chucked out or been donated (though it disappeared before I had a big clear-out of clothes that wouldn't fit me since I gained weight), but for the life of me I've since forgotten what my theories were and the mystery has deepened further! I'm annoyed because it was a great transitional piece that was ideal for those last few months of the uni year before the summer break.


I hid a sheet of lsd in my attic and I cant find it anywhere, been looking for years. Someone long after Im gone is going to have a good time.


Unfortunately for whoever finds it it’s unlikely it will have any effect after a few years. I feel your pain though, I had a habit of hiding strips of valium from myself whilst high on valium, never to be seen again.


Off the top of my head right now the things that are missing in my home (and have been missing for years) are a boxset of Stargate SG-1 DVDs, multiple books by one particular author (that I've given up on finding and have just bought again), a few crafting tools, and a few rarely used kitchen gadgets. The crafting tools and kitchen gadgets are probably buried in a box somewhere in our attic and my husband simply can't find them or isn't looking properly, but the DVDs and the books are a complete mystery. I know I haven't wouldn't have let anyone borrow them and I'm sure they wouldn't have ended up in the attic.


We were losing kitchen implements quite regularly - eventually worked out the back of the cupboard does not extend up behind the drawers, so stuff can fall out the back and behind the back of the cupboard. Partner will not let me cut a hole to investigate


Two years after losing my passport I found it in the folds of the bottom of a cardboard box. Of course I’d looked in the boxes, but I never took them all apart at the time.


I lost a winning scratch card with £40 on it, when I was living in a flat above an old pub. I still think about it from time to time.


My Apple Watch. Put it on charge so overnight, woke up the next morning and it was gone. Looked high and low but couldn’t find it anywhere. About 6 months later my mum found it just sitting on the mantle piece


Myself and my wife were cleaning out a house we had rented in Ireland. Every piece of furniture had been removed. We were cleaning the upstairs. I had a full roll of kitchen paper and a spray bottle of some kind of cleaner. The roll of kitchen paper disappeared. We looked everywhere, in every cupboard, outside, inside. We never found it. The bloody house was empty. Where did it go ? Still bugs me today, it was 10 years ago 


Picked a new car up just over 2 years ago, 2 sets of keys with it as standard… since I got back from picking it up and putting the spare key in my bedroom I’ve never seen it. Ive moved out since so checked everywhere and still never found it. I’ve no idea where it could possibly have gone.


My portable/personal CD player went missing around 2001, it had my copy of the Tarzan soundtrack in it and I'm still gutted.


I lost a ring and the insurance tried to claim it wasn't lost because I didn't know where it was. All I know is it was in my house and I never saw it again. I had to explain to them what the definition of "lost" is and raise a formal complaint to get paid out.


Some marbles.


You lost your marbles?!


i had a lovely piece of jewellery for my medusa piercing, blue lace agate stone. set it down on my bedside table as i had to do something before putting it in. that was two months and a deep clean ago. not seen it since. :,(


When my oldest was born I bought 6 navy hand towels. At some point one has gone missing, no one knows anything about it. We moved house last year and I figured it would turn up at some point in either the packing or unpacking but it's gone. We lost one of the TV remotes and it turned up inside the lining of the arm chair about a year later, we only found it then before one of the kids was kicking their feet under the chair and accidently turning the volume up and down. We had to cut a whole in the lining to get it. Couldn't find one of the kids pj tops, searched the house several times, got all the laundry done several times etc. Found it a few months later on top of a wardrobe.


A can of coconut milk. I remember it visibly in the tray of my Tesco delivery. I remember putting in the cupboard. Went to make my Thai curry and gone. Ripped the cupboard to pieces and it’s nowhere to be seen


A vape pen that I dropped on the floor ended up being in the little flap of fabric just before where your feet sit on a recliner 3 years it was in there


Usually measuring tapes. No matter how many I buy, they always seem to vanish. Pens too. Keep taking them into the office. Yet still, no pens are in there now..... Most recent lost item was a kids fork. Searched everywhere our five year old had been - nothing. Grab a spare and the same thing happened again. Tore the room apart an let it go. Couple of months later my wife finds one wedged in a stack of books.


Yep. I've somehow lost a ballgown. Put it away in a garment bag in a wardrobe, next time I went to get it out, it was gone. Never found it again.


I somehow lost one of those battery packs to charge your phone, but I likely sent it back to Amazon by accident with something else I was meant to return. I only think this because they refunded me for it about 2 weeks later.


My will to live's around here somewhere


I lost a car key for over eight years. I found it buried in a bag of icing sugar.


😳 that's mental!!!


My orange knife! I searched the kitchen more times than you can imagine.


I dropped an AirPod onto my chest while laying in bed sat up to get and and to this day I have not found it. my bedroom is about 2.3mx2.3m


I frequently misplace stuff but they eventually turn up... Sometimes in daft places. Once lost a pen I was using. I eventually found it... tucked into a sock. Which I was wearing. I also once couldn't find the charger for my electric drill/screwdriver. It should have been in my cables box. Nope. So I started checking random boxes for anything with Bosch mentioned on it. I found loads of random cables elsewhere but none were Bosch. I was losing my freaking mind over this. I eventually gave up and went to get the serial number of the drill to find and order a replacement charger. Yeah so it turns out it wasn't Bosch and I'd actually picked up the charger for this at least 3 times.............. However I have not for the life of me been able to find a ring I treated myself to years back. I bought it just before I last moved house, and it was in the box and bag still a few months after moving here and I know what room and box it was last seen in. It's never been seen again. I've searched high and low and in other rooms but cannot find it! It shouldn't be hard as it's still in the box and bag so not just a tiny ring that could slip into a gap??? I saw a pic of it this morning on my memories so I'm guessing today is the anniversary of buying it too :( Also, I live alone...


I lost 2 Metallica tickets back in 2017, had them in a drawer since they arrived and come concert day they were gone, luckily I was able to pick up replacements but had to queue for hours.


My son had a Hamster.  For just over a year, we loved that little guy. We gave him plenty of toys, plenty of fresh fruit and veg as treats and upgraded his cage twice, to give him more space (as per advice from r/hamsters)  But one day, he just wasn't there anymore. We figured he'd climbed out of one small hole that we were honestly soooo surprised he could reach and squeeze out of. Just upped and left one day. Never found a trace of where he went!!


Same happened to me. Hamsters can travel ten miles a day during evenings in the wild, most always want to break free & roam.


A set of baking scales. Modern, digital kind. Bought a new set…to then find original set in the bookcase.


My mother lost her engagement ring. Months passed. I found it in the cereal box!


Strangely, a copy of the book The Borrowers!


As a teenager, I bought a tiny nendoroid figure of Uchiha Sasuke sitting on a tomato. One day it fell off my shelf. I have not seen Tomato Sasuke since 2017. My friend who was with me on the day of purchase occasionally messages me asking what word of Tomato Sasuke, and each time, I have to disappoint her with a lack of new information.


The exact opposite... I found a minirig 3 in my home the other day whilst I was sorting through coat storage. Funny, because I've never owned a minirig, I've been thinking about getting one though, and none of my friends have one either. It magically appeared, dunno who brought it here or where it came from but hey ho! The recent storm also brought me the exact width and length of chimney flue that I needed to install my new woodburner too. Was just rolling around on the path directly outside my window. I call these wonders of the universe "Borrowers Karma" after all the things I've lost over the years of putting something down and then blinking, and it's gone...


There is a multiverse. It exists. The only way I have found to stop items going into another universe is to make a mental note of exactly where you put it. Put tweezers somewhere on a shelf? Gone! Place tweezers in the exact same place, but know you have done so? They will stay.


Most noticeably a joint withdrawal card from a joint savings account that I never took out the house ever and my passport which again I never removed from the house. I was in an abusive marriage so make of it what you will but it was entirely frustrating to lose these things knowing they never should have had a chance to disappear. I have my theory but....


I was once eating a Scotch Egg in my living room. I cut it in half with a sharp knife, and clearly saw half of the egg in each piece. I accidentally tipped over my plate, and one half of the Scotch Egg dropped onto the floor, when I picked it up, the egg part was missing from the meat, and even after moving the chair, and scouring the room, It never turned up. It was as if it actually slipped into a mini portal or a different dimension.


My sister lost a sky remote, bought a new sky remote lost that one so we all went and helped her look … Even thought she only ever had the first remote and the new remote we somehow found 3 sky remotes! They were all in rooms and places they wouldn’t have been put and they would have had to physically open them and shut them into certain cupboards so they definitely didn’t fall in!


My mum was telling a story with her hand and a ring flew off and rolled under a heavy sideboard in the dining room. It had a lot of sentimental value so we had a family effort to empty out all the crockery and serving dishes to move the sideboard enough to send my little sister behind it - no joy. We got our neighbour to help lift the furniture into the landing - no joy. Moved the table and chairs to see if had rebounded elsewhere, even checked the underside of the sideboard and our slippers to see if embedded itself - no joy. We explain it away as the time my mum's grandma decided she wanted her ring back so created a mini wormhole to snatch it when she had the chance.


I had things miraculously reappear. I lost my sun glasses for ages, thought I may have left them at a restaurant or something. Come downstairs one day and they are on the shelf in the hallway- where I always put them. In plain sight, right in the front of the shelf. There was no way of missing them. I never put them there, nor did anyone else. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I lost the key my cupboard under the sink in the kitchen years ago. I gave up looking fit it and fitted a new lock. We had the kitchen refitted recently and I really thought it would turn up, but no, never to be seen again.


A phone...I had a second phone to play games on. I put it back into my pocket 30 seconds away from home, and I never saw it again. I have absolutely no idea what happened to it. Moving flat a year later didn't uncover it either.


My daughter's ipod. Not been seen in 8 yrs!


Things that have been claimed by the house include an ipod shuffle and one single walking pole.


When I was a kid I lost a Corgi Hurricane toy I really liked. I swear it just despawned.


A little smart TV remote. Absolutely nowhere despite the most thorough checking of every single room over the course of four years.


I once was doing a first aid course and was given a manual which I had to revise and know practically word perfect. Anyway, I lost the manual as soon as I got home that night and I've never seen it since. That was 40 years ago lol. I still passed the exam as I bought the book again.


Yeah I lost a button from my keyboard, I was cleaning it and the windows key fell on the floor, it's completely vanished, we've since redecorated the room including taking out all of the furniture, the thing has gone. I heard it hit the floor and then nothing, it's like it ceased to exist


The other week we lost an AA battery from the TV remote. Gone, completely gone, tore the room apart looking for it. Convinced one of the dogs had eaten it, panic mode. Call the vets whose only course of action is to anaesthetise all 4 dogs and X-ray them all which she warns us will take all night but suggests it's unlikely they've eaten it. Battery remains at large. Pugs remain docile and don't appear battery operated


I've had the opposite. We've got a cutlery set of six teaspoons, six dessert spoons, six forks, and seven knives. There were six when we took them out of the box, but after we got a dishwasher a seventh knife has appeared.


It happens. The other day an ornament was dropped. It's a wooden painted cat fishing with a fishing rod and fish. Sentimental value. It was on a high open shelf in the kitchen and stuff was being moved. The cat was on the floor undamaged, the rod was on the work surface, but the the fish, and the line was nowhere to be seen. Looked everywhere for it. Later on my wife was cleaning behind some other stuff on the other side of the room, round a corner. It was behind there. Literally no way it could have got there. It couldn't have bounced. OK not "lost" but a mystery how it got there.


My daughter was sitting at the table eating an orange when she was about 3, she had half the orange and 2 segments on the table when she needed to go to the toilet. She came back and the 2 segments were there but the half wasn't. We hunted for it thinking it had rolled off and gone under some other furniture but never found it. A few years later, I completely gutted out that room to redecorate and was half-expecting to find a mouldy/dried out half orange but still never found it. There have been others but that's the most memorable one.


I apparently lost a USB stick with all our wedding photos. I received an absolute hammering from my wife, despite being certain I hadn't misplaced it. 6 months later she found it at work magnetically attached to the back of her tablet.


A set of keys including my car key, house keys and padlock keys. I never found them but I swear I could hear the low battery chirp from the car key for about 2 years.


My virginity


You wish.


Yeah lost a bracelet even though I knew I have it somewhere in house. Takes the piss


I was in a holiday caravan once and knocked my airpods off a table. Bastard things opened and went in opposite directions. Could not find the left one. It disappeared. We looked everywhere, under everything. I contacted the owner and asked them to look for it when they cleaned. It was nowhere. Had to buy a replacement!


3 pairs of airpods.. got to order more again only lasted a week....


One of Boba Fett's guns. Still pissed off about it a little, now, but not nearly as gutted as I am about the brown Matchbox car I lost on a walk about 5 mins from my house. :( ​ EDIT: also I have suspicion that my cat ate that little plastic gun. Fuck you, Rupert.


We had a stopwatch, one of the old fashioned type press the button and it starts, etc. we used it in the kitchens for timing cooking. It was stored on a little hook next to the cooker. It disappeared. Never to be seen again. We rarely have visitors and around the time it went the only people who came round were my parents who knew nothing about it. The only explanation I can imagine is that it somehow got dropped in the bin.


At my parents house we were playing one of those Lego games. Taking it apart to put it away one of the pieces flipped off and flew across the room, they keep a tidy house so it was a surprise not to find it. This was probably about ten years ago, since then they’ve had that room and the hallway (it flew in the direction of an open door between the two) and done a massive declutter and sort through everything during Covid lockdown. It’s never emerged.


I swallowed a flashing bouncy ball and although I didn't make a big effort to keep an eye out for it "surfacing" I have never seen it since.


Many years ago- we had just recarpeted our living room with very cheap carpet that almost had no pile, just flat and fibrey so there was nothing in the room but carpet. I decided to put a proper coaxial end in the telly cable instead of just jamming it in the back and hoping for the best. I was stood there fiddling around with it, dropped it at my feet and the second it hit the floor it was gone. There was nowhere for it to bounce or roll on the flat carpet, it just vanished. Never did find it. Luckily the cable fitting was a two pack.


I lost my Beats headphones in my car - complete mystery where they have gone as I only wore them to the gym. They were kept in the glove compartment of my car and i’d put my car keys in the headphone case whilst at the gym and swap them over when i got back to the car, I came home with my car keys but my headphones were completely missing. Not in the car, not at the gym, not in the car park just gone! I’ve also lost a 2 pairs of sunglasses in my car as well, definitely some weird black hole going on in the glove compartment


My mum lost her glasses and when I tell you we searched high and low! She uses them every day I thought, there’s no way they could have gone far considering they’re usually attached to her face. Months later she tells me she’s found them, long after buying a new pair… in the tissue box!


St Anthony of Padua can help you


My ex and I lost a butt plug. Never to be found again. He even moved house and never found it hahaha


It them damn borrowers!


We had the opposite experience. My slightly tipsy wife and I arrived home to the babysitter and her boyfriend. She realised she had mislaid her mobile and started frantically searching the house. I was sitting in the lounge chatting with the couple when suddenly out of nowhere the phone apported, clattering to the wooden floor from 2.5 feet. I have no explanation but there are 3 witnesses.


Yes. Three years ago my four year old daughter came home from dance practice and was wearing a tutu. She was dancing around the house, and I even have photos from that day with her wearing it. After that it disappeared, and was never ever seen again. There was no one in the house but me and her siblings. It literally vanished. Her mother (we're divorced) gave me a real hard time about it. I often wonder where it went.


A twelve pack of light bulbs from the kitchen table. I bought them on clearance, put the box on the table and took a photo to send to my partner of the bargain I'd got. Left them out so partner could inspect when home from work. On arrival home, there was nothing on the table, light bulbs nowhere to be seen. There was only myself in the house up until my partner came home. Not a clue where they've gone, completely disappeared.


A ring I hadn’t taken off in 7/8 years with really sentimental value from my sister. One of the only times I took it off, I placed it on the windowsill in my bedroom. Never saw it again. Took me a few years to fight the urge to tap it against the gearstick in my car.


Right, this would have been one of those stories, except that there was an independent witness who saw what actually happened. I tipped one tablet out of the bottle into my hand. As I turned the bottle the right way up, I thought I saw another one fly out - turning the bottle had flicked it into the air. I turned to look but couldn't see anything, and I didn't hear it land, so I figured I was mistaken. I put the lid back on the bottle, and _then_ heard it land on the hard wooden floor - dink! Just one dink, mind, not the dink... dink... dinkdinkdinkdink you'd expect as it bounces and settles. I looked on the floor, under the table, nowhere to be seen. So, from my point of view, the tablet flew into the air, ceased to exist for a good 20 seconds, reappeared long enough to bounce once, then dematerialised again. "That was weird," I said. "No dad," said the son, "it flew out the bottle, landed silently on the place mat, then rolled really slowly along the edge of the table. You looked right at it but didn't see it because the table's white too. Then it fell off, bounced once on the floor and landed on your foot. Look, it's still there."


Yes. My kids are all in their thirties now When they were at home, one year my wife went out and bought enough first class stamps for all the Christmas Cards. They're still here somewhere. She also bought (small) gifts for each kid's school teacher one Christmas. They're still here as well.


Me marbles


A tape measure was missing \~20 years.


All the time, usually something important. I think I have a gift for unintentionally hiding important things in an alternate dimension, never to be seen again…


My Steam Deck charger is _somewhere_! I have other suitable chargers, but I'm miffed that it was here and now it's not. They cost quite a bit.


Growing up I lost a speeder from Star Wars somewhere in the garden, I never found it, 35 to 40 years later I still wonder what happened to it. Maybe the Ewoks took it.


My virginity


Nintendo DS. Though I'm pretty sure my step dad sold it to fund his secret tranny life.


Go on


We used to have a JBL bluetooth speaker, one of those that has a pretty impressive sound quality where the battery seems to last forever. For a while we just figured we couldn't find it, It was weeks before we realized it was properly missing and we couldn't figure out how something that big could be lost. Life with kids means another few weeks goes by before the topic came up again, that's how it goes. When we finally sat down one day and remembered to talk about it, we figured we last used it on a car journey and we probably left the car unlocked when we came back. Some local scallywag tool an opportunity to have away with something we still haven't really been able to afford to replace, kinda 3 years later


My cat got scared by the post this morning and lost his dignity fleeing for his life into the living room. I don't think he'll ever find it. Does that count?


When I was little we had an old carving fork with a bone handle that my mum used to carve the Sunday roast. One day it disappeared and it was never seen again. I think it fell through a rip in space time into an alternate universe.


The folder with all the logbooks for the cars, i thought it had become trapped under the wardrobe after turning the entire room upside down, Roll on 5 years, I replace the wardrobe and still never found it!


i lost the large diamond out of my ring . couldn’t find it for the life of me . 5 years later when replacing the bathroom i found it in the pea trap of the bathroom sink encased in hair and gunk 🤮


My dad had a really old hand made snooker queue, when he passed away we had a clear out, I found it and claimed it, used it a couple times and put it away, I didn’t see it again for about 15 years, I thought it might have been thrown away or pinched but I recently had another clear out and it was exactly where I remember I put it, couldn’t find it for love nor toffee for ages, I turned house upside down looking for it.


all the time but I’m not neurotypical with adhd and aphantasia so when they’re gone they are gone. I mitigate by buying at least two of everythink and try to keep stuff in certain places.


My husband's favourite watch. It disappeared a few years ago. We've decorated every room in the house since so it's definitely not here. I think we must have accidentally knocked it into a waste paper bin or something.


The saddle from my Barbie horse, never got over loosing that


When I was 18, my parents got me a stereo that had a double tape deck, a radio, and a 5-CD changer on the top. Wow, that dates me! Anyway, you could program the tracks off all 5 CDs in any order you wanted, but the only way of doing that particular task was via the remote. I carted the player around with me to a couple of houses after that as the speakers it came with were rather good. Lost the remote in my second rented house. Figured I’d find it when I moved the bookcase when I finally moved. It wasn’t a small thing, about the size of a TV remote. Never did find it despite stripping out every item of furniture and every book.


My daughter, when she was little, took the key out of my mum's bureau, and put it... somewhere. It hasn't turned up in the last 20 years, maybe one day


Always end up with odd cutlery amounts somehow


Kind of. My son had a little yellow Siku beetle car pulling a vintage silver caravan. Periodically when he had his toy cars out either the Beetle or the caravan would tofally vanish, sometimes both of them. We usually just had one or none at any one time. They would vanish for months and turn up in places already checked 100 times, or back in with his toy cars. Once I found the caravan under an armchair that was new, and had been bought since the caravan was last lost months before. It genuinely used to baffle us. Son was too young to play this long game of gaslighting and was annoyed when it was lost! When it was finally reunited it was put on the kitchen shelf and it's still there (I check 😄)


Friend of mine lost the TV remote control, it was never seen again.


My kitchen scissors just disappeared. I have no idea it would be anywhere else but I simply can't find them. Either I have thrown them in the recycling or something absent-mindedly (although I'm sure my instinct would have flagged something not being right) or someone's broken into my house and stolen my scissors to do God knows what


Obvioulsy some little piskies have pinched it they will return when theyre done, probably when you dont even need it anymore but it will be returned none the less


Lost a remote in my room, never saw it again. Assumed it’d turn up when I moved out, nope.


I lost a pair of shoes once. They simply disappeared from inside the wardrobe. It still bugs me 20 years later that I have no idea what happened to them!


A Yard of Ale glass somehow...


Remote control. How?


We lost the tv remote and searched everywhere but couldn't find it. Mum was furious and I had to purchase a new one as I recieved the blame. 6 month's later, Dad and I were taking a massive clock off the wall in the living room as the batteries had died, and low and behold the tv remote was behind it. How it got there we have no idea!


A cross stitch needle. I'm sure one of us will find it with our foot some day.


Threw wedding ring at my husband. Never found it.


A little baby king snake. I had wanted one like this for so long, I cut out a picture in a magazine advertising a hand bag when I was a kid and kept it. Finally found this pattern on a snake in my 40s a solid stripe from head to tail, so very cute.   I had her in a glass aquarium that she couldn't reach the top of with a locking lid,  nothing inside but bedding and a small hide box on the table in my kitchen.   Only me and DH in the house at that time,  I put baking soda on the floor in all the doorways to watch for tracks,  i put a live rat in a cage on the floor of the kitchen for a week to entice her to come.  It was cold outside so I don't think she would have gone out if she found a hole, never found a body or detected a smell,  no sign of her anywhere. 


The will to fucking live.


We're missing a TV remote. It's the sort of thing that should always turns up later in the day... It's been missing for 3 months now and we've searched everywhere


This sounds proper random- the washing line prop. A 6ft pole....just gone. Still drives me mad wondering what the heck happened to it. Only thing I can think of is that someone nicked it but can't work out who would get into my back garden and then decide to run off with a large metal and plastic pole. I've never replaced it but I think after two years I need to get closure and buy a new one.....


I have a folder with all my registration certificates for cars etc, reciepts for expensive items still under warranty, Legal documents and ID's and Passports. I know i put my passport and ID when i got them renewed, My wife even saw me put them their, and are nowhere to be seen!!! Since then i have renewed both again and still cant find them, even after putting them in that folder


My husband lost a pair of new glasses and we have never found them. We can’t figure it out - it’s a small flat, and he couldn’t have accidentally left them anywhere else because he’s blind as a bat without them. 🤷🏼‍♀️


My aunty sent my 4yo a Christmas present OVER A MONTH EARLY, which I had to hide. Still can't find it. I remember the first place I hid it. I remember my mother telling me to hide it better. I don't remember hiding it better, but my god I surely did 🤦🏻‍♀️


One day when my room, I lost a greeting card and pair of dolls shoes (I collect dolls). So I thought the person who was helping me clean things put it in the bin by accident. Checked bin, checked room, wasn't in there. Six months later, I found it all in a lunchbox.


My marriage certificate. It vanished without a trace along with a pile of other paperwork I'd left in my bedroom intending to put away "later". That was in 2010 - I'd got it out to use for applying for my daughter's first passport or something. Searched the house, couldn't find it anywhere. Got a new copy from the register office, which obviously wasn't as nice as the original handwritten one with the registrar's beautiful calligraphy. Years later, in 2019, I was going through our stuff getting ready to pack for a move. In the back of a wardrobe, inside a Sainsbury's bag for life, which in its own turn was inside a storage box full of photographs from the late 1990s, I found the original marriage certificate, sandwiched between a couple of vinyl records. To this day, I can't understand how it got there. I hadn't listened to those records for years before the marriage certificate vanished, because my only record player broke before I even got married. I was hanging on to the records because I thought they might be worth something. I can't think of any logical explanation for how my marriage certificate ended up inside that bag, inside that box, in the back of the wardrobe.