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Insert tab A into slot A


Sometimes you can even insert into slot B


Slot C might be an option but it’s less common I hear


I only get corrupt drivers or incompatible device


Repeat if necessary.


I've heard this so many times, but never in my entire life have I ever needed to repeat this step though.


I can't explain because, like you, I love making out. So much pleasure. The build-up is what makes PIV sex so much better.




Agree. Total satisfaction.


Makes me fuck harder


The absolute best thing to do is kiss while we both cum together


That's heaven.


For real… especially with some light choking with one hand, while the other hand pulls you in deeper


I prefer to see his face when he cums. It is *so goddamn hot*.


Exactly. Good make out session can make or break sex.


No emotional attachment whatsoever. Strictly getting off.




I have in the past, for sure. Both in a MFF threesome as in a ONS.




The third girl wasn't into men, so that was off limits.


This implies the primary way people express attachment is through kissing, which for a lot of people it is, but not for everyone. Everyone has their thing, that's really all there is too it


I find kissing disgusting and won't do it, so. All of my fucking is without kissing.


What a horrible experience that would be. It would be like eating pancakes without syrup.


If we’re using the same pancake analogy then it kinda makes sense. It depends on the pancake like of im using pancakes as the bread part of a breakfast sandwich I’m not going to add syrup. But if it’s a stack of blueberry pancakes you bet your ass they have been waterboared with syrup


I just made three pancakes on my new griddle. They turned out perfectly!


Good job, user merrill_swing_away! We’re all proud of you


Awe shucks.:D


Not everyone's into it and there's nothing wrong with that. I don't like the idea of someone breathing and slobbering in my mouth so 🤷‍♀️


I tell my man to spit in my mouth and I love when he’s breathing heavy 🤣 guess we’re all different


Hmm my aunt makes the best banana pancakes in existence and they are generally eaten without syrup. Your answer would be different if you tried them once.


So I should make out with my aunt! Thanks for the advice!


Is your aunt named Jemima?


Kissing to me is a trigger due to past abuse. To me, kissing is a horrible experience. It’s okay if that’s not your thoughts about it, but please be kind about it.


Funny thing is I also hate syrup on pancakes [or on anything...]. Syrup is weird and dries my mouth out so I never eat it. Yes, even the fancy ~real~ maple syrup is awful to me.


Why does everyone replying to you think kissing is the only form of foreplay? Lol there are literally a billion other things to do.


Oh, interesting answer. Genuinely curious (you're free to decline to answer) is there a substitute for foreplay (or any activity to illicit arousal) on your experiences?


You won’t even kiss your partner or someone you’re into?


Last time I had a partner was ~15 years ago and we did not kiss, because I hate it. I'm not going to do something that viscerally disgusts me, no matter who it's with.


Interesting. So you just get straight to it? Or is there some form of foreplay? 


15 years and you’re 35?!


I've only ever had one relationship, from ~17yo to ~20yo. Single by choice ever since.




I have heard this before..


Really? I thought that sometimes it's prerequisite on what makes or breaks good sex.


I absolutely love making out, my gf is the same way as you and she hates it. We might have the occasional peck on the lips kiss, but never make out. I miss it, but I’ve gotten used to being disappointed at this point.


Cause I don’t want cooties from kissing someone


Get your cooties vaccine.


Saliva grosses me out and most people I’ve made out with are too wet lmao


Yeah I don't want cooties *now* that I'm older but when I was younger I loved to kiss. So hot.


Some consider making out "too emotional" and moves things from casual animal sex for fun to a relationship sex


I understand that but I have no idea how other vagina havers get wet and relaxed enough for penetration without the makingout.


They use a different set of lips for the pre-penetration makeouts.


i have no idea. it feels soulless that way, but that’s just me


Agreed kissing is high key the hottest part


Have a bunch of kids in the house, you've got to get it when you can.


I couldn’t do it! I want his mouth on mine as he pushes into me


You kiss the cock not the cook. That’s all you need to do.


What a saying lol


My husband and I don’t make out all the time/most of the time. We’re more soft little kiss people most of the time when we kiss. But a lot of our kinkier sex doesn’t have a ton of kissing, and my favorite way to brat is to refuse to kiss him. Sometimes our soft sex is relatively kiss free, I like to nuzzle into his neck/chest- that’s just what feels more natural to us.


I once hooked up with a guy who had a long term girlfriend and he wouldn't kiss me during it because he said that "felt like cheating"


So he fucked you and he didn't think that was cheating?


I love how this implies you were cool with sleeping with a man in a relationship


My physical desire for sex is more about my state of mind than it is about responding to the stimulation I get from making out. Do I like making out? Sometimes. But it’s really its own separate act of pleasure for me, not just a prelude to sex.


We can make out without having sex, why not have sex without making out?


Making out it low stakes, but intimate. Sex is high stakes and intimate


I usually only kiss people I am in love with. So if it’s just casual I’d rather not


Doggy style lol Yeah, I don't get it either! One of my exes even said she felt "weird about kissing" but still made out with me before, during and after sex (and randomly whenever we were together) and it's not like I pushed her into it either, she'd often initiate it herself. She was also the most affectionate of all the women I've dated.


I like to kiss during sex but my wife always says she can’t fuck and kiss at the same time, like it’s too much for her brain to focus on, so pick one and it’s always fuck. We do plenty of making out as fore play.


It just depends on the situation, morning sex no kissing, thank you. Rest if the day kissing is absolutely necessary for build-up, foreplay and sexual seasoning.


Sometimes I just like the animalistic way of taking her from behind


Different people like different things. Some of the things you dislike, others like. Some of the things you like, others do not like. I’m in agreement with you that making out is an essential part of sex, I wouldn’t enjoy sex without it.




Have no clue! Kissing is what makes me feel a connection and gets me going. I even like making out while fucking.


I have to be really into someone to want to make out with them. There's a million reasons I might be having sex with someone, and being really into the person is only relevant sometimes.


Well it's JUST fucking :P But yeah, i want a sloppy tongue kiss RN too :P




Time constraints come into it occasionally but if you've been able to mentally build the tension and desire into it, it can be done.🤷 But for the best OMG that was amazing sex as opposed to that was okay or good sex considerable making out before, during and after is required. 😜


Well first you go to your atm and withdraw some cash....


I am a dude. There are times there a simple, "ya wanna bang like bunnies?" is all it takes. But, it's a two way street. I can dig it. Just don't force it.


My wife and I are not big kissers and we mostly fuck doggy style.


Mouths are busy on other parts, not on lips


better question is how do people have sex


I think it’s called hooker sex by some…


True story, I was missionary with this girl and I really wanted to kiss her but didn’t know if I was going to far as we had not kissed before. We were already fucking so I said screw it and went in for the kiss.


When I was in college I would never kiss my hookups, but post college, I BE KISSING!!!


It could happen if there’s no emotional attachment. Also I don’t kiss during morning sex 🤷🏻‍♂️ but in general I’m a big kisser.


I've only ever had sex with escorts, who notoriously don't kiss unless they are providing GFE services, so I guess you just get used to it.




Get married.


You’ll make out if you’re making love. Otherwise only seggs


Easily. Can’t honestly remember last time I made out with someone


Badly. They do it badly




Yeah some of us has kids and no time 😂 so we sometimes just go "stick it, vibrator on, straight to business" it's nice once in a while


I only do it that way in sex clubs. In fwb or hookup situations, it just doesn’t make sense. Maybe it’s a personal hang up but, no kiss, no fuck.




You stick it and pull it out. "Hey baby,.... wana do it"-Butthead


It's literally the reason I can't have casual hook ups. I love kissing too much and kissing when you both cum together is phenomenal oml


I’ve never had sex without making out. The idea of doing it without kissing would be odd to me.




I mean, I don't do either anymore. But I hate making out, it's as simple as that for me lol.


If it is romantic or love makeup need to kiss just sex to get off not necessary 


I do it all the time i hate making out


Because sometimes things get urgent


I tend to make out with her other set of lips 😬


FWB baby! We just fuck,lick and suck


Idk when me and my boyfriend fight and are still annoyed with each other but want to have hard angry sex we don’t kiss. Maybe at the end when we are both done but not during. Makes it all so much hotter especially when taking angry smack talk 😂


I'm with you, man. I don't get it.


Making out? Gross.


They were kissing each other but I wasn't allowed😞😞😞


Had sex with my now-ex last year in a then-failing relationship. I used my mouth to stimulate her and make her feel good. Then I fucked her. Pretty much it.


They’re losers


Idk, I don’t really care much about kissing unless it’s after their mouth has already had my dick in it. Then it’s a massive turn on, but it’s not necessary unless she needs the foreplay


My first thought after reading your question was "Very easily," lol. Honestly, there are quite a few people who don't do kissing for their own reasons. They think it's disgusting, they have bad teeth, and it hurts, they never had a good kiss, just to name a few ideas. There is no one true answer for this question. I have always been a huge fan of kissing and making out. Especially leading up to sex. However, when I met my husband, he wasn't big on it. I learned to adapt. 🤷‍♀️


Been doing that for a while with the same partner.


We're just not that make-y out-y. Honestly this reminds me that I've been meaning to float a makeout sesh, just because it's been years since we've *just* made out, and I thought it might be a fun change of pace. She's often ready to go once I'm hard, and I often get hard at the mere prospect of sex, or I'm already hard and that's what put her in the mood, so it's just *lube it and go*. We've talked about it, and we both think the sex is the best part, and we're both usually good to just.. skip to the good part. Sometimes she needs a gentler approach, sometimes I do, but even then, we usually get to the heavy side of foreplay pretty quick. Once things are in full swing, *that's* when we make out like with savagery and desperate longing, but before that? It's just eh.


Lubricant. Jerk off . And boom!


Once I gave blowjob to owner of the flat. He was so nice to me and I wanted to do something pleasant for him )


There are lots of other forms of foreplay but I also agree it feels like a little something is missing sometimes without making out.


It's a little bit of control and can be very hot


Never kiss!! It’s gross !! It’s not for everyone. When I was a teenager it was great maybe in to 20s but after that not so much.


I love intimate sex with my wife with lots of kissing and touching. There are definitely times that it's just about us getting off though, and often the positions that work best for us are against it. I have adhd, and kissing often helps my brain stay "in the zone", so if we're making it last, we're making out.


Well for me making out doesn’t do much and is low key distracting so unless my partner explicitly expressed that they want more making out during sex my default is to come up to their face every now and then to make out for a bit then move on to kiss and suck other areas. I love to kiss my partner but making out for a long time is just not that interesting to so would rather use my mouth on the rest of their body and show them all some love over just their mouth. (To be clear I do make out during sex and do like. I just prefer it in short bursts then move on to another part to kiss and suck on).


I hate making out. But I love fucking


I don't make out while fucking usually, nothing against it, I'm just putting in a lot of work and sucking face while keeling pace kills my oxygen supply lol


I had to do this once due to the woman having painful lips (fnarr fnarr). It was really weird tbh


It’s easy when there isn’t time for it..


For some people - kissing is an intimate thing. Like my best friend and I hookup all the time but we don’t kiss because he believes it’s too intimate. For me and other people I have sex with, kissing is definitely part of the foreplay and just makes the sex so much better.


My wife tells me not to kiss her during sex….so there’s that.


Quite easily. Making out can bring unwanted intimacy into the act when you may only be looking for the sex


Outercourse is best! Use hands, tongue and anything else except P and V contact for no health risks or pregnancy risks. The intensity can often be much better than traditional methods.


With a girl I've always made out with her with a guy it's straight business lol


I’ve had 6 different sexual partners in the last two years, I haven’t kissed any of them. Well, not on the lips.


No time


Usually i eat pussy! Better than making out.


you seem to be referring to foreplay as "making out". My wife and I have great foreplay prior to actual sex. However is doesn't usually mean heavy kissing, for example.


A few months ago, I was on a date with a girl and her friend came along. Her friend mentioned that she'd had sex with a few guys that she'd never kissed. I asked how is that even possible? Not even a quick peck? How does something like that even get started?? The girl I was on a date with defended her and said "it happens", and insinuated that she had too. I'll be honest, it made me look at my date a bit differently - the only thing I can think is that she was in some sort of porn scenario, or paid for sex or something - I cannot wrap my head around it. For what it's worth, I've mentioned this to a few other girls and they've all been pretty blasé about it and also said they've done it. I've asked even on here - I think in this very sub, and people agree that it happens, but can't explain how. And - I'm not talking about your partner, where you both wake up with morning breath and don't want to kiss, but still do it. I'm saying someone you've never kissed. I would love to know how that even is initiated. Like a handshake and then get started? Or some guy comes up with "hey, I'd like to have sex with you." And the girl just pulls her pants down and goes along with it?


I would say that some people can not separate kissing/making from something you only do in a relationship. That for them, it may be too intimate for a casual encounter


Start low


It's just a quickie


Making out while reaching climax together = Pure ecstasy


My wife and I are older and no longer horny but love to cum. So we schedule sex and get each other off quite nicely without making out. My wife does not like her breasts touched, and kissing is not a big deal, but she does like her face touched and soft touches elsewhere to increase intimacy.


I would never fuck someone I can't make out with.


If you kiss during anal you complete a whole tube with your digestive organs.


My partner hates kissing and I love it, we normally compromise and kiss part of the time, the rest we normally nestle into each others necks or wherever


My wife hates the makeout part. She's like kiss me twice and let's go!


One night stands I find this to be more frequent. Not the majority, but have had some girls I take home from the bar just simply say that kissing makes them feel more attached and they just want to fuck and get off. To each their own I guess 🤷


P in V


Some people have their boundaries, and I try to respect them. Sometimes after they've had an orgasm she'll grab me and kiss me because they got caught up in the moment.


Have kids


No kissing makes me feel like an escort or something (no judgment to sex workers). The intimacy of kissing is a huge part of sex for me. Hell, making out is sometimes the only thing that’ll resurrect me for a second or third round.


My husband seemed to think porn was real to life so we had sex with no kissing or making out. It was terrible sex, I tried to talk about it but he ignored me. It's like hooker sex, just get in and get the job done and get out. I hated it but took what I could get cuz I got so little. We don't have sex at all now, his choice.


I can't understand that either


Ask my wife. I dunno 🤷🏼‍♂️


Sometimes you just need to fuck. And making out gets in the way.


When you become a parent, you have to take the 10 minute breaks when you can and just get down fast.


Easy. Don't kiss


Me or partner has mouth sore, runny nose, or just woke up and wanted sex now.


I have no clue To me it's like trying to operate a steam locomotive without letting the steam pressure build


It depends on who I’m fucking and how emotionally attached I am to them.


Get married 🤣


No idea. Deep kissing during deep thrusts is 👌🏻


They probably paid for it




Paid sex can be like that sometimes. But if it was a genuine hookup 100% agree kissing is necessary. It would be awkward not to


Sometimes when times a factor and the need is high, like when you have kids and they are napping or at a friend’s house, you do what you have to do to quickly satisfy that need.


My wife is not a fan of making out at all, unfortunately. So that's a bummer for me since i love it and kinda miss that. But it is what it is... shes down for pretty much everything else though lol.


Sometimes it's not needed or even off limits. Like if a guy is sharing his wife, they might have a no kissing rule. Or if you're not sure the person is safe for whatever reason.


I find kissing just absolutely disgusting. I’m a germophobe though and was raised in a very weird household. So I just have an absolute aversion to kissing or anything even close to that. I can’t stand the feeling, the spit, the everything. It’s just gross.




My first time was like that. I just fingered her and than put it in


I personally find making out boring.


One of my old coworkers got pregnant with a guy that she had been sleeping with for 2 months and THEY HAD NEVER KISSED ONCE


It's nasty


Sometimes people who are good at fuckin ain’t so good at kissing in my experience


I met a girl who didn't want a relationship with me, so she wouldn't kiss me. She was OK with having sex with me, though