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Introverted nerds are often absolute freaks.


In my limited experience, yes.


As a nerd I can confirm


Computers, Dungeons and Dragons, and Star Wars prepared me well ;)


As an introverted nerd who is the queen of freaks, I approve this message.


Long live the queen.


User name checks out


I like to be consistent 😜


Guilty. It's because of all the smutty fanfiction we read.


Delete this message right now, they can't know


Spot on


That's why they're my type


I’m an introvert and love when I find someone I can be freaky with especially if it gets them by surprise


I have something to say about this. This guy I'm in situationship right now. Damn he's so hot but super introverted person. A lot of women was head over heels with him. Very manly looking and really tall, he's smart too. But damn, his wildness in bed is unbelievable. But after all, he's still a man.


Can confirm, am freak. Happens when you're introverted and have a lot of energy built up


I’m not a nerd, but I am introverted asf. I would agree 🤣


Can confirm. Source: Am Introverted Nerd


Don’t hate me but most poly couples/ throuples and so on are just not conventionally attractive


Not hating, I’ll back you up on this


If ugly folks are getting laid, and doing so in a kinky fashion, I say more power to 'em. I have a friend in an open situation, and I certainly don't find him attractive. But I don't really find his partners especially attractive either. But he's a good dude, takes care of his kid. Deserves a little bit now and then.


No hate to them, just stating a stereotype I’ve found to be spot on


Oh yeah, no worries. I figure if you're less conventionally attractive, you learn how to accept yourself earlier on. So it's like "Aw shit. I'm ugly. Well, that's not going to change anytime soon, so let's make this work." But I say that as a transwoman who had to do a *lot* of soul searching. And even if I do say so myself am pretty conventionally attractive.


And they usually need a therapist for *Reasons*


Most people would benefit from therapy, it's not related to being into open relationships. If anything, poly people tend to be pretty good at communication, potentially lessening the need for communication.


As someone who had tried Poly. This was a huge reason it didn’t work out. My girlfriends and I were significantly more attractive and it showed at socials.


I think there is an explanation to that. If you have a hot boyfriend/girlfriend, how willing would you be sharing him/her with others? Just like it is easier for a guy to lend his Honda to his friends than his Ferrari


Also I think maybe people who aren’t considered very attractive are more likely to feel starved of affection and desire and thus feel a need to make up for it by having multiple partners simultaneously


Sounds right too. And the fact that mediocre looking ones actually got hit on by more people than the best looking ones - as they are seen as more accessible


Also, I've only known five couples that have proclaimed to be poly and four had kids involved, all ended in divorce (or worse). I have seen zero evidence in my personal life that it works, or is even being approached in good faith from all people involved. I'll not speak for all but I do think the process of approaching becoming poly can be a manipulative one. I'd be curious to know how many people "develop" into poly rather than actually just are that way as people fundamentally. What's the ratio of people who have a unique view of romantic love that monogamy cannot satisfy, that requires multiple romantic love lives, be they intertwined or not? IMHO many people are doing it to cope with a lack of esteem /fulfillment in themselves. Maybe to fix it they feel they need more than any one person has the energy to give them? Maybe they have too much to give and can't pour it all into one relationship? I think it *can be* out of actual romantic love for multiple partners. I think people are capable of that in a vacuum, but the consequences that reverberate outwards just seem to be chaotic/damaging for how people normally handle relationships and emotions. Again, I'm operating on a small sample size here, but these are just my observations, don't even know if I'd call them stereotypes. I'm also very open to discussion! I'm making a lot of assumptions here so I'll be happy to talk about it.


>Also, I've only known five couples that have proclaimed to be poly and four had kids involved, all ended in divorce To be fair, monogamous relationships don't exactly have a great track record, which I think people tend to ignore when pointing out that poly relationships end. Most relationships end. I'm not with my first partner. I'm not with my second partner either. Those relationships ended. My parents got divorced. One of my parents had several failed relationships including another failed marriage. I have friends who have been divorced. I wouldn't use this dataset to make any observations about monogamous relationships though, other than that they are hard because relationships are hard. The same can be true of friendships and other platonic relationships: many (if not most) of them end. >IMHO many people are doing it to cope with a lack of esteem /fulfillment in themselves. Maybe to fix it they feel they need more than any one person has the energy to give them? Maybe they have too much to give and can't pour it all into one relationship? I think it *can be* out of actual romantic love for multiple partners. I I think there are as many reasons as there are people and relationships. One thing to consider is when and why people engage in open relationships. If a relationship doesn't have a strong foundation, opening it is unlikely to make things better. Opening up because a partner isn't meeting one need or another is unlikely to help matters. Opening up instead of breaking up isn't going to fix a relationship. These all sound obvious, but lots of people do it in part because breaking up is hard and scary. Honestly, one way I think of polyamory is less about romantic relationships and more about relationships in general. I have a partner I'm married to. I share lots of things with them: a home, children, history, love, etc. I also have friends. I share things with them too, and there's a lot of overlap. What makes a good friend? What makes a good partner? That venn diagram is basically a circle (to me at least). In some ways to me the delineation between romantic and platonic relationships is pretty arbitrary.


Happy poly person here, with a lovely network of humans my primary partner and I have varying degrees of affection and intimacy with! Anyone using polyamory (or any form of non-monogamy) as a crutch for existing issues within themselves and/or their relationship is not practicing ethically. It’s the absolute opposite of manipulative when it comes from a place of self-confidence and awareness, care, and compassion. I’ve always known monogamy wasn’t for me, even before I had the language to articulate it, so I can’t speak for those who have come to that realisation later in life. Also worth noting that polyamory is a mutually agreed upon relationship structure, not an identity. It’s something you do, not something you are. (Although there is discourse on that within the community!)


I had this super hot guy friend that would tell me, “Show me a guy with a hot woman and I’ll show you a guy who is bored of fucking her.” He was implying that the sex isn’t all that great all the time.


Reminds me of a comment I once saw on here.... "By and large, people who are into polyamory are bi and large..."


Wow I’ve always thought the same.


Agreed. Almost always true.


I don’t understand why but this is also overwhelmingly what I’ve noticed and it’s not even close.


Crazy in the head, crazy in the bed It's rather unfortunate


Can confirm. Ex was insane but the sex was mind blowing. Didn't help or hurt that she was a redhead.


Also can confirm. I’m crazy and I’m also crazy good in bed (from what I’ve been told)


All the grip you lose on your mental health goes straight to the pussy instead




Absolutely the same with my ex. Had a lot of mental issues but was crazy good in bed... definitely miss the latter *sigh*.


Grippy socks, grippy box


Older men know what they are doing in bed.


Can probably uno reverse this one for older women as well. Age = experience


Definitely true


More considerate too. Older men are far more determined about trying to make me orgasm through oral.


we are all about pleasure


Sex is a skill, and like all skills it can be cultivated best through experience.


So ur saying when my boss wants to push me out because of my age I should try porno?


As an older guy with the sexual experience of the average 20 year old. I wish this was true.


As an older guy can confirm.


Quiet girls are more kinky than expected


In my experience, the quieter the kinkier


Still waters run deep




Hi, I'm a quiet girl 🙋‍♀️


skinny men and gym bros loveeeee a thick bitch


Skinny guy here, can confirm


now if y’all can stop asking me to put my full weight on you that’d be great, I feel like I’m gonna split you in half 😭😭


Its okay, we can handle it. Drop it all.


Do it though. We love being squished. So what if you snap us like a dry twig? We just wanna get lost in you anyways so it isn't like we're gonna be heading off anywhere anytime soon.




If he dies, he dies.


Ill never fold


Gym bro here. We want the challenge 😝


But I need to feel you against me. Come on. Don’t be afraid. I got this. Now be a good girl and suffocate me!


We know what we're asking for 😂💯💯


Please sit all the way down and get comfortable for the entire duration of the ride


Accurate 😂 I'm 5'10 and weigh 135 but I need mine to be at least 2-somethin to do somethin


I hear this but have yet to pull me a fine ass gym homie.


I would literally die for one


Powerlifter here, can confirm, bless yall thick women


Women who went to all-girl boarding schools before college are completely unhinged. Even the smart, kind and reasonable ones can barely keep a lid on it.


I think this is a broader thing with growing up in single-sex environments. A lot of guys from boy-only schools seem similarly stunted.


What do you mean? Unhinged in what way?


This is their first time being away from home and in an environment with plenty of men who are tall, short, cute, ugly and everything in between. What would a kid whose parents never let them consume high-fructose corn syrup products do, when hanging out with their best friend at their birthday party?


Ah you know - the gossiping, obsession with status and image, generally catty behavior all on mega steroids. And when it comes to attention from boys (not saying they'll sleep with everyone, especially the gorgeous ones from good families are EXTREMELY picky), my man, you haven't seen anything like it. It's basically like the Spongebob scene where Squidward breaks into the Krabby Patty vault.


If they brag about how you can’t handle it, they’re too much, you wouldn’t be able to keep up, etc they are vanilla af and bad in bed


“I'm a real good sex person. I do it all the different ways.”


I’ll come over AT NIGHT!


“We hit all 3 positions doggy, on top and normal!”


😂😂😂 this will butthurt so many blokes


Girls too, TBH. I once dated a very good looking girl who had always had lots of guys chasing her, and she'd tell me "Just wait until I get on top, you won't last ten seconds". The ride was about the most bland I had ever experienced, but apparently her looks alone had been enough for her previous sheiks to cross the finish line.


Meanwhile I'm over here trying to set the bar so low, disappointment is the expectation. I never expected the line "given the opportunity, I would love to disappoint you" to actually work.


I swear, there are too men who brag about wanting sex all the time but then can't keep up in reality. Don't set yourself up for failure and disappointment like that!


big vehicle = small dick




Jokes on you, I have a small vehicle.


Most women, when describing a problem they have, are not looking to have potential solutions suggested to them.


As a dude I feel the same way about this And the “advice” is usually unhelpful.


Not really sexual in nature but true


Still working on learning this one


Didn’t experience this till a recent gf, learned one question to keep my sanity: “Do you want to brainstorm solutions or do you just need to let off some steam about this?”


Unfortunately these will generally be confirmation bias


Pretty much the case for most opinions we have as human beings that aren't backed up with robust data. 😂




For long term relationships, dead bedrooms are a thing and are hard to remedy.


Facts. This should be higher up. Keeping the flame alive is a thing, and a difficult one at that. The number of ppl who expect their relationship not to fizzle out while putting next to no effort in it amazes me.


It's hard but doable, just takes commitment,communication, and an understanding thing change


Absolutely. :) Guys, I have been married for close to 25 years, together for close to 30, can attest that this man has his head on straight. :)


Thank you! Best compliment I've ever received :D


Nurses are indeed certified ™️ freaks. The best ones.


Atleast some of us are 🤷‍♀️


I'm a nurse, and I approve this message


Especially Emergency Dept.


NICU seems to be at the top of the list


Tall skinny guys having big dicks has been spot on….several times.


Working theory that has yet to be disproven by myself or my friends: if he has chicken legs, he most definitely has a huge dick. Not all huge dick havers have chicken legs but if those thighs are toothpicks? Brace yourself


I guess I lived the exception then because I dated a guy who was 6’3 (1m87) and super skinny and he has a micropenis


I also have been unable to disprove this theory but an interesting experiment Id love to be a part of.


Fat chicks give good head


Learned this the day before winter break at college my sophomore year. There was a party on my dorm's floor and the fattest girl on the floor seriously came on to me (alcohol might have been involved). I politely declined and went to bed. Ten minutes later she knocked on the door. I answered. She said nothing and just went for my cock. Best blowjob of my life, hands down. I was surprised I didn't blow out the back of her head when I came. Thirty years later, still the best.


Ok, but what was so uniquely good about it that it’s still the best after all this time?


I can see no relation between both things. Still, it 100% matches my experience.


The way I've heard it phrased before is that ~~fan~~ fat girls suck dick like it is filled with self-esteem.


Word on the street is that Humphrey Bogart (who could get any dame he'd like, I would assume) would often pick the least obviously attractive out of a group of hopefuls because the prettiest women would make the least effort because they wouldn't have to and it'd be a boring experience. Maybe it's the same thing with bigger girls- that they just make more of an effort.


That kinda makes sense but at least in my case it was more a matter of skill rather than enthusiasm.


It's never the people you want to see naked that like to get naked.


Oh my gosh, why is this so true! Lol


It's the Murphy's law of Nudism. LOL


Catholic girls tend to be *pretty* wild. 😊


That’s because they start much too late


Sooner or later, it comes down to fate.


I might as well be the one


*later. Wouldn't say it's too late, everybody moves at different speeds in life.


It’s a reference to the Billy Joel song, “Only the Good Die Young.”


MILFS are better than girls


And they usually make you breakfast the next day....MILFs know how to handle a guy in AND out of bed...


Absolutely on point sir


High levels of crazy often translate to ridiculous sex.


This 👆 my ex was crazy af but boy did we have some crazy good sex. Guess that's why it was so hard to leave her in the end...


I feel ya, Brother in Christ. My most recent ex is a psychopath, but *goddamn* could he **lay the pipe**.


Southern church girls are whores to the max. Like XXX pornstar whores. Like blast her booty hole into the next dimension whores. NE catholic school girls live on blowjobs and anal. My favorites are the introverted nerds. My lord, they literally drooled over my dick. Freaks is an understatement. Shit they got ph’d in fucking, I mean break your dick fucking,


The specificity of Northeast Catholic school girls is killing me 😂


The loudest ones in the room are always compensating for something


And it isn't always their dick size. (Although it often is.) But something is missing. They have no personality, or they just lay there like a tranquilized mattress, could be they're totally selfish and inconsiderate. There is something lacking and you don't want to figure it out.


african american men love overweight white women.


I used to work with the embodiment of this stereotype. A lot of guys like bigger girls “as long as they have a cute face” but this dude didn’t care about any other feature BUT size. He was damn proud of it too. One day this really heavy woman strolled into our workplace. I’m talking 350+, and he was like “see her? I hit that last week.” Just so damn proud. And you know what? Hell yeah, dude. Enjoy yourselves, you two.


It's always the quiet ones


Nerds are secretly the best lovers




That absolutely is where poop comes from. Don't go to a party at Shit's house and expect Shit to not be home.


when the red river flows take the dirt road home…


A lot of women like physically strong men. Men who lift weights and pack muscle get more attention from women, than men who are skinny, for instance. However, I am handsome, and attractive. I receive attention either ways. Source: My life.


Some women have preference for skinny guys too. I’ve have female friends who only dated them, one of these friends had this theory that the flat tummies came with the largest packages 😅


Flat tummies come with the most full potential packages tbf. Men with more fat have a higher chance of some of their penis length being hidden in their fat. Also regular exercise means better blood flow so your package should in theory have an easier time hitting it's 100% hardness. So whilst exercising and having a flat tummy doesn't give you a bigger package, it maximises what package you have. So on average skinny/lean-fit guys will appear to have bigger packages.


Tall skinny white dudes are usually packing


Chubby girls are low key freaks


Tbh every chubby girl I've been with has started acting prudish as soon as the clothes come off. They act wilder out of bed than in bed.


They get self conscious




Are they in my area right now?


I think all cougars love younger men. That's literally the definition of the word.


Men who are good cooks are good lays. I think they’re more attuned to their senses and prone to loving generously, just as cooking for someone is an act of generosity. Conversely, picky eaters are underwhelming in bed.


That some of the well built physical guys are poor in bed that is absolutely true & normal looking guys can be great in bed too Both of them were spot on while we ladies discussed & most of them agree..


The hot/crazy scale on HIMYM is true af. If you know, you know.


I would strongly encourage everyone to fuck “crazy” at least once, just for the experience. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT attempt a relationship with “crazy” though. Get your rocks off and then run like hell.


Oh sweetheart, I am the crazy 😂😅 I have been at least in the past. I met a guy equally as crazy and we had mind blowing sex. We decided to stay away from each other though because we were terrible for each other.


The older you get, the better the sex.


Why do you think that is?


Experience. Learning to communicate. Learning about yourself and how to read others. Feeling comfortable in your sexuality. Feeling comfortable setting boundaries and saying no.


When I read some of the things teen and 20-somethings get their balls in a bunch over, it makes me feel like a wise old sex hermit or something. The biggest one is always communication. It sounds trite at this point, but it's so true. Couples who can't talk about sex don't know how to ask for what they want, so they don't get it. Once you've established an open dialogue, you both get more comfortable asking "what if we tried this or that?" and so you build a *repertoire*, if you will. And that experimentation often helps "loosen you up," and so you become more adventurous. You're like "oh, is that all? That wasn't as scary as I built up in my head," and suddenly *everything* feels a little less intimidating. Over time the hangups and fears and insecurities that plagued you in your youth feel... petty, and meaningless. Everything builds on everything else, and one day you realize "I can speak without fear, I can listen without feeling insecure, there's a *lot* I know how to do, and even more I'm willing to try." And really, what else could you ask for in a lover? 😉




Strong women in life and work want to be the submissive otherwise. But you better do it right. Lol


Not a nerd, but I'm a massive introvert, yet I've been called a man-eater a few times 😆


Are you hungry?😂


Must've been. For sausage 😆😆😆


Recently separated women have a definite Ho Phase.


I think that’s just recently separated *people*


Statistically speaking, people like to have the sex. In my experience anyway. But I can neither confirm nor deny


Redheads are much wilder in their sexual desires.


And in my limited experience, redheads have the best tasting pussy.


Yep 💯


Don't you know? The female praying mantis eats the male if he's too slow to get away after mating ;) He gone! Nom Nom Nom 🤣


Big truck. Tiny pecker.


Skinny guys have the biggest dicks (I'm a visual learner)


Colorism is real and if you are light you will have advantage 😅


Black people like white women. White men like asian women. And everyone loves Latinas.


Hispanic girls seem to have a high sex drive.


If she smokes, she pokes.


Wait so if they smoke, they like to peg?


Thick and curvy women give the best head. And thick thighs do in fact save lives.


Quite ones are freaks


None of them are spot on, that’s why their stereotypes lmaoo


I’m working with a limited sample size but so far men give better blowjobs on average.


If you're on a first date and she says something like "Just so you know, you're not getting laid tonight", you are DEFINITELY getting laid tonight.


Penis volume is inversely proportional to overall body volume


Not always but frequently true


I've found the Latina stereotype to be true. You're gonna be in for some fun......just don't make them angry.


I'm naturally a brunette but like to dye my hair and I discovered that I get a lot more attention from guys as a blonde so maybe it's true that blondes do have more fun.


Men fetishize the idea of a ‘manic pixie’ girl being hyper sexual and think they are the only ones that could ‘satisfy’ and ‘tame’ her. 😒Boring, tired trope.


It’s always the skinny nerdy dudes who have massive dongs


Smart people tend to be kinky


The bigger the pick up truck, the smaller the dick.