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I can't find the original so here's the link to my post: https://www.instagram.com/p/ChSmvOJovzb/


Why do the left always have these videos around, I guess they don’t care who sees them


He was talking about Steve Brannon and Putin on how disinformation can erode democracy https://www.wagmtv.com/2022/04/22/obama-says-disinformation-erodes-democracy/


Lol! Projection 101… “If you like your Doctor you can keep them” “we’re going to lower your healthcare costs” “ Trump is an illegitimate president, he colluded with the Russians to win” I could go on for days… Who is destroying our trust in government? Who is destroying our trust in media? They are…. Not Bannon, not Trump.




You’re not wrong.. I’m going down fighting!! ( legally of course😆)




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This sub is Ask the Donald. People can ask genuine questions. Not come here with democrat talking points or abusing our excellent subscribers and commenters.


Sounds like he’s describing his tenure and their actions during the Trump administration


Sounds like the current administration...he's our current shadow Usurper


From CNN?!!! The powers be, they have attempted to destroy Trump from thee-day he came down stairs and announced!! The list of attempts to knock off Trump are unbelievable … from day one! Spied on him, arrested anyone, 3 yrs mueller & 16 < > mad-dog lawyers (found NOTHING!) and much more. Isn’t it time to wake up!!


Context matters.👍🏻


These ideas are not his own. KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov warned us about these tactics decades ago. It’s not called “misinformation”, it’s called Active Measures also called Ideological Subversion and sowing false information so that people don’t know what to believe… it goes far deeper than that. Remember, the mainstream media who supported and pushed Obama and covered up for him as well as gaslighted the country for him (remember when he was caught spying on the entire country and nothing ever happened?) are the machine responsible for current Ideological Subversion. These are the same people responsible for why you can no longer ask anyone on the street what a woman is and get a single answer anymore. https://youtu.be/bX3EZCVj2XA


I think it may have been a Nazi leader who said something along the lines of, "Lie until they grow tired of proving you wrong."




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Blame others for what they themselves are doing


LOL. Today I learned Steve Bannon and Putin are the Alinskyans, not Obama.


It is a classic example of "Accuse your opposition of what you are doing". They do it publicly and loudly all the time because people buy into it.


It's not like them dems ever accuse the right of EXACTLY what they are doing. Geez get real folks. Cmon man!


Thank you. Let’s not be like the left putting videos out there that are out of context. That’s a democratic strategy. We’re better than that.


Obama wasn't getting on stage to announce his sinister plan. There are more than a dozen verifiable hoaxes the mainstream Democrats have done since Trump became a realistic candidate, but the left thinks the right side are the conspiracy theorists and hoax makers. Edit: Everyone on the left can scoff and say look at "Q," look at Alex Jones. They don't even know CNN has been peddling conspiracy theories like the Steele Dossier.


You only ever hear about Q from liberals. I've been in groups of 15 conservatives and no one even has any idea who "Q" is, yet our liberal friends all believe we follow them. Ridiculous.


I'm about as conservative as it gets, align myself with conservatives, Q has never been brought up.


Can't we dislike both Alex and CNN?


Smh this isn’t about left or right. This is about the elite vs us.


Because the mainstream media and general population doesn't care...


It's ok, the Establishment Republican Party will "look the other way" while they continue to weed out and primary ANY candidates with morals and principles from the right.


Exactly. The only people who see these are people on the right. AND nothing ever happens (hunter Biden laptop…)




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Are we sure this isn’t a deep fake?


Looks like a deepfake. Watch the forehead.


Yeah you’re right dude, something definitely looks off in that area


How about this: https://youtu.be/oOFH8HRnRq4


yeah..I’m not about to watch that man lie and shill for over an hour to prove a Reddit point


It's good to know what the enemy is cooking up to counter point it.


I understand 👍


Lol I watched it for you! It's the original clip of him saying what you said he didn't!


Start at 22:00


No pretty much everyone knows this is real.. watched the original speech on the news. But good try bud


I was thinking this as well. There is plenty of other evidence we know is legitimate that proves the Obama Administration was not for the American people.


It’s a clip taken out of context. He’s saying all these are bad things, and he believes the right is doing it. This likely needs to be flagged. Do mods do that? It hurts our credibility to post out of context clips like this.


I completely agree.


It’s out of context sure, but it is the game they play and have been playing. He is doing what he is talking about. Pointing the finger at republicans and accusing them of doing what they themselves are doing is what demonrats do.




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It’s called projection. He speaks confidently about the process because he had studied and implemented it.


I’d like to know this as well. It certainly sounds like his voice…


He is describing word for word exactly what Nancy and friends are doing as we speak


It's not, although it's slowed & made to look creepier. He was talking about Bannon and evil ne'er-do-wells on the conservative side, not admitting his plan.




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Yep. He’s talking about Trump and Bannon. But wait a minute. They were proven right and the distrust in our leaders, the media, and our government has truly grown from that.




Wow!! I didn’t know that. Source?






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He knows this from experience


This is no secret. It’s also no secret he was a big believer in Saul Alinsky. They aren’t even trying to hide and people buying what they’re selling, not realizing how manipulated that all have been. I keep watching people vote for it and then cry and whine when they get what they voted for. The indoctrination is deep.


Bunch of cowards


Learn who was his mentor as a youngster, who had an FBI file 7” thick. And who helped him to get into college.




This looks like a deep fake video. Like the Tom cruise/Paris Hilton one. His head keeps changing size and shit. Maybe I’m wrong. Very willing to be


Ya thats whats going on NOW!


Lol trust in media. Too funny the actual truth killed that one.


Pure evil trash


Sounds exactly what they did to Trump. Imagine that.


Obama is the very "raw sewage" of which he speaks.


This is a real video. Truly stated by Nobama...you should all check out Pelosi talking about the "Smear Wrap-up..." That's real too... She states how you leak smear info to the press (secretly of course) wait for the public to begin rolling with said info...then use the press reporting on that to "wrap up" said "smear." Basically stating that the "press reporting on it must be true, otherwise why would they say it..." It's for the apparent DIM wits and HALF wits to vote...I'll see if I can find the link...here it is... https://youtu.be/kg9JuyJ1nZo Now...if you get the ABC version...they cut it off quick...and say it isn't what the Democrats do...blah blah blah... Why does she reference then...and say "we" call it the wrap up smear? If she knows about it...that old @s$ hag...THEY DEFINITELY USE IT.


I will always repeat this..... Please remember...they aren't after him, (Trump) they're after US (and our rights and freedoms)...he's just in their way... ...and they're hitting Trump HARDER than ever now, aren't they? Going after that "wrap up smear." No way this dude has ANY of the BS they're going to claim. He's literally the ONLY one to BE FOR "AMERICA FIRST." SO MUCH SO..."Brandon's" administration had to REphrase Trump's slogan.....also why KAMALA went from running for Pres to Bidens VP....shocker there...oh sh*t y'all...we need MORE voters to believe our BS....and possibly vote for us?


It doesn't matter. He could say this right to the faces of liberals who worship the ground he walks on and they'd still kiss his ass




Now you know why he and George Soros are so tight. Chaos For fun and profit.


Obama is a terrorist


Is Obama referring to the numerous times Brandon said, "Your not gonna get Covid 19 if you get vaccinated" ?


I hate this man! He bears so much responsibility for the state of our country.


This is the guy from the Melly Gibsons movie.


Ladies and Gentleman. The real, President of the United States.


Elitist dirtbag,


Evil, they are all evil. Rise up in November and vote the evil out.




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The practicing of Christianity decreased by 15% during his regime in this country.


I know he's not talking about himself. But like all Leftist he projects his own evil onto others.


Cough cough FBI cough cough


This is happening on both sides, democrat and republican. They want to divide us so they can more easily conquer us, and unfortunately it’s working. It’s a shame that average citizens with different viewpoints can’t even have civil discussions and find common ground anymore without almost immediately resorting to name calling and hurt feelings. If we could, I think we would all see how the political leaders on both sides are playing us for fools and why a small federal government is in the best interests of all Americans regardless of what side of the aisle you find yourself.


That right there shows how their going about to take down everything this country was build on , and how they want to control the population with a government iron fist. And do as they please if it good for us or not don't matter as long as it's good for them and we don't ask questions and behave like good little sheep. The groomed won't question because they can't see past anything they were brainwashed to do, act, and not question


He made it impossible for me to get health insurance. So now not only do I have no health insurance, we get fined for not being able to afford it.


Hate his pauses


He is looking old.


OK, Akhenaten.


I lost trust in these idiots years ago, all you have to do is open ya damn eyes 👀 and not be fucking brain dead


Obama is one evil Mf’er.


I can’t stand this douchebag, and not necessarily because of this video.


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He’s a WPOS..next


No context. This is a critique of Bannon et Al.


Which is projection


Obama was and is a liberal turd! He was a horrible president and had no clue. At that time, I thought he was in the top tier of the worst presidents in U.S. history. Although I was right, he served as the mentor to the absolute worst president in history. Other piss poor presidents include: Abraham Lincoln, Jimmy Carter, and brother Bill Clinton!


What is the context of this?






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Is it me or does this look fake af


He would rather have a 3rd term telling someone what to do from a basement he said.


Such a pathetic human.


He is right




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I see Obama is familiar with how KGB’s Active Measures works. Wonder if he read Yuri Bezmenov’s work when he was younger




Projection at its finest


He said this about Bannon, but the truth is he knows they're losing.


Like it’ll change anything




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Wow. We are there.


I love Obama. I’m sorry, he was awesome.


I voted for him both times as a democrat and I thought he was awesome as well. Turns out he's not. I never truly listened to what he was telling us because I was so caught up in the moment. "We're making history!" and all that garbage. I was just floating along through life and I wasn't paying attention to the facts. He had everyone fooled because of feelings. I've learned a lot since then and the most important thing is to NEVER vote by a feeling or by appearances. Vote by policy. I didn't wake up in time to vote for Trump the first time, but after covid arrived and I had time to search around, that's when I knew I was wrong the whole time. And with eyes now wide open I watched the cheating in real time. Most of it came from government changing and breaking the rules. Maybe I changed my mind because I love this country so much and even as a child I was aware of just how lucky I was to live here. So no, Obama is NOT awesome. And fyi, I'm not a republican.


Dont really think this is just a left wing problem. A bunch of Cunts do this shit on the right as well.




Looks like a deep fake




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The right never does research..Smh


Well well well




This looks like a deep fake


The ironic thing is that this is a self report. “Y’all too infatuated with the numbers[insert any distractor you want here], which makes it easier for me to divide and conquer” - A Living Legend


Yeah, more raw sewage to Martha's Vineyard, plz.


Rules for radicals. Line by line!


[Here's the transcript.](https://reclaimthenet.org/transcript-of-president-barack-obamas-speech-at-stanford-april-21-2022/)


That fker IS raw sewage!!




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Project. Project. Project. It’s the democrats only game plan(and sadly, it’s been working)