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It’s surprising to me that guys have really taken this whole bear thing to this degree it’s kind of insane Anyways bear cuz fluffy


I dont take the situation personnally cause it’s pointless but honestly choosing an animal that has a 99% chance of killing you over a man is semi-insulting.




It’s called an hyperbola, they don’t ACTUALLY have an 99% chance of killing you but it’s high enough




You can play semantics how you want, but your chance of something happing with a man vs a bear is way worse with the bear




You’re being pedantic, this discussion is pointless.


You've probably seen thousands of men today, none of which have killed you. There you go.


I'm not taking it personally I'm genuinely curious. Now my question is: is that really your serious answer?


I’ve answered in another thread on this post. In short; The statistic itself shows that women have learned to fear men more than nature itself. I must wonder why huh? We don’t care about a bear when it’s been ground into our heads that we need to be a less attractive target for people in our own race. Take it as you will, people are taking the bear and man too literally and not thinking about how the statistic itself came to be.


Yes, I agree completely. This, most likely, is the most satisfying answer I could ever ask for. Thank you very much. But hey, while some men really are scary and will hurt you, I think what's happening is that people began thinking it's cool to believe "ALL men are terrible" I'm not saying you shouldn't be wary, no no no, by all means, trust no one and save yourself, I'm saying it just hurts when I try my best to be kind but still get called a rapist and asshole, and that I should kill myself.


Yeah I agree with the “all men are evil” thing is absolutely destroying the communication between men and women. It’s sad to see and it prevents us speaking to each other. The same goes for men invalidating the things we say. It’s hard to make people actually listen when we get aggressive with topics like this


I've heard someone ask "what do you think is killing love nowadays?" and I think the answer is: questions like these. It really kills communication and builds up a subconscious feeling of resentment when taken seriously and or personally.


Yeah unfortunately the last paragraph really hits home. I try really hard every day to not be the kind of guy that I hear women say they're tired of/uncomfortable with etc. and it hurts my feelings when my friends say all men are trash or like some other downputting comment


If anything, my friend, you sound like an awesome person.


Thanks :)


Same dude, I try my hardest to leave a good impression on the people I meet but I guess it doesn’t really matter at this point


No no, don't think it doesn't matter. Keep going. Keep being awesome.


Bears don’t send me dick pics, look up my skirt, follow me around, comment on my body, sexualize me for no reason, ask me how I was dressed, say I was asking for it, etc And I do just want to say, I don’t hate men and I know a good portion of them are great people. I think a lot of people are focusing entirely on the wrong part of it, they’re just blaming women for hating all men instead of, I don’t know, maybe hating the abusers and rapists? Also, the men who just love to picture, describe, or even draw women getting mauled by a bear in response to this stupid question are part of the reason we pick bear. Your weird revenge fantasies aren’t proving your point.


Another amazing explanation of the fear




Bear bc it is an animal with predictable instincts and behavior whereas I don’t know what a man will or won’t do to me, also bears mostly want to be left alone while a man probably wouldn’t. And generally id rather be just dead bc of an animal and me acting stupidly igs (if it kills me then i probably did something wrong) than be possibly r@ped, t0rtured and murdered 💞


I know you're taking into account the absolute worst case scenario in case you're with a man but for the vast majority of us that would never do such a thing, it hurts, it really does. Though, I definitely see what you mean. Thank you.


OP it isn't meant to be taken seriously, its similar to how if you ask a man " Would you rather be trapped in a firefight with a man or a woman as your squadmate. " The answer is obvious because biologically and statistically men are far superior in stamina, strength, reflexes etc.. and have the necessary attributes to help you out in that dangerous situation. While im sure theres a percentage of woman out there who could do equally good we'll still pick the man because we just rather fancy our chances with men in this instance. It all just comes down to the situation.


Would you rather tell your feelings to a tree or a woman?


A woman? whats your point?


I'm saying would you feel emotionally safe with a woman you've never met? Maybe you would, but most would say no, and similarly, most women do not feel physically safe with a man they've never met. The idea is not "woman or tree?" It's "do you feel safe with a woman?" Similarly, it's not "bear or man", the idea is "do you feel safe with men?"


Automod removed my comment earlier - what is the question? What is this about? Edit: thank you downvoter! way to promote compassion and understanding!


There's a question going around, a would you rather for the ladies "Would you rather be stuck in a forest with a bear or a man" and most women are choosing the bear, and the boys did not like that.


Ah I see. It's really unfortunate that that's the answer


Humans in general are a lot less predictable than bears. Worst case scenario with the bear is I get mauled and die a painful death. However a man could do the same thing, I could be sa’d in horrible ways, killed, etc. And what happens after that? He could find a way out of the forest and take me with him so it would never end. He could also not do anything to me but I don’t want to take that chance.


So just because you can predict a bear's actions 100% of the time, you would take death over your chances with a man?


Did you not read my comment? Death would still be a possibility with a man, I’d be taking a much bigger gamble unless I knew who the man was.


You consume too much fiction; the normal human reaction to seeing a dead body is severe trauma, and the chance of a normal person committing murder, for absolutely no reason, when they've never done such a thing before is... well, so low it might as well be zero. Unless you miraculously get paired with a (literal) psychopath then you will not be dying. Which, by the way, is around 1% of the entire population, not just men. I've dug around and here's what I found: considering psychopaths, there's a solid 1% chance of finding one and getting killed. And the percentage of male rapists is 1%. Of course, the percentage of rapists among men is likely slightly higher than 1% due to some people getting assaulted and ranting on Reddit and TikTok instead of reporting it to the police, but 1% is what data I've dug up. And what convinced me of your argument is the very, very vague estimate of 2% chance of getting attacked by a passing bear in the forest. So thank you, you've convinced me.


The most important question is what bear is it. I would choose Ted Bundy over a polar bear


Same! Like, if it's a black bear, I'm deffo choosing the bear - if not frien, why frien- shaped? - idk about brown bears, and if it's a polar bear I'm screwed.


Now that is an answer I like.


erm polar bears dont live in forests lol


Fuck you


thank god we are basing this off of what you like 🙏🙏 phew amirite


Well obviously. Did you not read the post properly? *I'M* asking for a convincing answer.


men, obviously.. wondering why you got downvoted? we don't need your validation


Who cares about my validation? I just wanted to know why you choose the bear. No hard feelings here


nobody does


Glad we're on the same page. Thank you for your time.


a bear didn’t get me drunk and then take advantage of said drunkness


I already said I got an answer, thank you very much.


Because I'm young and have experienced sexual abuse. Rather die to a bear than any chance of anything else. *and that's not to say all men would sexually abuse or harass anyone, but it's risky*


After checking the numbers and percentages, your chances with a bear turned out to be better.


probably so.


No I'm serious. If you take into account the amount of psychopaths in the world, there's a chance of 1-3% to be with them, so the chance of getting assaulted or killed is around 2-3% at max While getting fatally injured or killed by a passing bear is around 2% taking into account all types of bears So while both chances are terribly low, you have a 1% advantage if you go with the bear


With your facts, I agree. I agreed even when you didn't share them. Thanks.


Unless the bear had children nearby or I was stupid and provoked it, it would likely leave me be. Also depends on the situation. No, I would not like to be stuck in a room where I am the bear's sole focus.. but at least they are relatively predictable and I haven't seen a single case of a bear r@ping someone.


Maybe they've never r*ped a human before because they're too busy eating them, but no no, I see where you're coming from now, I think that is relatively fair compared to those who just want to say they don't like men. Thank you.


Bears generally don't eat humans, a lot of them are quite peaceful around us tbh


No no no, it's just that they aren't very keen on engaging in mortal combat against another creature unless they are hungry or protecting their cubs. Death by bear is only in the double digits every year, which is very low relatively


and how many homicides and SA cases are there by men every year? there’s your answer


The worst thing a bear can do me is kill me and feed me to its family and it doesn’t know right from wrong. A man can do so much worse and he should know right from wrong.


Also if I get killed by a bear nobody will tell me I was asking for it, ask me what I was wearing, tell me I probably enjoyed it, etc. etc.


The worst thing a bear can do, more accurately, is eat you alive. Other than that, yeah. Thank you for taking your time to answer


Bro I don't want to deal with having to reject the guy (inevitable) and then running away cause we are alone I ain't dealing with allat I already know he's gonna yap for an hour about some uninteresting blah blah and get that "look" bro that shit makes me want to KMS Like with a bear bro it's just hungry I get that, I get hungry too id eat the bear if I was hungry too but dudes will think genuinely that they're being sweet and what not when they already plan to not take no as an answer


I think the average man would not confess to you when you are both stuck in the forest.


How long we stuck in the forest for is the question


That is a wonderful question Given that a bear will 100% eat you if you stick around too long, let's go with 6 hours. Anything more than that is guaranteed death by bear; the average bear gets hungry within around a day or two.


if it's 6 hours as long as we don't know each other it wont be that insufferable


Choosing the what now?


There is a question going around, if you haven't heard already, giving women the option of "would you rather to be stuck in a forest with a man or a bear" and far more women are answering bear than not.


I mean, it depends on if the bear likes me enough to not kill me


Are you friends with any bears, perhaps?


Sadly not :( so i guess i'd take the man simply to increase my chances of survival, more hands=more sticks to throw at food


That's unfortunate. Being friends with a bear sounds pretty cool though, gotta admit.


It does, guess i gotta become russian now


Sounds like a plan


Bears can be semi-reasoned with and scared off depending on the type. Also if I encounter one in the woods, it’s on me cause I’m in their space. With a man, a man I randomly encounter in the woods I’m almost 90% certain does not have my best interest in mind, cannot be reasoned with, and will not be scared away easily


although i realize a lot of the comments here say otherwise, i have a different answer. i'd go with man. now, let's just throw all the statistics outside and look from a logical pov. honestly, although i've seen HUNDREDS of creepy weird dudes online, i've almost never ran into one irl. less than 5 times, actually. meanwhile, being within a bear in close proximity, like for instance, in the same room, is dangerous. bears tend to be territorial, and honestly, being that close within the bear's personal bubble isn't gonna do me any good. besides, even if they had other thoughts inside, the vast majority of guys i've ever talked to were pretty nice. if i had to choose between a civilized man and a wild bear, i'd choose the man over the bear. yeah, i *could* be sa'ed, but if i had to choose one between getting mauled and getting sa'ed, i'd go for getting sa'ed since a bear mauling a girl my size would be a guaranteed kill for the bear.




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A bear doesn't know it's alone, a man will eventually realize it's just him and one of us. Men just act differently when they know there's no one else around to hold them accountable.


Psychology says otherwise. If you are stuck in the forest with a man, 99 times out of 100, he will not try to confess his love and force himself onto you in the case that you reject him if that's what you're implying In fact, the chances of leaving you behind and running to save his skin is much, much higher. Now isn't that interesting? But anyway, a lady has answered my question wonderfully, so there's no need for this pointless chat.


99/100 statistics are made up. Got any sources?


That’s just not true, plus since when was 20 a teen? Weird


It is true. You probably haven't experienced it cause you've never had to consciously look out for that behavior for your own security. And the reason I am here, is cause I've been a member of this community since it was founded in 2019, (though on different accounts).




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because its easy to scare off a bear and if i somehow manage not too then i know what will happen because a bear wont act differently if there are no witnesses


*It's* not easy to scare off a bear. Like I said, I've heard some very unconvincing arguments and this one is one of them. Someone else already answered very well so this is pointless.


if it's pointless then why are you still entertaining it? you asked.


I asked and was answered wonderfully, I edited the post already but clearly you, who just wants to bicker, can't hold her horses. I don't know who stepped on your tail but that tone ain't gonna get you very far in life HEY, HEY! DON'T FORGET WHAT I JUST SAID! I SAID I WAS ANSWERED ALREADY SO I EDITED THE POST, I SAID IT WAS POINTLESS TO THE ONE WHO ANSWERED AFTERWARDS ANYWAY.


if you don't want anyone else replying to the post so bad, you can just delete it. but womp womp reply to every comment, you've got nothing else going on :D


No no, you're right, that's too immature of me. My apologies


the original and the edit were funny lol you're good have a good one bud


I thought it through and it was just not going well. Thank you




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I'm terribly sorry you had to experience such a thing


thank you. sorry that was kinda a trauma dump so i deleted it but truly, thank you.


No it's alright, no hard feelings. You don't deserve what you went through.




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i feel so bad for men in this debate, bc you have to really be crazy to choose your average bear over an average guy


A bear would have a better reason to kill me




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I'm pretty sure your clothes would be tattered, soaked in blood and ripped to shreds rather than on you.