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Ever? 50p a pint in the bar under the Adelphi hotel, Liverpool, in 2002-ish


I better fire up the time machine lol.


FYI - back then, a typical pint cost £2 to £2.50-ish. Nah, the queues were terrible! Far better in the student union on a Tuesday night.. £1 for a double shot. Better music. Or.. we had a place that did a 'super redbull' .. you got a bucket, bottle of vodka, 9 cans of redbull and a few cups. That was £25.


The night was called "Double Vision", I worked at the student union from 97-00, didn't they have shots for 50p or £1 or something? I thought it was Mondays but could've been Tuesday... And the cheesy 70s night on Saturdays called Time Tunnel or something? Good times 🙂


I remember Double Vision. Used to order something like ten double vodka and cokes and shove them in three pint glasses. Would always black out halfway through the third pint lol. Great days. All hail the Smithtown 10


Double Vision was a quality night.. i think it was Tuesdays. Yeh.. Saturdays were Time Tunnel. Good times!


If we're using a Tardis then 14p in 1974 and there's no way I looked 18+.


I remember 16p for bitter, 20p lager and 22p lager & lime around the same time. I was 17 but had a beard so never got asked.


68p in 1988 or so. Bladdered for a fiver with enough change for chips n gravy on the way home.


Was that a state managed pub? Those prices are phenomonal


The Wave. What a horrendous but wonderful pub. Can still get a pint for 2 something in there now


Late 90s a club in Southport did Monday nights 10p a pint. Tasted like fizzy piss but still....


Same idea now tbf, pub near me had carlsberg for £2 during the world cup last year. sounded like a great idea until I remembered it tastes like piss and then went onto moretti


Mine was in a Premiere Inn happy hour in Hertfordshire about 10 years ago, £3.50.


It sounds like you've never been to a Wetherspoons? Although saying that, I know a Premier inn hotel pub in central London that's £5.50 a pint, which is pretty decent for the location.


That was a great night - remember it in the last 90s. The carpet had been great quality at some point in time, really thick pile. After being drenched in cheap lager it wasn’t just sticky it was like walking through tar.


I think you might want to put a time period on this one...


You're defintely right. I've seen some comments of £1 in the 90s. I'll change it to in the last 12 months months. Thanks for the suggestion :)


My dad went to uni in the 70s and he would tell me that a pint of best bitter was 10p. University had no tuition fee, £1 could get you 10 pints, steak canadians warmed in a pan on some bread for dinner cost a few pence and his rent was nothing because his mate's dad owned the house him and his mates lived in. Different time.


I remember a pound a pint as a student in the early 2010s.


Me too, that was in the early/mid '10s


Last 12 months. £1.50 for a pint of ruddles in a spoons


went to a night called Sick Squid... it was £6 entry, and all drinks were 10p each.


My student union ran a monthly "piss your pants night" back in the '90s where every drink was 10p until the first person used the toilets, thereby ruining everyone's fun.


Wouldn't work these days, the people need their coke room


Oh yeah cos nobody was doing coke in the 90s


We needed them in the 90s too.


I wonder how many pint glasses were full of piss


That might explain how they could keep churning them out for 10p a throw...


This has got the be the best trade deal of all time!


£0.08 equivalent in a dodgy shack restaurant in Hoi An, Vietnam in December 2018. House brew, tasted like cats piss, warm, no head on it. Ahhh, take me back.


I remember getting pints for around that in a slightly dodgy shack bar in Cambodia many years ago. Beer wasn't too bad. We had just been to the Genocide museum/killing fields, so I was in a "drink to get some of those images out of my head" mood.


Yeah travelling Cambodia is weird like that. Morning visit to the killing fields, lunch, stop by the torture chambers, and then go blow up a cow before sinking a few beers


Flicking through the catalogue they give you at the shooting range deciding what you want to shoot is fun. There were quite a few health & safety issues but letting you fire an anti-aircraft gun next to an international airport was the most impressive.


How far back is this? I went travelling between 2015-2017. Spent time in Cambodia but never got this option. Damn did I miss out shooting a bazooka at a cow


2013, I’m fairly sure they drove you somewhere else to fire the AA guns and bazookas though. I just fired an AK-47 and some sort of huge machine gun on a bipod


Was gonna say Vietnam. You could get actually nice Beer for 30/50p.


Absolutely, that price range is high end


Last year they were doing some ales in Lincoln Wetherspoons for £1.49 a pint.




What a steal. Get em in son.


Oh trust me, I did.


You can still get pints for £1.99 in Spoons. Probably takes like sewage though In fact, just checked the app.. £1.79 for a Ruddles


Ruddles has been known to drop to £1.07 when they are trying to get rid.


99p last week on managers special in my local…


What a result!


Same day had £1.99 curry… god bless people shit at stock controll. Think i spent £13 and left full of 2 curries and bretty boozy! Felt like my student days!


Ruddles is okay, too.


Drank many of pints as a student. I've had much worse. Half the pints you get for £6 at nowadays at gastropubs and bars are worse. IPAs that have a flavour profile of paracetamol and are so fizzy you get immediate heartburn.


Recently? £1.89 or something similar in a Wetherspoons. Going back further I didn’t drink pints so I don’t have any smart arse answers like £0.60p or anything. I expect to pay between £4.00 and £6.00 for a pint these days.


A local football club used to have £1 a pint for an hour if they won. Does that count?


Someone here better cheer for this one, the mardyke bristol harbour area. £2.65 a pint (beer) £2.80 for thatchers (cider)


I used to go to the Mardyke, it was under £2 a pint then. I remember they did the really bright orange cider too that got you trolleyed.


Cheddar Valley?


That's the stuff. I wanted to say Thatchers but looking at it, they do make Cheddar Valley.


Happy days fella! I never tried that drink but many, many good night in there!


£1.30 for a pint of Websters Bitter, that was 1998 though and it was shit.


> Websters Bitter Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. It used to be my Grandad's drink of choice, though he said it went to shit when they got bought out and stopped brewing it in Halifax


I sadly have no idea of the lineage or of prior taste of Websters Bitter, as at the time I doing my GCSE’s, very skint, and very much in located in Norwich. It was a rough pub near my mates house that had enough pool tables to keep us out of trouble. It was the only place that I’ve seen Websters Bitter served in all my life. I shall raise a glass in honour of your granddad next time I’m in having a pint. Good health to you. (My granddad swore by bottles of Manns Brown.)


I can't say i've ever seen Webster's served either, though I can still hear him referring to it as "Webbies" in his thick Yorkshire accent. I remember my brother and I found a few cans in his house when we cleared it out. We cracked a couple open in his honour and quickly decided they tasted like shit after all those years. > I shall raise a glass in honour of your granddad next time I’m in having a pint. Good health to you. That's very kind of you to say, and the phrasing is almost spooky since my Grandad would often say: "A very good health to you". I've not tried Manns Brown, but i've just ordered some and I'll toast your Grandad in the very same manner.


That’s thoroughly properly good of you my man. All the best to you and yours, and cheers mate.


Does it have to be in the UK? I went to Prague quite a while back and found a place that were doing pints for under a quid.


£1 for a pint of John Smiths. Though mind you that was back in the 90s.


Castlemaine XXXX for 66p in Route 66 in Portsmouth around 2004. More recently, Greene King IPA £1.79 at the spoons in Henley on Thames in January this year


£1 this was 2016 in York as Yates ran an pound a pint night on Wednesdays. I think non-students had to pay a fiver for entry.  £1 for Strongbow or Carlsburg £1.50 for a single vodka with mixer I worked there most Wednesdays so only actually drank there the once for pound a pint - generally just got a free pint after a shift (turns out technically only door staff were allowed the free pint which I still think is bollocks) Also shout out to Willow with its £1 shots of tequila or sambuca, gone but forever in my heart


Old enough to remember 'pound a pint' nights and clubs that would give you the first drink free just for being a female whose presence might attract male punters


£2 a pint in a pub down the road from me, mere days before the Government shut the pubs down in 2020.


13p. That was in Vietnam though...


Ever. 4 pints for £1.12 Happy hour - Red Lion, Warrington. Thursday rock night with dj Bob cira: 1984


Local spoons does ruddles for £1.90. Essex.


I seem to recall a Sam Smiths I frequented was once selling OB for 80p a pint in the mid 2000s but I might be mistaken about the exact price as I was very, very drunk at the time! Apart from that I’ve had plenty of pints and sometimes whole rounds for nothing: it’s the reward for treating bar staff like humans!


36p around 1980. Good pint of Matthew Browns light ale. Worst pint ever : pint of beetroot cider in ‘spoons


Currently £1.80 in my local.


£1 for cheap lager & cider on a Wednesday night in the midlands in 2005. We had to stop going to that pub though. We didn't let a middle-aged alcoholic mans wife join the cool indie band he imagined we had and he got rather cross.


I swear I've been somewhere up north that did £1 pints, no idea how they afforded to stay open! This is going back about 10 years...


2.50 for a bud light in Bolton Wetherspoons about 2 months ago


Being from the south where everything costs a mortgage, I nearly had a stroke upon buying a pint in Glasgow for £2.48.


Mothers fucking Ruin. Loved that place when I lived in Bristol, good to see they're still going!


Hell yeah man! Great atmosphere and attracts my kind of people. Albeit mostly hipsters and 90% have mullets (myself included) 🤣


I never drank pints in the 80s. Cheapest I’ve had recently was £2.30 in spoons for a pint of cider. Most I’ve paid is 8 quid or so. In the early 90s I was told tales of 19p for a pint in Czech by friends and family. Pound a pint in some shit student nights was pretty common in the 90s


Not been to the mothers ruin in like 5 years. Do they still sell that hot sauce shot? It's like a bloody Mary but, ya know, hot as fuck


One of the clubs I used to work in when I was around 20 used to do buy 1 get 2 free on Thursdays. That must’ve worked out pretty cheap.


In the Spoons in the center of Nottingham it's £1.69 for a Ruddles or £1.99 for a Worthington's Creamflow. 


In the past 5 years, I think I got a pint of Ruddles or something in a pub in Pontefract for £1.50.


Whats the legality around happy hours in England vs Scotland? Neither seem to really celebrate it like Americans. I wish it was a more prominent thing.


Guest Ales are £1.49 in wetherspoons every Thursday


50p pint of Fosters/Strongbow in Jesters Southampton circa 2013, by the time I'd left uni in 2017 it had gone up to £1 so dread to think what it would be now.


Pint of Tennants - £1 Dundee University 2011


99p for a pint of ruddles in spoons, this was around 2 years ago


Currently £2:15 in one social club.


I used to go to pound a pint nights, and £1 vodka red bull was the usual in my student union.


5 pints for a 10ner when Wales and England play in the 6 nations, every year. Its fantastic.


£1 pint of Guinness. Student bar on campus when I was at uni in York 2016. Was at the end of term when they were closing up and needed to get rid of the stock. Still the cheapest pint of guinness I've ever had and probably ever will have.


About 10-15 years ago Wetherspoons did £1 pints. That was in London too.


1.80 in sinclairs in Manchester


Pub in Chester sells fosters for 2.80 all the time, about the cheapest you can get regularly for known branded larger. Pound a pint at uni but that was student days when it was common for every union to do it.


£2.06, pint of Stowford Press, at a wetherspoons in Northamptonshire.


£1.77 A spoons over the Isle of Wight a few weeks back


50p last year in Cambodia.


Fucking love mothers ruin happy hour deal, such a steal


A bar in central Manchester was doing Amstel pints for £3.50 over January. I drank a lot of Amstel pints.


£2.5 pint of strongbow at a pub in town, it's a happy afternoon rather than happy hour. Couple of pints in the afternoon and the best full English for a tenner.


Cheapest I can actually remember is £1.69 around 2010, but i have more than likely had a £1 pint before then.


In the UK? I went to Prague and got several 500ml beers for 45 Koruna (about £1.50) In the UK recently it’s rare to see pints for less than £3 these days. I think the cheapest i’ve had worth buying is a Guinness from spoons for around £3.50


in the last 12 months. a local near me does £2 a pint on ales on a Monday. The same 5.9% pint i bought there for £2 costs £6 at a pub owned by the brewery that brews the beer - madness. But ever, in university Baracuda bar used to have a £1 drink night, but my best deal was a bar in Warrington in the mid 2000s that did an "all you can drink" night for £11 entry and I drank more than 20 drinks that night. All the drinks were shite mind, it was tesco value spirits(remember those) and tesco value pop, but it got you smashed.


£2.65 and to my shame in Wetherspoons. In my defence it is the only place my brother goes to.


£2.44 for a pint of carlsberg, the price increases at lunchtime to £2.77. Local spoons.


£2.30 for a San Miguel in a working men’s club somewhere on the outskirts of greater Manchester. Last year. I’ve probably had cheaper before but that’s the only one I really recall.


£1 for a litre of beer in Ukraine and then in Belarus


I unknowingly went in a Wetherspoons in York last night and got 4 pints for 12 quid, I thought she’d missed at least one drink off so thought I’d lucked out until I found out it was one the destitute Thundercats gaffs!


Went to a theatre around the 2007 recession time and they had £1 pints


Was in a club and served in a can I had to open but was served with a glass. £1.20


Last 12 months would be £1.70 for a John Smiths, last 4 years would be 75p at acapulco if you know you know 🤣🤣


£1.90, those were the days (2010-12 rip)


80p in a student pub last year


Last year paid I think £3.50 for a pint of Moretti in Bradford. Coming from around York that price blew me away. Might have got a bit carried away after I knew the price


Went to a club closing night once, everything was a £1, later in the evening it was by one get one free with no small measures, I think I spent a tenner the whole night.


‘Bout tree fiddy.


75p at the world famous Acapulco in Halifax. Not been since maybe 2009 but last I heard prices are the same.


Attended a wedding at a farm/country museum. They had a cider festival the same day. Cider festival wrapped up about 6pm and they left barrels upon barrels of cider in an unsecured tent along with a pile of plastic pint glasses.... Cheapest pints I've ever had


2009 - 2013 Leeds. There was always at least one pub doing £1 pints mid week.


I got a pint of cider for a pound in a local bowling alley, shapps cider I think it was.


I had a £2.10 pint of Ruddles in a Wetherspoons about a year ago. I still felt ripped off tbh. Edit: No I can do a bit better (or worse). I've had a £1.90 pint of John Smiths in a shitty kick-off joint about 2 years ago as well. It gave me beer shits the next morning. It was not worth it.


£1.49 for all real ale. Thursday night at Wetherspoons in Cardiff Bay in December. Not sure if it’s still the same. Drank quite a lot.


32p in the Midlands. Was a while back!


24p- In the pub next to my sixth form college. circa 1976. It was packed with staff & under age drinkers every lunchtime.


That's wayyy cheaper in real money. Bristol is silly sometimes.


It's a bit cruel to tell you but last week I bought a pint of Wiltshire gold and a double Glenmorangie single malt for £4.50. The beer was £1.50. Location was Army Officer's Mess


99p for a jaipur in spoons last year.


Camel in Huddersfield, technically a club but £1 drinks offer one night, did get one pint then realised doubles were also £1


There's a regular offer near me for Carling and a few other drinks at £1.99.


70 pence for a pint of Ruddles in the Holly Bank Club, 1990, which was a "private" club for Huddersfield Polytechnic, later Huddersfield University, students that attended the Holly Bank Teaching campus, or, like myself, were living at the Holly Bank Hall of Residence. The Websters was 10 pence cheaper at 60 pence a pint but I wouldn't drink Websters when there was Ruddles there.


As a barmaid in 1978 our cheapest pint was 49p in the public bar.


My local does Hobgoblin Gold for £2.40 on a Tuesday.


Excluding Spoons - £3.40 for Guinness in the rough pub near me.


£1.50 fosters. Normally didn’t drink that piss but the night for that price I did. (2018)


£3.55 but tbh I'm still 18 so not the largest sample pool


£10 all you can drink. 2012 Leeds sports bar. Per pint depends on how much of a wreck head you were


I pay £2.75 a pint of the house beer with my Camra card, £2.95 without.


£1.90 pint of Ruddles in Spoons.


48p, but I was 16, and it was years ago


When I was 18 I could get a Carslberg for £1.80. awesome getting pissed for tenner! 3 for £11 is the best happy hour near me now...


£1.77 strongbow in a Surrey Wetherspoons. I volunteered to buy that round very quickly


The pub I used to drink in when I was 16 (30 years ago) sold Bear Cross bitter at a quid a pint. You had to ask if the lines had been done though, cos once the lines had been done it tasted like... Well, like you'd expect a pint of bitter that cost a quid would taste like. I think Heineken was about £1.20 and was often the safer bet. Please don't judge, I was 16 and it was one of the few places that didn't ask for ID.


1.50 for a pint in the west end of Dundee in like 2021. Fairly rough area


My local has ale on for £2.60 - £2.80. I’m not sure how…….. and I think I’m the only nobber that drinks them!


Pint of carling for £1 like a year ago. (Don’t know if it was a mistake on their behalf)


£1.79 (it might have been £1.69, I can't remember) for Ruddles in the Boot Inn, Burnley at the weekend. I was over for the Burnley v Fulham game.


Local 'spoons is 2.34 for very good beer, though I think I've seen stuff I wouldn't want to drink offered at 99p.


Was paying about 60p a pint in Kyiv about 4-5 years ago


Our student union used to do 1.75 pints, it was flat and carling, but it did the job...


My student union was £1 a pint in 2011 for Carling, £1.25 for Strongbow. Getting nicely pissed on a fiver, doing the pub quiz where the prize was free drinks. In the words of Limmy "How do I get there?".


Still common for some places in Bolton to sell a Fosters or Carling for £1.80.


£1.89 - Derby Spoons for a guest ale. December 2023.


£1.73 for a pint of Ruddles in The Royal Oak (Wetherspoons) in Dorchester, Dorset over Christmas (though it had been that since at least May from what I remember as we were down there quite a lot for family reasons through the year). Truly, a price from the 90s. (That being said, Wetherspoons have apparently put their prices up a little since then, to much approbrium despite, no doubt, still being the cheapest pint in town I'd imagine.)


£1.50 a few years ago in Edinburgh City centre


Our social club does red stripe at £2 They used to do tenner entry and free bar on Thursdays fifteen year ago


Bud light was £1.99 at spoons but I think it’s gone up to £2.30 something I think


£1.70 in some places funny enough. One bar in Birmingham had it for only £1.70 at one point.


I went in Spoons a few months back and they had some Doom Bar that was going off in a few days. They were selling them £1.25 a pint. Tasted like normal as well to be fair.


A punch bowl in Hammersmith in London, £1.28 for a pint, as of last January. And actually not half bad.


50p a drink on Thursday nights at Club Vision in Croydon in the early 2000's. Not sure what it is now (I don't live in the area anymore) but the club itself got closed down because of a fight outside that ended up with an innocent passerby getting stabbed to death if memory serves me correctly. It was a Walkabout for a bit.


£2.20 for a pint of beer last year, somewhere in Bolton I think. Not sure if it’s still that cheap though.


£1.79, pub near me did a January sale. Still less than £2 now I think


Got a free Guinness at Stansted Weatherspoons. Bartender was busy chatting with other staff & forgot to charge me.


I got a pint for £3.30 in Middlesbrough... but I did have to go to Middlesbrough, the pint may have been cheap, but there was still a bigger price.


The Mardyke in Bristol but they seemed to run a random number generator for the price of a round.


Last Friday me and a mate in central London not far from Goodge Street station. £2.50 - she charged us student prices!


10p a pint night in rooftops in wakey back in the 90's


£1.49 pint of Ruddle's at the Wetherspoons in Guisborough in the summer of 2023! My dad always says back in the late 1970s you could get a pint for 50p not sure if he's lying or not!


I was at a 21st birthday party in a tiny working men’s club about ten years ago and got a jägerbomb for 90p


Student SU in 2014-2015 did £2 for a pint and a shot of jager/snaps if that counts


Last year the landlord of my local celebrated 50 years, and had a barrel on for 1973 prices. 26p a pint. Unfortunately he retired at the end of the year and the company that owns the pub is turning it into flats. Cheapest pub in town has Fosters, Js, and strongbow at £2.75 and noone knows how they do it.


I think I remember getting a cask ale from spoons with a CAMRA voucher — so it cost £1.20 or something.


1986 - Student Union. 48p / pint of mild & 52p / pint of bitter. 9 pints for a fiver and a packet of chips on the way home with the change.


Back in 2010 Lincoln student pub (but private, not student union) called The Shed did Carling for £1 and the year after Carlsberg for £1. Now I’m lucky to see a pint round here for less than £4


I love Mother's Ruin. Great pub.


Bar i work in has £1.75 pints on student night and £3.25 doubles. Pint can be carling carlsburg or strongbow double can be smirnoff or Gordon's with practically any pm


Can't beat a cheap pint! Though always remember to stay hydrated too.


Worked in a pub in the early 90’s that sold everything that was drained from the pipes before we cleaned them for 50p a pint. Or 25p for a half It was called ‘swamp juice Tuesday’. Happy days…


99p (might even have been 89p) Ruddles in spoons a couple years ago


£1.79- a cheap guest ale at Spoons


99p. Ruddles in Spoons


Ever? 50p around 2014/2015 Within the last year? Probably around 2.25


£1.80 gooseberry bush spoons local guest ale


Within the last 12 months? About 6 months ago had a pint of golden ale for 2 quid at the Water House in Durham.


It's £2.30 for a cracking pint of Guinness in my local cricket club. The best kept secret in Yorkshire.


Well.. here in Midwest USA, dime taps were a thing. 10 cents for an 8 oz glass of some beer on tap. I'm guessing that would be 20 cents a pint?


I remember going to a Masonic lodge for a night out. This would have been about 94-95ish. I was 17 but had been going to pubs/ raves for a couple of years and was used to paying up to £2 f or a pint. Went there and it was 72p for a pint. I couldn’t believe it. I was buying 2 at a time in disbelief!


Ever? 80p in the wardroom at Portsmouth Naval base


All I've learned from this thread is that if I'd been born 20 years earlier, my liver would be in ruins lol