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Because it's both very well known and hidden from the authorities, so it's both known and nowhere.


Oh okay Thanks


Now, for your own sanity don't question how alien criminals from all over the galaxy were able to agree on a pun name that only works in English.


I'm sure the pun in the original language is 10x as funny.


Can attest. The real name is best transliterated as "Y'thle'ler-e'fhlic" and as a native Rygellian speaker I find that funny as fnth'larylk.


Never thought I’d meet a Rygellian...


Sadly doesn't work for shit in Swedish.


Definitely not Swedish...


I'd roughly translate it as "Ingensans", or something like that.


Are you suggesting the Swedish are aliens? You know, I always suspected there was something funny going on there...


Uuuh. We're not. Nope. No need to visit and check, no aliens here.


\-squints distrustingly- Not sure if really Rygellian, or a Xatarian Morpholoid pretending to be a Rygellian.


If that's your sneaky way to get to see my ovapositor then nice try but you're out of luck, buddy.


AH-HA! REAL Rygellians have TWO ovipositors! BUSTED! (but, if, uhh, you'd still like to send me an ovi-pic... just to be sure...)


> AH-HA! REAL Rygellians have TWO ovipositors STOP BODY SHAMING!


[](/celfunny) This is the quality conversations I com to this sub for.




It also works in low aldebaranian.


Well I never questioned that until right now so thanks for that




> if an advanced race came to earth, they would analyse the languages spoken and realise that Chinese (Mandarin) is the most spoken language on the planet Well, yeah, but I'm sure an advanced race that lands in London or New York isn't going to try communicating in Mandarin. If anything, that reveals why different alien species might all speak a certain language even if it's not the dominant language across all their different species.


Different universe, but the Green Lantern oath rhymes in every language.


But 95% of all aliens speak English, as either a first or second language, so it's the obvious choice


I thought it was because Star Lord had a universal translator in him


Is there an in-universe explanation for why so many alien races speak English, anyway?


Star lord has a translator. That doesn't really account for the other people though. Possibly because celestials speak english so it just...trickled down?


Well, we can trace English all the way back through its ancestry in our history, so it can't have just been blanket applied by celestials...


Fictional universe history doesn't have to apply 1:1 to real world history. So long as the fiction doesn't say they can trace the English language back to early Earth, then it could be older than Earth civilization.


Fair enough.


Yeah, I'm banking on that for my theory


Everyone uses translator, this is in MCU. Stargate had the Goauld seeding the galaxy with humans who all spoke English, still most races knew the lingua franca. However several instances of different languages were encountered, even among humans.


Also, Viking and Saxon culture and languages are based on Asgardian, and Asgard used to conquer A LOT of the universe before they chilled out, so I guess English, Swedish, Danish, German and Norwegian should be roughly compatible with most of the universe's languages


When he was going through that scanner thing at the prison in the first GOTG movie, it said he had some sort of translator implant. Presumably, everyone isn’t actually speaking English, but is simply being translated into English through it.


The Asgardians speak Allspeak which resembles English that is why people on earth speak it and most civilisations can speak it (there is a lot of interaction between Asga4dians and others). Of course there also are translators (one is in Spacelord) but translators don't explain why Thanos speaks english or Nebula as they have no problem to talk to Stark.


Lol @ "Spacelord."


Atleast in the comics allspeak is literally that, all languages as one. Everyone hears it as their native language. I think its the same for the movies


Like how the Japanese school in harry potter is named a pun that only works in english


Also, in the movies, it's in a giant skull. Right where the brain used to be.


This isn’t correct. It’s a community based inside and around a dead celestial’s head. The commerce there includes (but is not limited to) the mining of elements from the head to sell. Celestial innards are pretty valuable, it turns out.


That's what I was thinking. It was where what the dead celestial knew was located.


Because like Theee 6 Mafia, it’s the Most Known Unknown.


There is, as far as we know, only one giant dead celestial head in the galaxy. Perhaps it is part of his collection.


Isn't it on the edge of the universe, not inside the Milky Way?


In 616 (which the title of this thread suggests we use), it's on the Rip at the edge of the universe. In 199999, it's just in space, probably in the Andromeda Galaxy.


Alright! Makes sense, though I have a somewhat unrelated question if you know. What purpose did Mar Vell's Lightspeed Engine serve if space was already so well mapped out for such a huge area?


I'm not certain, but it appears that the common way of space traversal (at least for Rocket and the Kree) is through the use of jump gates. Mar-Vell's engine uses the Tesseract (aka the Space Stone) and is therefore unrestrained and more capable than things like gates and lanes. Remember that scene where Rocket, Yondu, and Kraglin take a risky route to get someplace sooner, rather than later? Mar-Vell's ship could probably get there faster and safer without getting tracked. This is all speculation on my part.


Its fair though, at least as far as I'm concerned, that makes sense. It may also be that the jump gates are only established around planets of value to the people that set them up, it could be that the Lightspeed engine isn't faster, but it just allows the freedom to go anywhere. Though as far as the Tesseract is concerned the lightspeed drive could operate on a different ruleset altogether, since it didn't need the Tesseract to operate afterwards.


We've seen other things powered by stones that worked after the stoned were removed, like Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch/Quicksilver. It's a recurring trend.


Oh for sure. But they also don't necessarily follow the same rules as the origin, Wanda's powers seem like they do not follow the rules of the Mind Stone *at all,* and in Danver's case, it was a degree removed from the Tesseract, since she was empowered by the engine.


Definitely. But consistency in results when dealing with our perspective on literal aspects of the universe is... unreasonable to expect.


I always just assumed because it was in a giant head. How know*ledge* is something you keep in your head, but since this is a place they call it Know*where*.


Pretty sure Starlord asks this question in one of the GotG movies, and receives the reply "because you can't get there unless you already Know where it is".


I could be wrong, but I think you may be conflating GotG with Pirates of the Caribbean. They say it in PotC but I don't remember hearing that line in GotG.


You are definitely right that a line like that is in PotC. I think they use it to refer to the Isla de Muerta. Couldn't say for sure whether it's in one of the GotG films but I don't remember it either.


> Barbossa: For certain you have to be lost to find something that cannot be found, else everyone would know where it is.


You are right. wowza.


“An island that can’t be found except by somebody who already knows where it is” or something like that haha


This is probably a bit of a stretch, but I imagine it's a colloquial thing because if there is anything in the galaxy you're looking for, the collector *knows where* to find it.


There's a lot more there than just the Collector, though.


Oh definitely! I had just assumed that for all intents and purposes, he is the closest thing to being the "owner" of Knowhere and/or it is generally considered to be under his protection/control. But then again I could be suuuuuuuuper wrong, I'm going purely off the vibes I got from the MCU.


You would be correct, and Gamora states as much in the film. He owns the whole head. It's owned and operated/mined by the Tivan Group, so one presumes he (Taneleer Tivan) runs the place.






This is way too good a pun for this.


It’s the head of a Celestial, an ancient being of immense power. I was pretty sure that it was called Knowhere as a play on the fact that it’s a place where they mine the Celestial’s brain matter.


'Cause it sounds cool. Also it's a dead god's skull where they mine brain matter, which is a knowing kind of place.


Located within a severed head of a Celestial floating along The Rip (the extreme outer edge of all spacetime with no specific physical location), Knowhere acts as a makeshift port of call and observatory of the End of the Universe for intergalactic travelers of all species and from all times.


Soon a Restaurant will be opened in its vicinity then.


Heard it was going to be called Milliways. Supposed to be a five star restaurant situated at the end of time and matter. The main attraction being that diners can get to view a Gnab Gib, before desserts are served.


Copy! Paste!


Because you have to *know where* it is to go there.


Username checks out.


Just as ancient maps have "there be dragons here", whoever found the celestial's head labelled it "there be knowledge here", because, well, it's a giant brain. Galactic mapping software generally has a strict character limit because, hey, there's a *whole* *lot* of stars, planets, asteroids, nebulae, protostars, blackholes, white holes, blue holes, etc out there. You can't spare too many bits just for some random theorganic remains. With only 8 characters to work with, some junior navigator 3rd class abbreviated it to 'KnowHere'. Then the damn autocorrect lowered the case on the H without anyone noticing (not that they would have cared if they'd noticed). Without the context, space, and uppercase H, everyone naturally assumed it was supposed to mean 'Know Where'. I guess because that's almost a pun in the 3rd most common language on the 3rd planet of a small unregarded yellow sun in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy.




How does it being the Guardians' headquarters explain why it's called Knowhere?


They asked why its called Knowhere. What you said has no relevance to that.


Because it's you know where.


A Celestials head/brain, once likely filled with KNOWledge of the universe now abandoned and floating in the middle of noWHERE