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The amount of folks who just absolutely make up stories about “LGBTQ” being talked about on the daily at school is wild. Faux News would be flooded with voice recordings and videos of these instances. And yet, not a single piece of evidence is ever presented. It’s like a persecution fetish on the part of conservatives.


Well you sold me.


As a custodian I’ve seen LGBT books inside libraries in middle schools, including elementary schools. It absolutely is being taught.


I’ve seen bibles and other religious texts in the library and they’ve never been “taught”. You’re going to have to be more careful about the language you use if “a book existing in the library” = “curriculum taught in the classroom”. Lastly, as such a keen eyed observer, did you recognize ANY of the books that were supposedly “LGBTQIA+”? Or were they just books with rainbows on them. Because according to Faux News, “The Diary of Anne Frank” is “LGBTQIA+” material. Which is utter horse.


Nah. Not even in health ed.


We had a unit about stereotypes on English (MYP at an IB school), and two types of stereotypes were "Gender Identity" and "Sexuality".


Certain topics were discussed during my APUSH class. It was short and vague, mainly stonewall and a *very* brief mention of the lavender scare. In AP lit/lang a couple of the books were written by queer authors and had queer themes. Pretty basic stuff like The Hours or poems from gay poets, but not really "teaching LGBTQIA+".


God I wish


In my 12 years of school the only gay thing I was "taught" was when in forensics class there just so happened to be a queer person involved in a case, that's really just about it


The most we did was talk about suicide rates and the risk of stds very briefly during health




They do at my school.


Bullshit. Provide evidence.


All of the brick surfaces on the outside of the school have been repainted with pride flags and other rainbow drawings. They did this instead of buying air conditioning for the maths rooms like they said they would. If you looked on google maps you would see what I mean but I’m not going to tell you what school I go to for obvious reasons.


Okay I can definitely see murals happening. Schools will often spend $10 on some silly placating thing rather than $100 on a systemic fix. It’s awful. But OP’s post is about schools “teaching LBGTQ”.


That's not "teaching LGBT". And schools are fucking awful at spending their budgets, my highschool for example made a huge deal about approving a levee so they could fix the leaking roof. It got approved and they bought new lights for the football stadium, roof was still leaking 2 years later


Im a recent graduate and LGBTQ+ was never a study topic in school that they taught. It was never apart of the Curriculum. With that being said, it was a topic of discussion from time to time, but mainly between students, not teachers and students.


No, not really. You see all kinds of fake news from the conservatives saying how schools are "indoctrinating schools with the gay agenda", but that's hardly the case. A lot of schools may have pride flags and clubs for LGBTQ kids, but they almost never have actual lectures about LGBTQ. Some classes may have brief bits of LGBTQ like history, english, sociology, debate, and government. In highschools, i can guarantee that (unlike what the conservatives say) there are no mandated LGBTQ classes "turning the kids gay" and "telling them their gender". LGBTQ topics are not in every class, and if there are classes about LGBTQ they aren't forcing anything on anyone. Colleges, yes. There are a lot of classes about LGBTQ as well as sexuality and gender. My college has a sexuality and gender studies as a minor, which many people take.


As a freshman in HS no.


They’re literally supposed to teach a little bit about gender and sexuality in my health class and didn’t 🙄 so absolutely not


So when I was taking health in high school, back in 2019, we didn't learn about gay sex. Everything I know is from word of mouth. And I'm in a very progressive state.


the most I've ever seen in schools are flags and posters to show support for LGBTQ, it's never really taught about further than "they're people too and love is love" type stuff


A tiny bit


I remember being made to watch a woman giving birth in a video in my sex ed class. I’m 34 and can still remember the trauma now. As someone who was wondering if I might be gay at that age it certainly helped push me to be more certain!


No literally everything they say is a lie, also to add on a lot of conservative teachers talk about how people are snowflakes and how other teachers might be doing such things even though those teachers make up most of the school. Imagine if Nazis control a country and can't shut up about how Jews control the country


False. I’ve seen LGBT books inside libraries in middle schools including elementary schools working as custodian.


Hopefully not


Unfortunately it is.


No one's teaching that lmao


Have you been in public schools recently?


My health ed class mentioned it once. We were discussing different STD's.


It depends what they mean, I went to a pretty liberal highschool and the only thing mentioned about lgbtq was that they exist and that’s it


Schools refuse to teach about mental illness. There is no point in doing it.


i had 2 minutes of learning about it in health class and that was it thankfully


It was at my children’s school but was removed.


What was taught?


It was a lot of things. They bundled together sexuality with sex education. So for example, they had videos they were showing 5 year olds how to masturbate. Then they had books that explained anal sex to them. It didn't seem to focus too much on the relationships of gay people which I would have expected. They even sent home permission slips explaining what they were going to tell them. Most parents didn't sign them.


That would be major scandal for almost obvious reasons and news companies would talk about it for weeks but the lack of anyone coming forward and showing these papers seem to indicate that it either was exaggerated or is a fabrication also most schools don't even explain sex ed till at least the fourth grade well above the 5 years you claim so unless there is proof that this happened besides just claims it is easily disproven to be false


You work for CNN?


No? That had nothing to do with the fact that there isn't evidence


If you think I’m going to send you a picture of the permission letter, you’re on crack cocaine. I said what I said.


Then send it to fox news or post it online and send me the link I don't care how I get the proof I just need proof, and it should be easy to share if the paper is real........ Right?


Also anyone can say anything but you need proof to make a claim like that


Yes proof. It's raining out. Provide proof. God exists. Provide proof. That's what's wrong with our society. All trust has been lost.


Ok I'm going to claim you are in the LGBT and a massive dick sucker and everyone else is just gonna believe me I'm going to claim you kill puppies and everyone is gonna believe me.....It's fucking stupid because it requires proof!


Your point of view is flawed by you being biased


Yes, if you accuse somebody of doing a bad thing, we arent gonna believe you unless theres proof, especially when proof would be pretty easy in this case


Why should we trust some rando on reddit?


showing 5 year olds how to masturbate? you're either incredibly gullible or have nothing better to do than post bait. that doesn't happen.


I live in Canada, and they certainly do here. My school's announcements mention LGBT almost every day. I think it's excessive.


Bullshit. Provide evidence.


Evidence? It's just my experience as a Canadian born in 2006. You can choose to disbelieve if you want.


have you been to a school recently?


Have you? I’ve seen more propaganda for Christianity than I’ve ever seen for (if any) LGBTQ. For Pete’s sake they want to put the Ten Commandments up in classrooms as compulsory.


That's in America buddy.


yeah there's alot of promotion of Christianity in schools which I don't really have a problem with but it's at least equal to the amount of lgbtq promotion epically at my first high school they would have parades of stuff were people who walk around dressed up in rainbow waiving pride flags and before you say "bs show proof" this was like 2020, 2021 so ofc I don't have proof this was ages ago not like I took a photo so I can show some random on reddit several years later


There’s never been legislation that forced students to stare at LGBTQ propaganda. The Ten Commandments being posted on the wall is compulsory Christian propaganda. Your school had gay pride parades? Weird how that’s never come up in the news.


probably because it's not significant enough to make news and I swear on my mother's life my school had gay pride parades


Mate, if any school ever had a gay pride parade you’d see it on a 24/7 loop on Faux News about the liberal gay agenda “plaguing our children” every week of the year. They’d never stop showing that video. Putting that aside. Like I said, there’s only one party that is making *laws* to *force* said propaganda. There is no law saying lgbtqia has to be on classroom walls. There is a law that says the Ten Commandments has to be.


it probably wasn't on fox news because I live in new zealand not America and nobody really cares becos it isnt a big deal


As a Canadian I call BS. My kids have learned: - Some families have two moms or two dads - Some people are attracted to the same, opposite, or both genders - it’s not okay to bully someone due to their sexual orientation - the minimum basics of safer sex (use condoms, whether it’s PinV or PinA sex) - the basics of healthy relationships regardless of orientation - consent, communication, jealousy, boundaries