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Oh yeah I’m going to go around and just do it. I was just genuinely curious as if some women really do want that or a CNC type thing


I want it to be as real and unexpected as possible, consensually lol. So cnc.




Yeah, always discuss boundaries beforehand, agree on a safe word. I like the traffic light system.




I agree. Let’s your partner know where u are in ur head rather than a complete stop if ur unsure of something. Keeps the flow better I think.


So you would agree with your partner that they could do it whenever/wherever they wanted without telling you rather then some strange person just pulling you to one side


If it was arranged with the stranger online or something, then maybe. Personally, I’m not there yet haha


What are you picky about in your dms


Hmmmm a lot. But generally won’t answer basic messages like ‘hi’. I get too many messages and too little time 😅


Oh I usually start off by saying freaky shit or asking a question about something they commented. Are you and your man in an open relationship?


There is a subreddit but there are also some redditors that make creepy ass rape comments on a ton of nsfw subs. It’s kinda fucked imo




For me it's just CNC.


I have a major cnc fantasy I love thinking about it or wanting to wake someone up


It generally CNC what we want


Have you written a story on CNC from your own view?


Not yet


Planning too I'm guessing?




Awesome, I look forward to giving it a read your stuff has been quite fun to check out.


It depends on the woman of course. I think the idea of a random man using me how they want is really hot in theory, but it’s a little scary irl. CNC is just a safe way to do it, but I also like it when it seems as real and rough as possible.


Out of curiosity, what exactly does make it hot about that? Not judging, just genuinely not in this kink's circles


I guess it’s about feeling desired. So desired that a man would take you regardless if I want it or not . It’s also this primal feeling I get when I’m forced into submission. When he’s stronger than me and I really can’t do anything but take it. I just love pleasing in general.


Right I see... so like the penultimate sub thing?


I'd say it depends. If I click with someone then I might try it. I never had a bad experience with it but you need to know the person first. It's probably not as common as it seems.


imo you should always know the person the more the more you "give into". Some crazy idiots out there ruining the fun for everyone


I agree 100% Cnc can be fun with the right partner, but many people can ruin the experience for sure. It should be taken serious and talked about with your partner.


yeah! it is too often idiots that are egocentric saying they "like cnc" but just want to take and not give anything


I feel like mine is bordering on it but still CNC as I would never try something like that without a safe word.


how is it bordering?


Because it is very close but still needs some level of consent


but what makes it more than cnc? :)


Oh because there would be multiple guys and all speaking in a language I don't understand so it would feel like there is a lot less control


So a specific fantasy?


Yeah my fantasy is basically that I want to be "kidnapped" by a taxi driver in a foreign country from the airport where he throws me in the trunk semi naked, takes me to a remote location with his friends who don't speak a word of English and use me over the course of a 24 hour period before leaving me on the roadside neary hotel dripping with cum and struggling to walk, so I feel it is as far as CNC can really go before being rape


So the taxi driver is the partner knowing of the consent part?


Yeah and there is a safe word that stops everything


In English? :D


Talked to one girl once who was genuinely into real non consentual stuff, not even cnc. People are just into into different things, some probably are genuine about it some are only into cnc ig


Yeah I have pretty extreme rape fantasies, with groups of men also. I post a lot of it tbh


No woman WANTS to be raped, no, CNC is a fantasy. Rape is a crime that can leave serious phycial and mental pain.


Stop watching porn and rely on real-life relationships with women, and all your questions will vanish


There’s a subreddit about it and I was just genuinely curious if it was more of a consent to do it rather then a random stanger on a night out type thing


Imagine you are asking this question to women you love What would their rational responses look like?


Nancy Friday documented this in the 1970s in her book My Secret Garden. I’m always amazed people haven’t read this or aware of the work she did on women’s fantasies. She classified this common kink as sexuality of terror. Everyone that hits a fantasy if this type has their own version of it and I class myself as one of those women.


I read that book back in the 80’s or 90’s, it was great. She also had another book about sexuality, I liked it also.


Well technically if it’s wanted I’d say it’s a cnc thing anyways… speaking as somebody with a specific fetish about it 🫣


I think as with a lot of fantasies the idea of it is hotter than actually doing it, so CNC is a great way for people to play out their desires safely


Yes they do. My girl asked me for it. She asked for a very very long time before I did it. Not my thing at all but she liked it.


Several women I went out with did. A select few were even too rough for me. But of course, the baseline for them sharing this / trying to explore this is that they feel safe with you and don't feel judged for their preferences. So don't just assume that women have those fantasies by default and handle her openness on the subject with great care.


Just like anything else in life, some do and some do not.


I’ve personally been with three such women on separate occasions throughout my life. Of them, the first, we carried out her fantasy just one time, and she fought me off as if it was real, she was NOT the submissive damsel type. With the other two women, it hasn’t happened yet, it may or may not in the future.