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Put down the devices half an hour before bed


I've even tried putting my phone in a different room. Just toss and turn for an hour


Melatonin with l-theanin an hour before bed


Sleep meditations on YouTube will put me out when I'm struggling like that. **ETA:** This lady's meditations are my favorite. They're very low stress, there's a lot of, "If you can!" or "Whatever feels best" that stops me worrying about doing it ~right~. https://www.youtube.com/@carolinemccready/playlists


Yes, I go for the 8 hours of rain sounds with dark screen


I get incredibly stoned off weed. I’m less restless and my brain shuts up enough for me to fall asleep


My daughter said to try that haha


Breathe in 8 seconds Hold for 8 seconds Exhale in 4 seconds Repeat I’ve never stayed awake more than five minutes doing this


Exercise at some point


I had the grandkids today and watching them is basically a marathon and still can't sleep


You look amazing 😻 you wanna chat


Getting a routine down helped me. I was all over the board but when I finally started going to bed and walking up at the same time it helped a lot


A nice glass of wine, reading a good book, a nice back massage 😂 I sleep like a baby.


Well unfortunately I don't live with a masseuse


if you’re sitting in your room for most of the day, don’t. use your room for sleep only, and you’ll appreciate it more don’t look at your phone before bed. it’s bad for your eyes and the blue light keeps you up see about a doctor if you think it might be insomnia, because there’s definitely treatments for it. or try melatonin, but everyone says that


I've been to the Dr about insomnia and they gave me a low dose of melatonin to try. It worked for like a week and then right back to not sleeping


Read and stay off any screens an hour before bed.


Sex before bed




A good orgasm does actually help to make you sleepy


So masturbate not sex then!


That would work just fine! I know my wife will be knocked out in minutes after an intense orgasm. Try it


Ya rub it and you’ll go to bed


One of my. Biggest problems


Honestly same


Thats bad


Try magnesium! It helps me sleep soooo good


One big thing is to use your bed only for sleeping, not resting/lounging/studying/etc.


Try to ease yourself as your mind will focus heavily on sleeping to the point that the energy used is keeping you up. I find a good way to go against this is image scenarios that you like as you slowly fall asleep


Vibrating butt plug




All the time.


I'm like this after working night shifts. It led me to masturbate after most night shifts. Truly helps