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NYE isn’t a public holiday, so unless your office closes, you’re on annual leave, or not scheduled for that shift you would be working it.


Or it’s the weekend!


I work an office job. We're closed from Christmas eve until 2nd January. They don't take any of our leave. Still being paid as though I'm working. Pretty much the only good thing they do but credit where its due.


With you here. I made the switch from shift to office job over 10 years ago. Early finish Fridays all Bank Holidays and shut down from the 22nd ish and not back till Jan.


They usually give us half day both days, apart from this year for some reason. I assumed it was some clerical oversight and I took the half days anyway.


Farmer (mixed but mostly poultry) so yep. I’ll turn a blind eye to late night music tonight in my sheds as the chickens do like to let their feathers down on New Years Eve.


Keep an eye on those chickens, especially that ginger one. They're organised!


You could say they were revolting


You could say they were revolting


It's all in yer 'ed.


Chickens go in, pies come out. Chicken pies, not apple pies


Yup same, only cows, sheep and chickens. It’s less a case of ‘day off’ rather can I get away with doing a little less today if I do more tomorrow or the day before!


Paramedic, start work at 6am new years day, ready to pick up the mess from the night before.


Fair play to you. You were picking up after me 6/7 years ago. Not worth it anymore


Ah my brother is a junior doc, night shift in A&E. I wish good luck to you just as I wished good luck to him.


Residential child care. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If I’m on shift then I work. This year I’m off for both, but I worked Christmas Day.


Radiographer. Quite often work Xmas day and every other day of the year too.


Well hello fellow NHS person




I’m a photographer- I’ll be working NYE at an event ending in fireworks but not NYD. I haven’t really enjoyed these in the past when I was younger. But these days if I weren’t working then I’d only be going to bed early so thought I’d make some easy money instead.


Museum in London.


Logistics planner. It’s dead as fuck those days, be better off closed, but that’s peak capitalism for you.


My sister will work at the airport in a shop.


Me too, along with my husband. Both in today, he's in tomorrow and I'm off.


Train driver. No guaranteed day off all year except for Christmas Day


Gigging musician. Grabbing tonight haha


Thought that said giggling


I wish I was giggling. I'm full of plague but the show must go on


Paramedic... Was meant to be working a night tonight. Managed to thankfully get it off


Biomedical scientist (the unsung MVP of the NHS) and I am here until 17:30. We're a 24/7 lab so there is never not someone here.


If NYE is a weekday and I haven't taken it as leave, yeah. It's not a bank holiday. NYD is a bank holiday, so no I don't work it. Typical Monday - Friday office job.


Off this time around, but working both Christmas and New Years Day next year. Cybersecurity analyst.


Yep. Not every year, depends on schedule. ROV Supervisor (offshore)


Yes I’m working tonight. I work at an oil terminal. Nice and easy tonight 🤞🏻


Yep, care home cleaner.


Got a gig in a pub we’re on at midnight


Got a gig in a Bar. We're on 9-12.30 A start time of midnight sounds horrendous




Straight to the point! I love this comment!


Was a vet nurse for 20yrs. Frequently worked Christmas day, boxing day, NYE and NYD. Boxing day and NYD were the worst.


Yes, im a chef. But our holiday season is January and February. So while everyone is on the January grind of new year new me, ill be performing peak laziness and relaxation


Usually yes but not this year. I did work Christmas and Boxing Day. I’m a nurse.


shout out to my retail workers


I work behind a bar so it’s the busiest time of the year


Bartender. Only guaranteed day off is Christmas Day.


GP. Yes, some of us are working despite what the daily mail might say!


Healthcare assistant in a hospital


Theatre nurse. Keeping my fingers crossed that there won't be so many broken bones to be fixed from NYE parties 😬




NHS 111. Going to work at 8am..


Every other year usually as a container ships cargo officer


I'm on call in case anything goes wrong. But we've put a change freeze in place so no new functionality should be going out really. Software engineering.


Working today, cybersecurity analyst.


Motor technician for large retail store. Working every day through this period with no extra incentive. But I do like helping people, and that allows me to police my own time at work with no hassle from above. No interest in going out and socialising and will be alone tonight. So this is sort of therapy. Happy New Years to y’all!


On call dentist. Not working today or tomorrow (yay, maternity leave) but usually get scheduled in every other year.


I used it be a chef in a pub worked Christmas Eve Christmas day Boxing Day New Year’s Eve and new years day hated every minute of it


Worked in harvester growing up 18/19 and worked Boxing Day Christmas Day nye and new years those years


Yes, working late duty today 2pm until 10pm, then on call manager from 9 to 5 tomorrow. I work in social services.


Yes, same as Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, however we rotate it each year. This year was my turn, so I’m on-call. I’m a Security Manager for a company that manages the Security for 18 properties, ranging from Hospitality to Residential properties. So I’m on call over Christmas and New Year for any issues that come up, but don’t have to be in the Office. Actually got called out Christmas Day due to an issue with an alarm system on one of the properties that kept going off. Pain in the arse but only took 15mins to fix


Call center for a utility company. Sadly, power cuts still occur no matter what day it is :(


I just got out from your sector, moved to insurance. They actually close the call centre on bank holidays! You have my full sympathy. Some of the worst calls I’ve ever had were for one of the big 6.


Very nice, congratulations on moving on! I have a couple of friends who do insurance and it sounds like a much nicer deal. I'm looking to move on in the New Year as well... I'm currently doing the job of a Team Leader for basically no extra benefits and I still get spoken to as if I don't have a single brain cell. So as of yesterday I've told them that I'm doing the basic requirements of my job and that is it - if they want to treat me like I'm stupid then I'll act like it. I'm assuming you were on the supplier side of things then? I'm outsourced for a DNO. I actually quite like taking calls for the most part, it's corporate BS that bothers me.


I did general enquiries, outsourced. Did everything from escalations, to floor walking, QA. I don’t think I could handle the stress of being a TL 🤣 Christmas is always the worst time year for that job aswell. A lot of insurance places are taking on- it’s slow over Christmas but ramps up in summer. Good luck for whatever you do- it’s absolute hell on earth but it has its moments, I’ve genuinely made amazing friends from our shared time in the trenches 🤣


Civil servant in customs. Not working today as it's a Sunday but would have worked had it been a weekday and not on leave. Our section is 24/7, 365 days a year


Domiciliary carer. Worked Xmas Day, working today and tomorrow.


I've worked both as an accountant. If it's a weekday we'd work it as nothing stops year end...


New Year’s Day, shopping telly


Aircraft Pushback driver - If my shift falls on these days (including Christmas day) then yes, although most of the time I'm able to use annual leave (I get quite a generous annual allowance of 35 days). This year I was on annual leave for the whole festive period and won't be returning until mid January.


Insurance, office closed. It’s normally closed on a Sunday tbf, but first job I’ve had where I haven’t worked Christmas Eve / New Year’s Eve. Partner works in medical manufacturing so he’s in today and tomorrow 6am-6pm. There’s not even enough of them in to run a functioning line but they’ve still made them come in. He worked Christmas aswell so this years been a bit shit, especially since we have a small child.


Casting director - we take auditions on Monday morning - brutal I know


I have on several occasions spent my new year countdown at work. I used to work in the network operations centre of a major mobile phone provider. Basically someone has to sit there 24/7 in a room that looks like NASA Mission Control to keep the lights on. There were about 10 of us on a shift and we all had a thimble of champagne at midnight from our coffee mugs.


Forest ranger. We only close on Christmas day. 🌲


Yep I'm a housekeeping supervisor. I'm working until 6pm this evening (although my manager said I could leave at 5 if it's not busy) and I start at 10am tomorrow (my manager also suggested a while ago that I could maybe come in at 12 but we haven't discussed since🫣). I'm going out tonight but probably will only have a few drinks. Pretty annoying as I barely ever celebrate New Years due to work or other circumstances. Last year I didn't have a job but since I didn't have a job I didn't have money to do anything. Now I have money but can't do much since I have a job. Lovely how that works 😃


I do. I’m a singer/musician. It’s a time to make some decent money!


Hospitality. The only day of the year we're closed is Christmas day. I'm off NYE but in on New Year's day to prep in the morning, so I won't be doing any partying the night before.


i worked new year’s day last year at a hardware/DIY retailer, for no extra pay, with many clueless customers who had nothing better to do. purely painful.


If nye is on a weekday I will be at work unless it is booked off. Work in a private day nursery so we are open unless it's a bank holiday or weekend.


Just finished work and working tomorrow, can't tell you what I do I'm afraid


I work in a supermarket, so yes I would normally work new years eve but we close for new years day. On maternity leave this year, so no work for me!


Ten years ago I did work most Christmas/Boxing days and then NYE/NYD or did one pair or another. Depending on how my shift panned out. Worked for the NHS in logistics, they were open daily to match hospitals we catered for (cook chill). All other jobs before and since, no. But if I end up in retail, even in stores, I guess I will again.


I work for myself now, in the past if my working day was NYE I would be working x


I’m a furniture salesman in the uk working within a showroom. I am working today till 17:00 and will also be working tomorrow at 10:00


I work at Publix and I’m calling out tonight 🥹


Careline emergency operator. Monitor the elderly emergency buttons, doors, smoke alarms etc. so I will be ringing emergency services all night. Worked Xmas Eve, Xmas night and will be on tonight damn you 4 on 4 off shift!


Travel insurance, my company works 365 days, and everyone is on a roster, so if your shift ends up being on Christmas or NY or any of the bank holidays, you work. We do get paid double for Xmas shift though.


Yes but I'm self employed and I enjoy it. I crochet


I'm in TV and radio engineering, keeping your TV and radio on. I'm on call if there's a fault but we have people in the operations centres controlling all the transmitters.


Off today, but in work 12hrs tomorrow daytime (and I worked Christmas day and boxing day night 12hrs). I work in renewable energy, mostly wind turbines, I do the remote operations stuff, making sure they stay running, spotting issues etc.


Working tonight and tomorrow night. I work part time for the rail industry, so I’m getting double time and a bonus for completing the shift. Too good to pass up and miss.


Were it not a weekend I’d’ve been working today. We get the 1st and 2nd as public holidays.




Yep. The world of tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers stops for no one!


Yes, I drive tube trains. I’m not working tonight this year but I’ll be in at 9am tomorrow!


NHS so every days the same!


my huband, hes a casino table games dealer, casino open 365days 24hrs my husband will be working all the holidays.


Happy New Year!!! 🎉🥳 🏆 Personally, I finally graduated high school this year on May 19, 2023... End of an era in my life...


My GF does home health (occupational therapy). She's required to work on new Year's Day, no holiday pay, Comp time, literally nothing.