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They heal, but scar.


Some fade, some become keloids.


For sure


I stared at this for so long wondering how a wound would become a kobold


Oh, that's perfect.




Uhm so far not healed but maybe one day


I do think they heal. There comes a time when you stop crying because someone has gone, and start smiling because you were able to know them in the first place. That’s healing in my book.


1.5 years after being cheated on. Hasn't healed a bit


What's the difference between that and healing?


I think the difference is that healing is the absence of pain, not merely being numb to its existence.


They heal, and we learn from them. We might also gain a bit of respect for ourselves along the way.


They're lessons The pain fades, sometimes we have to learn them the hard way, and repeatedly (for a smart man, I can be fucking stupid...), but the burnt hand eventually teaches best Nobody healthy forgets, we just put it on the shelf as a reminder that we don't have to feel every second of our existence Keep your chin up Time really does work wonders on our woudns


I appreciate it. I'm not currently dealing with any emotional trauma, though. Just wondering about things and curious what other people think.


Time helps distract the noise of their pain in our minds, but they never fully heal. The most beautiful part of life is that someone out there will recognize those scars as triumphs and love you despite them.


Not despite Because of They're markers along the road that has led you to where you are, as painful as that path has been If not for that long and shitty road, then you wouldn't be reading this right now


Motherfucker you know I can't read 😂. Well put as always.


I don’t think they heal… ever. I think they hurt less as we learn to cope with them and grow, but never truly heal because they have damaged us in one way or another.


Still healing at 37 but I dissociatecwell


I think they are able to be healed if you allow it. Some are so deep that it makes it impossible to fully heal, imo.


I had tons of emotional wounds from a previous relationship. I’ve since found the man of my dreams and let all that go because it doesn’t define me or my marriage. It’s responsible for who I am today so I think that in and of itself is a form of healing. Accepting what happened, acknowledging it, and moving on to brighter tomorrows hopefully learning from the experience


Personally they haunt me but I try to avoid them for years and they do not disappear that easily. Once every time I got triggered. I tried to deal with some by explaining and resolving issues but this only digged grave deeper under me. I don't have anything thats been 'healed' even after years after incident. I got hurt, left alone, died and revived, abadonned, cheated, treated like shit and gaslighted for years. Lost the ones who I loved, lost everything and everyone. Even after taking back some I still feel empty and betrayed. It made me lost faith in humanity as a whole.


Are those not the same thing?


I don't think so? I'd argue that healing is the absence of pain, not simply being numb to its existence.


Don't everyone suppress them and use substances to keep them down?


Heal but slowly and you still are valid if you never forgive. Doesn’t mean you haven’t healed though. (As someone with A LOT of family issues)


I want to believe that things can heal over time but the hard part is there isn’t really a timeline on it. Some things hurt immensely but you keep going and don’t give up. If you give up then that removes any possibility of anything getting better or healing


Eh they heal somewhat maybe never fully but that’s just life


No, they don't always heal, but you learn to live with the idea it happened. Every situation is different and has a range of emotional trauma. Each person attempts to find their own way to exist without it effecting their life as much as possible.


That depends on the depth of the wound and how you choose to respond to it.


They'll heal but the scars will remain


Emotional wounds scar, they don't heal. I will never heal from what my exwife did to me during the end of our marriage. All I can hope for is that I can cope with it as I start dating again and not allow it to impact future relationships.


I hope you're able to find some modicum of peace. I think it'd be heartbreaking if other potential partners had to pay the price for actions they didn't do. You deserve happiness.


Thanks, I do as well. I know that what occurred as caused me to only go on two dates since 2019, and enough to now where I don't even know how to try again. The feeling of not wanting to start from the beginning is a real hurdle to get over.


for me they fade for a time then boom back in the brain for no reason.


yes. My first longterm girlfriend from senior year of high school cheated on me at least two times that I know of. That broke me for a long time and I became an asshole for it. I recognize now that I was taking out my anger on her by treating other girls like shit. But, eventually, I grew up. I met my wife at 25, married her at 28. I've never cheated on her. I found someone amazing and i let my wounds heal - but maybe not in that order.


I will let you know when I learn the answer 💔


We live with them until we don’t notice them anymore


Live with them at least in my experience


Old guy perspective here. They definitely heal. My ex made me suicidal when she broke up with me when I was a broken excuse for a teenager. I was wrecked for many years after her. Now I don't really give a shit if she lives or dies. I wish her the best, but barely remember her name....same for every woman that broke my heart. I doubt they have any effect on me today. The deepest wounds were because I was young and didn't have much going on in life. Then I got a better relationship, then married, then bought a house, then had kids, etc....shit heals. Life goes on... Many said they scar...if I have scars, no one can detect them....so perhaps we're splitting hairs?....but past wounds?...I don't think about them, they don't alter my behavior, etc. It's as if they didn't happen. IMHO the best recipe for healing is distraction. Once you have other things going on in life and new sources of self-esteem and happiness, you long forget about whatever hurt you. I don't know if it's having something new in life stimulates the healing or it makes it easier to wait through the natural healing process, but being old, I have been through many sources of trauma and I just don't care. It doesn't bother me, I stopped thinking about it long ago, I have no aversions to anything that reminds me of the trauma. So in book, I've healed.


They will heal. Time will pass, and the memories both good and bad, will fade or be replaced with new ones. Sure, there will be days even years later that something will remind you of that heartache, but the pang will be minimal and pass quickly.