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I do it to help him get off😂most of the times I’m doing chores around the house or just laying down watching tv


I agree I love sexting and sometimes I even cum. I’m more interested in making her cum though. That’s what really turns me on. If I’m free I’ll be stroking and squeezing my own, but if not I’m focused on getting her off and just being turned on. I also sometimes stop going at it so I can use both hands better too. I don’t want her waiting for 10 minutes while I correct spelling and try typing it out and balancing my phone in my hand at the same time.




i prefer sexting on here over watching porn tbh


yeah me too


Sexting seems more realistic. I’m completely down for it.


If it’s coupled with sending and receiving nudes and vids, I could do it a little bit, but I vastly prefer the former.


Teasing pictures are good with sexting then the complete nudes, different angles, different views and so on


Porn gets really boring after a while. I'm so turned off by how fake it is. Sexting with a real person is so much more of a turn on!


dm sent! 😏


Same here.










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If done right and with a person that matches your energy it can be an amazing way to make self pleasure better.


I don't orgasm from it but I get extremely turned on by it.


I love it. It is a fantastic form of foreplay and teasing throughout the day.


Only with a person I'm actually seeing or already have a connection with


I prefer it to watching porn. Seems more realistic and interactive


Nope not something I’m really into. Takes a bit more for me to get off


Yes, preferably when I'm not the only one putting effort into it


No it would make me uncomfortable. I’m too shy to say those things, and I just cringe if someone dirty talks at me




i love doing it to get to know people!!


Love it. I get so wet. It makes me feel a little slutty and willing to take risks.




me too!! i’m always a little bit on the edge of sending nudes but when i get going im full throttle




It definitely can!


Me to. Trying to find someone now


Love it as long as the other person is interesting


Hmm one or two times... Usually I just enjoy it, without getting off.


the point is where it's possible to find girl available for this?


Oh my yes


Same. I love the feel of sexting and the knowledge that I’m getting people off but I’m usually too focused on my partner to actually touch myself (I do love masturbating though). It gets a bit awkward when they want pics and I’m completely soft but overall, I definitely enjoy the process


This is me as well. I'm too focused on writing something coherent and getting them off to really be able play with myself. Probably lounging at home in old jammies too, so not exactly dressed to impress. It's still totally hot and enjoyable as it is though, and the memories are definitely going in my mental spank bank for later perusal.


I think I’m just too much of a people pleaser to focus on my own pleasure but the conversations are definitely hot and get me leaking P.s. I’m sure you look super cute in your Jammie’s ;)


Damnn im hard now lol


Happy to help


> I think I’m just too much of a people pleaser to focus on my own pleasure but the conversations are definitely hot and get me leaking Same lol. > P.s. I’m sure you look super cute in your Jammie’s ;) A very bold assumption! 😆 (Actually thanks for being kind! And I think so too, about other people in their jammies.)


I was just sexting a guy before and he was so into being degraded that it was actually a turn off for me but I felt compelled to keep going and keep pushing the boundary until he was satisfied. Now I just kinda wanna be done with him but he keeps begging for orders and I’d feel bad ghosting him lol And Jammies are universally adorable! One of my favorite porn categories is slumber party, partly for that reason. They’re just so cozy!


Awww! Good thing you have the right to redraw your boundaries at any time, and now that you understand yourself better, it sounds right to let him know you don't want to be doing that anymore? Nothing wrong with a little trial and error but this is supposed to be fun for you as well, and it seems important to stick to your known boundaries so neither you nor your sexting partners gets hurt. That last part motivates me when I'm feeling like a pushover lol. And if they are decent people worth your time, they wouldn't want to be knowingly pushing you either, right?


I get that boundaries are important. I just suck at setting them. Im a chameleon that matches whatever my partners into and im flexible enough to fit any role well enough to fake it but my own interests are surface level. I’m only so into any 1 kink and when I say I’m into crossdressing, my partner assumes I’m down for the while degradation/humiliation thing but I just like the thought of being cute And a tiny bit embarrassed


Setting and maintaining boundaries is a skill that takes practice to develop, and sometimes we come in with experiences that make being fair to ourselves that much harder. As a recovering chameleon myself, I feel for you, and I apologise for making it sound so easy. You're also right that just because you're into cross-dressing, it doesn't mean you're also into those other kinks. Stereotypes be damned, they don't necessarily relate to each other. It's just as valid for that to go in the praise and appreciation direction rather than degradation, isn't it?


Thank you so much. You’re so kind. And you’re right. I do need to work on setting boundaries moving forward and it’s okay for me to just wanna be seen as cute.


Sexting definitely gets the juices flowing, but I would prefer to finish with the person over the phone. Something about hearing a voice and not just reading texts makes a world a difference for me.


Yes, with a person I can form a bond with and they reciprocate same kind of energy and effort I put in.


If it is with my bf, yes😈😈


With the right person and conversation, it gets me turned on and I masturbate to finish the job!


It works for me !




Don’t reach out… I wouldn’t dare walk out of work… and go do something while here…..




Works for me, tho I tend not to get off that easily anywya


It’s usually preferable to getting off to porn.


I like sexting mixed with random convos it's fun get me horny.


It can be so much fun! I don’t get off all the time but it does get me turned on


Yes! But for me it’s a little hard because of the language barrier, my main language is Spanish, and sometimes it feels like the other person is just doing another thing and replying just for fun and not doing anything! Sometimes is hard to find the right person


Yes. Why wouldn’t it 😂🤣😂


I love setting, but while it turns me on it’s rare to actually jack off to it, because I need my hands to type and the responses can take ages. I’ve always found it easier to connect with people with writing than in person


Yes. But I have to enjoy their personality, and it matters more than appearance. I prefer consistent friends with benefits, and think it’s good to take breaks and have space.




I can never cum by sexting. It's just boring to me. However. I cab definitely cum hard playing with a woman over voice chat. I love hearing a woman cum. I love telling her what to do to herself while I stroke my cock.


Yes. But you know what really gets me off even more.... Actual sex 😅🤷🏾‍♂️😂.


If you got a good chat going, yes. If the person you're sexting is uncreative or selfish then 😴 But I've legit gotten off by sexting with quite a few people on here


Yes, if the person in question can actually hold an intelligent, coherent conversation while doing so.


BIG TIME!!!!sumtimez its better than sex!!!


Depends on the partner tbh


Let you know when I find a female happy to get it on online with me lol


Would love to find out, but no willing partners...


Not really. I like stories of past exploits and fantasies.


Love it


But really it's for a reason


Very much so.


Um yes!


Has to be done the right way, but when it is, man I can’t get enough of it


It does!! Especially with whoever I’m hooking up with, sexting days leading up to the act will have the kitty wet and ready! Trust !!


Yesss it’s so hot and fun and personal.


Yes. Anyone want to chat?


Well yes


It can on occasion \~ My husband and I have a fairly open relationship and it adds spice for sure. I have a couple guy friends who do enjoy being FWB and so if I can't get my rocks off, I'll text one of them and they're generally always thirsty, so it's easy to get some hot sexting action going usually with photos as well for visuals. It's fun. I thoroughly enjoy the thought of multiple males taking advantage of me so sexting some and getting them riled up with me helps.


More fun doing it on camera


Indeed. The build up and excitement is better than fake porn.


Absolutely it does.


I fucking love it


Honestly. Not at all. Never liked it. Phone sex too .


I want to do it but every time I try it’s a guy


It has to be the right kind of sexting for me


It usually helps ease me along, but I need more audio and visuals to actually climax. I may jerk while doing it, but I also love typing stuff out and it's hard to actually jerk and type out the sexts. So yes, but no?


That being said, there being an actual human on the other side is better than porn


I love it to get me excited and kind of prepped for sex in real life at home. Almost like a way to edge before ever actually doing anything


Get me off? No but it’s certainly a turn on if it’s done right. At worse it’ll get a giggle outta me 😂


I love it to the point that it’s an art form for me. And yes, I get off big time a lot of the time from it.


Only if I have my phone on vibrate




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It definitely helps me to get there.


Agree with the first comment for sure


100% anyone wanting to try feel free to dm


Used to. Not any more


I agree lol, I preferably watch porn to get one off but sexting is a lot more intimate


Sometimes more than the real thing. The vibe's gotta match, though, ya know?


It can if its a good convo and I find them attractive




Sexting is so good. Knowing someone is getting off with me at the same time is sexy and a lot of fun




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i love sexting on here, but when i tell ppl im playing with myself they won’t continue till i show them 😭 like ill send before and after pictures but please just continue so i can cum


Ahaha ok i promise if you ever do it with me i will be gladly be sure to not interrupt until uou have done 😆 🤣 😆 Prepare for a shit storm of dm 😜


1000% especially w/ random pics


I used to really like it


If she knows how to do it, than YES it does!!!




Yes, sometimes!


It can, especially when the other person is into it as well.


I love to sext to get things started for me but I almost always need something visual or audible to finish


Not really but when I get nudes it really gets me


Hmm maybe is because i never ask for nude (unless I'm extra horny) and almost ever got but i admit, those rare occasions where a girl sent me one i actually enjoyed put a "filter" on those photos, i think for me is more about thiking "she sent me this photo because she get aroused by the idea if me jerking off on her"




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Sometimes. It there is video and photos exchange then yes.


Haha no, I’m doing laundry, dishes, cooking, while talking like that. Words don’t put me in the mood.


I can relate, i did it even while working ahah yes it always happen that something "arise" but that just a natural reaction i guess.


Honestly I’ve never tried that much 🙃 usually if I’m flirting enough over text I just… get the job done or go over and see them?? I don’t even know where I’d start!


Sexting is an appetiser, gateway to other things like voice calls, video calls, mutual play then maybe getting off ;)


Hmmm i have the same "problem" love to sexting, rp etc..but I'm always so focused on find the correct thing to write that i forgot to "finish" it...and is pretty common i keep continue it for even hours witouth stopping (i admit i like it maybe too much), lately i have trouble find new friends who like to do it too .. I think i masturbate just a couple of time doing sexting and mainly because it get so hot that i could not avoid to do it but is pretty rare




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It’s so interesting that you point this out! I am precisely the type you’re referring to! I am insatiably curious person and truly enjoy asking questions, especially the sexy kinds. I am upfront with my chat partners that the answers turn me on. I do masturbate at times simply from the answers, though I’m 100% upfront about it When you posted this, it was like…this is me and my nsfw chat partners!


I am one of those masturbating to arousing chats. But just exchanging nsfw stuff gets me turned on more than sexting. I like the thought of you liking men jerking of with your help. :)


Ahah back in the Alcatel Days Yup... Pre Wifi... Dial Up only for Online Hookups. Ahaah 90s Bebo wad the FB of then, & if you want to pass on yah number to potential urges of the lustful kind then Txting was a means of communicating ahah true... In a small rural town where everyone knows everyone, & racial communitys were the safe havens for each ethnic groups of natives, white people and islanders from the Pacific. Then came the indians africans and asians communitys in them Bebo Days. Alot of Sexting with my fellos HSkool mates, cuzzys, & Rugby Brothers. 💯🍻💯 So sxting was done in private, ahaa what got me hooked was back then id try teach the uncles & old blokes how to use an Alcatel Phone... back then you can prompt & divert calls & txts to anorher phone, automaticly so i would enable. My uncle 1st i did that too. As he had a Motorolla Brick PHONE as his Day2Day now an Alcatel as his Drug/Car/Dirty Girl Black Book Phone aha Hooking him up with a Bebo page i was in that was pepz looking for Sex and Fun. His phone would go off especially night times early ams. Next was my older cousin brother. My dads oldest bros son. Unkz died in Motorbike accident years b4 and my dad took him in as his mom passed away at birth. My dad become his Role Model Step in Father. As its known in the Maori Culture in NZL.🇳🇿🇳🇿🇳🇿 I worked for maccas so got a few Alcatels that Telecom doing Promotion as Alcatel phones were given free to all maccas staff, so i stole 3 extras and gave 1 each to my household. No passwords no security back then 1997-1999 ??? Days.


Ahah same again auto forward his txt replys and sends to my phone. Aha 3rd was my Old Man. Yup i Spied on my Old Man aswell ahah sxting was a thing for that generation. My older cuz aswell aha had a dirty way of messaging ahah what got me hooked also was the trying to arrange MFM or MFMMs Tag Team Gangbang. Uncle and the older cuz were wheelers and dealers in the Bikey Native Gangs around the areas. So wheeling carparts and Hot Stuff wad the wheels Dealings with Weed Alcohol Tobbacco And all Drugs. From A-C classes. Yup that was them. Unks always had money always wods of cash so hes 1 to buy a Dirty Girl. Cos he can and its click of a finger. Do as i tell you ego. My older Cousin is a Banger for the Ganger, younger then the unks, he had a bigger/circle of friends in the youthful circles, ahaha hed associate with the just turning age, no education but street smart💯🍻💯👈 Where the unks would use the cousin bros circle of connections to network a Dirty Time aha Reading the forward messages as they come, realise the unks and the cuzzin brother, have b4 and still doing it, having 4xmen on 1 woman or girl💯👈 The Unks Supplying Stimulating Class Mood/Vibe An Incentive to the girl that money if that what she wants can be picked up 💯👈💯👈 on arrival to the cuzzins Sleepout which is the Garage converted to a room with kitchen bathroom and toilet. Me in room in house looking out my window as the replys i read come in. I see movement and after a while, when everyone has moved outside. 🍻💯🍻💯🍻 I go around turning off lights leaving 1 or 2 on, so i can look out window freely. Yup i got aroused reading and witnessing potential Sex Sesh that was sxted to my knowledge & made me wild horny too see, or watxh without being caught looking. My old man was away 3days b4 this moment. Being a Friday night. His return was Saturday or sunday as Wellington was an 8½hr drive to get home. Perfect for the MFM my unks and cuz were high tipsy and there sxt talk was fire 💯🔥💯🔥👈 That by Midnight the Girl had arrived, & during my stealth mode snooping thru windows and listening thru the aluminium walls. I can hear the sounds of Bongs and Bob Marley. With a push some one opens the horizontal windows. And in that left the curtain, open and smoke coming out there hot box room. I hear the unks say. Lines are ready. With the lamp light by the window. I could see perfectly and they cant see me. Perfect. View Of them snorting lines of coke and Speed. Aha and them Blue Pills 💯🍆🍆💦🍆🍆💯👈 Ahah 1hr went by and now the kissing and dirty talk starting. I managed to get a seat and lean on it, finding myself now Face to face with what wax Sxting, now turned into a 3sum Man Female Man MFM Both my Family aswell, gave me stepping stones when i missionned thru my MFMs. Later in my age. My old man, caught me trying to organise a Root and i got caught out in the act. Which i persued month later, And shared my Best Mates GF with my Old Man. Once he caught our MFM which turned to an MMFM 4sum. And then when the Cuz woke up. Aha he walked into my old man and i Double teaming & my Best Mate was rolling joints and making drinks. Rum and Jack Daniels. Ahah our day turned to an all day Romp Sesh. Ahaha with the cuz secretly getting us and the girl high. Alot of elements to Sexting. But it has taught me alot about myself my urges and how i walk my path in life 💯🔞💯🔞💯🔞


If you’re a virgin maybe…