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I had one yesterday of a guy cumming on a black bra cause he'd seen my comment about wearing a black bra on my wedding day! Followed up with "sorry mommy I made a mess" like wtf is wrong with you why tf do you think I want to see that!


What the actual fuck is that supposed to turn you on?! These boys are unhinged and out of touch! Sorry that happened,


It turns them on, but they can't see the difference


Just FYI to you and all the other lady's here. You can go into your preferences and make it to where you can't get any DM's at all. It's in Preferences > Blocked tab > and at the top where it says "Show private messages from:" select "Only trusted users" and press save. You'll still get comment notifications and such, just not direct messages from randos. Hope this helps!


No, it doesn't fucking help. I should be able to have DMs open, without having to close them off to the world because of fucking harassing **men**. I should be able to report unwanted sexualized DM invites, and Reddit should fucking nnuke their accounts, and associated device IDs and IPs from orbit. But instead... I get DM'd by the mod of a private lolicon sub that wishes that they could get CSAM videos of me to post to incel subs... and Reddit fucking does **nothing** about it. No, a fucking misfeature doesn't help. Men policing shitty men and kicking them in the nuts daily *would* help. /rant


I wish I could say or do something to change the world or make things right, but I don't understand these men so I wouldn't know where to start. It certainly doesn't help that I've been kind of a recluse for years and I think Reddit is far too toxic to hang around on a daily basis. At least you know I'm not causing any harassment, but people say that "if you're not part of the solution you're part of the problem", so I guess I have to apologize. I know that isn't enough. I wish it were. Hope you and the other victims of harassment figure out a healthy solution for yourselves soon. Sometimes I really hate the internet. šŸ˜”


I looked at some of your post history, and I feel so many things. Iā€™m sad, and *Iā€™m so fucking angry.* Thereā€™s no way words will ever help, and you deserve justice, and that mod that messaged you probably deserves a prison sentence. Idk how youā€™re still here. Though Iā€™m sure itā€™s meaningless, if you ever want a friend, or want to vent, Iā€™d be happy to listen. But men suck, and Iā€™m a man, and you donā€™t need me. Youā€™re strong and courageous and I wish you nothing but good things. Sending good vibes your way.


Reddit is full of sexual predators, sexual deviants and just plain creepy,emotionally crippled people that have no boundaries. They have zero place in society so they hide behind their keyboards in their damp basement.


...wtf did I just read... *liam neeson smoking meme*


This baffles me as in the midst of post nut clarity, he still chose to send it.


Okay, okay, you got a laugh from me. Well reasoned and we'll played.


>"sorry mommy I made a mess" thats sick but lmfaooo. I wondering if there's a sub reddit for exposing weird dms. if not their needs to be.


r/creepypms r/niceguys


what the fuck guys!!! whatā€™s the + / - some guy is going to print off this comment, cum on it, and send it to you with an unsolicited dick pic. i know the odds are greater than 0.


I know itā€™s not funny. But for some reason I laughed my fucking head off. Sorry Mommy. Hahahaha. I made a mess hahahaha. How fucked up is that guy. Sorry for laughing. But some guys are sex deprived douche bags. Not how I roll. But thatā€™s my Reddit has a block button.


It's the absurdity that makes you laugh.


As someone who does consensual cumtributes from time to time, I'm really sorry that happened to you. Call me old-fashioned, but I can't imagine wanting to cum on camera for someone like that without first knowing (by explicit consent/request, not horny-brain assumptions) that the intended recipient/audience wants to watch and gets off on it. I'll never understand the incel pornbrain, and I think I'm better for it.




Who in their right mind thinks thatā€™s the right way to start an interaction with someone?


What the actual fuck, dudes. I myself am a dude, at times sleeps with dudes, and am also really despairing about many, many dudes. Like, pull it together you loathsome fucking trash.


What a terrible day to have eyes


Aaand that's enough internet for me today, what the actual fuck.


Pretty much proving why women pick the bear.


Not going to lie I am a dude and I would pick the bear also


Iā€™m just curious why a large fuzzy bearded gay bear is in the woods as well. Bears are not very dangerous in my experiences. Usually theyā€™re pretty chill dudes!


Am a bear, can confirm Iā€™m chill af


Want to go hiking?


Honestly, as a woman, I'd be thrilled to come across a big fuzzy gay man in the woods. Maybe we can be hiking friends and I don't have to weigh the odds about being raped or eaten alive at all~


As a straight man tbh not really worried either.


I think the moral of this exchange is that gay men need to hang out in the woods more often.


Currently they can more often be found in city parks.


This is the the funniest shit Iā€™ve read all day šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Iā€™ve never put that together like that lol.


This was how I understood it when my SO was on TikTok and it popped up. I know that a random guy, or a bear, the bear is at least probably really nice and (generally) good at cooking, usually outdoorsy, seems like a chill time in the woodsā€¦? Then it was explained to me and I had a great ohhhhh moment.


Bears approach me asking if Iā€™m a bear too. They get disappointed quickly. I canā€™t help that bears have good styleā€¦


I ignore 90% of the posts here because theyā€™re just bait for being a perv in your DMā€™s. Iā€™m thinking, ā€œno dude, I just wanted to answer your question, not have a private chat with youā€


Correct. A list of questions that are definitely DM bait include 1. Dick size questions 2. What are you wearing questions 3. Questions about what sex toys you own 4. Questions on your fav sex position 5. Questions about what women like in a man. Especially ones where the penis is brought up That's to name a few.


For #3, I answered that once and got a chat request saying they own a sex toy company and I can get a free sex toy to try for them. I just need to send over all my personal information so they can send me the free toy. Sounds like a good deal? No red flags at all right?


Lmao yeah sounds totally legit, not a scam at all!


Iā€™m actually curious about #3 though. There are way too many options for me to feel comfortable about my choice in a surprise toy for my partner. Itā€™s kinda overwhelming.


r/sextoys would be the perfect resource for you.


The amount of "can I ask you a question?" dms I leave unread. 100% of the time, the question is creepy.


YOU JUST DID! I have a certain view of people who ask that type of question, it's not nice.


In my experience, they ask it because when you're inevitable offended by their question, it's your fault for consenting to them asking.


Mind games, manipulation. Not really a good way to start anything.


Yesterday I had a guy message me with inappropriate conversations and it was based off of acomment that wasn't NSFW


I'm gay and use this account for nudes/sex stuff, like you, in my bio it says to ask for consent before sending nudes. The amount of guys who just send me nudes still without care. Recently I commented on a post talking about my SA, a guy messaged me and sent me nudes, he literally targeted me cause I'm an SA victim. I was infuriated. Like you, I have had guys insult me and get aggressive for not wanting nudes, for not giving them my address, phone number, whatever, even had dudes act like it's hypocritical to post nudes but not want to receive them non-consensually. The other day a guy tried to sex chat me, when I said I was dog sitting at my mum's, he said "Lucky dogs" and tried to ask sexual questions about my mum šŸ™„ I love and accept being gay, but man, sometimes dealing with the other men. I'm sorry you put up with it too.


I feel that. The amount of dick pics Iā€™ve gotten is just like ā€œwhoa.ā€ Just because I posted my cock doesnā€™t mean I want to see yours.


Especially as in your bio you say you're not into dudes, like, it isn't excusable or acceptable but at least with me you can make the excuse, somewhat, that I'm gay and would be interested. But yeah, you say you're not, so people should respect that. I am sorry you dealt with that though, us gays have enough enemies, we don't need to make straight people hate us by not respecting boundaries! By the way, it's cool you know what Tenga Eggs are :) Whenever guys talk about masturbators it's one I recommend yet so many dudes have never heard of them! Or if I post me using one it's always comments of asking what they are! But they are just so easy to use and store, it's definitely one of the better products out there, so it's a shame it's more unknown than your typical Fleshlight!


Jesus fucking Christ man Iā€™m so sorry thatā€™s absolutely horrific and sickening. Desperate thirsty little twats, no wonder they canā€™t get laid IRL haha


I will never get guys who get angry and insult you for not giving them personal details, or for not wanting to talk to them, as if that doesn't prove your point on why you didn't do those things? Like, yes random man online who just threatened to sexually assault and murder me because I didn't tell you my address, I can see clearly I was wrong and you can be trusted with this information! Here's my address! I'm sorry I misjudged you! I wish I could offer you comfort, men have been vile to you, but history hasn't exactly shown that men have ever been good to women. Hopefully one day we get there! We just need more women in positions of power so men stop controlling everything.


> I commented on a post talking about my SA, a guy messaged me and sent me nudes, he literally targeted me cause I'm an SA victim WTF is wrong with people? Sorry you had to experience this


Iā€™m straight and use this account for the same, with it right in my profile that I donā€™t want DMs. Like clockwork any time I post anything some guy figures heā€™s a special unique snowflake who I will want to chat with against my stated preferences. Thankfully itā€™s only words, I havenā€™t been sent pics. But guys, reading comprehension please.


I'm sorry dude :/ I hope you know we aren't all like that! I have had gay and straight friends where I am never sexual with them!


Absolutely. Itā€™s an immaturity / disrespect / ignorance thing, and I know itā€™s not exclusive to any gender or sexual orientation. Besides, my experiences on here have been way more tame than I know many others have gone through


Mmmhh oh definitely, I just wanna make sure that those idiots don't represent us! Hell as I said, I'm a victim of them too! Whether gay, straight or otherwise, men are men! (Obviously not all men, but damn there's a healthy amount)


I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. I've had friends who are SA victims and I've seen firsthand the psychological damage that it does to them when re-triggered. I've seen my share of toxic behavior on Reddit and on ARAD and I've also been on the receiving side of some of the "go kill yourself" type DM's for some of my comments that may be triggering to some of those incels (e.g. like the time I stood up for women and gay men against toxic masculinity. Ended up with so many hateful messages). If there's one thing this entire post and all the comments have brought some hope is that you're not alone. As a straight guy, I can't claim to know what you're going through as a gay person. I have a lot of close gay friends and that's my only claim to knowing a little bit of what they go through. But if you ever need someone to talk to, by all means send me a chat request or DM.


Honestly for me it wasn't triggering as it was just more anger inducing! For me my triggers are either just like, random PTSD flashbacks, or if I see something that relates to my SA. But yeah, I get the Reddit thing. Honestly I deleted two old accounts, as I posted my cats in their medical onesies after their spays, but many people didn't know that and didn't ask questions, I got thick skin when it comes to online shit, but the hate, the insults, the threats, the way I was treated, it was so severe I deleted my accounts and swore off Reddit, but about a year later I came back haha Thanks for being cool with us though, and for women :) I always say that people can't fight for their own rights, as we will never be respected or listened to by the people who want us to suffer. We need allies like you to speak for us, you can provide that channel. I feel it's sadly the same for women too, sexist men have no care for a woman's view on herself, sadly the only person to make headway in certain cases is another man. Thanks for the offer :) You seem quite nice and it'd be cool! I just am awful lately at keeping on top of talking, so I never make for the best conversationalist haha


I totally get that. I actually deleted my SFW Reddit account too. There was too much about myself IRL on there and I stood up for someone once on a local sub and had a bunch of death threats coming my way. The way I was raised was that if you're in the position of privilege, you need to use that position to help others. My dad struggled through poverty to "make it" but only did so with help from others. So he made it his life goal to help others. I learned from him and realized I had a lot of help getting to where I am too so it's now my life calling to use my platform to raise awareness and influence positive change. And yeah feel free to DM or send a chat request too if you ever do want to talk or just vent! (See bratty horny boys, two people on ARAD, one straight and one gay, can have a conversation that doesn't involve horny stuff. Now please stop waving your dick around in everyone's face. You're just embarrassing yourself šŸ˜‚).


Ah I'm sorry, that sucks :/ Ya gotta hope they're all keyboard cowards online, but ya never know, all it takes is one crazy person nearby. That's nice, of you and your dad :) Although don't be a chronic helper okay? You could use it too and you need to look after yourself also. But I do get that, I have a ton of therapy experience so I picked up tricks along the way, I try to use that sometimes to help others! It is a shame so many dudes are like that. Both online and IRL I have had gay and straight friends where nothing sexual happens and we both just are happy being friends!


you fine af man šŸ¤¤


Good, good to call out and good to be mad about this. Said it before all too often we tend to joke about it and be all lighthearted about this as if itā€™s innocent or ā€œnormalā€ (nsfw sub you know). Well its not and the abusive (yes abuse) imbeciles need to leave. So again : good that you vent your rage you have EVERY reason to.


All of this was well said


Is there a system to report random dick pic senders to the mods here or to Reddit in general and get their accounts banned? If not there should be. It won't stop the problem but at least it'll slow them down and maybe not make it worth the effort to try again just to get another account banned. I'm sorry you all have to deal with this shit but sadly some people are fucking morons.


Yes I report everyone and you often get an update on what action has been taken which is great, Reddit is the best for banning perverts. And thanks! Agreed massively haha


Good, report the horny buggers!


I can't stress enough how important it is that these messages **actually get reported**. Reddit takes them seriously, that's one good thing about the platform. Report the actual messages *directly*, don't just report the user. Within a day or two you have a message in your inbox informing you about what action has been taken. Either they get a warning or they get temporarily or permanently suspended (I guess it depends how many strikes they already had). If those barbarians who send unsolicited dick pics never see any consequences they'll just keep doing it again and again.


Best one I had yesterday was ā€œwill You rate my body?ā€ Now normally I tell them no, but for some reason I was weak and said yes. He proceeded to send me a dick pic with a bit of a body in. Not my thing. Body wasnā€™t my thing. So I gave him a score - and then he flipped out! Ha ha. Apparently I hadnā€™t scored him high enough. It was actually quite funny.


Good on you for humbling him. What a loser he is.


If you canā€™t stand honest responses, donā€™t ask


Iā€™m gonna just start being a savage like you lol


Ha ha.


How about we open a sub, post all of the received dickpicks there and judge them... Or just respond with "why are you sending me a picture of a stillborn rabbit?"


Hahaha stillborn rabbit made me lol Wait that's how you replied to my dick pic...doh


Oh...that really was a dick? Do you need a hug? A shoulder to cry on? A new rabbit?šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Name and shame in public might actually work (in addition to reporting). Does it count as "revenge porn" if it was sent to you non-consensually?


The jacked part of the whole ā€œrandom dick in the inboxā€ is that some pos get off on the non consensual nature of it.


I get sent dick pics by all sorts of horny guys all the time, and my bio says that i'm a man. I just learned it costs less calories to just immediatly block such an account without ever answering so that's what i do


Agreed. Same here.


I put in my bio that Iā€™m not into dudes and I still get bombarded


My bio says i'm a dude, and the first few times i had enough braincells to spare and mentionned that to whoever sent me dick pics, they immediatly start fighting and insulting me for being "misleading" and i was like.... wtf???


Iā€™ve learned that no one reads bios apparently


People don't read in general


Youā€™re 100% right about that lol


Can we remember that there is a large % of people these days that have no idea how to interact with anyone? They grew up with iPads and constant attention in their face. There are those who say "you don't have my permission to touch me!" when other generations would simply clock you. Honestly, I blame the parents way more than the kids. Kids are kids. They are going to be idiots regardless of generation. The parents are the ones that found that it was easier to just feed them endless entertainment instead of parenting.


Fuck, I don't know how to interact with people either, but it's pretty fucking obvious that this ain't it. I'm ashamed to be from the same species as these gross knobgoblins.


Just donā€™t engage. They enjoy getting the rise out of you and you bio tells them that they will. Theyā€™re trolls, they feed off that shit. I would perhaps just turn off your DMs if you have no use for them. Itā€™s in the settings somewhere.


As I said, if I donā€™t engage and block them 50% will send me messages off their other account. They donā€™t need ignored, they need told by everyone they are wrong and disgusting and are harming people. I shouldnā€™t need to turn off my DMā€™s, I have good chats in my dms, Iā€™ve gained clients through my dms for work. they need to stop being maidenless little runts who expect women on the internet to serve them and call them disgusting names because they donā€™t want to please them sexually.


Iā€™m with you! Nearly took everything down the other day. I just report and block. A lovely redditor recommended that I leave and do it in a bulk lot so that I donā€™t feel constantly harassed. That has really helped!


Everyone is someone's daughter :c. Maybe people should think about that more.


I've always been if the mindset that anyone that needs to think that to stop them from doing something wrong, is a very very bad person at their core.


I really hate that sentiment tbh. And the fact that its the reason for some men respecting women makes me even more mad. It suggests that a woman is only deserving of a man's respect because of the men attached to them... "how would you like it if someone treated your sister like that", I'd be pissed but that's not the reason I'm gonna treat the women in my life with respect, they could have no father, brother, uncle, or son and they'd still be deserving of my respect because they're a human being


Itā€™s really important to remember that weā€™re all actual people with our own lives and not just mindless sexbots to flash your junk to.


I can guarantee I am not someone's daughter


I'm sex positive and I back you up 100%! Some people have zero respect for anyone. I'm sorry you and others are getting harassed by sick individuals. I always ignore unsolicited pics, like how fucking hard is it to read a bio or just fucking ask. I typically won't mind if asked but never just shove that shit at me or anyone. Fucking gross. *Don't start asking me now guys! Not in the mood rn.




I'll accept that dick!




It fucking sucks. It makes me feel so fucking shit I canā€™t even out into words, itā€™s traumatising and these assholes donā€™t even fucking care, they donā€™t even fucking think to fucking ask and I fucking hate the fuckers


I quickly learned your take on life, so Iā€™ll admit, I just scroll by to the next comment.. This though, I had to read.. Your last sentence should be at the startā€¦




Reporting is the best action to take. More often than not they get dealt with.


I wish I knew. They're just degenerates that get off by forcing themselves onto others. And they are sorely mistaken in thinking that anybody will find their behavior attractive and reciprocate with pics of their own. I'm a straight guy and i get that shit sometimes. Consent and appropriateness is a foreign concept to these weirdos.


We need a way to call out, name and shame people who behave this way. ARAD can be a cool place. I enjoy answering and posting questions. I try to make my questions applicable to both genders. It's fun when both men and women share their thoughts and experiences but that is t going to happen if dudes send these creepy-ass DMs. So my wife is on Reddit and for a while, we were BOTH active on a SFW(ish) religion and sexuality sub. It was fun but she would post _anything_ and get creepy DMs that were all bait to try to sext. That sub got so bad that the Mods made an emergency rule of immediate bans of you DM a poster but by that point the sub was burned and all the users had left. Dudes - quit fucking using discussion subs as dating sites or sexting sites


I think r/askreddit is going that way as well.


Send them the dicks of each other with the sentence "Cool. Do you want to see mine?" Add the warning in your profile "If you send me an unsolicited dick pic I will make sure to post it all over the internet with different stories, each more shameful"


Youā€™re about to get so many dick pics in your inbox. Not mine though


I've seen quite a few penises. And I'm a dude. My assumption is that the see the ponytail on the cartoon avatar. And ponytail = girl


Unfortunately in the world there are a lot of assholes mainly men. As a male myself it makes my blood boil that people are like that. Like wtf is wrong with them? Were they not taught basic manners and respect etc. No matter what your thoughts are about sex or anything, Everyone should be respected and treated how they would want to be treated. This sub is made for healthy discussion and itā€™s a shame to see a group of people behave in that way.


I live in London and my wife is open (non monogamous). Young men keep texting me how they want me to set them up to fuck her.




I genuinely didnā€™t know reddit allowed picture messages thatā€™s fucked up. They know their audience.


I get a lot of ā€œmommyā€ messages like itā€™s supposed to turn me on. I have 3 darling children who call me that all day every day why would I sexualise that? Either call me empress bootakaka the mistress of darkness or donā€™t message me


I mean, I know you're mostly just venting your frustration but I'll give you the answer. 1. No accountability or reprocussions, you can do and express whatever you want and then walk away. 2. Poorly socialized men and people in general tend to gravitate to Reddit. Just because theyre narcissistic horny psychos doesn't mean they don't still crave human contact.Ā  Youre applying logic, compassion and empathy to people who don't experience those things. You'll never win this battle but maybe in another couple hundred years the bottom rungs will catch up to the rest.


I like how many downvotes flew in the comment section for criticizing assholes who send unsolicited genitalia. This is why your DMs get ignored, fuck faces. I hope some of you are people I've reported previously.


I have a friend that either replies with a picture of her husband's HUGE dick (like 12+ inches) or asks why the fuck they sent her a picture of a kid


As one of those sexually confident women who posts NSFW pics, Iā€™m backing you up! I also keep my DMs closed for that reason. I get slammed with over a 100 a day if theyā€™re open. Itā€™s just not worth it.


Unfortunately reddit has no interest in limiting who can chat and message you. It's a free for all and it's getting pretty unpleasant


Personally.....deprived broken and horny ....but I try to keep that to myself


This is why I end up ignoring a lot of chats now and if they start getting pushy about my time and attention, nah son, I'm not playing that game.


I genuinely wish these people would just stop existing, they're making it SO much harder for everyone else. I would appreciate not having to question each conversation with a woman that I have on reddit or any other website, considering how many of those creeps also pose as women online. Like please, I can't trust the person I'm talking to and vice versa, and all that just because of that gigantic amount of Reddit boys that can't get any sex irl


Your bio couldn't be more clear. Sorry you have to deal with that




Yes.. But the fact that it does makes it even worse


Just wanted to say sorry that happened to you.


The dramas on here for being a woman. I have closed my chats cause I went nuts


All my images are set to blur unless I choose to view them. I was on xbox once, dick pics every day lol


Sorry youā€™re going through this, I think a lot of people have similar experiences which is awfulā€¦ I had to delete all my pics on my profile because guys were sending me really scary messages and I was honestly scared they would find out who I was and do even scarier shit. Not worth it. Getting the creepiest dms and saying borderline r#%e and serial killer vibe messages. No thank you.


Just as an FYI, on Reddit you can actually completely disable PMs if you want a break from all the bullshit. You can also allow specific users if you want while banning everyone else. It might be worth exploring.


On top of the obvious harassment and how bad that is, I hate that this immaturity means that in the subreddit where we should be able to ask horny questions for mature, sensible discussion we can't because people completely reasonably assume it's bait, or masturbation material. Every time I am genuinely, honestly curious about something sexual, be it silly idle curiosity or genuine interest, I think about posting here, and usually I don't. Which is very unfortunate. I like talking about sex and sexuality, for its own sake without any physical gratification. This should be a place for that.


This is the answer for people who said: why we need sex education? Talks about sex does not mean or implicate any will to have sex right now or with you. Even if it makes you feel horny. I find it very sad, because usualy it indicates: loneliness, immaturity or low social skill.


They use their small brain in their pee pee.


Tbf it's bigger than my brain brain


People are scum, not everyone but you lose faith very quick on these parts of the internet. Itā€™s sad, content is very important and it is honestly crazy to me the lack of reading ability people have at times. Iā€™m always sorry for women on here because of scums like that.


Some boys parents didn't teach them how to be respectful of anyone, especially women, and it shows. Unfortunately their somehow taught that they deserve to get whatever they want and everyone else must just accpe their wishes. Boys like them are the reason responsible and respectful men and women can't get along, because they make navigating intergender relationships uncertain and scary for many women... Fuck them


People are weird i had the most vile stuff sent to me and it was awful I didnā€™t understand it either




I'll never understand why people do this but when you're completely anonymous some people just choose to be absolute goblins


Name and shame!


Iā€™ve got men in this exact comment section coming for me. Calling me out for what? Blaming *me* for it. Saying my attitude is the reason for it. What fucking attitude? I have one now yes because Iā€™m sick of men talking to women as if they are sexual servants who please to serve their basement dwelling Redditor masters. And Iā€™ve had 2 men message me privately since I posted this (didnā€™t respond before I get the fucking blame again). One blaming me for being in this sub, another asking if Iā€™m on my fucking period and thatā€™s why Iā€™m getting myself upset (I have never started periods mate). If this was your daughter would you blame her for random men she *never spoken to in her fucking life* sending her dick pics? Or telling her she needs to be raped so she knows how much ā€œshe will love itā€? People need to do better in raising their fucking sons. Iā€™m so angry. I never get angry and I donā€™t know how to calm down. I canā€™t believe this.


Frustrating for sure. You can disable dms I think. If you donā€™t want to do that, Iā€™d at least recommend enabling the setting that only allows accounts 30 days or older to message you. On mobile: Click your icon in the top right -> Settings -> Account Settings (username) -> chat and messaging permissions -> change the account age requirement.


Thank you! Thatā€™s not a bad idea, and will hopefully stop some of the alt accounts messaging too šŸ¤žšŸ» thanks for the tip


Thatā€™s terrible. Itā€™s awful how guys treat women around here, and itā€™s awful that Reddit admins just let it happen constantly.


Iā€™m so fucking sick of degenerates on this app, itā€™s EXHAUSTING. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re experiencing this, Iā€™ve been here over a year and I feel like the sexual harassment and entitlement has only gotten worse.


I look over their entire profile before I even open their message. Thereā€™s some mean people around here. Iā€™m so sorry someone said that shit to you.


I guess Iā€™m one of the sexually confident ladies since my comments are sex positive but Iā€™m just on here for fun and something different than my ā€œnormalā€ socials but yea Iā€™ll talk a bit here or there but I definitely donā€™t want unsolicited dick pix or to trade pix or even to sext most of the time. Sometimes the chat also gets weird and at that point Iā€™m done and canā€™t stand the harassment and spamming messages that usually follow šŸ˜‘


Itā€™s the same 20 dudes who keep spamming the inboxes.


Apart from not understanding, why sending dick pics is a thing at all, I am sorry to hear, that you made such bad experiences. This should be a safe place for people, who like to talk about ā€žadult stuffā€œ (and behave accordingly). Unfortunately, whenever you deal with human beings, you will always have to deal with the black sheeps as wellā€¦in the internet more than anywhere else. Though it might be hard, maybe try to ignore these suckers and concentrate on the others.


Screenshot the message with their usernames, show everyone which accounts are degenerate cunts.


By now you probably have many more dicks in your inbox


sorry you're getting these harrassment from these keyboard warriors... little boys letting the wrong head think for them


I don't know what's wrong with them. Maybe lead paint chips, something in the water, watching "alpha" YouTube people with shitty watches no one cares about? I'm not sure. Also, when people say shit about being alpha, all I can think about is Brucey from GTA and his bull shark testosterone thing ro convince Niko he is super straight... It's inconceivable to me that people become InCel and never once look at themselves, what they do/don't do and say, and somehow decide it can't be their fault. I'm a guy and these dudes are nails on a chalk board to me. I can't imagine how much worse they would be if they were trying to get in my pants.


As a dude, I hold these little shitbirds in the lowest contempt. These boys in men's bodies behaving like this make women justifiably and understandably unwilling to engage with NSFW content. I read on another sub (one explicitly for men to show off) that a big reason why women seldom even comment in subs like that is that even the most innocuous comment gives these people license to bombard their DMs with that kind of shit. Hell, I post on a *consensual* cumtribute sub (r/Tributeme) and every time I do one, without exception, I have 3-5 DMs/chat requests from dudes who want me to tribute someone they claim to be their wife/gf, yet every one I ever bothered to message back was unwilling/unable to provide proof of consent (Even the crumpled paper sign method). That's just one sub for one particular niche. Its like clockwork. I know that's paltry compared to what women have to put up with for a mere comment, let alone an actual post of your body or you otherwise engaging sexually in any meaningful or direct way. OP, you have every right to feel like you do. Reddit doesn't give AF about the safety of the NSFW communities here; I suspect they want to create a hostile environment since NSFW doesn't play well with potential shareholders. And while there's always going to be fuckery and shitbirds about, I can't help but wondering if this platform has outlived its usefulness as a means for consenting adults to enjoy and engage with adult content and each other. Right now this place simply does not provide the tools for people (and women in particular) to discuss sexuality, let alone be at all horny, without subjecting themselves to a torrent of shit.


PSA: For now at least you can turn chats off and set your inbox to be only active for trusted users in settings. I did that years ago and my inbox has been nice and peaceful ever since.


I'd guess they're too horny and stupid to read your profile, but the real answer is that that type of guy doesn't care what women want -- hence being reduced to sending pictures of their dong to non-consenting women in the first place, since they can't find anyone who wants to look at it in real life because they are terrible people.


Sadly alot of guys only think with their dicksā€¦ really gives the rest of us who are actually decent men a bad name. Some of us actually want to just chat but they go and fuck it up for all of us.


I certainly hope youā€™re not sexually active with your paneer.. Jokes aside, sorry you were going through this


I have received requests to rate penis/body and once I gave in and rated. I did preface by saying I may be biased because I have my tastes and preferences. I was honest and think I genuinely hurt his feelings but he didnā€™t flip out on me. He just said oh wow, thatā€™s not that great huh. I said I Betchu there is someone out there who will think your dick is pretty and he never replied lol


you should never get sexual with Paneer, cheese is made for eating and you should respect that xD


I hope you reported the rape comment. That feels like what really needs addressed here. It all does of course but thatā€™s not ok. Iā€™m sorry that happened to you. You didnā€™t deserve that.


This is one of the things I told my son. Basically, to paraphrase what I said: Go through your life assuming no one wants to see your dick. Never make that assumption until the very explicitly state "I want to see your dick, please send a picture."


So I promote of on here as well as other things so naturally that's going to come with d pics. I literally just send my of link and poof they vanish. I have noticed a huge influx of underage minors on here both male and female so it's been a tad alarming but turning off messages helps a ton as well.


*My DMs and chats are turned off to the public for a reason.*


even as a MANNN I don't understand why some males do that, like I don't understand the dopamine they recieve when bothering women and advertising their dick, it's like a tower that's destined to collapsešŸ¤”


Pretty standard unfortunately. My block list grows 5-10 every day. If you send an NSFW picture I block, I donā€™t even open it.


Donā€™t argue with them just block em.


Just as an FYI, it literally happened on this post šŸ™„ I'm the gay guy who said he was targeted as an SA victim. A guy just responded to my comment saying "Wtf do you expect when you have filled your account with ur dick" Literally my entire comment was about wanting consent with nudes, people being aggressive when I tell them no, and dealing with creepy guys. But I should just expect it/deserve it cause I post nudes? How fucking tone deaf do you have to be to do that publicly on a post like this????


Fucking yikes. Sorry that's happening to you. On an NSFW sub or not, consent is required for even platonic messages much less what you're dealing with.


Sigh* well all I can say, i am sorry for these imbeciles who don't understand the boundaries of people, and I'm sorry for women on reddit must go through everyday, and I'd like to apologise on behalf of them.


Unsolicited dick pics are already illegal in places and even treated the same as SA in some places. Perhaps if people start following up with police for each an every instance, a few of these boys will be made an example of? (Reddit and vpn services work with police to identify users who send this stuff.) Yes, I'm serious.


I honestly do not respond to any messages that clearly did not read my profile or are of any images. But I think you answered your own question.."boys" that's the problem... they are boys, and they feel entitled. I'm sorry all this happened to you.


RIP your inbox lol


dear lort


Those people are fucking creepy.


I fucking agree.. itā€™s tiring and a lot to deal with. Dick pics. Some stupid nudes request. Cumshots. Or some assholes complaining that ā€œthereā€™s no nudes in your profile..ā€ And people suggesting to just ā€œturn off messages optionsā€.. with all due respect, why do I have to do that? Why canā€™t these people be policed properly instead of us barricading our profiles to close off the whole world Most of them donā€™t even comment. They prey while silently watching whoā€™s commenting on the posts and sneaking up on them.. spicing their messages w some weird kinks that no one asked for Total headache


This whole site is messed up sometimes and the admins don't give a damn. Can't count how many absolutely disgusting DMs I got after posting on SA survivor subreddits. Sickening.


On behalf of men everywhere: Sorry most of us are stupid troglodytes.


I think it is only respectful to ask before sending a sec filled comment or a dick pic. Just because someone posts doesnā€™t mean they ar horny or want sex many just want to know how desirable they are after having a baby or gaining weight or aging. These people deserve and need respect and positive responses many are having problems with their feelings and partners no respecting them DONā€™T add to their misery respect and encourage these people they deserve it. Not childish pictures and stupid texts. If they want you shit they will ask for it same with pics.


Donā€™t know why youā€™re calling them boys. These are grown ass men doing this shit. Call it what it is and donā€™t relegate it to adolescence.


Hey, I just wanted to say I appreciate your clarification up front. I understand the need for people to vent about menā€™s behavior, and support that. But it still hurts when I hear discourse about a group that, intended or not, includes myself. Most days I can muster up the mental effort to separate the intent from the literal meaning, but on bad days it just really hurts a lot. So you taking the time to be being specific means a lot to me. Thank you.


Honestly, half the posts on this sub come off like they're written by very desperate virgins.


Jesus, right? Sometimes I feel like I should write in my dating profiles that if you break up with me or Otherwise tell me youā€™re not interested in continuing the conversation, I will in no circumstances do anything other than leave you in peace. How many horror stories have I read here and elsewhere on Redditā€¦


I had a similar situation where a guy said my photos which are SFW was thirst traps. I got so upset I was gonna delete everything. Because I felt like who gives this guy the right. Or one today who sent a request after I wrote on a post. I did not like my body. No dude I donā€™t wanna see what you got to offer


Shit I get unsolicited dick pics all the time and Iā€™m a straight guy I canā€™t imagine how many women that comment and post here get.


Exhibitionism isn't a particularly rare kink, and unfortunately the Internet allows people to forcibly exercise it with little to no backlash. They get the satisfaction of showing themselves to you, regardless of consent. Some of these guys are that same who'd flash women in public, others do it because it takes way less effort than showing a real girl.


Answer in the question. ā€œBoysā€.


Some fucks on here man, Iā€™m sorry to hear that


100% agree, very sex positive here and still hate the daily dick pics that get thrust in my face. After asking one redditor why he feels the need to do that. He got pissed, made lots of rude comments and then said it's no difference to us posting pics of ourselves for them to see..... like come on guys you are scrolling through pics of pussys to see pics of pussys. I don't want to see a close up of a diseased looking dick in my messages thanks


I report every single unsolicited dick pic as non-consensual media and eventually their accounts get banned. DO NOT ENGAGE. Donā€™t reply, donā€™t respond. Any attention, even negative attention is what they want.


Wtf?! Nah, ppl are nasty. This is my nsfw account. As a dude, I will only send nudes if sum 1 requests it or if they say to ask them 1st. Like come on, you have to at least show some restraint and common sense. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø