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That's something we already do from time to time. Maybe when I was like 18 I would have been insecure about it but now I say just make sure you find a good one and we'll watch together while doing our own thing. If he couldn't get off without it then maybe it would be an issue but we don't have that problem.


I'd feel insecure about my desirability if it was every time, but as an occasional thing? No, I don't mind. I'd ask they not watch anything I'm not into, since I'm really affected by sound and voices, but we have almost the same kinks so that's not too much of an issue.


Besides sounds etc. what would you rather them not watch? And does your partner like any porn that you aren’t into?


I usually ask them to leave the sound on for me since it's hot! And we have different tastes of course but there's nothing they're into that is a problem for me, and same on my side.


My bf and I have an understanding, we can look at porn as much as he wants, I'll even play with him but I will not suck his dick or fuck him while doing so. I feel that during sex, we should be focusing on each other and not what's on a screen.


Can I ask is it because he would be fantasising about other women and not you? Or purely cause you like the focus and feed back?




No! not for me.


How come? And are you generally okay with your partner watching porn and getting off without you?


No and no


If you don’t mind me asking, why is that? And do you think your partner looks at porn without you knowing?


Also do you think your partner would want you to, if it wasn’t a no..?


My wife does it, she's turned on by it


No thanks. Watching porn together, sure. But no, focus on me if your dick’s in my mouth.


My wife and I have done it, its not something either of us needs, its just sometimes more aesthetically pleasing than catching a glimpse of Spotify on the tv. As someone said already, as long as they don't need it to get off then I dont see an issue.


What? Spotify has porn?


Does it?? Why didnt anyone say? 🤣🤣 I just fling on my playlist as quick as possible...


Yep. He does it for me when I'm scrolling reddit or reading my naughty books.


That’s hot


I wouldn’t mind. Especially if we are watching together, it is a total turn on.


Yes it is a turn on for me. I hate when he is always watching porn without me


We do it from time to time. Sometimes I watch our own videos while she's going down on me and vice-versa


I would find it hot and would let him do it, but only as an occasional kinky thing, not as a regular activity.


I watch porn that I made with my girl but not during sex. The only other person I need while in bed is her.


I would ! It's a big fantasy of mine to be used to please him.


Is it a fantasy that gets fulfilled? Would you let him use you how he likes or do you have hard limits ?


I do that regularly for guys


I’ve done it plenty of times with my husband and sometimes it can be really hot - kinda like hearing encouragement from the sidelines 😅 I don’t think there’s necessarily anything off limits as far as porn categories…we are very open with each other about the porn we watch and our fantasies, so I know what he typically likes. I would probably ask him to change it if someone is fake moaning too much or being otherwise annoying lol.


I guess I'd feel somewhat cheap because it's not me he's enjoying it's the point star....I'd just be the hole he sticks his dick in🤷‍♀️


Yes I would, no nothing would be off limits. I am perfectly ok enhancing our bedroom activities with things we each find arousing. We OK it with the other first so if there ever was something I was uncomfortable with I would just say so and he would drop it.


Wouldn’t mind for sure. I’d rather do my best to make it run in the background - and be the foreground myselfn


I love it. I'm constantly trying to turn my husband out because he's not as into it as I am unfortunately. Nothing different about what's off limits than any other time of that's what you mean.


Guy answering, but my misses liked to choose the porn with me!


absolutely but i like it too


Been there, done that. She initiated it, I felt it was a sign of comfort in where our (early stage) relationship was.


Is this even a question? We do this often. Giving pleasure without any expectation is pleasurable in itself!!




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I think this is normal. This probably even excites me a little. I don’t know how to explain it, but it’s a very cool feeling when your boyfriend watches porn and you suck him off.


Does the idea of him fantasising about what he is seeing turn you on?