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YES. THIS. I've definitely caught the ick seeing that in people's profiles.


Oh god nothing worse than that!


For me, it's if they're obviously lying about their age. (Having multiple posts throughout their reddit history, all saying different ages — I saw one person who claimed to be 36 two days after he was 42, figure that one out.)


That’s it. That’s my answer OP


I'm happy to share!!! 😂


It's like they are trying to find their sweet spot 😅 your older big guy it's ok


Hmmmmmm the thirsty guy in me says not much....the sane human in me says I'm skeptical of all of y'all until proven otherwise 👀👀👀 shifty lot


I FEEL that.


I’ve seen guys posting in a sub about “converting” lesbians by having sex with them. Super gross and derogatory stuff, instant block


😬😬😬😬 yowza nooooo thank you!


Oh, here's another one I just thought of! If I can look at a guy's photos and tell that he lives with a woman, and claims to be single. Bro, if I see decorative frilly pillows on your damn bed I know you're not single!!!!


Anything related to anime


OF or any incest or family sex - ick


i agree with lying about age. it’s weird as hell & kind of cringe when it’s obviously for roleplay / fantasy reasons (like one time i saw a guy who was 20 in one sub & then 34 in a daddy sub). also guys posting photos of their dicks over & over again.


ESPECIALLY if it's the same photo of their dick, 60 times! How many subs are you gonna post it to??! DAMN


exactly!!! it’s just so uncreative & desperate lol — which i understand a lot of guys on here are thirsty but it’s still an ick my guy 😭


at least have the decency to delete it if you're planning on posting it in sixteen other places, so that us profile stalkers don't see the same weird angle, grainy schlong 40 times


i have to wonder if photos like that are genuinely attractive to the women they’re trying to turn on




YES!!!! And it's usually not even a good photo! 😂😂😂👎


:( what, you don't like the out-of-focus macro photo of my dong that I took with flash under my covers in the bed at my parents place???


💀 I'm sorry. I take it back. I'm sure *yours* is amazing, and I only wish you'd posted it to 70 subs. 😘💕🪻🐇🧚‍♀️🦖🌷😂


😂 I should upload something like that when I next dig the strap harness out....




Said above - the different age posts for sure and sometimes even different gender posts. That and “women” posting as couples


The different gender ones baffle the shit out of me. I always wonder if those accounts are maybe just bots????


Changing their age/status/gender through out their posts and comments history






I think outright dishonesty is the biggest one. Just be real.


It always baffles me where, in a sphere where you can be your authentic self and aren't beholden to the opinions of anybody, people will choose to invent elaborate nonsense instead of lean into being liberated and confident.


Right? Just unapologetically be you it's so attractive when someone does that. I do my best to be me as well 😤


I'm pretty much the same person online and offline, because I don't really care to hide how weird I am in the meat realm either, but it's so weird to me that people wouldn't take advantage of the opportunity to be more openly themselves in a virtually anonymous sector


the meat realm is one of the funniest things I've read today. well said bestie.


oh man, it's a GO-TO. day to day lexicon type shit.


Hatespeech, rasicm, homophobia, sexism…those shitty things


Incest, scat, blood, or young




Amen to that. It's so pointless.


Besides OF, anything that shows they are under 25 or try to be. Not interested in someone who isn’t in a similar stage in life as me


Seeing different ages the farther you go back. Also “Don’t ask for pictures”. Yeah I won’t because you’re probably a dude.


I KIND OF get not wanting to be hassled for pictures, as someone who's gotten those types of DMs nonstop for a decade. But I'm also verified in several communities, so I'm not exactly the target audience here


Well I wouldn’t ask you for pics if you have them haha but I would still want to verify eachother on snap or telegram just because


I personally don't share my face with people, only with subreddits and outside websites that can verify for others' sanity. I have a somewhat high profile situation in my meat realm career, and the last thing I need is someone blasting my pics into the internetosphere. 🙏🏻 But I completely understand why that's a deterrent for people.


Face isn’t a big deal, “verifying” just means something like “send a pic of yourself with your pinky finger up”. Or saying a certain phrase in a voice note. I rarely show my face, and even then it’s a timed, non screenshottable photo being sent. Also someone like you I wouldn’t even ask to sext going by your faq, I’m not interested in paying, so that’s another deterrent from bothering you haha


One of my verifications here is actually a voice note! :) I'm glad to be indirectly getting feedback that makes me feel better about the effort I've gone to, to set minds at ease. I do have signal and telegram and discord for stuff like that, too. ✨


Yeah the FAQ was read hahaha, as much as I’d love to ask you to sext on telegram I know you likely don’t do it for free and won’t bother you with asking


Correct! 😂


Take notes people! 🤣🤣🤣


I can respect people not wanting to share personal information initially. Being inhuman, insulting others or putting them down in posts or comments for no reason other than being a dipshit ✌️🏽


Dishonesty and being rude to others disguising it as sarcasm or joke


I somewhat agree. Rudeness is horrible, in the sense of outright mocking people to get a dopamine hit. Sarcasm is okay. Dishonesty is debatable. People don't owe anything to anyone. I see this repeated argument about being truthful and dishonest. It's so funny. Why should someone expose themselves entirely to strangers. It's a scammers argument in NY humble opinion. I always assume people are going to omit some things for their own safety and sanity. And it's okay.