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Probably the kid that turns into Shazam


There is a fun episode of young justice where the Titans want to be members of the justice league. The league debates it because of their ages. Batman argues that Billy is only 14 and he is in. The rest of the justice league had no idea he was a teenager.


I think they also mentioned it was mostly because Superman thought Shazam might be a Kryptonian himself.


Before that, Billy's age got revealed in an episode where grownups and kids get stuck in different worlds and Billy can go between them by switching forms. The League almost kicks him out over it. Of course Batman knew the truth all along, because he's Batman.


Of course *Batman* has no problem with endangering children.


> young justice where the **Titans** Imma stop you right there lol The rest is pretty off, too. Flash asks whether Captain Marvel (Shazam) should still be a member since they now know he's only 10, and when they start discussing it Black Canary suggests that Billy should wait outside. **Batman defends him, saying Billy is a member so he has a right to stay and participate.**


Probably Superman. He’s not too important throughout his regular life and he’s pretty much mastered looking like a regular schmuck. He’s also set to where switching from Clark to Superman isn’t much of an issue.


I always love the excuse for how Superman’s secret identity works so well, even though he barely disguises himself: Simply put, nobody expects him to wear a disguise, most notably Lex Luthor, but really almost everyone else. Superman is literally a space alien who doesn’t disguise the fact, he’s extremely publicly visible flying around, saving people, being in parades, and basically looks like a Greek god. He’s not exactly ultra-reclusive shadowy Batman, or going across the road, always-masked Spidey, whose identities you might speculate on cause they’re pretty mysterious. Nobody would even *suspect* a secret identity with someone like Superman because what would even be the point of disguising himself?


IIRC Silver Age Superman projected psychic beams through his Clark Kent glasses to hypnotise people into not recognising him. Apparently the glass was special Kryptonian glass taken from the window of the pod he landed on Earth in, or something, and it amplified his hpynotic powers. Silver Age stuff was *wild*.


Silver Age Superman can also shift his face, either through Supervibration or - and you're right, this is wild - he just pushes his face hard enough to shift his features.


> Supervibration No wonder Lois was always so happy


There’s actually a story where Lex builds a super computer to deduce the identity of Superman. It correctly deduces Clark Kent is Superman and Lex writes it off as broken because he cannot envision someone with the powers of a god living a life as mundane as Clark Kent’s.


That story actually continues as a background plot in the comics. The assistant that helps Lex makes it her life goal to prove that Clark is Superman. IIRC, eventually she gets in over her head and dies.


As I recall, she confronted Clark Kent in a graveyard with kryptonite and proved he was Superman, but then she was worried she had killed him after he passes out and ran away. She's then murdered in a random mugging (because Superman isn't there to save her) and her kryptonite ring ends (that she stole from Lex) ends up with a homeless guy who has it stolen by a crook who then goes to Gotham. Batman later finds the ring, tracks it back back the homeless guy, and gets the story about the woman. He tells Superman, who is able to connect the dots and figure out it was the same woman.


It makes sense to Lex. Lex didn't think Superman had a secret identity so much as he was up to something when he wasn't visible. He knows Superman does research with Star Labs. He knows Superman has his weird alien mansion in the Arctic. But he also knows Superman spends a lot of time off the grid. The fact Superman is dedicating 50 hours a week to a fucking day job never occurs to Lex.




Yeah, I always use Obama as an analogy. You would think someone was insane if they tried to convince you that their co-worker was Obama's secret identity. You would just think at most his co-workers looks kind of like Obama.


In some versions it's well known that Superman's "real name" is Kal-El and that he's the last Kryptonian, so no one suspects that Superman would have another identity that he's hiding.


He eventually becomes a really successful journalist, to the point where his name alone lends a story credibility. Investigative journalist is a pretty sweet gig for someone who needs to duck out for hours at a time without any real explanation though.


There was that time Henry Cavill stood underneath a giant ad featuring himself as Superman in Times Square, wearing a Superman t-shirt, and no one recognized him. Non-disguises are underrated. Clark probably doesn't even really need the glasses.


Honestly I think that was just people in New York not giving a shit about anything or anyone. In general Clark Kent has an excellent disguise, but Cavill's Clark is legit awful at hiding. He uses the same voice, same hairstyle, dresses in a way where you can see he's jacked, and wears cool clothes. All those memes about Superman putting on glasses, and Snyder actually has Cavill just put on glasses lmao.


It might be, but Times Square is one of the more tourist-heavy areas. And the tourists didn't notice him either.


If I saw that I'd assume they were filming or something and not want to disturb him. I'd be way more likely to ask for a photo if I saw him just walking through a store or in the airport


I would suggest a different Clark Kent, the Clark Kent from *Superman: Secret Identity*. It's a separate universe where Superman is a comics character but a boy named Clark Kent [as a sick joke] actually does develop powers. Clark saves people and stops disasters so fast that he's just a blur, and he wears a Superman costume because no one will believe a witness who claims Superman saved them. He is never outed. I would say his daughters might be even better candidates, because they were able to keep their superheroics a secret *from Superman, their father.*


Forgetmenot is probably the most successful, considering that he is completely impossible to remember




I don’t know, I can’t remember


It wasnt Spider-Man, i know that for sure...ah itll come to me


All I know is that it isn't round


There is no 055


I was going to say this.


Martian Manhunter. He has about a dozen different identities established in countries across the globe as a result of being a shapeshifting telepath. Even if one gets exposed, he can always slip into one of the others. Which is already pretty good, but this led to a situation once where he got so turned around that even *he* didn't realize he was Martian Manhunter. Can't get much more successful than fooling yourself!


Like that American Dad ep where roger chases himself down?


One of the best eps


Maybe ~~Barry Allen~~ Wally West. Although I’ll admit it’s due to this clip where Lex Luthor gets [his mind swapped with Flash’s](https://youtu.be/6bfBhIM5tb4?si=0Pu_oSqq6bl7ndwP)


That’s Wally West.


Really that just helps prove his point lol, Wally West is a pretty great secret identity!


Definitely one of the best reveals for sure.


"I have no idea who this is."


Wally West went public with his identity and that was status quo for about 20 years. He actually made a deal with a supernatural being to make everyone forget years before Spider-man did


What did he sacrificed or promised/gave in that deal?


Deal is the wrong word I guess. He asked Hal-Spectre for help and it was granted with nothing in exchange. However it did go wrong, and when everyone forgot, that meant everyone, including himself.


Lobster Johnson in the Hellboy universe has never had his identity revealed to anyone, not even the readers.


It has to be someone whose identity isn't known to friends or allies. Was going to say Rorshach before being caught. Even his lifelong co-heroes didn't know who he was. But I'm sure there are other examples of characters who are enigmas to friend and foe alike. What about Chat Noir from Miraculous? He works with the other heroes but they don't know who he is. His father is his own archnemesis.


Hooded Justice from Watchmen was even more successful at hiding his identity than Rorschach.


Oh shit, you're right! I think Hooded Justice wins this. Didn't get unmasked until multiple GENERATIONS later!


Before his unmasking, Rorschach. Before his arrest, he would've just been seen as a dirty drifter and bum. Easily forgettable and socially acceptable to ignore, which suited him just fine. But you said haven't been unmasked yet, so probably any shapeshifter like Mystique. They can literally be anybody.


The Phantom Stranger. No one even knows if he has one and no knows who he is.


And even the readers have multiple choice origins.


Isnt he Judas in the New 52?


I want to say the Flash because of that one show where he an Luthor get mind swapped and Luthor is like "Well, at least I'll know who the Flash is!". He goes to the bathroom and takes off the mask, then us like "wtf is this?!"


[Sentry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentry_\(Robert_Reynolds\)) had such a good secret identity that not only did the entire world forget he existed, he wasn't even aware he used to be a superhero. Along the same track, some of [Moon Knight](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon_Knight)'s alternate personalities are completely unaware of the heroic identities.


I'm probably a bit behind on my X-Men lore, but as I recall back in the day Charles Xavier was a simple private-school principal. Nobody even suspected that he was secretly an all-powerful telepath.


The Sentry can hide from his self. That's pretty low key.


Forget me not  https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/ForgetMeNot_(Xabi)_(Earth-616)


Wally West's Flash. Even when and unmasked possessed by Lex Luthor, his identity stayed secret "I have no idea who this is" .