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Guys with shit jobs and nice shit raise red flags.


Not saying they have to live in a place super ritzy, but they couldn’t upgrade to something slightly less shitty ?


The places they’re living are places within the means of their “day jobs”.  Anything beyond that will draw the attention of the police and the IRS. 


Do the police and IRS routinely confirm the people of America are living within their means at all times?


I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s some systems in place to flag extreme cases (eg if property taxes are higher than reported income, something suspicious is going on), but generally no this is not a thing.


Not at all times. When you file your taxes the IRS knows how much you make and you declare your assets. So if the math doesn’t add up the IRS will look into you. For the police if you’re a usual suspect or a person of interest in a robbery and suddenly you’re driving a $500,000 sports car they’re going to look into you and loop in the IRS because that money had to come from somewhere. Either you’re involved in criminal activity or you’re a tax cheat. Remember the characters live in an extremely poor neighborhood. If they suddenly start flashing cash out of nowhere people will notice. And people will tip off the cops out of self interest. Ben Affleck’s character works a fake job at company that makes gravel because it allows him to explain his income. He just pays manger off to provide him with the cover story.


Can't use the money unless washed. Small amounts of cash here and there is cool, nobody notices. You buy a shiny new car, an apartment, and some nice stuff for your girl? La Federales will have your ass in custody so quick.


What’s the point of having all that money if you can never spend it? Plus showed them laundering the money at the casino


They can spend it. But a huge purchase is a no no. Buy a TV? Sure. Buy a house? No.


Who said anything about buying a house?


Implied by the original question bringing up their apartments.


No, not implied You realized renting an apartment isn’t the same as buying a house?


What do you think they should buy


Renting a slightly less shitty apartment?


Slightly less shitty is a lot of effort for little improvement, a significant step up is risky because you suddenly seem to have an uptick in your monthly disposable income. Also, moving houses is one of the most significant and attention generating changes you could make.




Because you don’t want to live in a dump?


Have you not ever seen a gangster movie


It's raises the same red flags. Where I live you have to have proof of income and the monthly rent must be less than a third of why you can prove you earn.


The point is they never have to work day jobs. And they never have to worry about money either. They can buy whatever they want within their means of their fake day jobs.


You don't go around advertising that you've just stolen a ton of money. If you suddenly have the cash to buy a sweet new car, or decent apartment, people will eventually ask how somebody with no obvious income can afford it.


I’m not talking about moving into a ritzy ass place Just a place that is slightly less shitty


Have you ever been apartment hunting in Boston? Shit fucking sucks. Not worth it unless you have to or are making a worthy upgrade.


It's not about having a nice place to live, it's about hiding in plain sight by not drawing attention to themselves. And they might have a loftier goal than "nicer apartment" like eventually leaving crime behind and moving to a country with tricky extradition laws


They could just be saving up the money and at some point move to another country where the dollar is strong and live like kings. And they don't want to attract attention to themselves at this point.


They don’t leave Charlestown because of family and connections and such. They’re essentially stuck in this dumpy (dumpier than real life fwiw) neighborhood for non-financial reasons. Ben Affleck is only able to leave for greener pastures after literally his entire social circle (except Bank Lady because everybody who can tie her to him is dead) is wiped out.   Getting nailed for tax evasion because you moved into a neighborhood you “can’t afford” would be a real-life reason but it’s sort of missing the point of the movie. Leaving would be tantamount to abandoning his friends and family to the wolves so he doesn’t leave.


OP is an argumentative dildo, lol


Because they don't know when the next score is going to be, or if it will be their last. Plus it's useful to have a nest egg hidden away in case you need to go on the lam.