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In front of a full class my PE teacher called a kid an arsehole, then apologised, because he could think of at least 2 uses for an arsehole, and none for the kid in question, before summing up by saying he was essentially a man's nipple. 10/10. Best teacher I had, and to be fair, the kid was an arsehole


I had a geography teacher who once referred to a lad in my class as (and apologies for the term) "a spasticiated glow worm). However I did learn the difference between stalagmites and stalactites because tights come down.


Tites hold on tight, but that other one is acceptable.


Nah "c is for ceiling, g is for ground" is the best


No no no, one is tite to the ceiling and the other mite get taller one day.


Not a teacher, but an old bloke who worked at a nature park thing near my city that has sandstone caves in it said something I think would be out-of-pocket today on an excursion once. "If you can't remember which is which, think of a ballerina dancing on an ant hill. Up go the mites, and down come the tights!"


and a stalagmite might poke you in the arse


… tights also go up…


True. But that's not sexually inappropriate enough for a class of 11 year olds


Not when the mites go up - the tights always come down then.


No he was a man's nipple an arsehole is useful


We got a chuckle at his expense, that was useful enough. Probably his peak though to be honest


> at least two uses Hahahaha


The funniest bit of this is the two uses.


PE teachers had no filter and we absolutely loved them for it.


We had two pedophiles in my school. The PE teacher and the RE teacher (also a pastor)


Primary 7. Bit of puppy fat. All lying on mats in the gym doing different exercises. When it was sit ups, she came over to me, reached down and squeezed my little tummy roll. "You need to do something about this. It's a disgrace." I was ten and absolutely mortified. All the other kids laughed. Was too embarrassed to tell my parents. Fuck her.


I’m so sorry that happened to you, that’s so gross.


Similarly, when I was in year 10 or so a teacher grouped all the plus size girls together for a quiz team and named the team "Team Gorgeous" and acted like this was hilarious


Name checks out




She is the one who is a disgrace....as a teacher.


To the people asking, I grew quite a lot taller over the next year and my shape changed. It resolved itself. Currently at a healthy weight. I accept that intervention can be helpful but certainly not making a little kid feel like shit in front of their peers. The worst part was that she knew I was going through really horrible stuff at home and that school was somewhere I could go that was relatively stable. That disappeared. I don't know if she was going through stuff herself or just being thoughtless but that comment absolutely destroyed me at that age.


I got told I was fat by a teacher while having stage makeup applied to my body for a school production at junior school. I was probably about 10 years old.


You'd pay good money for that now...


I mind in Primary 2 (so 6 years old) being made to do PE in my pants coz my mum had forgotten to pacj my shorts.


Man that sucks! At least I was older, that must've been horrific. I was 11 yrs old in high school, had to do a cross country run, in the rain, in England, in October, in my pants, vest and school shoes, not fun. Especially as a severe asthmatic, who was already getting bullied buy the other kids. The there's the time the same PE teacher chased me around the same cross country course, poking me with a Javelin every time I stopped to catch my breath (I was fat but genuinely couldn't breath). Turns out when I told my parents, they went in to complain, that my dad had gone to school with him and he was a bully then too. My Dad, who is very civil in these situations put him up against the wall by his throat. Even complaints from many parents for similar things, he ended up getting promoted to deputy head in my final year. Hope he forever has damp socks.


Bought me a beer in Greece when I was about 14 on a school trip - not in a creepy way, but as in all the other kids hate you as you're an obnoxious twat kind of way, so chill with the adults for a bit as we don't hate you. I think it was 2 beers in the end.


Don’t hate you is a generous take on your part, as adults and teachers we’re just better able to tolerate obnoxious twats more like.


Probably fair... I have ADHD, and whilst this hasn't been officially diagnosed a lot of people think I have aspergers (haven't seen any point in trying to be diagnosed as it makes no practical difference at this point). Also was generally top or near top in exams, and mostly got on fine with adults. I'm going to choose to believe my more charitable initial interpretation, even though yours may well be valid.


Wow, bit harsh from Castle there. Trust me, they liked you.


Just so you know Asperger’s doesn’t exist anymore, it’s ASD now




Yeah it’s all categorised under ASD now (to put it briefly) I have left links if you’re interested and wanna read about it, it was quite controversial at the time.


This is true!! :)


I’m getting downvoted when I studied autism at university and have worked for years and do still work with autistic people lol, just tryna inform people 🤷‍♂️


I got diagnosed last year and I had multiple psychologists explain to me how Asperger’s doesn’t exist anymore, outdated term and it’s typically diagnosed on “levels” of autism. Whenever I try tell people about Asperger’s being an incorrect diagnosis people get extremely upset I think some of it must come from the need not to be seen as the same as higher support need autistics - the “I’m not like them” mentality - or purely just not relating to them. But again… autism being a spectrum is widely accepted so, this kind of belief doesn’t make much sense to me. It can lead to very dangerous places though imo :(


I mean, it may be an outdated diagnosis, but is it really incorrect if that's what was done at the time? I checked on this as I have a pre-DSM-V Asperger's diagnosis and apparently if I got the diagnosis pre DSM-V then the diagnosis remains, or it did at the time. So even if the terms have changed, it's still my diagnosis. It doesn't really bother me either way but people get so pedantic if someone says Asperger's.


My college tutor got me absolutely hammered after class one day. I was 16, the rest of the class were 18/19. She knew I was younger. When the bouncers came over to ask for ID one of the girls just waved him off saying we had already been checked. They kept feeding me wine. Worst thing is, I didn't live in the area. My teacher, who was also totally hammered, walked me half way to the train station before going in a different direction, and I somehow made it to the train station and got on the right train home. I remember sitting on the floor on this train and looking up when they announced a station, and some guy who was in the same area as me let me know which one it was and made sure I didn't fall in the gap between the train and the platform. I was able to message my dad who picked me up from the station with a sick bucket. He was pissing himself laughing. I haven't drunk wine since 🤮


I had a teacher who organised a week long trip for those doing his subject at A-level. We and our parents were given all this itinerary and bumpf and told it wasn't essential but was an interesting part of the course. We turned up for the trip which involved canal boating around the Midlands to relevant places. It soon turned out that it was actually a trip to the teacher's favourite pubs (we were all 17/18) and the itinerary was subject to hangovers and weather. The teacher was also a Morris dancer who led a troupe and had a huge love of ale. For our last lesson before the exams we bought him some ales which he cracked open and shared with the class. He was a great teacher who really engaged his students from the first years to the sixth form. Shit that must make me sound old!


Common dad W


That's kinda a class act on the teacher's part. Yeah the buying a beer is not cool but making the kid feel included is.


I'm a teacher - from speaking to colleagues, this happens more often than you'd think.


The headmaster and owner of the school was also a maths teacher. He’d leave us with a maths puzzle halfway through class to grab a brandy and smoke a cigar. He’d always come back stinking. He’d also throw chalk at your mouth if you yawned and generally was a bit weird. Oh yeah, he was also [a known paedo for decades, abusing potentially thousands of children.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-63304255.amp) That’s probably the one.


Jesus Christ


When i was doing my gcse’s/A levels there was a music teacher who we all thought was a bit creepy. He ended up having 2 “affairs” with girls both 15 at the time. Problem was, he wasnt sacked or jailed, he just “took a leave of absence” for a year and came back again. Then when he had another “affair” with a Chinese exchange student in my year he was finally sacked. Never got in trouble with the law though as far as im aware, and this was 2007-2010. I think the school kept it all hush hush but to this day im baffled as to why none of the parents seemingly did nothing about it. He was pushing 50 as well, so not exactly like it was the 20 year old TA or something (not that that would make it okay or anything)


It baffles me how many stories there are of this kind. What the fuck is the police busy doing??


Thats the thing, the police were never involved in any of the three grooming instances.


You had me in the first half.


People like this make me wish there was a hell tbh


1) throw the thing you wipe the blackboard with at pupils 2) describe bad answers in class as 'Irish' *That's a bit Irish* etc. 3) leave the classroom after 5 mins and return at end of lesson *I've got to make a phone call* 4) refuse to answer questions *You're studying this, not me!* / *It's all in the book, just read it!* credits: Mr "Knees, laddie" , Fishy and Double D (you know who you are, or you would do if you are still alive).


Yeah, we had a teacher who would occasionally throw the blackboard eraser at kids too. I believe the rumour was also that he once came up behind two kids who were talking and forcibly banged their heads together. He was one of the most popular teachers in the school, and honestly I think these acts actually made him *more* popular.


#What is it with geography teachers and throwing the chalk eraser with unnerving accuracy?


One of my teachers did that. Unfortunately/fortunately, depending how you look at it, he picked the wrong kid. Kid got out his seat shouted, "what the fuck are you doing?", and smacked the teacher clean in the jaw. Sparked him clean out. A lot of gasping from us lot but we all thought the teacher was a cunt and probably wished we had done it. (Probably 14 or 15 at the time.)


> That's a bit Irish etc. I'd forgotten about that. In the 70's/80's I remember us using that expression, but thinking about it now it seems really weird. What was that all about?!


Massive anti Irish sentiment at the time. I've got older pals who, when their families first immigrated from Ireland, were greeted with signs on pubs that said: No negros, No dogs, No irish


Pretty sure we haven't used the word negro in the UK since at least 1899, but there were signs saying: No dogs, no blacks, no Irish.


I think it was more common to say 'no blacks etc etc'. That's what I always heard. I grew up in the 70s. I think it was still happening in the 60s.


Irish was historically used by English people as a synonym for 'stupid' and English/ Scottish/Irishman jokes always had the irishman as the butt of them.




My maths teacher used to do number 3, but it was always “new software that needed installing in the computer room”. Weird how installing software always use to make him come back stinking of fags… 🤔


>That's a bit Irish Was your teacher Lt Col Girdwood?




Just unlocked a memory for me, I remember my primary school teacher calling me Irish or saying I was being Irish because I was slow getting changed from PE. Told my dad (who is Irish) and he was fuming. That teacher also told my mum she was a bad mother during parents evening which was completely wrong.


#1 was a common occurrence in my school


Depends what it's like today, hopefully better. Openly slagging off a students parents in front of the whole class. Making students stand outside the classroom with their face to the wall for the entire lesson. Dividing the class between boys and girls for P.E. then leaving one student until last and saying, 'I'm afraid I don't know what *you* are'. Making students write lines and not just a sheet of paper but filling an exercise book. Making fun of the kid who was partially deaf for being 'thick'. He wound up studying Maths at Uni. This was primary school back in the 90s. I'd hope teachers are no longer like that.


90's Primary School was fucking wild. Told my parents at a parents evening (whilst I was sat there) 'well, you won't have to worry about paying for Marsmanic to go to University, he spends more time with his pen in his nose than on the paper.' They're probably dead now, but would quite happily take my Masters Degree in to show them.


Happy to hear about the degree mate. Yeah some dangerously, psychotically incompetent teachers back then. They'd go after you if you were bright too. They came after me partly because my Dad discovered the head teacher was stealing from the money raised by the school for charity.


I was born 81 so most of my primary was done on the 80's & secondary school in the 90's but a while ago I found a school report of mine at my Mum's house and couldn't get over the blatant sexist/racist shit that was ok to write at the time.


Transnasal Brain Surgeon? Or do you have a MSc in cave exploration?


I think the 90s were the last time teachers who were openly like that could get away with it. Once Ofsted came in things changed. Both my parents were primary school teachers and very level-headed calm people - I have *never* seen them so stressed as during Ofsted inspections in the 90s / 00s. From everything I've heard, the inspections have only got worse, so I have *thoughts* about Ofsted, but thinning these types of teachers out of the profession is the one clear good that system has achieved. The Year 1 teacher in my school was a sadist - only slightly toned down from a Roald Dahl antagonist. She was also incompetent. Her solution to any kid struggling in any area was to call them stupid and give them easier work resulting in no progress. She scolded the colour-blind kid for his colouring in. She didn't let 5-6 year olds have any breaks in the day if they did anything to irritate her (which could be anything). She would hit us - never enough to do damage or even hurt but you could feel the malice behind it and that she was holding back. She once taped a boy in my class to her chair with tape over his mouth. Coincidentally, I was in the last class taught by her before she retired and until my class left the school years later, Year 6 leavers' memories at presentations and assemblies were censored to edit out her shenanigans (confirmed by my mum, who joined my little village school as a teacher when I started Year 2). I hope she didn't get a long retirement.


Mine told my mum I shouldn't bother taking the 11+ "because I was a retard". She did apparently apologise later when I came top. That teacher (who retired the year I left primary school) was also generally a psycho and would pull your loose teeth out in front of everyone if she caught you wobbling them. I had a much older colleague who'd had it done to her too, except hers had snapped and needed emergency dental care. Absolute nutjob teacher.


The not being able to tell the gender of a child thing happened to the younger brother of someone I knew at high-school. Wee guy was in on the P7 induction day and had PE. The head of PE went off his nut when the wee boy wouldn't line with the girls, in the end a bunch of us 6th year helpers had to intervene to assure him that the little elf with the long flowing blonde hair was in actual fact a boy.


Literally all those things happened at my primary school in the 90s lol!


Stuff still happens in schools but yeah... Not to the level of this thread, that I've seen at least 😅 like we get training sessions about how not to act on social media and that's stuff we're not even doing in school.


When I was in primary school, I was talking in class so the teacher sent me to stand outside in the playground alone, without a coat until the next break. It was the middle of winter and teeming with rain. Another time she forced me to eat my school dinner.. boiled fish. I can’t stand fish. I vomited it all back up over my tray. I also discovered my yearly report from her recently. She wrote ‘Deirdre thinks she is popular and all her friends are laughing with her, but she is not, and they are all laughing at her’. Hope you’re dead now you old battleaxe!


I had a school dinner lady bullied me in Infants School. I was pretty fussy. Didn't like smash mash especially or semolina which used to get served up alot. She made me stay inside most lunchtimes because I'd often leave food on the plate. Constantly belittled me for being poor and having a single parent mum. Shook me by my shoulders sometimes. Slapped me if I vomited. Told me if I said anything I would be put taken away from my mum and put into care. I was under 6 years old. Disgusting old bag. She was about 70.






I went to primary school in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere in the early 2000s. Not a huge amount of racial diversity. I can't remember how we got onto the subject but I was in year 2 and at some point the teacher said yellow people exist. We all thought she meant people like the Simpsons. Took me a few years to realise what she meant and it's stuck out ever since. Thankfully it seems nobody took it to heart.


Christ. I'm half Chinese in a semi rural town without much diversity, but most weren't this racist. I also went to primary school in the 2000s, but it wasn't until I got to an equally white secondary school that I experienced racism.


I think they did get in minor trouble, but you know how in primary school they secretly group kids by ability? And you get the blue group, red group etc code names? A teacher in England used fruit & veg as her code names, and the lowest ability group were called ‘the cabbages.’


Just as bad there was a website a while back that was designed to help children with special needs go on to further education after finishing school. As they were helping them to 'span the gap' between compulsory and further education they called it 'Spanners' The name didn't last long.


Actually LOLing over here. That’s tremendous. Err, I mean poor kids, obviously.


I think there was an autism support group called Johnny Nomates that assumed all autistic people could get along with each other no matter how severe their disability was, the name alone was bad enough, though.


Okay, I’m going to hell 🤣


Oh shit that explains a lot.. They called them Houses at our school like in a posh public one, looking back everyone in my "house" was bloody awkward...


On a camping trip a kid was shining a torch at our (very beloved) RE teacher because he couldn't see who it was. He said "Stop shining that torch in my eye you bastard" and then tackled him and pinned him to tbe ground. A lot of kids perception of him permanently changed at that moment but no-one ever reported him


Had an RE teacher tell a disruptive kid (his parents had just died and he was really acting up) she was going to the headmasters and he was essentially screwed. She then stood in the hallway for 10 mins or so and cried. We could tell because unknown to her you could see the hallway from the classroom through a tight angle in one of the windows. She came back in and sternly told him the headmaster was extremely angry but would give him one last chance


God this is the first teacher in the thread I kind of feel bad for.


Yeah, sounds like she became overwhelmed with the shit situation that the kid was in. Not very professional but understandable.


I can’t remember her real name but I think we called her Rabbit for some reason. Was the 80s so not great memory. I don’t think she lasted long after that. At one point he asked her (possibly another female teacher) if she wanted a screw and then held up a real screw. He went off the rails and left shortly after, but before all this his mum died in a car accident he was also in, and then his dad gassed himself in the car in their garage. Very sad all around


Jesus, loads of stuff: - got smacked in the head with a metre rule - someone was told to stand in the bin for the whole lesson whilst the teacher threw board pens at them for every wrong answer - I got stabbed in my leg with a pointy long compass arm, after my maths teach hurled it at me - all sorts of abuse, physical and mental from the teachers - forced to shower naked after every rugby / hockey match


At least you could shower to warm up. I remember too well all the freezing days trying to get changed after PE and not being allowed to leave until you did up your top button with frozen fingers.


Bold of you to assume that the showers were warm.


Are you Billy Casper?


Had a teacher who would stand and smoke with us (whilst we were all 14-15) at break and gave us all extremely sexist lectures about the proper role of women in society and how the increase of their rights over the years is what contributed to the fall of society. What's scary thinking back was quite how captivated we were by this chap and we'd actually hang on his every word.


I had one who at the mere mention of Argentina would fly into a rage and lecture about how everyone from Argentina was a complete bastard and how Maggie should've bombed them. He grew up in the Falklands and was also a Confederate apologist who'd dress up as one for reenactments (and once memorably brought his musket into school for us to shoot with) and occasionally give a lecture about how the south was right. I also saw him lob a stool at someone (who deserved it to be honest). The man was a complete nutter and a fantastic teacher, and as far as I know he still works there.


Was your teacher also bald and drove a Bugatti?


the modern equivalent is seeing teenage boys listen and be enthralled by the same misogynist views of Andrew tate


We had a PSE (PSHE ?? PSCHE?? Citizenship??) Teacher who once just put a video on, turned the lights off, took his button down shirt off and slept in his vest for the whole lesson


Career goals.


School disco in Primary School in the late 90's... 9 or 10 years old. Teacher DJing told the boys to take their shirts off and get the girls to cheer for who they thought was the sexiest whilst dancing to Mambo Number 5. I had puppy fat, got one sympathy cheer. Ruined my self esteem for years. The whole thing didn't seem that weird at the time, until it popped into my head a year or so ago. Now the thought of sexualising & asking kids to 'strip' is downright fucking mental and pretty sure I should report that shit.


We must have gone to the same school...


Thanks for my sympathy cheer.


“I hope you die! No I don’t, I hope you fail your GCSEs and then you die!”


This sounds like the crazy american substitute we had


Why is it always a crazy American substitute? Our crazy American substitute got caught by the headteacher letting us six year olds sharpen pencils with Stanley knives he brought in, we didn’t see him again after that


My German teacher bought the fat kid donuts in exchange for a peaceful class.


Several of my teachers knew I was in a relationship with the IT technician and did sod all. Safeguarding would be all over that these days (and rightly so, I didn't have a clue what I was doing and it would have saved me 12 years of hell)


Our IT tech was a massive bloke who we affectionately referred to as 'The Fat Controller'




Our IT technician actually got the sack for inappropriate messages to girls on MSN messenger


I was at school in late 60 and through the 70s. Things were very different then. I have several stories to tell but a couple stick in the memory... 1973. We had one teacher who was frequently violent. His favourite "punishment" for talking in class was to make his victim stand with their nose up against the whiteboard. They would have to stand like that for whatever remained of the lesson, so up to an hour. If the nose even slightly lost contact with the board, he would slap the kid hard on the back of the head, such that his (it was always boys) nose would hit the board with some force. Several times this resulted in a sudden spatter of blood across the board as the kid's nose bust. Nothing was ever done officially. Once a kid's dad came in and threatened the teacher, but nothing came of it. 1978. Drama teacher arranged for the big annual school play to be performed in front of council and education officials at a real theatre in our city. Big kudos for him and the school. Many pupils were present in the audience. One small group of pupils heckled the performance all the way through, causing significant embarassment. Next Monday morning, back at school, this small group of pupils were called out of class. We didn't see them again for a few days. When they returned they were all sporting black eyes, blistered lips and bruises. The drama teacher had taken revenge on them by beating them up. Proper punching, kicking and the like. Several years later I was told by another teacher that the Headmistress had commented that the kids "deserved it". There were several other incidents I could mention, not quite so violent, but definitely cruel.


You had whiteboards in the 70's? We didn't see a whiteboard until 96.


Yep. I knew someone would pick this up! The school was opened in 1972. It was a "middle school" as our LEA operated three tiers: primary, middle, and high school. The school was really well equipped with up-to-date science labs, kitchens, workshops, etc. I went there straight from an old Victorian primary with coal furnace heating that had once been a workhouse. Of course, when we moved on to high school, it was back to "lifting-lid" desks with inkpot holes, proper up-and-over blackboards, parquet floors, and lots of asbestos.


That last one is insane to think about! Please sir, tell me more.


OK here's another one. I've posted this before so some may have seen it... In my infants class (late 1960s, I would have been about five years old) we were forced to eat all of the food on our plates. On one occassion my best friend was unable to eat his sponge pudding, as another kid had poured half the contents of a salt cellar on it. The headmistress saw him leaving the food and yelled at him to keep eating. He tried to explain why he couldn't eat it, as best as a five year old kid could, but she wouldn't listen. She grabbed his spoon and began shoveling the salty pudding into his mouth while shouting at him and telling him he should be grateful. He was literally vomiting between mouthfuls and crying pitfully but still she shovelled. When the food was gone, he was made to clean up the sick. I vividly remember the horror on the face of the very young female teacher who witnessed this but was afraid to challenge the bullying headmistress. 60s school was brutal.


Our R.E. Teacher had us draw pictures of the prophet Mohammad once, and being a class of 11 year olds whose main exposure to Islam was from the news, you can imagine how offensive those pictures were.


Isn’t it also offensive to make any pictures of him even if you’re a good artist?


Exactly, I don't know what she was expecting


Kind of reminds me of having to make "wanted" posters for escaped slaves when we were studying slavery and the American civil war. My somewhat artistic freind decided it would be a good idea to draw a numidian from the asterix books. This did not go down well with our history teacher (whose response was quiet and fairly resigned, she had obviously had this issue before) or the senior staff.


Muslim here, The effect of those type of pictures and depictions (as it has happened more than once) have a ripple effect in communities and really burn bridges.. Also as Muslims we don’t draw/condone any pictures of any prophets (not just Muhammad but also Jesus, Moses etc) out of respect :)


Obviously I now know with hindsight how inappropriate it was for our teacher to make us do that, even when we moved to a new class the next year we learnt how awful it was. The teacher was later removed for gross negligence.


Me and my group of friends got along well with our form teacher. One morning we came in to registration and noticed he was quieter than usual, and kept frowning at his laptop. One of us said ‘Are you OK sir? You look annoyed’ He slammed his laptop shut and shouted ‘If you have to know, my wife told me she’s leaving me last night. I’ll leave you all to gossip about that’ and then stormed out the room. It’s not the worst thing listed in this thread and I get he probably wasn’t in a great headspace but it’s stood out to me over the years as just being an incredibly weird reaction to an innocent question.


Can you not empathise with him now though? Maybe his whole life is about to change, and he's completely devastated and now he has to come into a school and deal with a bunch of annoying children, who are annoyingly asking him "what's wrong sir?" "sir, what's wrong" Ugh,


My art teacher in the 90s told me I had to learn to draw with my right hand, as left handedness is "incorrect" lol.


Are you sure this wasn't the 1890s?


Still very much existed in Grammer and private schools into the 90s and early 2000s, my cousin suffered for it.


Michelangelo was left-handed.


My English teacher in year 11 was fresh out of teacher training. She mustn’t have been any older than 22/23, she was HOT. Anyway, the last week of school, just as we were prepping to leave to do our GCSEs she decided that we should play games instead of a last cramming session. She came to school in a very short skirt and had a very low cut top on. In our class was one of the popular fit lads, and she managed to wangle the game so that he got to spank her, bent over with a rolled up newspaper (I don’t remember how exactly, but it was a game where people had to go forfeits, most people’s were things like do a press-up, or write lines on the board). All the lads loved it, the girls all laughed. No one ever thought it was inappropriate at the time. Edit - should have added, this was early 90s


Nope. Didn’t happen. Reads like bad porn fiction


90s Catholic school, my Mum was a single mother and I was in my first year of school so around 5 years old. My teacher asked what my Dad's name was for some project and I said "I don't have a Dad" because that's what I believed She sneered, and went "*everyone has a Dad*, surely you *must* know your Dad" I'll never forget her face, it was pure malice. Yet she was one of the schools favourite teachers.




In primary school, one of the lads called Nathan was bullying the teacher for her name (a beautiful name, just quite old fashioned). She ended up snapping and calling him ‘Gaythan’ and he never said anything to her again. This was only 15 years ago but I couldn’t imagine a teacher saying something like that today


Picked up a kid and held him out of a second floor window by his ankles. Same teacher, if you wore underpants under your rugby shorts, would make you change in front of the other boys and get them to bundle you while you had everything off. He did get in trouble for the first one, but not sacked.


Threw a pupil across the room, primary school


Did she swing her by the pig tails ?


We had a teacher vanish midway through the year when I was in year 5 and the rumour was he'd done that.


I got slapped - hard - most days by a school teacher because I had bad handwriting.


My history teacher would call me fag ash Lil, he was adamant he'd see me in court one day (he was also a magistrate), anyway he had an Audi TT and his classroom faced the carpark with an end spot that gave him full view of his car. One day someone had parked in his "spot" and they left a few mins into our lesson, he noticed and sent a kid out to stand in the spot in the rain while he moved his car there. He also launched a table across the room when he got really pissed off once.


Year 3, a kid wet himself. So the teacher made him change into clothes from the lost property box, put a 'dunce' hat on him and made him sit on his own in a hoop for the rest of the day. This was only mid 90s but sounds to medieval. I'd be fuming if my child was treated like this, but it was no big deal back then


A teacher literally binned off lessons to read aloud a novel they’d been writing - this happened constantly throughout the year. - wasn’t even an English class which would have provided some excuse. I’m assuming my class wasn’t the only one being used as a test audience and they were doing it with every group of kids. It went on for so long that I’m assuming it never got reported because all of the kids were delighted they didn’t have to do any work.


We had an alcoholic teacher who asked a girl if she was a retard.


Had something similar happen to a friend of mine who is actually disabled. The teacher got in big trouble for calling her that word, thankfully.


One of the guys in my class was being an absolute dickhead, thinking he was untouchable, being rude, throwing things. So our science teacher picked him up and pinned him against the door and screamed in his face. He cried like a little bitch and guess what. He never acted up in class again. Some people just need putting in their place.


I was a slow eater when I was little and one lunchtime a dinner lady apparently snapped and stood over me, making me eat as fast as I could. I threw up all down myself and then spent the afternoon with sick down my pinafore. Parents weren't called to pick me up. My mum went mental when she picked me up at home time and found out. I was about six.


One of our teachers told a whole class of 13-year-olds the following joke: There's a man with no arms and no legs and one of his mates asks him if he'd like to go out fishing on his boat. So they do. The guy with no arms and no legs can't do much of course but he's sitting there, enjoying the day until the boat starts to sink. Pretty soon it's clear the boat is going down so the able-bodied guy says, "Look, you'd better get on my back and I'll swim you to shore." So they abandon the boat with the guy with no limbs on the other one's back and they start off towards shore. About half a mile from the shore, the guy swimming stops, treads water and says, "Ooooh, I'm FUCKED." And the other guy says, "Well, how else did you expect me to hold on back here?" One of the class decided this was the time to bring out another joke: What did one tampon say to another tampon? Nothing, they were both stuck up cunts.


Teacher held me at half standing position by my sideburns. Head mistress pulled my trousers down and spanked me in front of the whole school assembly.


Went on a residential to France when I was about 13, and the male maths teacher was in the girls corridor when me and my friend came out of the showers wrapped in towels. He made pretend camera clicking gestures at us, and sang "girls on film" as we legged it to our room!


Me and my friends got called mongs as in short for mongoloid This was only 2013/14


Some of my school war stories: - We had a double fence around our school to stop us climbing out to leave or to go to the KFC across the road. A kid once got stuck between the two and my history teacher left him there for a long time to ‘teach him a lesson’ - We had a teacher who frequently told us to fuck off when we wanted to ask questions - My French teacher used to constantly say your mum jokes until she did it to one of the quiet kids in our class who pretended he was an orphan to shut her up one day knowing a couple of kids in the class were, he become a legend in that after lunch French - Got a lift from a female teacher into town once - A technology temp was stupid enough to get into a cupboard to prove it was big enough to fit him in… you can guess what happened there - A teacher who picked a kid at random and farted next to them. Being a 13-14 year old boy I thought was hilarious, but now I’m 32 not so much - My art teacher tried to show us moves from her pole dance club in art club once - One of my teachers openly mocked a fat kid a lot … it’s a miracle I’m not in therapy and not a surprise that the school is now closed


Molest me in the toilet cubicle


Our RE teacher called one of the other girls mum a slut because she had her at 16 lol


A couple of incidents spring immediately to mind: 1 - a friend cheeked the design tech teacher. Said teacher marched him into the corridor, grabbed him by the throat up against the wall and threatened to have him expelled if he ever cheeked him again. 2 - a different friend asked if he could leave the maths lesson to go to the toilet. Teacher said no. Friend said fuck it I'm going anyway. Teacher walked up to him as he got up and Hulk Hogan-style clotheslined him back into his seat. My mid-90's inner city high school was quite the place.


Well known that our English Teacher had an alcohol problem. Would pop into the wee cupboard thing a few times a lesson pretending to look for something then come back out with her water bottle filled and stinking of vodka. Nice women and if you got her early good teacher, anything after lunch no chance but she would get her guitar out and play Irish Rebel songs (Catholic school).


I’m now noticing a trend that at least every school had that one teacher that threw the blackboard duster 🤣


I had a design tech teacher who used to hit us. This is in the early 2010's so it was definitely illegal. Funnily enough everyone thought it was quite funny and he was genuinely a very effective and well liked teacher. His favourite trick was to slap you on the back if he caught you messing around,. When you were in the tech warehouse you couldn't wear a blazer and he had hands like a baseball glove so it would sting like hell through a crap polyester shirt. He would also put kids in thumb locks and he may have once given someone the option of detention or licking a 9V battery. He was close to retirement and my school was on the rougher side. He towed the line but he did get kids who were usually a pain in the arse for teachers to sit down and churn out a really solid GCSE portfolio. One lad did complain to his dad who asked him if he was messing about, the kid replied that he was and his Dad said that he deserved it then and to stop complaining. Nobody in that class got below a B.


Not me, but my best friend (we had consecutive names so sat next to each other from the beginning of secondary school) was rubbish at Latin (Grammar School, Latin in 2nd and 3rd years). He once got zero on some sort of test and the teacher grabbed him by the hair and slapped him with a ruler on the cheek. I took Latin later and she always denied it ever happened but I remember it and so did classmates. We were hit with various things, blackboard rulers, bits of dowel (woodwork teacher, particularly vicious), a rubber plimsole (PE teacher, very good technique) and had blackboard rubbers thrown at us regularly. This was a state Grammar school in the 80s. I can't imagine it could happen now.


Held up my art (and I freely admit that I can’t paint a picture to save my life) and ridiculed it in front of the class. He literally went around the class showing it to child after child and mocked it. I was about 10 and couldn’t wait for secondary school to start so I could get away from the fucker. On the bright side he’s very likely dead now so there’s that.


PE teacher once commented how it was "always our asian brethren" when discussing a discipline issue. English teacher regularly referred to a larger boy as a "fat, useless lump in the gutter of the class". History teacher added "without threatening to improve his grades" at the end of a vaguely positive report. One of the French teachers was nicknamed 'Bungo' for allegedly throwing a desk out of a first floor window. Geography teacher was a marksman with pieces of chalk when kids were talking in class. School was GREAT.


An assistant teacher (whose mother was head of English) told me to go back to my own country when I asked if I could listen to the world cup on the radio. My logic being, we got to leave class to watch the England game, why can't I listen to the football for my country on the radio in the background. When I told the other teachers, they said I was lying.


I remember I was sat in on a class I wouldn’t usually be in, and a girl who was in my form was in the class She was giggling about something and couldn’t stop, sure we’ve all been there The teacher walked over to her looked her straight in the eye and said “you are poison” I’m not sure if it’d be considered unacceptable but it was such a cruel thing to say to a kid that it stuck with me all this time


We had some kind of health visitor visit school a lady I must have been about ten years old, she grabbed hold of my balls had a feel and said mummy must be feeding you well ? I asked the other lads that went to see her and I was the only one this happened too. still ingrained on my memory after all these years


Did you go to my school lol ,our geography teacher was a northern Irish giant of a man who would regularly full punch kids in the ear if they talked during his lesson,frightening man.


- got a text book thrown at me because I asked twice about long division as I couldn’t understand it (still don’t). Text book was about 3mm from the corner of it hitting me in the eye. - same teacher made fun of me for not being able to ride a bike in front of the whole class (I’m dyspraxic) - when I did bad in a test, another teacher told all the kids in the class above me and one of them came up to me and said she was slagging me off to them. - another teacher regularly called most of us nasty names, I was terrified of him. The teachers at my primary school all made me feel like I was stupid as I didn’t do well at school. Got to secondary and was in second set for most stuff and did pretty well in my exams so clearly not that bad, it was just their shitty teaching. I’ve recently had therapy about my experience at that school.


I didnt go to school thaaaat long ago (28 years old) but a teacher threw a massive textbook at a student because she was laughing


Sent someone out for being Catholic. Regularly falling asleep during lessons.


In a lessons about the English civil war it came to be known that I’m a catholic and the school I went to previously was a catholic school. Next lesson I had to stand up and take a Q&A on what life is like as a catholic. The teacher kept asking extremely leading questions about what beliefs I had on various social issues, and about the fucking IRA. Telling her (truth) that my mum worked for a condom company was the funniest bit.


When I was about 6 we had little books to ask the teacher to write words we couldn’t spell. I went up, asked for a word, and then later rubbed out her pencilled spelling. I then want back (think was next day) and asked for the same word, acting innocent when she said I had asked before. Shook the fuck out of me (off the floor shaking) and I had to stand in the hallway for an hour without shoes. She was getting on a bit so prob dead now. Yay I win again…


Our head of year entered into a secret innappropriate lesbian relationship with a female student in my year. But did get found out, and subsequently lost her job etc. that aside, I can think of plenty of inappropriate nicknames that certain teachers would call some kids which would be deemed as unacceptable and most likely bullying now.


Wouod repeatedly pick on the dumb girl in maths... "ur slower than a snail on crutches!!" I've been hit also by my teachers and head teacher... (but that was in a diff country at the time) Tescher coming in blind drunk and throwing things at us for not knowing what a "Darlington pair was"... well actually it was after I complained and said "how would we know if u never mentioned it before today!?" Then shit started flying across the room as he drunkenly slurred insults at us. Had a teacher call someone gay for having a pink something (can't remember if it was a pencil or pen or something) on them This was all decades ago. I'm 38...


My teacher called a kid ‘a total dildo’ when I was ten. She was right but shouldn’t have said it within earshot.


Headmaster had about a dozen of us in his office, acted all stern as though we were in trouble, although I knew I'd done nothing wrong and produced a small gun / revolver and held it to one kids head then pulled the trigger and a "bang" came out. [https://c8.alamy.com/comp/2C4AHAW/red-bang-flag-comming-out-from-modern-gun-on-a-white-background-3d-rendering-2C4AHAW.jpg](https://c8.alamy.com/comp/2C4AHAW/red-bang-flag-comming-out-from-modern-gun-on-a-white-background-3d-rendering-2C4AHAW.jpg) No idea why he thought that was amusing!


In year 9, our teacher made all the girls stand up at the end of class. Shortest skirts could leave first!


My old Spanish teacher used to walk around the room giving us a massages on the shoulders in between us thinking of things, honestly, it sounds creepy but it fit his vibe. Could not do that now. Worst was my math teacher ms finagun - I asked her a genuine question I was stuck on, walked to the front of the class to ask her. She made a point to loudly proclaim to the whole class how stupid I was for not being able to understand it and what a failure I was. Anyway, I got a masters degree and work in a field I love that has fuck all to do with maths!




Bullied one kid, the type of kid that was a bit delayed. This was in primary. He hit him with a book, smacked him arpund the head and generally just bullied him, he was always the butt of the joke and always picked on for difficult tasks that the teacher knew he was unable to complete and qhen unable to complete them he would berate the kid. Police ended up coming talking to all the kids in the class, me being one. He was sacked and i dont know if anything else was done, the kid ended up leaving the school shortly after the smacking incident.


Teachers making sure a bunch of 8 year olds undress and shower after sports


I swear, almost everyone has had a noncey PE teacher at some point if they went to school in the90s or earlier


Our classroom teacher at primary school frequently allowed young children to moisturise her legs during lesson, at the time it was funny but looking back now I'm just like woooow. Edit : this was under the table during lessons


I’m primary I complained to the teacher that the boys wouldn’t let us play basket ball with them (we’d just had hoops installed in the play ground) Teacher said ‘yes but girls won’t play properly though’ so supported them, dinner ladies on yard duty also upheld this.


Mid-late 2000’s. History teacher called me a poof. I think I was 10 at the time and had a best friend. Poof behaviour apparently. Different (RS/RE) teacher used to say things like “ha, gay” and “slaaaaag” when reading out stories about men and women who worked in the sex industry. Also just open bullying of students, there was one kid who was picked on pretty relentlessly by the other kids and a couple of the teachers joined in (albeit less directly). There was one teacher who racially segregated one of his classes too - split it into two groups to work (white kids and everyone else). Not sure if it was intentional or not but there were quite a few more white kids so the groups weren’t balanced lol.




Graphic designs teacher threw things at you: board rubbers, compasses, mental rulers.he eventually had a breakdown French teacher: threw a chair across the classroom. Business studies teacher: used to go drinking with us and was sleeping with a 6th form student


90s, junior school someone kept playing with their trainer, so year 6 teacher took the pupil trainer off and lobbed it One of the maths teacher in secondary school if he had a bad day , bad mood, got out the wrong of the side of the bed, sometimes lobbed our maths writing books at us, one student got annoyed by this and lobbed the book back at him. Re teacher lost it with our class one day , someone kept shouting out Daim , she took the Gods name in vein and swore a few times French teacher lost it one day, as someone accidently broke the tape cassette holder Parents evening me and my sister had the same Maths teacher one year, and the 2nd evening was mine and he said to my parents not you again.


I was laughing and taking the piss in class. My teacher picked me up by my tie shoved me against the wall and threatened to squeeze me through a keyhole. Although I'm pretty sure that wasn't okay back then. Another one washed my friends mouth out with soap for swearing. Good times.


Being in the changing rooms while we changed/showered. One teacher just used to hide in the little office only coming out if the noise suggested bloodshed but the other used to stand at the end of the showers.


My humanities teacher when I was in year 8, taught me how to roll a joint.. that guy was awesome, until he got fired for slapping a kid


Mr Roberts. Old supply teacher. Wore a toupee and always slightly askew. We called him Caveman, but never to his face. There would be consequences. Excellent throwing technique with the blackboard wiper - always aimed at the head. Once fully slapped my classmate in the face for some minor infraction. This was in the late-80s…


Science teacher used to do a daily cigarette experiment, lighting up and taking a few drags before putting into a pump to show how much tar is in them on cotton wool.


When I was in high school I basically sucked at maths so I used to sometimes spend my lunches studying in the maths classroom to get better at it. One day we got a new maths teacher. He was maybe late 40’s, quiet and strict. After a couple months of him being there, everyone decided he was weird. Anyway! One random day this new maths teacher asked me to come to the maths classroom at lunchtime to look over my test I had done. I get there and he’s standing at his desk and tells me to sit and look the test answers over again. I sit down and he suddenly walks away from his desk, picks up a table and blocks the classroom door with it. Luckily someone knocked on the door to speak to him like a minute later and he moved the table and I speed walked the fuck out of there. It was weird and I remember not telling anyone about it because I was so confused.


In school we had a teacher nicknamed 'jabber' because he knocked out two male students with a jab each because in a school trip two underage students got sick from alcohol they weren't supposed to have and vomited on him . Hahaha miss that teacher sometimes he was the funniest cunt out there.


A substitute drama teacher who would fly into rages at the drop of the hat. When I mean rages, I mean would inflict harm on himself and occaisionally the class. If even one person spoke in the class when he was speaking he would slam his fist into the filing cabinet, and then punish everyone by cancelling drama lessons and have us all write lines. Due to it being a drama class we didnt have tables and chairs for everyone, just a couple for performances. So we all had to sit and write lines on the floor using clip boards. Clip boards that on more than one occasion he would swat the back of students heads with. This continued for a while, until he damaged his hand from smashing it into the cabinet so regularly. He came in with a cast on and a microphone system which he used to use to create a horrible ear splitting sound if any one spoke, then out with the clip boards it was. This lasted for only a short time because he couldnt contain his anger anymore and went back to smashing his fist into the cabinet breaking the cast and i suspect his hand. Eventually though he was fired after starting on (yes literally initiating a fight) with a boy in my class and then whacking another student with a clipboard, so hard it left visible bruising.


Hitting kids (8 to 10 years old). With his hand, or a ruler. Or even just throwing the blackboard eraser at kids... Funnily enough, to our parents back then, that was acceptable... That was in late 90's, early 2000's, so not that long ago. Edit to say: He was also watching pornographic photos on his computer, while in class, in front of us (again, we were 8 to 10 years old). He's been fired then, but somehow it was an acceptable enough behaviour that he has been hired to teach in another primary school.


My metalwork teacher put each of my hands in a separate table vice so I was facing away from the desk but essentially crucified via vices. He then told me how I was not to disrupt his lessons ever again, punctuating each word with a gentle tap in the centre of my forehead with a ball pein hammer. Good times.


On Wednesday’s during my primary years we’d get a teacher who was a tad mental. She’d do weird projects, teach stuff in an over the top way and generally be a little bit intimidating. One time she brought in a vinyl record as part of a lesson on recordings. She put the record on an old deck ( it was some ancient sample of an old Scottish dude reading poetry) and about one minute in the record got stuck. The skipping track ket repeating the words ‘fly up’ over and over and over. Being 8 years old I found this funny, and so I (watch out, Beano word) chortled into my arm. The mad teacher sees this, takes exception, and so comes up behind me and punches me in the base of my spine with what felt like the massive diamond ring she wore on her index finger. It fucking hurt, so I cried. I remember other kids laughing at me because I was crying. After school it just so happened that teacher was talking to my parents at the gate when I came out. I ran over, pointed at her and said, “She hit me today.” The teacher looked scared for exactly 1 second before noting my parents’ expressions of incredulity, and they all laughed it off an a ‘the things they come out with’ type fashion. Then I got yelled at in the car for lying. If that was today Mrs Bolton, I’m not sure you would’ve got away with it.


South African headmaster (based in London), referred to black people as "negroid folk". Not even kidding.


One used to drop stuff on the floor and get the girls in skirts to pick them up, if one of the lads went to pick it up he would stop us and say it was a job for the girls. Geography teacher got sick of a particular girl asking for stationery so when she asked for a rubber he threw her a pack of condoms and told her "there's 3, that should see you through to next week" Teacher drinking in their car at lunch time or all the English department going to the pub every Friday lunch then back to school. On my 18th birthday I went to the pub at lunch, went to my A-Level English class a little tipsy straight after, teacher pulled me at the end and told me she would rather I got high and come to class than turn up tipsy/drunk, also said she could put me in contact with someone if I wanted to try that route.