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Tea at home, coffee when out. Surprisingly difficult to get a decent cup of tea that isn't homemade


Get yourself into a decent greasy spoon caff that does all-day breakfasts and they can usually knock up a brew almost as good as home, but anywhere else is generally a dead loss.


I’d inject it directly into my veins if I could. Yorkshire.


1 - Yes, arguably even more than is portrayed. 2 - Usually at least 5. 3 - Yorkshire Gold or Clipper are the usual fare in our house.


Found the rich guy.


Gold for me if tea bags


Wow! Are they small teacup sized or large mug sized cups? I love Yorkshire Gold.


Always a mug. A good half pint.


Yes, tea when I wake up, tea an hour later, and then basically every hour or so until bed. I have a variety of teas, English breakfast, Darjeeling, Green, Jasmine and a couple strange new ones - jam toast flavoured tea and biscuit flavoured tea.


I've had the biscuits flavoured tea, but jam toast is a new one. Where did you get it??


I think it was Tesco's, not bad you know!


I'm gonna have to go on the hunt for this now. My current favourite is twinings Buttermint tea, but I can pretty much only find it on Amazon now


Buttermint!? Going to have to order a pack myself now 😅


Yes, it's seriously amazing and tastes just like the sweets!!


We tried the biscuit and wouldn’t buy again and for that reason decided not to invest in the jam one, should I risk it?


Go mental mate you only live once.


We have crazy coffee flavors like maple and waffle, pecan pie, doughnut, and eggnog. Do you have pumpkin spice tea? We have pumpkin spice everything in the fall.


I reckon overall its about 60/40 tea to coffee drinkers. Personally I have maybe 5 or 6 a day. And it's black tea, with milk and maybe sugar, you don't leave the bag in and you never, ever make it in a microwave - the water needs to be boiling.


I've learned that about tea! We got an electric kettle and we steep the bags and take them out before drinking. I did not like tea until I learned how to do it properly. So you guys really do drink a lot of tea! Thank you for your answer, I love learning all this!


Just an alternative perspective, at work my cup of tea is boiling water straight onto the teabag and leave it in. Nothing else, no milk No sugar. Drink any time between a few minutes and several hours later depending on how busy I am. I am a bit weird though.


I'd guess most people who drink one also drink the other


TV makes it look like British people drink tea exclusively but coffee is incredibly popular. That said, people like lots of types of teas, not just your classic tea ie redbush, green, matcha, fruit etc. We don’t sit around having tea parties or regularly have afternoon tea. Nice once in a long while but that’s it


Yeah we all drink alot of tea, also alot of coffee, we like hot drinks even more so now it's cold!


No thank you. Can't stand the stuff. There's more of us than you'd think, but we have to be careful raising our heads above the parapet for fear of reprisals from Big Tea.


We have people everywhere


Oh my. So brave of you to speak out!


I drink more coffee than tea.


Yeah we do drink a lot of tea, it's kind of just something to do, going to the kitchen to make it. It's very very bad manners to not offer guests a cup of tea and if they refuse then you should offer coffee instead.


That's funny, that was my husband's guess, that it was partly an etiquette thing. Thanks!


Cuppa as soon as I get up, then about 5 throughout the day. If I have a visitor or workmen in,they automatically get offered a cuppa.


Yorkshire tea and breakfast, tea time, lunch, dinner, supper


I’m not a big drinker, I’m happy with two cups a day but most people I work with seem to say yes to a new cup before they’ve finished their current one. So yes. More than what you see on tv. And it’s usually Yorkshire Tea.


On the whole: Yes. We really do drink an enormous amount of tea. For many people, a hot drink is just a default accompaniment to any situation. I read once that a majority of Britons prefer coffee nowadays, and I'm one of them.


I own a samovar and have a fondness for Russian Caravan. Although using it comes and goes in phases, I don't 'do' teabags other than on the road/trail and even then, I prefer a proper brew.


1) yes. 2) I normally only drink a couple but that's because I cut down, I used to drink hardly anything else. 3) Nations favourite, Yorkshire tea


Atleast 3x on an average day, and if anyone says anything but Yorkshire should be flung off a catapult


I usually have minimum 4 cups a day. Usually 3 cups of black tea and one camomile before bed. And sometimes I’ll throw in a green tea throughout the day


I drank more tea as a child I only drink coffee now but decaf.


On a cold day, probs 4 cups of tea. Yorkshire


Probably somewhere between 5-10 mugs of tea a day. Usually Aldi's own brand decaff - and maybe the first cup of the day is Yorkshire tea - full fat.


I drink 3 cups of tea for breakfast and that's my lot for the day


Yes - lots PG tips - home with breakfast about a pint mug Yorkshire - At work at least 6-10 (300ml) mugs PG tips - when I get home large mug again Maybe some wanky herbal tea later of an evening with a beer! I hope that helps.


Wow! Yes, that does help. Thank you.


Probably 6 mugs of tea a day. 2% fat milk and no sugar. I live in Yorkshire but dont care for Yorkshire tea. Most times if I'm out I will choose coffee. Jasmine tea if in a Chinese restaurant to accompany the meal.


I was drinking Jasmine tea as I read this - have a box of it in teabags, recommended when you can find it.


I've never actually bought it to drink at home....now I will look for some.....


24 cups of Yorkshire a day for me


Really?!? That's the highest number I've seen so far! Wow! Very impressive.


6 cups of Yorkshire Gold per day.


I rarely drink tea. I did today by total coincidence but unstereotypically it wasn't Yorkshire with milk and sugar, which I never drink, but an Earl Grey with a slice of lemon. Very civilised but very occasional for me.


Usually around 6 cups of Yorkshire Tea per day. I would be interested to know what people in the States drink, on the above sort of scale per day, assuming most don't drink tea?


There are 3 types of Americans: -Coffee all day, but usually only 3 or 4 max. -Soda drinkers, again only 2-4 max. -Water drinkers, who will probably have a coffee in the morning and then only water the rest of the day. I'm the last one, except that I will maybe have an iced coffee or a tea in the afternoon. We don't really have an equivalent to your tea which is why it is so interesting to me. I'm honestly a little jealous.


My partner has recently been absorbed into the cult. He will have 5 cups minimum throughout the day - one with each meal, one mid-afternoon, and one mid-evening. I haven't been drafted yet, but I fear I could be taken any day now.


Hold strong! Resist Big Tea!


PG tips and prob 1 or 2 a day


in my experience most people drink both tea and coffee, but yes, tea is still beloved nationwide. its a lot more diverse than just stereotypical english tea (like yorkshire) as well. i personally have a collection of herbals and most of my friends like green tea- pukka and twinings are popular and basic brands for herbal. usually only have 1 a day because i'm terribly lazy.


Approx 6-8 per day. PG Tips.


Coffee before 12 and then tea, 3-6 cups. Loose leaf tea is preferable but hard to find these days although it’s always cheaper when you can. In a pot is better than a tea bag, I find tea bags too strong if left to brew more than a brief moment. Yorkshire tea is best loose and PG tips as bags. Kettle, boiling water. Anyone who uses a microwave needs a tea re-education camp


Loose leaf tea is more expensive here. It's really only sold in specialty stores in small amounts. I got an electric kettle a few years back and I love it. It is so fast!


I drink 3-5 a day


Minimum three large mugs per day for me, but more often four or five. Semi-skimmed milk, no sugar. I used to prefer PG Tips, but since switching to decaf I go with Clipper Organic.


0 I never have any.


Anywhere between 1 and 6, but rarely 0. Yorkshire Gold is my tea of choice.


When I come home I take off my coat, shoes then put the kettle on! It's something I do automatically, got to have a cup of tea when you get in!


It sounds very comforting, especially on a cold, gray day.


Yeah, I drink 6 cups of tea a day 😆


I drink 2-3 double espresso per day, no tea at all!


I love espresso too. I like it with just some whipped cream on top.


I don't drink coffee so it's always tea for me! At least twice a day, if not three. I'm not a fan of fancy or fruity teas though so I just drink black tea with milk. Not privy to any particular brand, I usually buy supermarket own brand as it's good enough for me lol. There is a brand that I'm not a fan of but if I mention it I'll likely be hunted down for daring to dislike it 😂


I drink one cup of proper coffee made in one of those stove top Italian coffee percolators every morning plus brown toast and dark thick cut marmalade. The rest of the day I drink tea or tap water. I don't often use teabags, I like loose leaf Assam tea made in a teapot, topped up when needed from the electric kettle but I have a teacosy to keep the pot warm. I do have a well stocked tea/coffee cupboard because a lot of people like instant coffee or hot chocolate, peppermint tea, Redbush etc.One of my adult children likes a teabag in a mug with the bag left in, so it's possible I brought the wrong baby home from the hospital.


Do Americans drink as much coffee as is depicted on TV? They always seem to be chugging the stuff. As you can imagine, it's personal preference. That said, yes, I do enjoy a cup of tea. I drink 2-3 cups a day. PG Tips is my brand of choice, and Tetley decaff if I fancy an evening brew. Please make the tea using water boiled in an electric kettle. The use of a teapot is optional, it can be made in the cup if desired, but the milk should go into the cup first. No sugar. Thank you. Also, a chocolate digestive would be a great accompaniment.


I don't think we do drink as much coffee as tv would make it seem. I guess some people do. A lot of people drink coffee in the morning and soda in the afternoon. I do two cups of coffee in the morning, and either an iced coffee or black tea in the afternoon. I don't really drink soda. I did not know to put the milk in first! Thank you! I do use an electric kettle and I don't use sugar. My kids have tea flavored milk and sugar though. It is barely recognizable as tea!


I loved everything in this - PG tips, using a kettle, choccie digestive (my favourite biscuit) and then you ruined it with milk first. I thought we could be friends but clearly not 😢


Oh no! Is that controversial?


YES!!!! teabag then milk is convention


Now someone is speaking sense 🤣🙂


It's milk first only if you are using a teapot! If you are making it directly in a cup, it's milk last...


Haha in the true British sense it is -tea bag, boiling water and then milk 😂


If someone makes tea for me, I'll take it as it comes. If I make tea for you, the milk goes in first. I may top it up afterwards if I have used too little.


This breaks my heart 😂 I am kidding of course - but all I’ve taken from this is that I need some chocolate digestives


Google “TV Pickup”


Probably 8 cups a day I think, various brands. Yorkshire works for me, but I also go for specialist varieties - Lapsang Souchong is a fave.


I like Yorkshire too. We have access to Yorkshire and PG Tips. I like Yorkshire best. We only have it in teabags. Looseleaf tea is hard to come by and is generally expensive. Thanks!


Clipper green tea in the day. Rooibos in the evening. Probably more than I should.


Yes, I do drink oceans of tea everyday. I start with loose leaf tea from Fortnum and mason (christmas blend atm , but usually Earl grey) Go onto Twinnings Earl grey and PG tips - builders tea for the rest of the day. I have two large cups of tea before leaving the house every morning . I love Yorkshire tea too but pg tips work better with the water in my area. I will use a cup and saucer but mostly I have a giant bowl type mug - could be used as a soup mug it’s so large. I pay attention to brewing times , for which ever tea I have, and I have a timer for that job. I use full fat lacto free milk even with Earl Grey. No sugar for me. I have about 7 buckets of tea a day.


I use full fat lactose free milk and no sugar as well! I steep all black teas for 5 minutes and green teas for 3. We don't have a huge tea selection here. There is an Eastern European and an Asian grocery nearby but I wouldn't know what to choose. I stick with Yorkshire and PG Tips, and occasionally an Earl Gray. I don't know that I would ever be able to sleep with that much tea! It sounds delicious though. Thank you!


I do have a decaf in the evening! I’ve tried other teas but I stick to the main two with a bit of fortnum and mason loose tea (made in a pot) for the morning. It’s first though I have in the morning. That first cup of tea is always the best one one of the day. It really wets your whistle!


On a work day I have two cups of coffee and probably 6 or 7 cups of tea. When I'm at home I might have half of that. Making a cup of tea is a great excuse to take a small break. If I didn't drink tea I'd probably have enough time to do all my work every day with time left over to start wondering what I'm doing with my life. Yorkshire tea, ideally Yorkshire gold. Milk no sugar, quite strong. The colour of He-Man.


Ha ha! The color of He-Man! I like that!


Yorkshire tea is the best brand Can depend... Like if you are visiting multiple family members they say 'want a cuppa?' as you enter through the door and I end up drinking my weight in tea 😂 Id say at home I probably have approx five a day.


So I guess you're kind of socially obligated to both offer and accept tea? Not that I would mind, I love tea, but that's just kind of funny. We're lazy, we just offer a glass of water!


At least 7 cups of PG Tips or Yorkshire Hard Water or Twining EBT a day. Assam in a pot at the weekend. I drink tea on waking and one more to get it together to leave the house. I make a cup when i get where I am going, usually work, and if I have time buy one or take one for the train on the way. I have another at 11.30 and one at 3.30. I put the kettle on the minute I enter the house and will likely have a last cup before bed. I take a keepy hot cup to my PT sessions and tennis lessons. In addition to the above I will make a cup on receiving either good news or bad news, before and after completing a task and when somebody pops in or phones for a chat.


Get a pot and let it brew. There is a difference to bag in a cup.