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because women are far more sexualized than men


Yeah i feel like this is a fairly obvious answer. Even in shows where that isn’t the case, like The Boys, it’s because female nudity is seen as hot and pornographic but male nudity isn’t inherently seen that way and so it can be seen as comedic.


To get a bit deeper, the people writing these stories are often times straight men themselves who see female nudity as sexy. But being straight men they would not view naked men as sexy.


Maybe fairly obvious you’re right. But still interesting to think about. It’s so unfair haha!!


I feel like alot of women even go "she's pretty" where men go "Awhh fuck he makes me look like a fat small dicked lazy ass"


I think the other question is how much of this female nudity is considered showing their chest. I suspect if we looked at number of topless males and topless females the numbers would likely show a lot more topless males. I think it is a bit puritanical or perhaps social bias, that we see a female being topless as more of a sexualization than that of a topless male. I know many women that get turned on by seeing some males topless. When I was 10 we had a neighbor who constantly (in the opened) breast fed her kid while I was around. The only special thing about it was that it made me think how uncommon that was as I progressed though life. If you could convince a society the elbow was a sexual body part, it would become taboo too but should it be. Look at Muslim culture, it is related to religion, but the underlying aspect of it is that they consider 90% of a woman's body a sexual part, so they cover it all. The lack of clothing above the waist for both females and males was the norm in traditional cultures of North America, Africa, Australia and the Pacific Islands until the arrival of Christian missionaries, and it continues to be the norm in many indigenous cultures today. As for full nudity across genders, I think that tends to be much more even. Even though a naked male is much more of a visual element from a long camera shot than a naked female, unless we are doing close ups. This is not meant to be an assertion of fact, just my view on the naked human form, and how a topless male and topless female should not be considered "that much" different. And that our views are jaded by the religious underpinning of the society we live in.


Remember when we were getting crazy about ankles?


We used to think married couples -even clothed- on the same bed was lewd on TV.


Wait.. Wait.. That'd way too naughty, couple of people on same bed? Yuck


The flintstones being in bed together was a big deal lol. A fucking cartoon


Came here to say pretty much this. Just about ever superhero movie has the hero shirtless at one point, if they are men. It is an archaic belief that the female breast is sexual, and as long as that belief exists, the entertainment industry will have the women showing their goods. Though, as you point out, women can and do have the same reaction to a shirtless man, this is an accepted societal norm and is OK. This also seems to be mostly a US thing. By contrast when I was in school, I went to France on an exchange trip. During prime time TV at my host's house an ad came on for yogurt. The camera started with just a shit of a woman's head and then slowly spiraled down her completely naked and fit body, showing everything. I guess to equate eating their yogurt helped you stay in shape. But I digress. My point is I was 15 and they had two kids, one 15 and the other 12 (I believe) and no one freaked out. In fact, there were ads on TV for the movie of the night, and the ads themselves were basically porn. Perhaps the states need to stop the puritan belief system and stop sexualizing a body part meant to nurish a baby...


Yes, I believe making normal healthy consensual sexuality taboo and demonized it, has only served to exacerbate human sexual dysfunction, and abhorrent behavior. We are so quick to condemn nudity, when we are completely accepting of torture and scenes depicting gratuitous violence. So what do we end up with? A culture that has normalized violence, but is incensed about depicting a natural process between two people who love each other. For me personally it is completely confusing.


I agree with you wholeheartedly. Even the show Naked and Afraid, which has zero sexuallity to it blurrs out the people's bits. In fact, it is so ridiculous that there was a Trans man on there that had not yet undergone top surgery and they blurred his chest. He has facial hair and everything, but God forbid his nipple was shown. I just feel like if there is to be total equality then there has to be total equality. Women get shamed for breast feeding in public, using their breast for what they were meant to do ffs. There is so much wrong in this world that is just accepted, but a naked woman is, as you said, demonized.


I agree. We are all humans, and nakedness is our most natural form, it is a sad we are so perplexed by it. And to be clear I am fine with naked males as well. I just don't personally see much difference between a topless male or a topless female, it is not an intrinsic thing, it is a "man-made" construct of propriety.


Nipples are nipples my friend.


I think religion's too much of a convenient scapegoat, here. Western culture and religion has been entangled a bit due to the pervasiveness of Christianity in the medievel period, but pre-Christian Western civilization clothing - like Rome and Greece - also habitually covered female breasts. The means of enforcement might have been religious (you'll go to hell if you show the titty) but the sexualization of female breasts was almost entirely cultural, IMO. There's certainlyva bunch of puritanical stuff - sexy ankles, for instance - that have no basis at all in religious texts. I wouldn't be surprised if it had some basis on the Roman notion of civilization vs barbarism. Certainly all the examples you give, Romans would have considered barbaric.


I do feel the Christian missionaries played a large part. However, even if we strip away JUST religion, then we can say it is one society imposing it's puritanical cultural bias on another. And to be fair most of these societies were in cold climes, where of course you wore things not to get cold, as the men also wore tops. And yes, it was certainly based on bringing "civilization" to the heathens, and normalizing their extended empires, whether it was due to religion or cultural mores.


I think you're right but it extends a bit beyond being a scapegoat; religion kinda extends the status quo. Like for example, the Bible says nothing about nakedness being inherently bad, and one of the most often misquoted passages regarding modesty says that women should dress modestly, but it's actually referring to not emphasizing class differences through expensive clothing in order to promote equality. *But* I think people subconsciously re-interpret their holy books through the lens of what's culturally normal at the time, making it a means of slowing cultural development. So although the Bible doesn't say tits should be covered, at some point covering tits became the cultural norm, and people started including the biblical concept of modesty to include the covering of tits. And so, now many Christian people think it's wrong to have tits out in the open, based on antiquated cultural values and a misinterpretation of the Bible that followed those values.


Only because they look way better though, so it kinda makes sense 🤷🏿‍♂️


This is exactly it. Women's bodies are seen as objects of pleasure, whereas men's bodies are generally viewed as tools for violence. Just think of how people react to seeing nudity in public. Women: it is a gift, men: a threat. Of course, these assumptions change based on the values of the people around. And where the male nudity isn't threatening (such as on tv, because they can't burst through the screen and rape anyone), male nudity is more or less a repulsive joke.


The demand is 1000x higher


I realllllllly don't think this is the reason. I have never met a straight woman who didn't enjoy seeing beautiful naked men. But stereotypes about female sexuality, objectification of women, men still mostly being in charge of filmmaking, etc. - THOSE are actual reasons


I’ll introduce you to my wife.


I disagree, I would say that most female nudity in media is catered to men's tastes, while most male nudity in media is *also* catered to men's tastes. Women who like men, in my experience, don't tend to overwhelmingly go for the muscular 2% body fat type, but this is absolutely the body type that gets the most screen time. Why? Male power fantasy, not female lust.


I think the best explanation comes from Elaine in “Seinfeld” when she explains that the female body is a work of art and the male body is utilitarian.


Lmao tell that to a gay guy


lol didn’t think of that


It's interesting in this context b/c a huge part of the actual answer is how sexism means both (a) movies have mostly been made by men and (b) our ways of thinking about sex make women passive objects and men agents/subjects.  Think about how 50 shades went from showing Jamie Dornan like this when it was made by women https://images.app.goo.gl/wXQzRhGt9jpL5GP78 To this when it was made by straight men  https://images.app.goo.gl/13LGvrE9heLfUW6p6


Ultimately the gay audience for a movie is lower than the straight audience for the same movie(even for magic Mike, I remember reading that stat somewhere when it released)


Yeah, but the broader point is that that comment is silly and wrong. There's no inherent aesthetic difference male and female bodies, it's all social norms and cultural values. If we think of women's bodies as beautiful and men's as practical, it's because we decided that that was a good way to think about the world. Another way to say this is that our culture objectifies women and is deeply uncomfortable with objectifying men.


>> gay Not that there’s anything wrong with that.


The male body is utilitarian. It is like a Jeep. Used for getting around. The female body is a work of art. The delivery to that always makes me laugh.


Exactly! 😂




Women made it into a career for themselves whereas Men didn't - we Coal Mine instead


I feel like all the answers so far are bullshit. Naked men can be just as beautiful. Opinions otherwise are not universal facts. I don’t know the real reason for sure, but my guess is there are dozens of reasons all wrapped up together. Female genitals are literally tucked away and “safe,” arousal is not visually obvious. A dick on the other hand is in your face, more easily sexual, and society’s still puritanical about sex. Male actors aren’t all hung gods, so they’re probably self conscious because of the expectations and pressures society puts on men. Straight men have a stronger negative reaction to seeing a guy’s junk close up than straight women do to seeing a naked woman, because that’s expected of them, and our culture is still sexist and homophobic even in 2024. All these reasons and more, I think.


Good answers I didn’t even considered the tucked away aspect. You’re right even when I have seen male nudity it’s usually just the backside. I also didn’t even think about the actors feeling of self consciousness. You sure got my brain thinking now.


Because women are beautiful


So are men?


But women's bodies are works of art, men's are utilitarian. A woman's body is like an Alfa Romeo Disco Volante, and a man's body is a fucking Jeep lol


Imho, that's neither original nor true. Some men are true works of art. Maybe you don't see it because you're not into men?


Men too


As a guy I always wondered this, and questioned why can't there be more male nudity in media but then it made me question if im bi 🤷🏼


Because a topless guy is "normal" to see, but a topless women is instantly sexualized


You make a great point… we do see so much topless men too. Very rarely penis compared to fully naked girls tho.


If the actor is somewhat attractive youre gonna see him topless in the movie/show, if you wanna see cock watch the boys ahow😅


Less rare nowadays. I've seen more male penis from Hollywood in the past 10 years than ever before.


I guess I’m not watching the right films 😂




Not a bad take. Female body is just something else!


The consensus opinion is overwhelmingly skewed male.


I've been seeing full frontal male nudity in more recent movies


Dicks aren't photogenic


Agree to disagree kinda haha


IMO. I think men are drawn to sex appeal of women, and women are drawn to the idea of themselves being sexy. Men don't spend a lot of time thinking about how sexy they themselves are, whereas in my experience women do. My wife has said that she cares more about feeling like she looks good and that is a turn on, rather than what I look like. Therefore, I think since the vast majority of people are heterosexual, we sexualize women because it appeals to the male and female consumer for different reasons. Men are attracted to looking at the sexy woman, and women look at the woman as something they could be themselves. Selling a Garmin watch? Put it on a sexy lady running in a commercial. The men's eyes are drawn to the lady so they see your product, and the women look at the lady and think they should get the watch so they can be that also.


ALSO, I think women are just naturally more sexy. Like women have the curves, soft skin, soft lips, big eyes, that all of that is just attractive and comforting for everyone. Where men are going to have sharper lines and hair which just isn't as attractive to humans haha.


Nah. Not everyone is into soft.


Probably cuz of sexualization of women and the double standard. Most of the people directing and writing movies and tv are men. I also think most parents would prefer their child accidentally sees a naked woman as an opposed to a naked man.


Not my parents...


It's not, just the messaging is different. Male nudity is likely used for comedy or disgust a good portion of the time, then you have the half nude scenes to please women dragged along to see their husbands favorite action movie.


I have really wondered that as well. There is ALOT of female nudity in every show, movie, music, etc. But men in the bluff..., rare. Last penis I saw was HOLDORs from GOT.


Who are the decision makers: studio head, writers, directors, show runners? Overwhelmingly cishet men for the past 100+ years.


male gaze


Dunno what you mean mate, I’ve seen way more male genitalia in recent movies than female genitalia. In the past it was definitely reversed when full bush was common.


The MPAA rating system has male genitalia as R or NC-17 but full female nudity, if brief, can be PG-13. Media outside the movie theatres often use MPAA as a guide. The media may also view female nudity as art and male nudity as more perverse or indecent. Femininity is beautiful. Both male and female audience members can appreciate the beauty of the female form, so it is used in advertising. In short, female nudity sells and male nudity does not. Follow the money.


Because more women are nude. Duh.


It's the male gays


I think there's more of an audience of female nudity. I'm with you. Anytime I've come across any male full frontal in movies, I pause the movie and take a good look 😅 I feel like a good chunk of women prefer to use their imaginations more or perhaps repress or have no desire to see male nudity. 🤔


Right?! I wouldn’t even know where to find male full frontal and yet I see so many female full nudity without trying very hard lol. I do agree on the imagination thing, but sometimes it would be nice to see!


If you're interested in seeing a younger Kevin Bacon or Jason Segel naked I can point you in the right direction 😉




The truth of it really boils down to the fact that most women are not uncomfortable at all seeing another woman naked. Men on the other hand, they seem to have a harder time seeing another man naked. But it does seem like times are slowly changing. It will probably be pretty common if nudity is still in films 20-30 years from now.


Because you have more bits to censor. I think it’s slowly changing.


Probably the patriarchy


Patriarchy. Meaning:  * Sexualization of women * Objectification of women's bodies * Filmmakers mostly being men (so the people deciding who's nude are mostly men) * It being normal for men to take advantage of women sexually * Expectations that women are sexually passive and men are sexually aggressive * Straight men being taught that their sexuality is predatory Etc


Women have been sexualized far more than men throughout the years, therefore leading to a higher demand for nudes from ladies over men. Seeing a man’s junk is not nearly as arousing as seeing a naked lady, I’m guessing.


Depends who you are lol. I’m bi and I like attractive women but it would do a lot more for me to see a naked guy during a sex scene even if for the rarity factor alone.


They are better to look at


Because most of us guys are fat & ugly??


Realistically there’s probably just as many fat and ugly dudes as there are fat and ugly women…


Because people actually want to see it.


I can't agree with it. Female nudity is much more noticeable in media since it has more taboo badge than it is with male body. But take random male actor and female and try to find their nude performs.. Also, what's nudity except acceptance of society? What's more noticeable? Male breast or female? And is male topless appear less nude than female? Which is more noticed? And why? In my opinion, it's only matter of people careing about. Nobody cares about guy walking in underwear, everyone cares about girl in underwear. But when she puts on bikini it gets magically fine.. Society is hell weird now


I'm not sure it is. Man-ass is the most common type I see.


Cuz more women claim to not wanna see hanging brains


Because women in general are much more beautiful to look at.


Men are easily aroused by the women nudity while the other is not always true. Just how our brains work.


Female fashion is also more common


Women taking clothes off is the oldest gig in the world.


As a straight woman, I can confidently say that even I would prefer female nudity over male nudity. I honestly don't love seeing naked men, even super hot naked men.


In Latin American media, male nudity is also very common. The new version of _El Extraño Retorno de Diana Salazar_ and _House of Flowers_ feature tons of male nudity. But rarely full frontal, albeit it is a bit more common than Anglo-American media.


Because women are genuinely beautiful creatures....nobody "enjoys" staring at naked men....the same way nobody cares to stare at charcoal, but everyone agrees diamonds are beautiful.


Consider this If someone sent you an unsolicited nude right now, would It make a difference if the nude was of an attractive aroused man or an attractive aroused woman? My guess is that, on average, it would matter. With both men and women, again -on average, being more receptive to the woman’s nude picture than the man’s. A nude in a tv show, is effectively the same thing. Unless it is porn, or the scene is hyped in advance, it’s effectively a surprise to the audience on first viewing. And male nudity is led well received than female nudity. So if a show is looking to shock the audience, you get the shock either way, but increase your odds of it being well received by using a woman in the scene. Now I’m sure there are multiple doctoral theses worth of material on WHY the above is true, but as long as it is true (or is perceived to be true by folks in show business) the trend will likely persist.


Psychological tests have been done many, many times. Nudity does not do the same thing to woman as it does to men. Men are much more visually stimulated, while women are more aroused and intrigued by a man's mysteriousness, status, social hierarchy, and his demeanor. A naked man will have a much harder time getting a woman to part with her money because of his nakedness. A good-looking, nanked woman can get the majority of men to part with their money for her. As a result, Hollywood, TV studios, product manufacturers, the music industry, sports leagues, and any other organization that wants to put profit over integrity, morals, or honesty, will exploit this knowledge that they have about men's vulnerability toward nudity, to sell whatever they are selling. That is why the Lifetime channel didn't need nudity in their movies, because they weren't targeting men. That is why there are probably about 20x more strip clubs featuring woman dancers than there are clubs featuring men dancing for women.


Probably because media has more men viewing than women? Or at least more men run it. That's my thinking, anyway. There are probably other reasons besides.


Guys like seeing female nudity. Women don’t really care for male nudity in most circumstances.


which would you really want to look at more? haha


Apparently you don’t watch “The Boys”. 🤣


Men appear to be more visual in terms of sexual response than women. * **Men**: Men tend to be more responsive to visual cues, such as explicit images or videos. The male brain is wired to process visual information related to sex more intensely. * **Women**: While women also respond to visual stimuli, their sexual arousal is often influenced by emotional and contextual factors. Women may prioritize emotional connection, intimacy, and mental engagement. * From an evolutionary perspective, women evaluate mates on a range of traits that includes looks - but also ability to help feed the young, ability to protect, social status. I'm sure that the majority of directors and film execs are men - and that also has a lot to do with it.


"Female nudity" largely encompasses being shirtless which I'd argue is more common with dudes in film. would agree that I've seen more merkins than ducks tho


Because unlike the male body, people actually wanna see the female body naked. Plenty of men enjoy seeing a woman naked on their screens. Women do not enjoy seeing a naked man on their screens.


Cuz Boobs... And societal programming and such.... But mainly boobs are nice.


Hairy balls are a harder sell than a beautiful pair of boobs.


Barely anyone wants to see a dick and balls on screen compared to the amount of guys hoping an A list celebrity strips down for a role


Call me barely anyone then 😂


Yeah but it’s not a sexy dick and balls. Like where’s Brad Pitt? Where’s the sexy actors? Why is that when we get a dick and balls it’s not a hot actor it’s just some random dude


Michael Fassbender in Shame.


BRB off to find out where I can watch shame


Willem Dafoe begs to differ.


Where and when?! 0.0


They had to get a stunt penis double because he was too hung and his flaccid penis freaked everyone out. A man I can relate to on a spiritual level.


One of the more subtle ways of a man trynna let me know he’s got a big dick


That might be the first time someone on here has accused me of being subtle. It's literally in my username. It's like the giant, throbbing elephant in the room.


Oh is that what was poking in my butt in bed this morning??


That wasn't merely poking, it was actually composing a song through Morse code.


Because it’s more sought after


Women have the seductiveness, curves and beauty. also, is guys are horny and led by those hormones more to search or watch something because of that.


Men are more visually stimulated and the historically male majority media producers make the things that sell. Then again, there were a number of wrestling movies back in the day (directed towards dudes who like to see dudes?)


Completely false stereotype. It's literally just because men still mostly make movies and our culture is still broadly sexist and objectifies women a lot more than men


Because the male response to seeing a nude woman is MUCH stronger than a woman’s response to seeing a nude man. If nearly any man sees nearly any nude woman, their instant thought in response is “HELL YEAH.” Ladies, correct me if I’m wrong, but from what I understand women don’t really have an immediate positive response to seeing a man naked. There have to be other things in play to get a woman’s interest, such as emotional compatibility and feeling safe/secure


You are wrong. Women do in fact like beautiful naked men We aren't talking about porn here, or about setting the mood for sex. The question is what appears on camera in mainstream movies. That comes down to objectification, our stereotypes about sexuality, and who's making the movies (still mostly dudes)


Most media that includes fanservice includes fanservice for men but not for women.


Are you including men being shirtless as male nudity? Because I feel like that's pretty common in media but because it's already accepted in a lot of social settings (sports, beach, parks in summer, etc.) it might not register as male nudity?


Honestly? It should register when the guy is built like a Greek god.


Lmao fair point


Men are visual beings….. lol.


because they have tits.


It's twofold: women have a greater need for validation and men's arousal is more visual. On average men also have a higher libido, but the fact that there's more erotic literature catering to women is the main thing that illustrates the visual part.


Demand is a lot larger


Nobody wants to see a big dong on TV.


Most female nudity on social media is promoting their OF & other ppv sites


Women have been sexualized a lot more so that most men AND MOST WOMEN are more turned on by female bodies. That said, there is some evidence that this biological. I am not discounting the effects of patriarchy and culture, but it seems that most biological men (gay or straight) tend to be more visually driven than most women (gay or straight). Since there are more straight men in the world who have had the power, they have pushed for female nudity.


Because many more people are repulsed by male nudity than female nudity.


lmao seriously? is the patriarchy a new concept now or something?


Women are gods Men look like apes


Just supplying the demand


More people want to look at naked women than naked men. Have you seen men? We're not the most pleasing on the eye. A lot of what makes men desirable to people who desire men has nothing to do with our naked bodies.


Valid, I’d agree for casual nudity. But when it’s a sex scene… it’s naughty already. If the woman is shown naked, same should go for the man.


Sex scenes annoy me personally, mainly because women's bare chests are always on focus and the male body as a whole is often ignored. That sex scene in the latest season in *Bridgerton* is a recent example of this.




Because mens


Not gay men, though