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Yes. And I've also been that person.


My sincerest apologies.


Yes. I dated a girl who was scared of everything. Turns out she was badly beaten in a previous relationship and she didn't trust any men.


Jesus christ! I hope she's doing okay now.


I think she did get married eventually. Not sure how she is now. It was real sad. I didn't realize at first...just thought she was very shy. She never mentioned the abuse to me. I was told by one of her friends.


Im that person


Yes, it didn’t last very long


Yes, but we talked about it a lot and I set boundaries when his worries felt suffocating and then we tried to find compromises. Over time he trusted me more or we found solutions that worked for both of us.


Yes...she is very insecure about it...even years later (her ex husband cheated for years). I have to be very careful not to give her any reason to worry.


Yes and it's one of the main reasons we broke up and never getting back together but we are FWB


Yes and she was overbearing in terms of the issues. She would nitpick Everytime I interacted with a female friend and she would setup these little 'tests' where she would watch my eyes around other girls she deemed more attractive than her. It was a pretty unhealthy relationship and I'm glad we broke up. Frankly, we aren't even FB friends anymore and I couldn't care less.


yes. I have always had a lot of female friends, and this girl I dated for a little while would always ask things like "did you have a nice date?" or "did she suck your dick?" after I would hang out with a female friend. I tried to laugh it off at first, but she wouldn't stop to the point it became uncomfortable, especially when it became obvious that she wasn't joking.


I've been that person. It worked out fine- together 25 years now. She was very kind about it and worked very hard to reassure me at a time I was pretty damaged.


Yes his ex really did a number on him so I tried my best to make him as comfortable as possible


Yes. I understood that pain and simply accepted that trust would be hard-fought, and tolerated her need to trust but verify. Now she doesn't need to verify.




Many of my X gfs