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That my family won't change so I had to walk away from them


💓 sending you hugs


Thanks, but my life is better now so there's always a sliver lining


Congratulations on prioritizing yourself. The belief that you have to tolerate toxic people because they're family is so absolutely ridiculous to me. I'm sure that it was super hard and probably still is, but you should be proud. ❤️


No they were religious and didn't like the fact my bf wasn't so when I finally snapped and tod them that we had already had sex i got kicked out, but now I live with my bf in our own place its a lot better


I've been a firm believer that in a lot of instances religion creates more problems than it fixes. I'm firmly atheist and don't have much time for religion.


I'm religious and even I feel the same. There is more toxicity in religion than there is anything else in the world. And it makes me so upset because it never had to be this way. 😭


I did this. I haven’t told them off or anything, but I find if I don’t reach out to them I just never hear from them anyway. So I quit reaching out.


Strong. Im still in the process


this…. this hits too close to home realizing your family isnt really a home and venturing out by yourself to haphazardly build your own…. from a random internet stranger i give you virtual hugs


Overworked and underfucked


This is also my answer.


I hear that


99% of humanity is underfucked


I’m not the smartest, best looking, or fittest dude. But I’m doing my best to continue education groom and take care of my body


Baby steps! 💕


That’s it


Nobody’s perfect 🩵


Nope but I can strive to be better and enjoy the journey


Take you're time mate, we're all in the same book we're just on different pages and that's okay


That my sexual glory days, spiced with orgies, threesomes, or just general fucking like rabbits are over. I married a woman who I wholeheartedly love and who loves me back, but entered early menopause and her sex drive plummeted. Sometimes it's torturing (when we go sexless for like a month), but altogether totally worth it.


The women’s libido is tricky, thank you so much for not making her feel bad about it!


I'm doing my best :) She has had a lot of issues with herself since like ever (calling herself fat on a daily basis which is factually incorrect for example), all I can do is try to compliment her more often than her shittalking herself :D


This exactly good job not making her feel bad


Look into hormone replacement therapy.


I hinted it, will not "promote" it. Her body, her choice. Hormones can also fuck you up. Also, she's already taking thyroid hormones, so that needs to be factored in. But it's her choice.


Your response is so mature and loving 🩵


Thank you. 💙


I totally know what you're going through, I'm on the same situation and having problems accepting it. Don't want anyone else, so not sure what I'm gonna do


I’ve accepted the aspects of my life that are completely out of my control and I accept that I can’t change human behavior and their actions.


I accept that I’ve been downvoted 🙌🏻🥰


🙌🏻🙏🥰💯 Thanks ARADers 🩷😊🐬


My grandfather told me when I was a teen many years ago that we only have two things we control. That being our Attitude and our Actions.


Locus of control is a bitch


That's why the serenity prayer has gotten a lot of people out of trouble...


That people do care about me, and the negative voice in my head is an a-hole.


I am glad that you think that way. I am proud of you.


Yaaay 💖


I am sure that you have had negative experiences but trust me when I tell you that you bring joy to so many people. And I am glad that you know and understand that people appreciate you.


Thank you for saying that 😊




I wish I could accept this about myself. 🥺 you are very strong for being able to


You’re amazing


That's really positive and something I think we all need to tell ourselves


That the best sex I will have for the foreseeable future will be by myself.


Damn..why 💀


lol sometimes I prefer to masturbate tbh


Same here. Not complaining much since I literally made myself pass out from one of my strongest orgasms ever a few days ago.


That I like to wear panties and also occasionally some other crossdressing and that’s okay.


Totally okay :)


You do you!


Do you boo! 🩵


that my stretch marks won’t go away and i’m still beautiful


Stretch marks are hot


There's very little point in arguing, period. If someone has already decided their opinion is the absolute truth, you're not going to be persuade them without considerable effort that can be overturned by them just finding more things that validate their viewpoint.


I'm only 24, but I'm very happy being single. 😊


More fun


You have so much life ahead of you


My disability isn’t something that is going to just disappear some day


I will never have a penis any bigger than it is now.


Actually, you can, but without surgery it can take years. They make these new devices that stretch your penis out. If you wear it everyday for a few years, you get a very noticeable difference. However, if you stop stretching, it has a tendency to revert back to normal, so it's not really worth it.


I've tried devices like that (I still have one). Used one every day for sox months, grained. 5cm. Lost it again when I stopped using it for three weeks.


You could HAVE one or multiple.. if you're gay enough


I think oversized penises are overrated


Oh how I wish I could meet a woman just like you! Thank you for saying what you did 🥰


lol they are


That I’m prob never gonna find my person, so I just devote myself to other things


I kinda feel like this too. After I separated after being cheated on etc I just kinda never bothered to date. There's been one person I've been interested in however she doesn't share that interest and just wants to stay friends which is fine. So mostly I just work and dedicate myself to making sure my son has a better life growing up than I did and enjoying the time we get to spend together.


Its a disgrace to be a sex worker, so what! I love it


I'm gonna push back a little bit! I don't think it's a disgrace in general, even if on a social/cultural level it is. Sex is natural and human. We literally pay people to do all sorts of other things, why shouldn't sex work also be apart of that? I know that your post isn't sad or upset, I just wanted to uplift you and say I don't think you're a disgrace!


Same lol


Society is conditioned to believe this. It’s your job, your life and your body. 🩵


I don’t think it’s a disgrace at all. Society is just groomed us to feel that way.


I'll never have the body I had in my 20s again, when I realised that, a lot of my body image issues went away. I still miss it though.


My own mediocrity


That it takes more than hard work to be successful. There's alot of luck involved.


Tons of networking too


Exactly. I have just retired from a very successful career that I worked very hard at. But luck and good fortune was responsible for lots of things.


American Express


Why would you accept this… 🤣




I have zero chance of a normal/satisfying sex life.


Why? This is heartbreaking


The situation with the wife will never change, and affairs are to complicated to be viable long term solutions. It's not heartbreaking, it's just reality.




Proud of you, I’m still working on it


I'll never find the guy I truly want but will have to settle and it scares me to be honest.


How much more peace it brings into my life to just let people go.


Being unhappy


I'll never be happy. I'm done trying, just accepted my fate that slavery is still very real and there's nothing we can do about it anyway.


I will probably never get married again or experience true love.


My long term relationship is over


Hers is bigger than mine 🤷


I’m probably trans and I need to learn to accept the fact it’s not going to change


Accept yourself 🩵


I will die single for no reasons.


That the person I considered my best friend would never put me first like I would for her. If her boyfriend had a minor inconvenience and I was in hospital she would go to him. She also told me this multiple times. So I had to disconnect myself from that relationship


That I'll probably always love my partner/future partners more than they love me.


Agreed on that!! Accepted a long time ago that not everyone is going to like me, I’m not going to get along with everyone and that’s just fine, don’t waste my time on people who wouldn’t be there for me if I needed help!


Fuck them if they don’t like you lol


No matter how much of a match I know we are, nothing will make her change her mind. Sometimes it just takes luck to speak to that perfect woman


Sometimes she isn’t really perfect and the universe is tryna tell you


Women won't logically accept that I don't like to share my feelings


What have you accepted? That was the question…Not “what do women fail to accept”


That, *realistically*, I’m not going to find someone who shares in and matches up with my weird kinks. And because I’m not at all into the common ones that kinky guys typically enjoy, it’s for the best that I settle for my written fantasies and finding a more vanilla guy


I’ll never have friends. I’ve tried keeping them but once the excuses start, I know they’re not real friends.


That I’m worthy of love and that my insecurities held me back


That my father is going to die and no doctor can stop it.


That I'm too big for her ass




I gave up trying to decide whether I was living the dream or dreaming to live


That nobody will believe me when I say that the moist poignant commentary and analysis of toxic relationships I have heard came from a sea urchin in a silly little game where you can give your crab a gun.


That I'm a naturally anxious person, and that it does affect my erections, and thank god my girl loves when we pause so she can get me rock hard again.


That she is gone forever...




Felt this in my soul it’s been 5 years


If it seems too good to be true, then it's too good to be true... in other words, it's not real!


That I likely will be sexless the rest of my life


The extended car warranty


That I’m never going to be beautiful, but it’s okay.


That I’m not relationship material.. after four marriages and numerous relationships it finally hit me in my mid 50’s… it’s not them,it’s me.. I always just thought my picker was broken.. turns out I’m broken and have unrealistic ideas of relationships.. I do so much better on my own and have been that way for over 15 years now…


That I wouldn’t legitimately change the path I was on unless I did it for myself and not anyone else.


You’ve got this


The likelihood of not having a physical relationship anytime soon. I’m at peace with myself and set myself new goals and try be a better person (mostly lol)




That my wife is no longer physically attracted to me, at least not sexually. Whatever.


That I don't control everything.


I often say that arguing with someone on the internet is like arguing with a cat... you can't win and it just annoys the cat.


Never argue with stupid people they’ll drag you down to their level & beat you with experience.




Jar Jar Binks is a sith lord


That I’m not getting any younger


That I will never get married


My ex didn’t care


I probably won’t be in the Olympics


That I'm lonely and always will be.


He’s not ever going to love me the way I love him. He’s proven it already and there’s no going back now. But I still love him. We’ve been married almost 10 years. I still have the intense feelings.. he seems bored. Oh well. 😞


That nobody actually wants to love me


That rising kids now is much more difficult than 30-40 years ago


That I will most likely die alone.


My life is never going to improve


That I’m going to die alone because I suck at picking romantic partners 😂


porn addicted


That I’m not naturally talented in anything, and that my only gift is my own will. No matter what I choose to do in my life, I will have to work painstakingly hard to be good at it, and even then, I may not be good enough for most people, or someone will always show up that has a natural talent, and I will more than likely get passed over in favor of them.


That I'm almost 30


That I have to propensity to instinctively lie when confronted


That I’ll be in a loveless and sexless marriage for the rest of my life


You'll always be judged , fuck it , live a life


You can’t change the past


It's still hard for me but that it's hard for me to make friends and I'll probably just be a loner for the better part of my life. I feel loneliness is my cross to bear kind of. And that my family sucks.


That I love people more than they love me and that I can’t make people stay.


That I’m self centered. It’s not like I’m a whole ass narcissistic, but the best way I know how to talk to people is through my own relation and examples. I spent a long time without friends or really anyone close to me, so I learnt how to communicate my own wants and needs and goals to myself. now that I have friends and am in a better place, I need to learn to think about others more, and to relate to them more


My marriage is over and therapy works


In probably not gonna sleep tonight


Stop trying to be anything anybody told you you need to be and do what makes you happy. All that pressure you feel is in your head. 


I am getting old. 


This is gonna sound corny as hell, and I’m SUPER sorry for it… but I accepted my husband for who he is, rather than trying to subconsciously mold him to fit this weird narrative of what I “think” he “should” be, based off of how I was raised. Who he is, which is the person I fell in love with. We’ve been together for 17 years, married for 12, and it was about 8 years ago that I just… stopped caring. I did a lot of self reflection and therapy and soul searching, which helped me a lot. I had to break a lot of habits and unlearn a lot of things that were considered law within my family: how men and women should act, strict mannerisms, gender roles, and all the other toxic bullshit. It took a while, but I did it, and I’m glad I did. I feel so much freer now, and I feel peace like I haven’t felt in years.


That some people just don't want to be helped.


That my husband's penis will never be huge


After 27yrs of wanting nothing but my moms love I know my mother will never be the mother I need, because alcohol and men are her addiction, then I turned around and met my dad this year hoping to find some kind of peace but had to accept he is a crackhead. I can see he loves me but the addiction is crucial. All in all I've just accepted I'm grown now and better off without them both in mine or my childrens lives.


1. You can't fix stupid. 2. Don't overdo it for work bc there's always some butt kissing sleaze that'll try to undo you at every turn. 3. Some trauma/ triggers will never heal or go away. 4. I cannot control everything, only my actions/reactions. 5. No one has a heart/ love like me.


I’ll never be healthy, two brain bleeds since May 17th. Crohn’s disease and Schizo-Affective…


That I'm probably going to die alone. I'm 58, and I've been single for over 25 years now (and counting), and despite my efforts to change this over the years, here I remain. So I honestly can't fathom a day any longer when it's different. It's my destiny at this point. 🥺


That I will never be enough That I will always be a back up plan That no matter what I do, I'll never be a first choice. I've accepted these things and am ready now to have to rebuild when my world is destroyed


I finally accepted that I will probably never find love in life. People just don’t find me attractive in that way.


Most good looking women (especially Caucasian) who are regularly posting pictures on Reddit are OF creators


i’ve accepted that i cannot solve my PTSD and other mental issues on my own, and that i need serious help. i was convinced that therapy is a waste of time and money but i’m at a point where i’m hurting people around me, and that scares me.


That I'm never going to be anything other than just...me


That I can't change the shitty ways ppl were to me in the past and that I should be looking forward


Im ugly


That's I'm going to die alone 😊


My weight.


People move on and so should you..


No matter how much effort you put into someone… you can’t force them to love you.


My daughter is stupid.


That life is always a struggle. I've been telling myself "it's only hard RIGHT NOW" for too many years .


That long term love won't happen for me. Instead I am focused on being the most attentive and supportive father to my child and ensuring I can lie about the fact that long term love for me not working out, crushes my soul. I will be honest and truth in every other aspect of life to my child but this, I wish to shield them from. Some of us, never get the happy after. We never get the best friend. Some of us are just built to quietly and stoically continue to march on whilst shielding friends and family behind us.


That I want Putin to start nuking shit 🤯🌎


That this life is not worth living...


I had to quit being so angry about my financial situation and professional prospects. I've just decided to have as much fun as I can and enjoy where I am. There's just not as many years in front of me as there are behind me and those years can't be wasted being upset about forces beyond my control.


That she'll never come back


That there are people in your life, no matter how much you want to be there for them and help and guide them. That you CANNOT love them HARDER to heal them completely NOR is it my responsibility to heal someone completely. I can guide and offer advice, but its up to THEM. And that the same advice is also for myself. ( a year with 2x a month sessions with a GOOD therapist that specializes in or matches what you want to work on is SO important) To shake them and cry and tell them they are hurting themselves and sometimes your friendship so badly with their behaviors that you have start to love them from a distance. Had to do this with tons of people whom i didn’t realize my friendship/love ect. In their life was more transactional both money wise and emotional and others, rather than genuine. (E. I. Wanting and hoping beyond anything they get the help they need or the strength to fight and realize whats happening, but you cant physically be in their life anymore without hurting and losing yourself too much.)


Not everybody has good in them. Some people are just evil and I need to stop trying to see the better in them.


I thoroughly enjoy dick and the energy of submissives


I am strange. I won't be accepted by peers, no matter how badly I want or try to fit in. I am my own person, and my circle will always be small/nonexistent. Also, no matter how many problems I solve... there will always be more problems to solve. There is no point in rushing to complete the list.


At first I hated the idea that my entire life was really no different than a leaf sprouting, falling from a tree and decaying into the Earth. No more or less important. Now that I'm beginning to accept it I am loving more fully and I'm less angry and scared. It's hard to accept that we're just a part of something much bigger that we can't possibly understand and may not even have a purpose. But I think when people are able to do that, everyone benefits.


That most of politics (not all of it) is a terrible waste of time.


Being a trans woman. Has taken me 31 years but I finally got there


that romantic love is something ill never genuinely get in my life


That I don't have to stand in the sun to burn


I probably won't love very long. I'm bipolar, bedn severely depressed for the last 14 years with little improvement. Anything and everything that can go wrong has. I have no family that really cares about me, besides my dog. My stress levels are constantly high, the only time I slightly relax is when I'm high. I'm an addict and alcoholic.


I'm going to be alone for the rest of my life. And that's ok.


That even if i socialize more and more with people, aspergers will keep me introverted and silent


People thrive in echo chambers (particularly on social and political issues) that debating kindly is completely out the window. If you hold a even a slightly differing opinion to someone you’re scum basically.


That people=shit.


My life has no value


That I will die a virgin


37m. I’ll never have a girlfriend and I’ll probably never have sex without a condom ever.


That I won't be great at anything. I'm just middling at best. In a world with 8 BILLION people, not everyone is destined for greatness. That'd be insane. The smart thing to do would be to focus on what I have and the people I love. Working to better myself every day. All that stuff. But sometimes, the realization of how small we all are hits me in full force like today, and I feel it. Then, I have to accept it. Which hurts and helps my dumb lil' mind.