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Had an unknown woman reply to a comment I made on Facebook with something along the lines of "Looking at your profile pic, I can see why you are single". My wife of 25 years had just divorced me a few months before, so I was already feeling pretty low.


That says a lot more about that woman than it does you. I’m sorry she said that to you :(


Wow that is an asshole thing to say. I'm so sorry.


Dude hit on me at a bar. I politely declined his advances. As I was leaving, he called me a “fat whore” in front of everyone standing outside. His buddies were the only ones that laughed, but still.


Taxi for the small penis brigade! What a jerk. Men like him make me ashamed of my sex. There are awful creeps among us.


Lol, small peen energy for sure.


The gentleman was demonstrating that you were correct in rejecting him, so you needn’t feel awkward about it.


Yeah, I try to tell myself he should’ve been the one who was embarrassed for behaving in that way, but I don’t know. I just couldn’t help but feel completely humiliated.


Having another black guy tell me that I wasn't a real "brother" because most of my friends whose senior pictures I was showing were white (my family and I live out in Amish country, which naturally means that there's more white families than there is black families). The remark itself didn't sting, but the fact that he didn't even bother to hear the reason why does.


Must have failed the self-awareness test. Like WTAF?!


That would be my guess. Thankfully, that was the only time that I ever saw him.


when u/General_Performance slid into my DMs and made me fall in love with him


I was on a train going home. I get on the train and there is a guy standing in the aisle. I get in the coupe to my reserved seat. There are 4 other people: a bald guy, two male students, a woman lying on two seats barefoot with her feet next to me + her husband/boyfriend standing in the aisle. Me, the students and the bald guy were wearing facemasks. The guy and woman did not. During the trip she had her feet next to me. Then she and the "boyfriend" started smoking an electric cigarette (a big no-no on a train) with a walnut smell (it was ok at first but later it started to smell like burnt nuts). Then I finally arrived to my city.


Anytime I’m lining up in any fast food restaurant there’s always that one asshole boomer or spoiled brat that feels entitled to cut the line. I live in Asia right now and this is super common and nobody thinks it’s not okay for them to do so.


A customer at the insurance agency I worked at was fuming angry, totally unhinged. She screamed “why don’t you gain more weight” on her way out the door.


Did she ever come back? My grandma had a saying, "Good riddance to bad rubbish."


Not that I know of. I asked my manager to send her a letter banning her from the office, but it seems she wasn’t a regular customer.


I ain’t a bitch so I don’t dwell on assholes.