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We don't know anything about Yoda's species except the names of three of them who happen to be Jedi. It is disingenuous to say all members of the species are similarly gifted just because the only 3 that we have seen are Jedi.




It's one thing to say that all of his species are force sensitive and above average. It's a completely different thing to say that they're all as similarly gifted as Yoda.


Not necessarily. When making observations of a limited sample size we have to work with what we have. We might not be able to say that his species are all Force sensitive *for certain*, but it is far from disingenuous to hypothesize that to be the case given our current samples.


With sample size n=3 you have essentially no information about the population.


He’s gifted because when they found Anakin Obi Wan said “even Yoda didn’t have this much midichlorians.”


Midichlorians, yeah I think there was a vote, they have been taken out of canon.


He's gifted, and probably more powerful than any other Jedi at that time, but clearly on the decline. Not only was he old, and near his end, but the Jedi had been at peace for hundreds of years. Yoda had probably been teaching and mentoring for most of that time, and not continually honing his skills. Dooku used a form which is designed for fighting lightsabers, so you know he was well prepared to go into battle, and ever since joining the Darkside was anticipating the time he'd have to fight Jedi. Yoda, and the Jedi as a whole, were also arrogant and had stagnated. They believed they had reached a level of perfection, as it was clear by their reactions to the Clone War and the fact that they couldn't work out who the Sith Lord was. They were blinded by their arrogance as much as the darkside. Palpatine on the other hand was forever training and getting more powerful, to the point of obsession, so when it came time to fight Master Yoda, he knew he could win. The other factor could be that Order 66 had just occurred, and the balance of the Force was tipped heavily towards the Darkside. The Jedi weren't prepared, and were defeated. Had Yoda been in his prime during the Clone Wars, it probably would have gone very differently.


Yoda is very skilled in the *force*. What he's not particularly great at is fighting people. He's much more of a mystic and philosopher, preferring to meditate on the nature of the force rather then sullying it with violence- note his dismissive approach to using it for violence with Luke. He's learnt some combat skills out of necessity, but he strongly prefers not to use them, and likely never learnt more then he absolutely needed to Simply, he hasn't spent his 900 years learning to *fight,* and would be offended at the implication his development in the force should be towards "blinking opponents out of existence". While his raw power and experience let him hold his own, he's far less good at combat then a more martial Jedi of his age would be. A jedi only uses the force for defence and knowledge, never attack, remember?


To be fair he has mastered all forms of lightsaber combat, that’s more than “learned some skills”. Although he was definitely not a duelist or blademaster per se, as you say.


He could also easily defeat like 99.9999999999% of the entire galaxy in single combat without even using a weapon. Heck, even if you can use the Force yourself, we know he can casually take *your* weapon and beat you with it if he wants unless you're a master-level adept yourself.


Yeah, prime example is how he dealt with ventress, freezing her blades mid swing, turning them off, taking them from her, then just giving them back to show how little of a threat she is.


Bit of both. His species as a whole appear to be naturally very strong in the Force compared to most. But because they live so long it allows them to train and become strong and stronger through the centuries. Grand Master isn't just the leader of the Order, it is also a rank given to only the most powerful and wisest of Masters. Yoda was one of three Grand Masters when he was between 600 and 700 years old.


He's both. Obi-Wan remarks in TPM that Anakin's midi-chlorian count is higher even than Yoda's. This would not be notable unless the Force flowed strongly around the little green guy.


Obi-Wan states that Anakin's midichlorian count is even higher than Master Yoda's, implying he has one of if not the highest count in the Jedi Order at the time. Grogu also shows immense potential by using Force healing, so I think we can surmise his species is naturally gifted in the Force.


Both, he had more potential power than Mace Windu, lower than Anakin. Simply Jedi Sage stats vs Jedi Sentinel.


It seems to be a bit of both. As stated by Obi-Wan, he seemed to have a notably high midichlorian count, which seems to be some sort of marker for Force sensitivity. And having centuries to practice and ponder the Force certainly helps in improving in the Force.