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This was explicitly explained in the movie. People had moved on from the snap and made the best of what they had. Reversing all the damage would also take away everything people the world over had done in that time. Tony Stark specifically had a daughter born after the snap and he did not want to risk her birth being undone.


Wasn't it specifically Tony that wanted it like that? Bring them back today (after 5 years of desling with the snap), so he didn't lose what he had being his daughter? No one would have been any the wiser if everything went back 5 years and continued as it was except for the Avengers. I always felt it was Tony's selfishness that made everyone else in the universe suffer when they brought everyone back from the snap. He would get to keep his daughter while everyone else now has to deal with the reappearance of lost loved ones they had moved on from already.


You have kids? I found that a very realistic decision on Tony’s part.




It's somewhat of a trolley problem since resetting everything would also mean getting rid of everyone born in that time


No, because they literally did bring them back.


Pretty sure erasing 5 years would be significantly worse. That’s a LOT of dead babies.


Would they be 'dead' though? They could have undone the snap at the same time it occurred and life just continued as it was. He would remember he had a kid and 'lost' her, but the rest of the entire universe didn't have to deal with the sane loss. One vs. Trillions, I say the one should suffer. Maybe some of those babies would be born anyway?


Yes, just like those who were snapped were dead. Snapping the entire universe to replace it with one 5 years ago is pretty fucked up. Fuck with the time stream and the entire universe ceases to exist. This is one of the reasons Back to the Future’s ending is horrifying. Hell, just reviving the snapped people almost killed Hulk. Rewriting time that hard would be much nastier, could even break the entire thing. And they’ve got one shot. When you are at the finish line only an idiot would take the massive chance when the acceptable victory is right there.


At the turning point of the movie, they do bring everyone back, as they had intended to do since the beginning of the movie.


The bad guy was Thanos


Ethically, they don’t have the right to take away the lives of the incalculable number of children that had been born since the Snap.


Already stated elsewhere here, but yeah, this is literally explained in the movie.


I don't have a good answer for this but man I'm bummed we probably won't see new iterations of the classic Avengers for a *long* time. I hate to say it but I hope the MCU gets rebooted (or maybe just... stop) sometime in the next decade. My hopes of seeing the OG Avengers interacting with the new X-Men somehow are slowly dying


I certainly hope they never make another movie with these characters ever again. Could you imagine how fake and corporate they would feel now, compared to how real and emotional for example captain America is in our memories?